// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2023 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #include "td/telegram/PhotoSize.h" #include "td/telegram/CustomEmojiId.h" #include "td/telegram/files/FileLocation.h" #include "td/telegram/files/FileManager.h" #include "td/telegram/StickersManager.h" #include "td/telegram/Td.h" #include "td/utils/base64.h" #include "td/utils/HttpUrl.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/misc.h" #include "td/utils/Random.h" #include "td/utils/SliceBuilder.h" #include #include #include namespace td { static int32 get_minithumbnail_size(const string &packed) { if (packed.size() < 3) { return 0; } if (packed[0] == '\x01') { return max(static_cast(packed[1]), static_cast(packed[2])); } return 0; } bool need_update_dialog_photo_minithumbnail(const string &from, const string &to) { if (from == to) { return false; } auto from_size = get_minithumbnail_size(from); auto to_size = get_minithumbnail_size(to); // dialog photo minithumbnail is expected to be 8x8 return to_size != 0 && (to_size <= 8 || from_size > 8); } td_api::object_ptr get_minithumbnail_object(const string &packed) { if (packed.size() < 3) { return nullptr; } if (packed[0] == '\x01') { static const string header = base64_decode( "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDACgcHiMeGSgjISMtKygwPGRBPDc3PHtYXUlkkYCZlo+AjIqgtObDoKrarYqMyP/L2u71////" "m8H///" "/6/+b9//j/2wBDASstLTw1PHZBQXb4pYyl+Pj4+Pj4+Pj4+Pj4+Pj4+Pj4+Pj4+Pj4+Pj4+Pj4+Pj4+Pj4+Pj4+Pj4+Pj4+Pj4+Pj/" "wAARCAAAAAADASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAHwAAAQUBAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/" "8QAtRAAAgEDAwIEAwUFBAQAAAF9AQIDAAQRBRIhMUEGE1FhByJxFDKBkaEII0KxwRVS0fAkM2JyggkKFhcYGRolJicoKSo0NTY3ODk6Q0R" "FRkd" "ISUpTVFVWV1hZWmNkZWZnaGlqc3R1dnd4eXqDhIWGh4iJipKTlJWWl5iZmqKjpKWmp6ipqrKztLW2t7i5usLDxMXGx8jJytLT1NXW19jZ2" "uHi4" "+Tl5ufo6erx8vP09fb3+Pn6/8QAHwEAAwEBAQEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAECAwQFBgcICQoL/" "8QAtREAAgECBAQDBAcFBAQAAQJ3AAECAxEEBSExBhJBUQdhcRMiMoEIFEKRobHBCSMzUvAVYnLRChYkNOEl8RcYGRomJygpKjU2Nzg5OkN" "ERUZ" "HSElKU1RVVldYWVpjZGVmZ2hpanN0dXZ3eHl6goOEhYaHiImKkpOUlZaXmJmaoqOkpaanqKmqsrO0tba3uLm6wsPExcbHyMnK0tPU1dbX2" "Nna4" "uPk5ebn6Onq8vP09fb3+Pn6/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwA=") .move_as_ok(); static const string footer = base64_decode("/9k=").move_as_ok(); auto result = td_api::make_object(); result->height_ = static_cast(packed[1]); result->width_ = static_cast(packed[2]); result->data_ = PSTRING() << header.substr(0, 164) << packed[1] << header[165] << packed[2] << header.substr(167) << packed.substr(3) << footer; return result; } return nullptr; } static td_api::object_ptr get_thumbnail_format_object(PhotoFormat format) { switch (format) { case PhotoFormat::Jpeg: return td_api::make_object(); case PhotoFormat::Png: return td_api::make_object(); case PhotoFormat::Webp: return td_api::make_object(); case PhotoFormat::Gif: return td_api::make_object(); case PhotoFormat::Tgs: return td_api::make_object(); case PhotoFormat::Mpeg4: return td_api::make_object(); case PhotoFormat::Webm: return td_api::make_object(); default: UNREACHABLE(); return nullptr; } } static StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &string_builder, PhotoFormat format) { switch (format) { case PhotoFormat::Jpeg: return string_builder << "jpg"; case PhotoFormat::Png: return string_builder << "png"; case PhotoFormat::Webp: return string_builder << "webp"; case PhotoFormat::Gif: return string_builder << "gif"; case PhotoFormat::Tgs: return string_builder << "tgs"; case PhotoFormat::Mpeg4: return string_builder << "mp4"; case PhotoFormat::Webm: return string_builder << "webm"; default: UNREACHABLE(); return string_builder; } } FileId register_photo_size(FileManager *file_manager, const PhotoSizeSource &source, int64 id, int64 access_hash, string file_reference, DialogId owner_dialog_id, int32 file_size, DcId dc_id, PhotoFormat format) { LOG(DEBUG) << "Receive " << format << " photo " << id << " of type " << source.get_file_type("register_photo_size") << " from " << dc_id; auto suggested_name = PSTRING() << source.get_unique_name(id) << '.' << format; auto file_location_source = owner_dialog_id.get_type() == DialogType::SecretChat ? FileLocationSource::FromUser : FileLocationSource::FromServer; return file_manager->register_remote( FullRemoteFileLocation(source, id, access_hash, dc_id, std::move(file_reference)), file_location_source, owner_dialog_id, file_size, 0, std::move(suggested_name)); } PhotoSize get_secret_thumbnail_photo_size(FileManager *file_manager, BufferSlice bytes, DialogId owner_dialog_id, int32 width, int32 height) { if (bytes.empty()) { return PhotoSize(); } PhotoSize res; res.type = 't'; res.dimensions = get_dimensions(width, height, nullptr); res.size = narrow_cast(bytes.size()); // generate some random remote location to save auto dc_id = DcId::invalid(); auto photo_id = -(Random::secure_int64() & std::numeric_limits::max()); res.file_id = file_manager->register_remote( FullRemoteFileLocation(PhotoSizeSource::thumbnail(FileType::EncryptedThumbnail, 't'), photo_id, 0, dc_id, string()), FileLocationSource::FromServer, owner_dialog_id, res.size, 0, PSTRING() << static_cast(photo_id) << ".jpg"); file_manager->set_content(res.file_id, std::move(bytes)); return res; } Variant get_photo_size(FileManager *file_manager, PhotoSizeSource source, int64 id, int64 access_hash, std::string file_reference, DcId dc_id, DialogId owner_dialog_id, tl_object_ptr &&size_ptr, PhotoFormat format) { CHECK(size_ptr != nullptr); string type; PhotoSize res; BufferSlice content; switch (size_ptr->get_id()) { case telegram_api::photoSizeEmpty::ID: return std::move(res); case telegram_api::photoSize::ID: { auto size = move_tl_object_as(size_ptr); type = std::move(size->type_); res.dimensions = get_dimensions(size->w_, size->h_, "photoSize"); res.size = size->size_; break; } case telegram_api::photoCachedSize::ID: { auto size = move_tl_object_as(size_ptr); type = std::move(size->type_); CHECK(size->bytes_.size() <= static_cast(std::numeric_limits::max())); res.dimensions = get_dimensions(size->w_, size->h_, "photoCachedSize"); res.size = static_cast(size->bytes_.size()); content = std::move(size->bytes_); break; } case telegram_api::photoStrippedSize::ID: { auto size = move_tl_object_as(size_ptr); if (format != PhotoFormat::Jpeg) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive unexpected JPEG minithumbnail in photo " << id << " from " << source << " of format " << format; return std::move(res); } return size->bytes_.as_slice().str(); } case telegram_api::photoSizeProgressive::ID: { auto size = move_tl_object_as(size_ptr); if (size->sizes_.empty()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive photo " << id << " from " << source << " with empty size " << to_string(size); return std::move(res); } std::sort(size->sizes_.begin(), size->sizes_.end()); type = std::move(size->type_); res.dimensions = get_dimensions(size->w_, size->h_, "photoSizeProgressive"); res.size = size->sizes_.back(); size->sizes_.pop_back(); res.progressive_sizes = std::move(size->sizes_); break; } case telegram_api::photoPathSize::ID: { auto size = move_tl_object_as(size_ptr); if (format != PhotoFormat::Tgs && format != PhotoFormat::Webp && format != PhotoFormat::Webm) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive unexpected SVG minithumbnail in photo " << id << " from " << source << " of format " << format; return std::move(res); } return size->bytes_.as_slice().str(); } default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } if (type.size() != 1) { LOG(ERROR) << "Wrong photoSize \"" << type << "\" " << res; res.type = 0; } else { res.type = static_cast(type[0]); if (res.type >= 128) { LOG(ERROR) << "Wrong photoSize \"" << type << "\" " << res; res.type = 0; } } if (source.get_type("get_photo_size") == PhotoSizeSource::Type::Thumbnail) { source.thumbnail().thumbnail_type = res.type; } if (res.size < 0 || res.size > 1000000000) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive photo of size " << res.size; res.size = 0; } res.file_id = register_photo_size(file_manager, source, id, access_hash, std::move(file_reference), owner_dialog_id, res.size, dc_id, format); if (!content.empty()) { file_manager->set_content(res.file_id, std::move(content)); } return std::move(res); } Variant get_animation_size(Td *td, PhotoSizeSource source, int64 id, int64 access_hash, std::string file_reference, DcId dc_id, DialogId owner_dialog_id, tl_object_ptr &&size_ptr) { CHECK(size_ptr != nullptr); switch (size_ptr->get_id()) { case telegram_api::videoSize::ID: { auto size = move_tl_object_as(size_ptr); AnimationSize result; if (size->type_ != "p" && size->type_ != "u" && size->type_ != "v") { LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported videoSize \"" << size->type_ << "\" in " << to_string(size); } result.type = static_cast(size->type_[0]); if (result.type >= 128) { LOG(ERROR) << "Wrong videoSize \"" << result.type << "\" " << result; result.type = 0; } result.dimensions = get_dimensions(size->w_, size->h_, "get_animation_size"); result.size = size->size_; if ((size->flags_ & telegram_api::videoSize::VIDEO_START_TS_MASK) != 0) { result.main_frame_timestamp = size->video_start_ts_; } if (source.get_type("get_animation_size") == PhotoSizeSource::Type::Thumbnail) { source.thumbnail().thumbnail_type = result.type; } if (result.size < 0 || result.size > 1000000000) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive animation of size " << result.size; result.size = 0; } result.file_id = register_photo_size(td->file_manager_.get(), source, id, access_hash, std::move(file_reference), owner_dialog_id, result.size, dc_id, PhotoFormat::Mpeg4); return std::move(result); } case telegram_api::videoSizeEmojiMarkup::ID: { auto size = move_tl_object_as(size_ptr); StickerPhotoSize result; result.type = StickerPhotoSize::Type::CustomEmoji; result.custom_emoji_id = CustomEmojiId(size->emoji_id_); result.background_colors = std::move(size->background_colors_); if (!result.custom_emoji_id.is_valid() || result.background_colors.empty() || result.background_colors.size() > 4) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive invalid " << result; return {}; } for (auto &color : result.background_colors) { color &= 0xFFFFFF; } return std::move(result); } case telegram_api::videoSizeStickerMarkup::ID: { auto size = move_tl_object_as(size_ptr); StickerPhotoSize result; result.type = StickerPhotoSize::Type::Sticker; result.sticker_set_id = td->stickers_manager_->add_sticker_set(std::move(size->stickerset_)); result.sticker_id = size->sticker_id_; result.background_colors = std::move(size->background_colors_); if (!result.sticker_set_id.is_valid() || result.sticker_id == 0 || !result.custom_emoji_id.is_valid() || result.background_colors.empty() || result.background_colors.size() > 4) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive invalid " << result; return {}; } for (auto &color : result.background_colors) { color &= 0xFFFFFF; } return std::move(result); } default: UNREACHABLE(); } } PhotoSize get_web_document_photo_size(FileManager *file_manager, FileType file_type, DialogId owner_dialog_id, tl_object_ptr web_document_ptr) { if (web_document_ptr == nullptr) { return {}; } FileId file_id; vector> attributes; int32 size = 0; string mime_type; switch (web_document_ptr->get_id()) { case telegram_api::webDocument::ID: { auto web_document = move_tl_object_as(web_document_ptr); auto r_http_url = parse_url(web_document->url_); if (r_http_url.is_error()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't parse URL " << web_document->url_; return {}; } auto http_url = r_http_url.move_as_ok(); auto url = http_url.get_url(); file_id = file_manager->register_remote( FullRemoteFileLocation(file_type, url, web_document->access_hash_), FileLocationSource::FromServer, owner_dialog_id, 0, static_cast(web_document->size_), get_url_query_file_name(http_url.query_)); size = web_document->size_; mime_type = std::move(web_document->mime_type_); attributes = std::move(web_document->attributes_); break; } case telegram_api::webDocumentNoProxy::ID: { auto web_document = move_tl_object_as(web_document_ptr); if (web_document->url_.find('.') == string::npos) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive invalid URL " << web_document->url_; return {}; } auto r_file_id = file_manager->from_persistent_id(web_document->url_, file_type); if (r_file_id.is_error()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't register URL: " << r_file_id.error(); return {}; } file_id = r_file_id.move_as_ok(); size = web_document->size_; mime_type = std::move(web_document->mime_type_); attributes = std::move(web_document->attributes_); break; } default: UNREACHABLE(); } CHECK(file_id.is_valid()); bool is_animation = mime_type == "video/mp4"; bool is_gif = mime_type == "image/gif"; Dimensions dimensions; for (auto &attribute : attributes) { switch (attribute->get_id()) { case telegram_api::documentAttributeImageSize::ID: { auto image_size = move_tl_object_as(attribute); dimensions = get_dimensions(image_size->w_, image_size->h_, "web documentAttributeImageSize"); break; } case telegram_api::documentAttributeAnimated::ID: case telegram_api::documentAttributeHasStickers::ID: case telegram_api::documentAttributeSticker::ID: case telegram_api::documentAttributeVideo::ID: case telegram_api::documentAttributeAudio::ID: case telegram_api::documentAttributeCustomEmoji::ID: LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected web document attribute " << to_string(attribute); break; case telegram_api::documentAttributeFilename::ID: break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } PhotoSize s; s.type = is_animation ? 'v' : (is_gif ? 'g' : (file_type == FileType::Thumbnail ? 't' : 'n')); s.dimensions = dimensions; s.size = size; s.file_id = file_id; if (s.size < 0 || s.size > 1000000000) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive web photo of size " << s.size; s.size = 0; } return s; } td_api::object_ptr get_thumbnail_object(FileManager *file_manager, const PhotoSize &photo_size, PhotoFormat format) { if (!photo_size.file_id.is_valid()) { return nullptr; } if (format == PhotoFormat::Jpeg && photo_size.type == 'g') { format = PhotoFormat::Gif; } return td_api::make_object(get_thumbnail_format_object(format), photo_size.dimensions.width, photo_size.dimensions.height, file_manager->get_file_object(photo_size.file_id)); } bool operator==(const PhotoSize &lhs, const PhotoSize &rhs) { return lhs.type == rhs.type && lhs.dimensions == rhs.dimensions && lhs.size == rhs.size && lhs.file_id == rhs.file_id && lhs.progressive_sizes == rhs.progressive_sizes; } bool operator!=(const PhotoSize &lhs, const PhotoSize &rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } bool operator<(const PhotoSize &lhs, const PhotoSize &rhs) { if (lhs.size != rhs.size) { return lhs.size < rhs.size; } auto lhs_pixels = get_dimensions_pixel_count(lhs.dimensions); auto rhs_pixels = get_dimensions_pixel_count(rhs.dimensions); if (lhs_pixels != rhs_pixels) { return lhs_pixels < rhs_pixels; } int32 lhs_type = lhs.type == 't' ? -1 : lhs.type; int32 rhs_type = rhs.type == 't' ? -1 : rhs.type; if (lhs_type != rhs_type) { return lhs_type < rhs_type; } if (lhs.file_id != rhs.file_id) { return lhs.file_id.get() < rhs.file_id.get(); } return lhs.dimensions.width < rhs.dimensions.width; } StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &string_builder, const PhotoSize &photo_size) { return string_builder << "{type = " << photo_size.type << ", dimensions = " << photo_size.dimensions << ", size = " << photo_size.size << ", file_id = " << photo_size.file_id << ", progressive_sizes = " << photo_size.progressive_sizes << "}"; } bool operator==(const AnimationSize &lhs, const AnimationSize &rhs) { return static_cast(lhs) == static_cast(rhs) && fabs(lhs.main_frame_timestamp - rhs.main_frame_timestamp) < 1e-3; } bool operator!=(const AnimationSize &lhs, const AnimationSize &rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); } StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &string_builder, const AnimationSize &animation_size) { return string_builder << static_cast(animation_size) << " from " << animation_size.main_frame_timestamp; } } // namespace td