// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2024 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #include "td/telegram/files/FileUploader.h" #include "td/telegram/files/FileLoaderUtils.h" #include "td/telegram/Global.h" #include "td/telegram/net/DcId.h" #include "td/telegram/net/NetQueryDispatcher.h" #include "td/telegram/SecureStorage.h" #include "td/telegram/telegram_api.h" #include "td/telegram/UniqueId.h" #include "td/utils/buffer.h" #include "td/utils/crypto.h" #include "td/utils/format.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/misc.h" #include "td/utils/port/path.h" #include "td/utils/Random.h" #include "td/utils/ScopeGuard.h" namespace td { FileUploader::FileUploader(const LocalFileLocation &local, const RemoteFileLocation &remote, int64 expected_size, const FileEncryptionKey &encryption_key, std::vector bad_parts, unique_ptr callback) : local_(local) , remote_(remote) , expected_size_(expected_size) , encryption_key_(encryption_key) , bad_parts_(std::move(bad_parts)) , callback_(std::move(callback)) { if (encryption_key_.is_secret()) { iv_ = encryption_key_.mutable_iv(); generate_iv_ = encryption_key_.iv_slice().str(); } if (remote_.type() == RemoteFileLocation::Type::Partial && encryption_key_.is_secure() && remote_.partial().part_count_ != remote_.partial().ready_part_count_) { remote_ = RemoteFileLocation{}; } } void FileUploader::start_up() { if (remote_.type() == RemoteFileLocation::Type::Full) { on_error(Status::Error("File is already uploaded")); return; } // file_size is needed only for partial local locations, but for uploaded partial files // size is yet unknown or local location is full, so we can always pass 0 here auto r_prefix_info = on_update_local_location(local_, 0); if (r_prefix_info.is_error()) { on_error(r_prefix_info.move_as_error()); return; } int offset = 0; int part_size = 0; if (remote_.type() == RemoteFileLocation::Type::Partial) { const auto &partial = remote_.partial(); file_id_ = partial.file_id_; part_size = partial.part_size_; big_flag_ = partial.is_big_ != 0; offset = partial.ready_part_count_; } else { file_id_ = Random::secure_int64(); big_flag_ = is_file_big(file_type_, expected_size_); } vector ok(offset, true); for (auto bad_id : bad_parts_) { if (bad_id >= 0 && bad_id < offset) { ok[bad_id] = false; } } vector ready_parts; for (int i = 0; i < offset; i++) { if (ok[i]) { ready_parts.push_back(i); } } if (!ok.empty() && !ok[0]) { ready_parts.clear(); part_size = 0; remote_ = RemoteFileLocation(); file_id_ = Random::secure_int64(); big_flag_ = is_file_big(file_type_, expected_size_); } LOG(DEBUG) << "Init file uploader for " << remote_ << " with offset = " << offset << " and part size = " << part_size; auto expected_size = max(local_size_, expected_size_); // Two cases when FILE_UPLOAD_RESTART will happen // 1. File is ready, size is final. But there are more uploaded parts than size of the file // pm.init(1, 100000, true, 10, {0, 1, 2}, false, true).ensure_error(); // This error is definitely ok, because we are using actual size of the file on disk (mtime is checked by // somebody else). And actual size could change arbitrarily. // // 2. File size is not final, and some parts ending after known file size were uploaded // pm.init(0, 100000, false, 10, {0, 1, 2}, false, true).ensure_error(); // This can happen only if file state became inconsistent at some point. For example, local location was deleted, // but partial remote location was kept. This is possible, but probably should be fixed. auto status = parts_manager_.init(local_size_, expected_size, local_is_ready_, part_size, ready_parts, true, true); LOG(DEBUG) << "Start uploading a file of size " << local_size_ << " with expected " << (local_is_ready_ ? "exact" : "approximate") << " size " << expected_size << ", part size " << part_size << " and " << ready_parts.size() << " ready parts: " << status; if (status.is_error()) { on_error(std::move(status)); return; } resource_state_.set_unit_size(parts_manager_.get_part_size()); update_estimated_limit(); on_progress(); yield(); } Result FileUploader::on_update_local_location(const LocalFileLocation &location, int64 file_size) { SCOPE_EXIT { try_release_fd(); }; if (encryption_key_.is_secure() && !fd_path_.empty()) { return Status::Error("Can't change local location for Secure file"); } string path; int64 local_size = -1; bool local_is_ready = false; if (location.type() == LocalFileLocation::Type::Empty || (location.type() == LocalFileLocation::Type::Partial && encryption_key_.is_secure())) { path = ""; local_size = 0; file_type_ = FileType::Temp; } else if (location.type() == LocalFileLocation::Type::Partial) { path = location.partial().path_; local_size = Bitmask(Bitmask::Decode{}, location.partial().ready_bitmask_) .get_ready_prefix_size(0, location.partial().part_size_, file_size); file_type_ = location.partial().file_type_; } else { path = location.full().path_; if (path.empty()) { return Status::Error("FullLocalFileLocation with empty path"); } local_is_ready = true; file_type_ = location.full().file_type_; } LOG(INFO) << "In FileUploader::on_update_local_location with " << location << ". Have path = \"" << path << "\", local_size = " << local_size << ", local_is_ready = " << local_is_ready << " and file type = " << file_type_; bool is_temp = false; if (encryption_key_.is_secure() && local_is_ready && remote_.type() == RemoteFileLocation::Type::Empty) { TRY_RESULT(file_fd_path, open_temp_file(FileType::Temp)); file_fd_path.first.close(); auto new_path = std::move(file_fd_path.second); TRY_RESULT(hash, secure_storage::encrypt_file(encryption_key_.secret(), path, new_path)); LOG(INFO) << "ENCRYPT " << path << " " << new_path; callback_->on_hash(hash.as_slice().str()); path = new_path; is_temp = true; } if (!path.empty() && (path != fd_path_ || fd_.empty())) { auto res_fd = FileFd::open(path, FileFd::Read); // Race: partial location could be already deleted. Just ignore such locations if (res_fd.is_error()) { if (location.type() == LocalFileLocation::Type::Partial) { LOG(INFO) << "Ignore partial local location: " << res_fd.error(); PrefixInfo info; info.size = local_size_; info.is_ready = local_is_ready_; return info; } return res_fd.move_as_error(); } fd_.close(); fd_ = res_fd.move_as_ok(); fd_path_ = path; is_temp_ = is_temp; } if (local_is_ready) { CHECK(!fd_.empty()); TRY_RESULT_ASSIGN(local_size, fd_.get_size()); LOG(INFO) << "Set file local_size to " << local_size; if (local_size == 0) { return Status::Error("Can't upload empty file"); } } else if (!fd_.empty()) { TRY_RESULT(real_local_size, fd_.get_size()); if (real_local_size < local_size) { LOG(ERROR) << tag("real_local_size", real_local_size) << " < " << tag("local_size", local_size); PrefixInfo info; info.size = local_size_; info.is_ready = local_is_ready_; return info; } } local_size_ = local_size; if (expected_size_ < local_size_ && (expected_size_ != (10 << 20) || local_size_ >= (30 << 20))) { expected_size_ = local_size_; } local_is_ready_ = local_is_ready; PrefixInfo info; info.size = local_size_; info.is_ready = local_is_ready_; return info; } void FileUploader::on_error(Status status) { fd_.close(); if (is_temp_) { LOG(INFO) << "UNLINK " << fd_path_; unlink(fd_path_).ignore(); } stop_flag_ = true; callback_->on_error(std::move(status)); } Status FileUploader::generate_iv_map() { LOG(INFO) << "Generate iv_map " << generate_offset_ << " " << local_size_; auto part_size = parts_manager_.get_part_size(); auto encryption_key = FileEncryptionKey(encryption_key_.key_slice(), generate_iv_); BufferSlice bytes(part_size); if (iv_map_.empty()) { iv_map_.push_back(encryption_key.mutable_iv()); } CHECK(!fd_.empty()); for (; generate_offset_ + static_cast(part_size) < local_size_; generate_offset_ += static_cast(part_size)) { TRY_RESULT(read_size, fd_.pread(bytes.as_mutable_slice(), generate_offset_)); if (read_size != part_size) { return Status::Error("Failed to read file part (for iv_map)"); } aes_ige_encrypt(as_slice(encryption_key.key()), as_mutable_slice(encryption_key.mutable_iv()), bytes.as_slice(), bytes.as_mutable_slice()); iv_map_.push_back(encryption_key.mutable_iv()); } generate_iv_ = encryption_key.iv_slice().str(); return Status::OK(); } Result FileUploader::start_part(Part part, int32 part_count) { auto padded_size = part.size; if (encryption_key_.is_secret()) { padded_size = (padded_size + 15) & ~15; } BufferSlice bytes(padded_size); TRY_RESULT(size, fd_.pread(bytes.as_mutable_slice().truncate(part.size), part.offset)); if (encryption_key_.is_secret()) { Random::secure_bytes(bytes.as_mutable_slice().substr(part.size)); if (next_offset_ == part.offset) { aes_ige_encrypt(as_slice(encryption_key_.key()), as_mutable_slice(iv_), bytes.as_slice(), bytes.as_mutable_slice()); next_offset_ += static_cast(bytes.size()); } else { if (part.id >= static_cast(iv_map_.size())) { TRY_STATUS(generate_iv_map()); } CHECK(part.id < static_cast(iv_map_.size()) && part.id >= 0); auto iv = iv_map_[part.id]; aes_ige_encrypt(as_slice(encryption_key_.key()), as_mutable_slice(iv), bytes.as_slice(), bytes.as_mutable_slice()); } } if (size != part.size) { return Status::Error("Failed to read file part"); } NetQueryPtr net_query; if (big_flag_) { auto query = telegram_api::upload_saveBigFilePart(file_id_, part.id, local_is_ready_ ? part_count : -1, std::move(bytes)); net_query = G()->net_query_creator().create(query, {}, DcId::main(), NetQuery::Type::Upload); } else { auto query = telegram_api::upload_saveFilePart(file_id_, part.id, std::move(bytes)); net_query = G()->net_query_creator().create(query, {}, DcId::main(), NetQuery::Type::Upload); } net_query->file_type_ = narrow_cast(file_type_); return std::move(net_query); } Result FileUploader::process_part(Part part, NetQueryPtr net_query) { Result result = [&] { if (big_flag_) { return fetch_result(std::move(net_query)); } else { return fetch_result(std::move(net_query)); } }(); if (result.is_error()) { return result.move_as_error(); } if (!result.ok()) { // TODO: it is possible return Status::Error(500, "Internal Server Error during file upload"); } return part.size; } void FileUploader::on_progress() { auto part_count = parts_manager_.get_part_count(); auto part_size = static_cast(parts_manager_.get_part_size()); auto ready_part_count = parts_manager_.get_ready_prefix_count(); callback_->on_partial_upload(PartialRemoteFileLocation{file_id_, part_count, part_size, ready_part_count, big_flag_}, parts_manager_.get_ready_size()); if (parts_manager_.ready()) { callback_->on_ok(file_type_, PartialRemoteFileLocation{file_id_, part_count, part_size, ready_part_count, big_flag_}, local_size_); } } void FileUploader::try_release_fd() { if (!keep_fd_ && !fd_.empty()) { fd_.close(); } } Status FileUploader::acquire_fd() { if (fd_.empty()) { TRY_RESULT_ASSIGN(fd_, FileFd::open(fd_path_, FileFd::Read)); } return Status::OK(); } void FileUploader::set_resource_manager(ActorShared resource_manager) { resource_manager_ = std::move(resource_manager); send_closure(resource_manager_, &ResourceManager::update_resources, resource_state_); } void FileUploader::update_priority(int8 priority) { send_closure(resource_manager_, &ResourceManager::update_priority, priority); } void FileUploader::update_resources(const ResourceState &other) { resource_state_.update_slave(other); VLOG(file_loader) << "Update resources " << resource_state_; loop(); } void FileUploader::update_local_file_location(const LocalFileLocation &local) { auto r_prefix_info = on_update_local_location(local, parts_manager_.get_size_or_zero()); if (r_prefix_info.is_error()) { on_error(r_prefix_info.move_as_error()); return; } auto prefix_info = r_prefix_info.move_as_ok(); auto status = parts_manager_.set_known_prefix(prefix_info.size, prefix_info.is_ready); if (status.is_error()) { on_error(std::move(status)); return; } loop(); } void FileUploader::loop() { if (stop_flag_) { return; } auto status = do_loop(); if (status.is_error()) { if (status.code() == -1) { return; } on_error(std::move(status)); return; } } Status FileUploader::do_loop() { if (parts_manager_.may_finish()) { TRY_STATUS(parts_manager_.finish()); fd_.close(); if (is_temp_) { LOG(INFO) << "UNLINK " << fd_path_; unlink(fd_path_).ignore(); } stop_flag_ = true; return Status::OK(); } auto status = acquire_fd(); if (status.is_error()) { if (!local_is_ready_) { return Status::Error(-1, "Can't open temporary file"); } return status; } SCOPE_EXIT { try_release_fd(); }; while (true) { if (resource_state_.unused() < narrow_cast(parts_manager_.get_part_size())) { VLOG(file_loader) << "Receive only " << resource_state_.unused() << " resource"; break; } TRY_RESULT(part, parts_manager_.start_part()); if (part.size == 0) { break; } VLOG(file_loader) << "Start part " << tag("id", part.id) << tag("size", part.size); resource_state_.start_use(static_cast(part.size)); TRY_RESULT(query, start_part(part, parts_manager_.get_part_count())); uint64 unique_id = UniqueId::next(); part_map_[unique_id] = std::make_pair(part, query->cancel_slot_.get_signal_new()); G()->net_query_dispatcher().dispatch_with_callback(std::move(query), actor_shared(this, unique_id)); } return Status::OK(); } void FileUploader::tear_down() { for (auto &it : part_map_) { it.second.second.reset(); // cancel_query(it.second.second); } } void FileUploader::update_estimated_limit() { if (stop_flag_) { return; } auto estimated_extra = parts_manager_.get_estimated_extra(); resource_state_.update_estimated_limit(estimated_extra); VLOG(file_loader) << "Update estimated limit " << estimated_extra; if (!resource_manager_.empty()) { keep_fd_ = narrow_cast(resource_state_.active_limit()) >= parts_manager_.get_part_size(); try_release_fd(); send_closure(resource_manager_, &ResourceManager::update_resources, resource_state_); } } void FileUploader::on_result(NetQueryPtr query) { if (stop_flag_) { return; } auto unique_id = get_link_token(); auto it = part_map_.find(unique_id); if (it == part_map_.end()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive result for unknown part"; return; } Part part = it->second.first; it->second.second.release(); CHECK(query->is_ready()); part_map_.erase(it); bool should_restart = query->is_error() && query->error().code() == NetQuery::Error::Canceled; if (should_restart) { VLOG(file_loader) << "Restart part " << tag("id", part.id) << tag("size", part.size); resource_state_.stop_use(static_cast(part.size)); parts_manager_.on_part_failed(part.id); } else { on_part_query(part, std::move(query)); } update_estimated_limit(); loop(); } void FileUploader::on_part_query(Part part, NetQueryPtr query) { if (stop_flag_) { // important for secret files return; } auto status = try_on_part_query(part, std::move(query)); if (status.is_error()) { on_error(std::move(status)); } } Status FileUploader::try_on_part_query(Part part, NetQueryPtr query) { TRY_RESULT(size, process_part(part, std::move(query))); VLOG(file_loader) << "Ok part " << tag("id", part.id) << tag("size", part.size); resource_state_.stop_use(static_cast(part.size)); TRY_STATUS(parts_manager_.on_part_ok(part.id, part.size, size)); on_progress(); return Status::OK(); } } // namespace td