// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2021 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #include "td/db/binlog/Binlog.h" #include "td/db/binlog/detail/BinlogEventsBuffer.h" #include "td/db/binlog/detail/BinlogEventsProcessor.h" #include "td/utils/buffer.h" #include "td/utils/format.h" #include "td/utils/misc.h" #include "td/utils/port/Clocks.h" #include "td/utils/port/FileFd.h" #include "td/utils/port/path.h" #include "td/utils/port/PollFlags.h" #include "td/utils/port/Stat.h" #include "td/utils/Random.h" #include "td/utils/ScopeGuard.h" #include "td/utils/SliceBuilder.h" #include "td/utils/Status.h" #include "td/utils/Time.h" #include "td/utils/tl_helpers.h" #include "td/utils/tl_parsers.h" namespace td { namespace detail { struct AesCtrEncryptionEvent { static constexpr size_t min_salt_size() { return 16; // 256 bits } static constexpr size_t default_salt_size() { return 32; // 256 bits } static constexpr size_t key_size() { return 32; // 256 bits } static constexpr size_t iv_size() { return 16; // 128 bits } static constexpr size_t hash_size() { return 32; // 256 bits } static constexpr size_t kdf_iteration_count() { return 60002; } static constexpr size_t kdf_fast_iteration_count() { return 2; } BufferSlice key_salt_; BufferSlice iv_; BufferSlice key_hash_; BufferSlice generate_key(const DbKey &db_key) { CHECK(!db_key.is_empty()); BufferSlice key(key_size()); size_t iteration_count = kdf_iteration_count(); if (db_key.is_raw_key()) { iteration_count = kdf_fast_iteration_count(); } pbkdf2_sha256(db_key.data(), key_salt_.as_slice(), narrow_cast(iteration_count), key.as_slice()); return key; } BufferSlice generate_hash(Slice key) { BufferSlice hash(hash_size()); hmac_sha256(key, "cucumbers everywhere", hash.as_slice()); return hash; } template void store(StorerT &storer) const { using td::store; BEGIN_STORE_FLAGS(); END_STORE_FLAGS(); store(key_salt_, storer); store(iv_, storer); store(key_hash_, storer); } template void parse(ParserT &&parser) { using td::parse; BEGIN_PARSE_FLAGS(); END_PARSE_FLAGS(); parse(key_salt_, parser); parse(iv_, parser); parse(key_hash_, parser); } }; class BinlogReader { public: explicit BinlogReader(ChainBufferReader *input) : input_(input) { } void set_input(ChainBufferReader *input, bool is_encrypted, int64 expected_size) { input_ = input; is_encrypted_ = is_encrypted; expected_size_ = expected_size; } ChainBufferReader *input() { return input_; } int64 offset() const { return offset_; } Result read_next(BinlogEvent *event) { if (state_ == State::ReadLength) { if (input_->size() < 4) { return 4; } auto it = input_->clone(); char buf[4]; it.advance(4, MutableSlice(buf, 4)); size_ = static_cast(TlParser(Slice(buf, 4)).fetch_int()); if (size_ > BinlogEvent::MAX_SIZE) { return Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Too big event " << tag("size", size_)); } if (size_ < BinlogEvent::MIN_SIZE) { return Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Too small event " << tag("size", size_)); } if (size_ % 4 != 0) { return Status::Error(-2, PSLICE() << "Event of size " << size_ << " at offset " << offset() << " out of " << expected_size_ << ' ' << tag("is_encrypted", is_encrypted_) << format::as_hex_dump<4>(Slice(input_->prepare_read().truncate(28)))); } state_ = State::ReadEvent; } if (input_->size() < size_) { return size_; } event->debug_info_ = BinlogDebugInfo{__FILE__, __LINE__}; TRY_STATUS(event->init(input_->cut_head(size_).move_as_buffer_slice())); offset_ += size_; event->offset_ = offset_; state_ = State::ReadLength; return 0; } private: ChainBufferReader *input_; enum class State { ReadLength, ReadEvent }; State state_ = State::ReadLength; size_t size_{0}; int64 offset_{0}; int64 expected_size_{0}; bool is_encrypted_{false}; }; static int64 file_size(CSlice path) { auto r_stat = stat(path); if (r_stat.is_error()) { return 0; } return r_stat.ok().size_; } } // namespace detail int32 VERBOSITY_NAME(binlog) = VERBOSITY_NAME(DEBUG) + 8; Binlog::Binlog() = default; Binlog::~Binlog() { close().ignore(); } Result Binlog::open_binlog(const string &path, int32 flags) { TRY_RESULT(fd, FileFd::open(path, flags)); TRY_STATUS(fd.lock(FileFd::LockFlags::Write, path, 100)); return std::move(fd); } Status Binlog::init(string path, const Callback &callback, DbKey db_key, DbKey old_db_key, int32 dummy, const Callback &debug_callback) { close().ignore(); db_key_ = std::move(db_key); old_db_key_ = std::move(old_db_key); processor_ = make_unique(); // Turn off BinlogEventsBuffer // events_buffer_ = make_unique(); // try to restore binlog from regenerated version if (stat(path).is_error()) { rename(PSLICE() << path << ".new", path).ignore(); } info_ = BinlogInfo(); info_.was_created = stat(path).is_error(); TRY_RESULT(fd, open_binlog(path, FileFd::Flags::Read | FileFd::Flags::Write | FileFd::Flags::Create)); fd_ = BufferedFdBase(std::move(fd)); fd_size_ = 0; path_ = std::move(path); auto status = load_binlog(callback, debug_callback); if (status.is_error()) { close().ignore(); return status; } info_.last_id = processor_->last_id(); last_id_ = processor_->last_id(); if (info_.wrong_password) { close().ignore(); return Status::Error(Error::WrongPassword, "Wrong password"); } if ((!db_key_.is_empty() && !db_key_used_) || (db_key_.is_empty() && encryption_type_ != EncryptionType::None)) { aes_ctr_key_salt_ = BufferSlice(); do_reindex(); } info_.is_opened = true; return Status::OK(); } void Binlog::add_event(BinlogEvent &&event) { if (event.size_ % 4 != 0) { LOG(FATAL) << "Trying to add event with bad size " << event.public_to_string(); } if (!events_buffer_) { do_add_event(std::move(event)); } else { events_buffer_->add_event(std::move(event)); } lazy_flush(); if (state_ == State::Run) { auto fd_size = fd_size_; if (events_buffer_) { fd_size += events_buffer_->size(); } auto need_reindex = [&](int64 min_size, int rate) { return fd_size > min_size && fd_size / rate > processor_->total_raw_events_size(); }; if (need_reindex(50000, 5) || need_reindex(100000, 4) || need_reindex(300000, 3) || need_reindex(500000, 2)) { LOG(INFO) << tag("fd_size", format::as_size(fd_size)) << tag("total events size", format::as_size(processor_->total_raw_events_size())); do_reindex(); } } } size_t Binlog::flush_events_buffer(bool force) { if (!events_buffer_) { return 0; } if (!force && !events_buffer_->need_flush()) { return events_buffer_->size(); } CHECK(!in_flush_events_buffer_); in_flush_events_buffer_ = true; events_buffer_->flush([&](BinlogEvent &&event) { this->do_add_event(std::move(event)); }); in_flush_events_buffer_ = false; return 0; } void Binlog::do_add_event(BinlogEvent &&event) { if (event.flags_ & BinlogEvent::Flags::Partial) { event.flags_ &= ~BinlogEvent::Flags::Partial; pending_events_.emplace_back(std::move(event)); } else { for (auto &pending_event : pending_events_) { do_event(std::move(pending_event)); } pending_events_.clear(); do_event(std::move(event)); } } Status Binlog::close(bool need_sync) { if (fd_.empty()) { return Status::OK(); } if (need_sync) { sync(); } else { flush(); } fd_.lock(FileFd::LockFlags::Unlock, path_, 1).ensure(); fd_.close(); path_.clear(); info_.is_opened = false; need_sync_ = false; return Status::OK(); } void Binlog::close(Promise<> promise) { TRY_STATUS_PROMISE(promise, close()); promise.set_value({}); } void Binlog::change_key(DbKey new_db_key) { db_key_ = std::move(new_db_key); aes_ctr_key_salt_ = BufferSlice(); do_reindex(); } Status Binlog::close_and_destroy() { auto path = path_; auto close_status = close(false); destroy(path).ignore(); return close_status; } Status Binlog::destroy(Slice path) { unlink(PSLICE() << path).ignore(); unlink(PSLICE() << path << ".new").ignore(); return Status::OK(); } void Binlog::do_event(BinlogEvent &&event) { auto event_size = event.raw_event_.size(); if (state_ == State::Run || state_ == State::Reindex) { auto validate_status = event.validate(); if (validate_status.is_error()) { LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to validate binlog event " << validate_status << " " << format::as_hex_dump<4>(Slice(event.raw_event_.as_slice().truncate(28))); } VLOG(binlog) << "Write binlog event: " << format::cond(state_ == State::Reindex, "[reindex] ") << event.public_to_string(); switch (encryption_type_) { case EncryptionType::None: { buffer_writer_.append(event.raw_event_.clone()); break; } case EncryptionType::AesCtr: { buffer_writer_.append(event.raw_event_.as_slice()); break; } } } if (event.type_ < 0) { if (event.type_ == BinlogEvent::ServiceTypes::AesCtrEncryption) { detail::AesCtrEncryptionEvent encryption_event; encryption_event.parse(TlParser(event.data_)); BufferSlice key; if (aes_ctr_key_salt_.as_slice() == encryption_event.key_salt_.as_slice()) { key = BufferSlice(as_slice(aes_ctr_key_)); } else if (!db_key_.is_empty()) { key = encryption_event.generate_key(db_key_); } if (encryption_event.generate_hash(key.as_slice()).as_slice() != encryption_event.key_hash_.as_slice()) { CHECK(state_ == State::Load); if (!old_db_key_.is_empty()) { key = encryption_event.generate_key(old_db_key_); if (encryption_event.generate_hash(key.as_slice()).as_slice() != encryption_event.key_hash_.as_slice()) { info_.wrong_password = true; } } else { info_.wrong_password = true; } } else { db_key_used_ = true; } encryption_type_ = EncryptionType::AesCtr; aes_ctr_key_salt_ = encryption_event.key_salt_.copy(); update_encryption(key.as_slice(), encryption_event.iv_.as_slice()); if (state_ == State::Load) { update_read_encryption(); LOG(INFO) << "Load: init encryption"; } else { CHECK(state_ == State::Reindex); flush(); update_write_encryption(); //LOG(INFO) << format::cond(state_ == State::Run, "Run", "Reindex") << ": init encryption"; } } } if (state_ != State::Reindex) { auto status = processor_->add_event(std::move(event)); if (status.is_error()) { auto old_size = detail::file_size(path_); auto data = debug_get_binlog_data(fd_size_, old_size); if (state_ == State::Load) { fd_.seek(fd_size_).ensure(); fd_.truncate_to_current_position(fd_size_).ensure(); if (data.empty()) { return; } } LOG(FATAL) << "Truncate binlog \"" << path_ << "\" from size " << old_size << " to size " << fd_size_ << " in state " << static_cast(state_) << " due to error: " << status << " after reading " << data; } } fd_events_++; fd_size_ += event_size; } void Binlog::sync() { flush(); if (need_sync_) { auto status = fd_.sync(); LOG_IF(FATAL, status.is_error()) << "Failed to sync binlog: " << status; need_sync_ = false; } } void Binlog::flush() { if (state_ == State::Load) { return; } flush_events_buffer(true); // NB: encryption happens during flush if (byte_flow_flag_) { byte_flow_source_.wakeup(); } auto r_written = fd_.flush_write(); r_written.ensure(); auto written = r_written.ok(); if (written > 0) { need_sync_ = true; } need_flush_since_ = 0; LOG_IF(FATAL, fd_.need_flush_write()) << "Failed to flush binlog"; } void Binlog::lazy_flush() { size_t events_buffer_size = flush_events_buffer(false /*force*/); buffer_reader_.sync_with_writer(); auto size = buffer_reader_.size() + events_buffer_size; if (size > (1 << 14)) { flush(); } else if (size > 0 && need_flush_since_ == 0) { need_flush_since_ = Time::now_cached(); } } void Binlog::update_read_encryption() { CHECK(binlog_reader_ptr_); switch (encryption_type_) { case EncryptionType::None: { auto r_file_size = fd_.get_size(); r_file_size.ensure(); binlog_reader_ptr_->set_input(&buffer_reader_, false, r_file_size.ok()); byte_flow_flag_ = false; break; } case EncryptionType::AesCtr: { byte_flow_source_ = ByteFlowSource(&buffer_reader_); aes_xcode_byte_flow_ = AesCtrByteFlow(); aes_xcode_byte_flow_.init(std::move(aes_ctr_state_)); byte_flow_sink_ = ByteFlowSink(); byte_flow_source_ >> aes_xcode_byte_flow_ >> byte_flow_sink_; byte_flow_flag_ = true; auto r_file_size = fd_.get_size(); r_file_size.ensure(); binlog_reader_ptr_->set_input(byte_flow_sink_.get_output(), true, r_file_size.ok()); break; } } } void Binlog::update_write_encryption() { switch (encryption_type_) { case EncryptionType::None: { fd_.set_output_reader(&buffer_reader_); byte_flow_flag_ = false; break; } case EncryptionType::AesCtr: { byte_flow_source_ = ByteFlowSource(&buffer_reader_); aes_xcode_byte_flow_ = AesCtrByteFlow(); aes_xcode_byte_flow_.init(std::move(aes_ctr_state_)); byte_flow_sink_ = ByteFlowSink(); byte_flow_source_ >> aes_xcode_byte_flow_ >> byte_flow_sink_; byte_flow_flag_ = true; fd_.set_output_reader(byte_flow_sink_.get_output()); break; } } } Status Binlog::load_binlog(const Callback &callback, const Callback &debug_callback) { state_ = State::Load; buffer_writer_ = ChainBufferWriter(); buffer_reader_ = buffer_writer_.extract_reader(); fd_.set_input_writer(&buffer_writer_); detail::BinlogReader reader{nullptr}; binlog_reader_ptr_ = &reader; update_read_encryption(); fd_.get_poll_info().add_flags(PollFlags::Read()); info_.wrong_password = false; while (true) { BinlogEvent event; auto r_need_size = reader.read_next(&event); if (r_need_size.is_error()) { if (r_need_size.error().code() == -2) { auto old_size = detail::file_size(path_); auto offset = reader.offset(); auto data = debug_get_binlog_data(offset, old_size); fd_.seek(offset).ensure(); fd_.truncate_to_current_position(offset).ensure(); if (data.empty()) { break; } LOG(FATAL) << "Truncate binlog \"" << path_ << "\" from size " << old_size << " to size " << offset << " due to error: " << r_need_size.error() << " after reading " << data; } LOG(ERROR) << r_need_size.error(); break; } auto need_size = r_need_size.move_as_ok(); // LOG(ERROR) << "Need size = " << need_size; if (need_size == 0) { if (debug_callback) { debug_callback(event); } do_add_event(std::move(event)); if (info_.wrong_password) { return Status::OK(); } } else { TRY_STATUS(fd_.flush_read(max(need_size, static_cast(4096)))); buffer_reader_.sync_with_writer(); if (byte_flow_flag_) { byte_flow_source_.wakeup(); } if (reader.input()->size() < need_size) { break; } } } auto offset = processor_->offset(); processor_->for_each([&](BinlogEvent &event) { VLOG(binlog) << "Replay binlog event: " << event.public_to_string(); if (callback) { callback(event); } }); TRY_RESULT(fd_size, fd_.get_size()); if (offset != fd_size) { LOG(ERROR) << "Truncate " << tag("path", path_) << tag("old_size", fd_size) << tag("new_size", offset); fd_.seek(offset).ensure(); fd_.truncate_to_current_position(offset).ensure(); db_key_used_ = false; // force reindex } LOG_CHECK(fd_size_ == offset) << fd_size << " " << fd_size_ << " " << offset; binlog_reader_ptr_ = nullptr; state_ = State::Run; buffer_writer_ = ChainBufferWriter(); buffer_reader_ = buffer_writer_.extract_reader(); // reuse aes_ctr_state_ if (encryption_type_ == EncryptionType::AesCtr) { aes_ctr_state_ = aes_xcode_byte_flow_.move_aes_ctr_state(); } update_write_encryption(); return Status::OK(); } void Binlog::update_encryption(Slice key, Slice iv) { as_slice(aes_ctr_key_).copy_from(key); UInt128 aes_ctr_iv; as_slice(aes_ctr_iv).copy_from(iv); aes_ctr_state_.init(as_slice(aes_ctr_key_), as_slice(aes_ctr_iv)); } void Binlog::reset_encryption() { if (db_key_.is_empty()) { encryption_type_ = EncryptionType::None; return; } using EncryptionEvent = detail::AesCtrEncryptionEvent; EncryptionEvent event; if (aes_ctr_key_salt_.empty()) { event.key_salt_ = BufferSlice(EncryptionEvent::default_salt_size()); Random::secure_bytes(event.key_salt_.as_slice()); } else { event.key_salt_ = aes_ctr_key_salt_.clone(); } event.iv_ = BufferSlice(EncryptionEvent::iv_size()); Random::secure_bytes(event.iv_.as_slice()); BufferSlice key; if (aes_ctr_key_salt_.as_slice() == event.key_salt_.as_slice()) { key = BufferSlice(as_slice(aes_ctr_key_)); } else { key = event.generate_key(db_key_); } event.key_hash_ = event.generate_hash(key.as_slice()); do_event(BinlogEvent( BinlogEvent::create_raw(0, BinlogEvent::ServiceTypes::AesCtrEncryption, 0, create_default_storer(event)), BinlogDebugInfo{__FILE__, __LINE__})); } void Binlog::do_reindex() { flush_events_buffer(true); // start reindex CHECK(state_ == State::Run); state_ = State::Reindex; SCOPE_EXIT { state_ = State::Run; }; auto start_time = Clocks::monotonic(); auto start_size = detail::file_size(path_); auto start_events = fd_events_; string new_path = path_ + ".new"; auto r_opened_file = open_binlog(new_path, FileFd::Flags::Write | FileFd::Flags::Create | FileFd::Truncate); if (r_opened_file.is_error()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Can't open new binlog for regenerate: " << r_opened_file.error(); return; } auto old_fd = std::move(fd_); // can't close fd_ now, because it will release file lock fd_ = BufferedFdBase(r_opened_file.move_as_ok()); buffer_writer_ = ChainBufferWriter(); buffer_reader_ = buffer_writer_.extract_reader(); encryption_type_ = EncryptionType::None; update_write_encryption(); // reindex fd_size_ = 0; fd_events_ = 0; reset_encryption(); processor_->for_each([&](BinlogEvent &event) { event.realloc(); do_event(std::move(event)); // NB: no move is actually happens }); need_sync_ = true; // must sync creation of the file sync(); // finish_reindex auto status = unlink(path_); LOG_IF(FATAL, status.is_error()) << "Failed to unlink old binlog: " << status; old_fd.close(); // now we can close old file and release the system lock status = rename(new_path, path_); FileFd::remove_local_lock(new_path); // now we can release local lock for temporary file LOG_IF(FATAL, status.is_error()) << "Failed to rename binlog: " << status; auto finish_time = Clocks::monotonic(); auto finish_size = fd_size_; auto finish_events = fd_events_; LOG_CHECK(fd_size_ == detail::file_size(path_)) << fd_size_ << ' ' << detail::file_size(path_) << ' ' << fd_events_ << ' ' << path_; double ratio = static_cast(start_size) / static_cast(finish_size + 1); [&](Slice msg) { if (start_size > (10 << 20) || finish_time - start_time > 1) { LOG(WARNING) << "Slow " << msg; } else { LOG(INFO) << msg; } }(PSLICE() << "Regenerate index " << tag("name", path_) << tag("time", format::as_time(finish_time - start_time)) << tag("before_size", format::as_size(start_size)) << tag("after_size", format::as_size(finish_size)) << tag("ratio", ratio) << tag("before_events", start_events) << tag("after_events", finish_events)); buffer_writer_ = ChainBufferWriter(); buffer_reader_ = buffer_writer_.extract_reader(); // reuse aes_ctr_state_ if (encryption_type_ == EncryptionType::AesCtr) { aes_ctr_state_ = aes_xcode_byte_flow_.move_aes_ctr_state(); } update_write_encryption(); } string Binlog::debug_get_binlog_data(int64 begin_offset, int64 end_offset) { if (begin_offset > end_offset) { return "Begin offset is bigger than end_offset"; } if (begin_offset == end_offset) { return string(); } static int64 MAX_DATA_LENGTH = 512; if (end_offset - begin_offset > MAX_DATA_LENGTH) { end_offset = begin_offset + MAX_DATA_LENGTH; } auto r_fd = FileFd::open(path_, FileFd::Flags::Read); if (r_fd.is_error()) { return PSTRING() << "Failed to open binlog: " << r_fd.error(); } auto fd = r_fd.move_as_ok(); fd_.lock(FileFd::LockFlags::Unlock, path_, 1).ignore(); SCOPE_EXIT { fd_.lock(FileFd::LockFlags::Write, path_, 1).ensure(); }; size_t expected_data_length = narrow_cast(end_offset - begin_offset); string data(expected_data_length, '\0'); auto r_data_size = fd.pread(data, begin_offset); if (r_data_size.is_error()) { return PSTRING() << "Failed to read binlog: " << r_data_size.error(); } if (r_data_size.ok() < expected_data_length) { data.resize(r_data_size.ok()); data = PSTRING() << format::as_hex_dump<4>(Slice(data)) << " | with " << expected_data_length - r_data_size.ok() << " missed bytes"; } else { if (encryption_type_ == EncryptionType::AesCtr) { bool is_zero = true; for (auto &c : data) { if (c != '\0') { is_zero = false; } } // very often we have '\0' bytes written to disk instead of a real log event // this is clearly impossible content for a real encrypted log event, so just ignore it if (is_zero) { return string(); } } data = PSTRING() << format::as_hex_dump<4>(Slice(data)); } return data; } } // namespace td