// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2020 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // import Foundation // TDLib Client Swift binding class TdClient { typealias Client = UnsafeMutableRawPointer var client = td_json_client_create()! let tdlibMainLoop = DispatchQueue(label: "TDLib") let tdlibQueryQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "TDLibQuery") var queryF = Dictionary)->()>() var updateF: ((Dictionary)->())? var queryId: Int64 = 0 func queryAsync(query: [String: Any], f: ((Dictionary)->())? = nil) { tdlibQueryQueue.async { var newQuery = query if f != nil { let nextQueryId = self.queryId + 1 newQuery["@extra"] = nextQueryId self.queryF[nextQueryId] = f self.queryId = nextQueryId } td_json_client_send(self.client, to_json(newQuery)) } } func querySync(query: [String: Any]) -> Dictionary { let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value:0) var result = Dictionary() queryAsync(query: query) { result = $0 semaphore.signal() } semaphore.wait() return result } init() { } deinit { td_json_client_destroy(client) } func run(updateHandler: @escaping (Dictionary)->()) { updateF = updateHandler tdlibMainLoop.async { [weak self] in while (true) { if let s = self { if let res = td_json_client_receive(s.client, 10) { let event = String(cString: res) s.queryResultAsync(event) } } else { break } } } } private func queryResultAsync(_ result: String) { tdlibQueryQueue.async { let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: result.data(using: .utf8)!, options:[]) if let dictionary = json as? [String:Any] { if let extra = dictionary["@extra"] as? Int64 { let index = self.queryF.index(forKey: extra)! self.queryF[index].value(dictionary) self.queryF.remove(at: index) } else { self.updateF!(dictionary) } } } } } func to_json(_ obj: Any) -> String { do { let obj = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: obj) return String(data: obj, encoding: .utf8)! } catch { return "" } } // An example of usage td_set_log_verbosity_level(1); var client = TdClient() func myReadLine() -> String { while (true) { if let line = readLine() { return line } } } func updateAuthorizationState(authorizationState: Dictionary) { switch(authorizationState["@type"] as! String) { case "authorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters": client.queryAsync(query:[ "@type":"setTdlibParameters", "parameters":[ "database_directory":"tdlib", "use_message_database":true, "use_secret_chats":true, "api_id":94575, "api_hash":"a3406de8d171bb422bb6ddf3bbd800e2", "system_language_code":"en", "device_model":"Desktop", "system_version":"Unknown", "application_version":"1.0", "enable_storage_optimizer":true ] ]); case "authorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey": client.queryAsync(query: ["@type":"checkDatabaseEncryptionKey", "encryption_key":""]) case "authorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber": print("Enter your phone number: ") let phone_number = myReadLine() client.queryAsync(query:["@type":"setAuthenticationPhoneNumber", "phone_number":phone_number], f:checkAuthenticationError) case "authorizationStateWaitCode": var code: String = "" print("Enter (SMS) code: ") code = myReadLine() client.queryAsync(query:["@type":"checkAuthenticationCode", "code":code], f:checkAuthenticationError) case "authorizationStateWaitRegistration": var first_name: String = "" var last_name: String = "" print("Enter your first name: ") first_name = myReadLine() print("Enter your last name: ") last_name = myReadLine() client.queryAsync(query:["@type":"registerUser", "first_name":first_name, "last_name":last_name], f:checkAuthenticationError) case "authorizationStateWaitPassword": print("Enter password: ") let password = myReadLine() client.queryAsync(query:["@type":"checkAuthenticationPassword", "password":password], f:checkAuthenticationError) case "authorizationStateReady": () case "authorizationStateLoggingOut": print("Logging out...") case "authorizationStateClosing": print("Closing...") case "authorizationStateLoggingOut": print("Closed.") default: assert(false, "TODO: Unexpected authorization state"); } } func checkAuthenticationError(error: Dictionary) { if (error["@type"] as! String == "error") { client.queryAsync(query:["@type":"getAuthorizationState"], f:updateAuthorizationState) } } client.run { let update = $0 print(update) if update["@type"] as! String == "updateAuthorizationState" { updateAuthorizationState(authorizationState: update["authorization_state"] as! Dictionary) } } while true { sleep(1) }