import MyWorker from './worker.js'; import localforage from 'localforage'; //import './third_party/broadcastchannel.js'; import BroadcastChannel from 'broadcast-channel'; import uuid4 from 'uuid/v4'; import log from './logger.js'; const sleep = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms)); /** * TDLib in a browser * * TDLib can be compiled to WebAssembly or asm.js using Emscripten compiler and used in a browser from JavaScript. * This is a convenient wrapper for TDLib in a browser which controls TDLib instance creation, handles interaction * with TDLib and manages a filesystem for persistent TDLib data. * TDLib instance is created in a Web Worker to run it in a separate thread. * TdClient just sends queries to the Web Worker and receives updates and results from it. *
* Differences from the TDLib JSON API:
* 1. Added the update updateFatalError error:string = Update; which is sent whenever TDLib encounters a fatal error.
* 2. Added the method setJsLogVerbosityLevel new_verbosity_level:string = Ok;, which allows to change the verbosity level of tdweb logging.
* 3. Added the possibility to use blobs as input files via the constructor inputFileBlob data: = InputFile;.
* 4. The class filePart contains data as a JavaScript blob instead of a base64-encoded string.
* 5. The method readFilePart supports only offset == count == 0.
* 6. The methods getStorageStatistics, getStorageStatisticsFast, optimizeStorage, addProxy and getFileDownloadedPrefixSize are not supported.
*/ class TdClient { /** * @callback TdClient~updateCallback * @param {Object} update The update. */ /** * Create TdClient. * @param {Object} options - Options for TDLib instance creation. * @param {TdClient~updateCallback} options.onUpdate - Callback for all incoming updates. * @param {string} [options.instanceName=tdlib] - Name of the TDLib instance. Currently only one instance of TdClient with a given name is allowed. All but one instances with the same name will be automatically closed. Usually, the newest non-background instance is kept alive. Files will be stored in an IndexedDb table with the same name. * @param {boolean} [options.isBackground=false] - Pass true, if the instance is opened from the background. * @param {string} [options.jsLogVerbosityLevel=info] - The initial verbosity level of the JavaScript part of the code (one of 'error', 'warning', 'info', 'log', 'debug'). * @param {number} [options.logVerbosityLevel=2] - The initial verbosity level for the TDLib internal logging (0-1023). * @param {boolean} [options.useDatabase=true] - Pass false to use TDLib without database and secret chats. It will significantly improve loading time, but some functionality will be unavailable. * @param {boolean} [options.readOnly=false] - For debug only. Pass true to open TDLib database in read-only mode * @param {string} [options.mode=auto] - For debug only. The type of the TDLib build to use. 'asmjs' for asm.js and 'wasm' for WebAssembly. If mode == 'auto' WebAbassembly will be used if supported by browser, asm.js otherwise. */ constructor(options) { log.setVerbosity(options.jsLogVerbosityLevel); this.worker = new MyWorker(); this.worker.onmessage = e => { this.onResponse(; }; this.query_id = 0; this.query_callbacks = new Map(); if ('onUpdate' in options) { this.onUpdate = options.onUpdate; delete options.onUpdate; } options.instanceName = options.instanceName || 'tdlib'; this.fileManager = new FileManager(options.instanceName); this.worker.postMessage({ '@type': 'init', options: options }); this.closeOtherClients(options); } /** * Send a query to TDLib. * * If the query contains the field '@extra', the same field will be added into the result. * * @param {Object} query - The query for TDLib. See the []{@link} scheme or * the automatically generated [HTML documentation]{@link} * for a list of all available TDLib [methods]{@link} and * [classes]{@link}. * @returns {Promise} Promise object represents the result of the query. */ send(query) { return this.doSend(query, true); } /** @private */ sendInternal(query) { return this.doSend(query, false); } /** @private */ doSend(query, isExternal) { this.query_id++; if (query['@extra']) { query['@extra'] = { '@old_extra': JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(query['@extra'])), query_id: this.query_id }; } else { query['@extra'] = { query_id: this.query_id }; } if (query['@type'] === 'setJsLogVerbosityLevel') { log.setVerbosity(query.new_verbosity_level); } log.debug('send to worker: ', query); const res = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.query_callbacks.set(this.query_id, [resolve, reject]); }); if (isExternal) { this.externalPostMessage(query); } else { this.worker.postMessage(query); } return res; } /** @private */ externalPostMessage(query) { const unsupportedMethods = [ 'getStorageStatistics', 'getStorageStatisticsFast', 'optimizeStorage', 'addProxy', 'init', 'start' ]; if (unsupportedMethods.includes(query['@type'])) { this.onResponse({ '@type': 'error', '@extra': query['@extra'], code: 400, message: "Method '" + query['@type'] + "' is not supported" }); return; } if (query['@type'] === 'readFile' || query['@type'] == 'readFilePart') { this.readFile(query); return; } if (query['@type'] === 'deleteFile') { this.deleteFile(query); return; } this.worker.postMessage(query); } /** @private */ async readFile(query) { const response = await this.fileManager.readFile(query); this.onResponse(response); } /** @private */ async deleteFile(query) { const response = this.fileManager.deleteFile(query); try { if (response.idb_key) { await this.sendInternal({ '@type': 'deleteIdbKey', idb_key: response.idb_key }); delete response.idb_key; } await this.sendInternal({ '@type': 'deleteFile', file_id: query.file_id }); } catch (e) {} this.onResponse(response); } /** @private */ onResponse(response) { log.debug( 'receive from worker: ', JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(response, (key, value) => { if (key === 'arr') { return undefined; } return value; }) ) ); // for FileManager response = this.prepareResponse(response); if ('@extra' in response) { const query_id = response['@extra'].query_id; const [resolve, reject] = this.query_callbacks.get(query_id); this.query_callbacks.delete(query_id); if ('@old_extra' in response['@extra']) { response['@extra'] = response['@extra']['@old_extra']; } if (resolve) { if (response['@type'] === 'error') { reject(response); } else { resolve(response); } } } else { if (response['@type'] === 'inited') { this.onInited(); return; } if (response['@type'] === 'fsInited') { this.onFsInited(); return; } if ( response['@type'] === 'updateAuthorizationState' && response.authorization_state['@type'] === 'authorizationStateClosed' ) { this.onClosed(); } this.onUpdate(response); } } /** @private */ prepareFile(file) { return this.fileManager.registerFile(file); } /** @private */ prepareResponse(response) { if (response['@type'] === 'file') { if (false && Math.random() < 0.1) { (async () => { log.warn('DELETE FILE',; try { await this.send({ '@type': 'deleteFile', file_id: }); } catch (e) {} })(); } return this.prepareFile(response); } for (const key in response) { const field = response[key]; if (field && typeof field === 'object') { response[key] = this.prepareResponse(field); } } return response; } /** @private */ onBroadcastMessage(e) { //const message =; const message = e; if (message.uid === this.uid) {'ignore self broadcast message: ', message); return; }'got broadcast message: ', message); if (message.isBackground && !this.isBackground) { // continue } else if ( (!message.isBackground && this.isBackground) || message.timestamp > this.timestamp ) { this.close(); return; } if (message.state === 'closed') { this.waitSet.delete(message.uid); if (this.waitSet.size === 0) {'onWaitSetEmpty'); this.onWaitSetEmpty(); this.onWaitSetEmpty = () => {}; } } else { this.waitSet.add(message.uid); if (message.state !== 'closing') { this.postState(); } } } /** @private */ postState() { const state = { uid: this.uid, state: this.state, timestamp: this.timestamp, isBackground: this.isBackground };'Post state: ', state);; } /** @private */ onWaitSetEmpty() { // nop } /** @private */ onFsInited() { this.fileManager.init(); } /** @private */ onInited() { this.isInited = true; this.doSendStart(); } /** @private */ sendStart() { this.wantSendStart = true; this.doSendStart(); } /** @private */ doSendStart() { if (!this.isInited || !this.wantSendStart || this.state !== 'start') { return; } this.wantSendStart = false; this.state = 'active'; const query = { '@type': 'start' };'send to worker: ', query); this.worker.postMessage(query); } /** @private */ onClosed() { this.isClosing = true; this.worker.terminate();'worker is terminated'); this.state = 'closed'; this.postState(); } /** @private */ close() { if (this.isClosing) { return; } this.isClosing = true;'close state: ', this.state); if (this.state === 'start') { this.onClosed(); this.onUpdate({ '@type': 'updateAuthorizationState', authorization_state: { '@type': 'authorizationStateClosed' } }); return; } const query = { '@type': 'close' };'send to worker: ', query); this.worker.postMessage(query); this.state = 'closing'; this.postState(); } /** @private */ async closeOtherClients(options) { this.uid = uuid4(); this.state = 'start'; this.isBackground = !!options.isBackground; this.timestamp =; this.waitSet = new Set();'close other clients'); = new BroadcastChannel(options.instanceName, { webWorkerSupport: false }); this.postState(); = message => { this.onBroadcastMessage(message); }; await sleep(300); if (this.waitSet.size !== 0) { await new Promise(resolve => { this.onWaitSetEmpty = resolve; }); } this.sendStart(); } /** @private */ onUpdate(update) {'ignore onUpdate'); //nop } } /** @private */ class ListNode { constructor(value) { this.value = value; this.clear(); } erase() { this.prev.connect(; this.clear(); } clear() { this.prev = this; = this; } connect(other) { = other; other.prev = this; } onUsed(other) { other.usedAt =; other.clear(); other.connect(; log.debug('LRU: used file_id: ', other.value); this.connect(other); } getLru() { if (this === { throw new Error('popLru from empty list'); } return this.prev; } } /** @private */ class FileManager { constructor(instanceName) { this.instanceName = instanceName; this.cache = new Map(); this.pending = []; this.transaction_id = 0; this.totalSize = 0; this.lru = new ListNode(-1); } init() { this.idb = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request =; request.onsuccess = () => resolve(request.result); request.onerror = () => reject(request.error); }); // = localforage.createInstance({ //name: instanceName //}); this.isInited = true; } unload(info) { if (info.arr) { log.debug( 'LRU: delete file_id: ', info.node.value, ' with arr.length: ', info.arr.length ); this.totalSize -= info.arr.length; delete info.arr; } if (info.node) { info.node.erase(); delete info.node; } } registerFile(file) { const cached_info = this.cache.get(; if (cached_info && !file.idb_key) { delete cached_info.idb_key; } if (file.idb_key || file.arr) { file.is_downloading_completed = true; let info = {}; if (cached_info) { info = cached_info; } else { this.cache.set(, info); } if (file.idb_key) { info.idb_key = file.idb_key; delete file.idb_key; } if (file.arr) { const now =; while (this.totalSize > 10000000) { const node = this.lru.getLru(); // immunity for 5 seconds if (node.usedAt + 5 * 1000 > now) { break; } const lru_info = this.cache.get(node.value); this.unload(lru_info); } if (info.arr) { log.warn('Got file.arr at least twice for the same file'); this.totalSize -= info.arr.length; } info.arr = file.arr; this.totalSize += info.arr.length; if (!info.node) { log.debug( 'LRU: create file_id: ',, ' with arr.length: ', info.arr.length ); info.node = new ListNode(; } this.lru.onUsed(info.node);'Total file.arr size: ', this.totalSize); } } return file; } async flushLoad() { const pending = this.pending; this.pending = []; const idb = await this.idb; const transaction_id = this.transaction_id++; const read = idb .transaction(['keyvaluepairs'], 'readonly') .objectStore('keyvaluepairs'); log.debug('Load group of files from idb', pending.length); for (const query of pending) { const request = read.get(query.key); request.onsuccess = event => { const blob =; if (blob) { query.resolve({ data: blob, transaction_id: transaction_id }); } else { query.reject(); } }; request.onerror = query.reject; } } load(key, resolve, reject) { if (this.pending.length === 0) { setTimeout(() => { this.flushLoad(); }, 1); } this.pending.push({ key: key, resolve: resolve, reject: reject }); } async doLoad(info) { if (info.arr) { return { data: new Blob([info.arr]), transaction_id: -1 }; } const idb_key = info.idb_key; //return; return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.load(idb_key, resolve, reject); }); } doDelete(info) { this.unload(info); return info.idb_key; } async readFile(query) { try { if (query.offset || query.size) { throw new Error('readFilePart: offset and size are not supported yet'); } if (!this.isInited) { throw new Error('FileManager is not inited'); } const info = this.cache.get(query.file_id); if (!info) { throw new Error('File is not loaded'); } if (info.node) { this.lru.onUsed(info.node); } const response = await this.doLoad(info); return { '@type': 'filePart', '@extra': query['@extra'], data:, transaction_id: response.transaction_id }; } catch (e) { return { '@type': 'error', '@extra': query['@extra'], code: 400, message: e }; } } deleteFile(query) { const res = { '@type': 'ok', '@extra': query['@extra'] }; try { if (!this.isInited) { throw new Error('FileManager is not inited'); } const info = this.cache.get(query.file_id); if (!info) { throw new Error('File is not loaded'); } const idb_key = this.doDelete(info); if (idb_key) { res.idb_key = idb_key; } } catch (e) {} return res; } } export default TdClient;