// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2023 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #include "td/telegram/BackgroundType.h" #include "td/utils/base64.h" #include "td/utils/HttpUrl.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/misc.h" #include "td/utils/Slice.h" #include "td/utils/SliceBuilder.h" namespace td { static string get_color_hex_string(int32 color) { string result; for (int i = 20; i >= 0; i -= 4) { result += "0123456789abcdef"[(color >> i) & 0xF]; } return result; } static bool is_valid_color(int32 color) { return 0 <= color && color <= 0xFFFFFF; } static bool validate_alpha_color(int32 &color) { if (-0x1000000 <= color && color <= 0xFFFFFF) { color &= 0xFFFFFF; return true; } color = 0; return false; } static bool is_valid_rotation_angle(int32 rotation_angle) { return 0 <= rotation_angle && rotation_angle < 360 && rotation_angle % 45 == 0; } static bool is_valid_intensity(int32 intensity, bool allow_negative) { return (allow_negative ? -100 : 0) <= intensity && intensity <= 100; } BackgroundFill::BackgroundFill(const telegram_api::wallPaperSettings *settings) { if (settings == nullptr) { return; } auto flags = settings->flags_; if ((flags & telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK) != 0) { top_color_ = settings->background_color_; if (!validate_alpha_color(top_color_)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive " << to_string(*settings); } } if ((flags & telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::FOURTH_BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK) != 0 || (flags & telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::THIRD_BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK) != 0) { bottom_color_ = settings->second_background_color_; if (!validate_alpha_color(bottom_color_)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive " << to_string(*settings); } third_color_ = settings->third_background_color_; if (!validate_alpha_color(third_color_)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive " << to_string(*settings); } if ((flags & telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::FOURTH_BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK) != 0) { fourth_color_ = settings->fourth_background_color_; if (!validate_alpha_color(fourth_color_)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive " << to_string(*settings); } } } else if ((flags & telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::SECOND_BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK) != 0) { bottom_color_ = settings->second_background_color_; if (!validate_alpha_color(bottom_color_)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive " << to_string(*settings); } rotation_angle_ = settings->rotation_; if (!is_valid_rotation_angle(rotation_angle_)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive " << to_string(*settings); rotation_angle_ = 0; } } else { bottom_color_ = top_color_; } } Result BackgroundFill::get_background_fill(const td_api::BackgroundFill *fill) { if (fill == nullptr) { return Status::Error(400, "Background fill info must be non-empty"); } switch (fill->get_id()) { case td_api::backgroundFillSolid::ID: { auto solid = static_cast(fill); if (!is_valid_color(solid->color_)) { return Status::Error(400, "Invalid solid fill color value"); } return BackgroundFill(solid->color_); } case td_api::backgroundFillGradient::ID: { auto gradient = static_cast(fill); if (!is_valid_color(gradient->top_color_)) { return Status::Error(400, "Invalid top gradient color value"); } if (!is_valid_color(gradient->bottom_color_)) { return Status::Error(400, "Invalid bottom gradient color value"); } if (!is_valid_rotation_angle(gradient->rotation_angle_)) { return Status::Error(400, "Invalid rotation angle value"); } return BackgroundFill(gradient->top_color_, gradient->bottom_color_, gradient->rotation_angle_); } case td_api::backgroundFillFreeformGradient::ID: { auto freeform = static_cast(fill); if (freeform->colors_.size() != 3 && freeform->colors_.size() != 4) { return Status::Error(400, "Wrong number of gradient colors"); } for (auto &color : freeform->colors_) { if (!is_valid_color(color)) { return Status::Error(400, "Invalid freeform gradient color value"); } } return BackgroundFill(freeform->colors_[0], freeform->colors_[1], freeform->colors_[2], freeform->colors_.size() == 3 ? -1 : freeform->colors_[3]); } default: UNREACHABLE(); return {}; } } Result BackgroundFill::get_background_fill(Slice name) { name = name.substr(0, name.find('#')); Slice parameters; auto parameters_pos = name.find('?'); if (parameters_pos != Slice::npos) { parameters = name.substr(parameters_pos + 1); name = name.substr(0, parameters_pos); } auto get_color = [](Slice color_string) -> Result { auto r_color = hex_to_integer_safe(url_decode(color_string, true)); if (r_color.is_error() || color_string.size() > 6) { return Status::Error(400, "WALLPAPER_INVALID"); } return static_cast(r_color.ok()); }; size_t hyphen_pos = name.find('-'); if (name.find('~') < name.size()) { vector color_strings = full_split(name, '~'); CHECK(color_strings.size() >= 2); if (color_strings.size() == 2) { hyphen_pos = color_strings[0].size(); } else { if (color_strings.size() > 4) { return Status::Error(400, "WALLPAPER_INVALID"); } TRY_RESULT(first_color, get_color(color_strings[0])); TRY_RESULT(second_color, get_color(color_strings[1])); TRY_RESULT(third_color, get_color(color_strings[2])); int32 fourth_color = -1; if (color_strings.size() == 4) { TRY_RESULT_ASSIGN(fourth_color, get_color(color_strings[3])); } return BackgroundFill(first_color, second_color, third_color, fourth_color); } } if (hyphen_pos < name.size()) { TRY_RESULT(top_color, get_color(name.substr(0, hyphen_pos))); TRY_RESULT(bottom_color, get_color(name.substr(hyphen_pos + 1))); int32 rotation_angle = 0; Slice prefix("rotation="); if (begins_with(parameters, prefix)) { rotation_angle = to_integer(url_decode(parameters.substr(prefix.size()), true)); if (!is_valid_rotation_angle(rotation_angle)) { rotation_angle = 0; } } return BackgroundFill(top_color, bottom_color, rotation_angle); } TRY_RESULT(color, get_color(name)); return BackgroundFill(color); } string BackgroundFill::get_link(bool is_first) const { switch (get_type()) { case BackgroundFill::Type::Solid: return get_color_hex_string(top_color_); case BackgroundFill::Type::Gradient: return PSTRING() << get_color_hex_string(top_color_) << '-' << get_color_hex_string(bottom_color_) << (is_first ? '?' : '&') << "rotation=" << rotation_angle_; case BackgroundFill::Type::FreeformGradient: { SliceBuilder sb; sb << get_color_hex_string(top_color_) << '~' << get_color_hex_string(bottom_color_) << '~' << get_color_hex_string(third_color_); if (fourth_color_ != -1) { sb << '~' << get_color_hex_string(fourth_color_); } return sb.as_cslice().str(); } default: UNREACHABLE(); return string(); } } bool BackgroundFill::is_dark() const { switch (get_type()) { case Type::Solid: return (top_color_ & 0x808080) == 0; case Type::Gradient: return (top_color_ & 0x808080) == 0 && (bottom_color_ & 0x808080) == 0; case Type::FreeformGradient: return (top_color_ & 0x808080) == 0 && (bottom_color_ & 0x808080) == 0 && (third_color_ & 0x808080) == 0 && (fourth_color_ == -1 || (fourth_color_ & 0x808080) == 0); default: UNREACHABLE(); return false; } } bool operator==(const BackgroundFill &lhs, const BackgroundFill &rhs) { return lhs.top_color_ == rhs.top_color_ && lhs.bottom_color_ == rhs.bottom_color_ && lhs.rotation_angle_ == rhs.rotation_angle_ && lhs.third_color_ == rhs.third_color_ && lhs.fourth_color_ == rhs.fourth_color_; } string BackgroundType::get_mime_type() const { CHECK(has_file()); return type_ == Type::Pattern ? "image/png" : "image/jpeg"; } void BackgroundType::apply_parameters_from_link(Slice name) { const auto query = parse_url_query(name); is_blurred_ = false; is_moving_ = false; auto modes = full_split(query.get_arg("mode"), ' '); for (auto &mode : modes) { if (type_ != Type::Pattern && to_lower(mode) == "blur") { is_blurred_ = true; } if (to_lower(mode) == "motion") { is_moving_ = true; } } if (type_ == Type::Pattern) { intensity_ = -101; auto intensity_arg = query.get_arg("intensity"); if (!intensity_arg.empty()) { intensity_ = to_integer(intensity_arg); } if (!is_valid_intensity(intensity_, true)) { intensity_ = 50; } auto bg_color = query.get_arg("bg_color"); if (!bg_color.empty()) { auto r_fill = BackgroundFill::get_background_fill( PSLICE() << url_encode(bg_color) << "?rotation=" << url_encode(query.get_arg("rotation"))); if (r_fill.is_ok()) { fill_ = r_fill.move_as_ok(); } } } } string BackgroundType::get_link(bool is_first) const { string mode; if (is_blurred_) { mode = "blur"; } if (is_moving_) { if (!mode.empty()) { mode += '+'; } mode += "motion"; } switch (type_) { case Type::Wallpaper: { if (!mode.empty()) { return PSTRING() << "mode=" << mode; } return string(); } case Type::Pattern: { string link = PSTRING() << "intensity=" << intensity_ << "&bg_color=" << fill_.get_link(false); if (!mode.empty()) { link += "&mode="; link += mode; } return link; } case Type::Fill: return fill_.get_link(is_first); default: UNREACHABLE(); return string(); } } bool operator==(const BackgroundType &lhs, const BackgroundType &rhs) { return lhs.type_ == rhs.type_ && lhs.is_blurred_ == rhs.is_blurred_ && lhs.is_moving_ == rhs.is_moving_ && lhs.intensity_ == rhs.intensity_ && lhs.fill_ == rhs.fill_; } StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &string_builder, const BackgroundType &type) { string_builder << "type "; switch (type.type_) { case BackgroundType::Type::Wallpaper: string_builder << "Wallpaper"; break; case BackgroundType::Type::Pattern: string_builder << "Pattern"; break; case BackgroundType::Type::Fill: string_builder << "Fill"; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); break; } return string_builder << '[' << type.get_link() << ']'; } Result BackgroundType::get_background_type(const td_api::BackgroundType *background_type, int32 dark_theme_dimming) { if (background_type == nullptr) { return BackgroundType(); } if (dark_theme_dimming < 0 || dark_theme_dimming > 100) { return Status::Error(400, "Invalid dark them brightness specified"); } switch (background_type->get_id()) { case td_api::backgroundTypeWallpaper::ID: { auto wallpaper_type = static_cast(background_type); return BackgroundType(wallpaper_type->is_blurred_, wallpaper_type->is_moving_, dark_theme_dimming); } case td_api::backgroundTypePattern::ID: { auto pattern_type = static_cast(background_type); TRY_RESULT(background_fill, BackgroundFill::get_background_fill(pattern_type->fill_.get())); if (!is_valid_intensity(pattern_type->intensity_, false)) { return Status::Error(400, "Wrong intensity value"); } auto intensity = pattern_type->is_inverted_ ? -max(pattern_type->intensity_, 1) : pattern_type->intensity_; return BackgroundType(pattern_type->is_moving_, std::move(background_fill), intensity); } case td_api::backgroundTypeFill::ID: { auto fill_type = static_cast(background_type); TRY_RESULT(background_fill, BackgroundFill::get_background_fill(fill_type->fill_.get())); return BackgroundType(std::move(background_fill), dark_theme_dimming); } default: UNREACHABLE(); return BackgroundType(); } } Result BackgroundType::get_local_background_type(Slice name) { TRY_RESULT(fill, BackgroundFill::get_background_fill(name)); return BackgroundType(std::move(fill), 0); } bool BackgroundType::is_background_name_local(Slice name) { return name.size() <= 13u || name.find('?') <= 13u || !is_base64url_characters(name.substr(0, name.find('?'))); } BackgroundType::BackgroundType(bool is_fill, bool is_pattern, telegram_api::object_ptr settings) { if (settings != nullptr && (settings->flags_ & telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::INTENSITY_MASK) != 0) { intensity_ = settings->intensity_; if (!is_valid_intensity(intensity_, is_pattern)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Receive " << to_string(settings); intensity_ = is_pattern ? 50 : 0; } } if (is_fill) { type_ = Type::Fill; CHECK(settings != nullptr); fill_ = BackgroundFill(settings.get()); } else if (is_pattern) { type_ = Type::Pattern; if (settings != nullptr) { fill_ = BackgroundFill(settings.get()); is_moving_ = (settings->flags_ & telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::MOTION_MASK) != 0; } } else { type_ = Type::Wallpaper; if (settings != nullptr) { is_blurred_ = (settings->flags_ & telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::BLUR_MASK) != 0; is_moving_ = (settings->flags_ & telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::MOTION_MASK) != 0; } } } td_api::object_ptr BackgroundFill::get_background_fill_object() const { switch (get_type()) { case BackgroundFill::Type::Solid: return td_api::make_object(top_color_); case BackgroundFill::Type::Gradient: return td_api::make_object(top_color_, bottom_color_, rotation_angle_); case BackgroundFill::Type::FreeformGradient: { vector colors{top_color_, bottom_color_, third_color_, fourth_color_}; if (colors.back() == -1) { colors.pop_back(); } return td_api::make_object(std::move(colors)); } default: UNREACHABLE(); return nullptr; } } td_api::object_ptr BackgroundType::get_background_type_object() const { switch (type_) { case Type::Wallpaper: return td_api::make_object(is_blurred_, is_moving_); case Type::Pattern: return td_api::make_object( fill_.get_background_fill_object(), intensity_ < 0 ? -intensity_ : intensity_, intensity_ < 0, is_moving_); case Type::Fill: return td_api::make_object(fill_.get_background_fill_object()); default: UNREACHABLE(); return nullptr; } } telegram_api::object_ptr BackgroundType::get_input_wallpaper_settings() const { int32 flags = 0; if (is_blurred_) { flags |= telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::BLUR_MASK; } if (is_moving_) { flags |= telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::MOTION_MASK; } switch (fill_.get_type()) { case BackgroundFill::Type::FreeformGradient: if (fill_.fourth_color_ != -1) { flags |= telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::FOURTH_BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK; } flags |= telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::THIRD_BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK; // fallthrough case BackgroundFill::Type::Gradient: flags |= telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::SECOND_BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK; // fallthrough case BackgroundFill::Type::Solid: flags |= telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::BACKGROUND_COLOR_MASK; break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } if (intensity_ != 0) { flags |= telegram_api::wallPaperSettings::INTENSITY_MASK; } return telegram_api::make_object( flags, is_blurred_, is_moving_, fill_.top_color_, fill_.bottom_color_, fill_.third_color_, fill_.fourth_color_, intensity_, fill_.rotation_angle_, string()); } } // namespace td