// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2021 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #include "td/net/HttpReader.h" #include "td/utils/filesystem.h" #include "td/utils/find_boundary.h" #include "td/utils/format.h" #include "td/utils/Gzip.h" #include "td/utils/HttpUrl.h" #include "td/utils/JsonBuilder.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/misc.h" #include "td/utils/Parser.h" #include "td/utils/PathView.h" #include "td/utils/port/path.h" #include namespace td { constexpr const char HttpReader::TEMP_DIRECTORY_PREFIX[]; void HttpReader::init(ChainBufferReader *input, size_t max_post_size, size_t max_files) { input_ = input; state_ = State::ReadHeaders; headers_read_length_ = 0; content_length_ = 0; query_ = nullptr; max_post_size_ = max_post_size; max_files_ = max_files; total_parameters_length_ = 0; total_headers_length_ = 0; } Result HttpReader::read_next(HttpQuery *query, bool can_be_slow) { if (query_ != query) { CHECK(query_ == nullptr); query_ = query; } size_t need_size = input_->size() + 1; while (true) { if (state_ != State::ReadHeaders) { gzip_flow_.wakeup(); flow_source_.wakeup(); if (flow_sink_.is_ready() && flow_sink_.status().is_error()) { if (!temp_file_.empty()) { clean_temporary_file(); } return Status::Error(400, PSLICE() << "Bad Request: " << flow_sink_.status().message()); } need_size = flow_source_.get_need_size(); if (need_size == 0) { need_size = input_->size() + 1; } } switch (state_) { case State::ReadHeaders: { auto result = split_header(); if (result.is_error() || result.ok() != 0) { return result; } if (transfer_encoding_.empty() && content_length_ == 0) { break; } flow_source_ = ByteFlowSource(input_); ByteFlowInterface *source = &flow_source_; if (transfer_encoding_.empty()) { content_length_flow_ = HttpContentLengthByteFlow(content_length_); *source >> content_length_flow_; source = &content_length_flow_; } else if (transfer_encoding_ == "chunked") { chunked_flow_ = HttpChunkedByteFlow(); *source >> chunked_flow_; source = &chunked_flow_; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported " << tag("transfer-encoding", transfer_encoding_); return Status::Error(501, "Unimplemented: unsupported transfer-encoding"); } if (content_encoding_.empty()) { } else if (content_encoding_ == "gzip" || content_encoding_ == "deflate") { gzip_flow_ = GzipByteFlow(Gzip::Mode::Decode); GzipByteFlow::Options options; options.write_watermark.low = 0; options.write_watermark.high = max(max_post_size_, static_cast(1 << 16)); gzip_flow_.set_options(options); gzip_flow_.set_max_output_size(MAX_CONTENT_SIZE); *source >> gzip_flow_; source = &gzip_flow_; } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Unsupported " << tag("content-encoding", content_encoding_); return Status::Error(415, "Unsupported Media Type: unsupported content-encoding"); } flow_sink_ = ByteFlowSink(); *source >> flow_sink_; content_ = flow_sink_.get_output(); if (content_length_ > MAX_CONTENT_SIZE) { return Status::Error(413, PSLICE() << "Request Entity Too Large: content length is " << content_length_); } if (content_type_lowercased_.find("multipart/form-data") != string::npos) { state_ = State::ReadMultipartFormData; const char *p = std::strstr(content_type_lowercased_.c_str(), "boundary"); if (p == nullptr) { return Status::Error(400, "Bad Request: boundary not found"); } p += 8; ptrdiff_t offset = p - content_type_lowercased_.c_str(); p = static_cast( std::memchr(content_type_.begin() + offset, '=', content_type_.size() - offset)); if (p == nullptr) { return Status::Error(400, "Bad Request: boundary value not found"); } p++; const char *end_p = static_cast(std::memchr(p, ';', content_type_.end() - p)); if (end_p == nullptr) { end_p = content_type_.end(); } if (*p == '"' && p + 1 < end_p && end_p[-1] == '"') { p++; end_p--; } CHECK(p != nullptr); Slice boundary(p, static_cast(end_p - p)); if (boundary.empty() || boundary.size() > MAX_BOUNDARY_LENGTH) { return Status::Error(400, "Bad Request: boundary too big or empty"); } boundary_ = "\r\n--" + boundary.str(); form_data_parse_state_ = FormDataParseState::SkipPrologue; form_data_read_length_ = 0; form_data_skipped_length_ = 0; } else if (content_type_lowercased_.find("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") != string::npos || content_type_lowercased_.find("application/json") != string::npos) { state_ = State::ReadArgs; } else { form_data_skipped_length_ = 0; state_ = State::ReadContent; } continue; } case State::ReadContent: { if (content_->size() > max_post_size_) { state_ = State::ReadContentToFile; GzipByteFlow::Options options; options.write_watermark.low = 4 << 20; options.write_watermark.high = 8 << 20; gzip_flow_.set_options(options); continue; } if (flow_sink_.is_ready()) { CHECK(query_->container_.size() == 1u); query_->container_.emplace_back(content_->cut_head(content_->size()).move_as_buffer_slice()); query_->content_ = query_->container_.back().as_slice(); break; } return need_size; } case State::ReadContentToFile: { if (!can_be_slow) { return Status::Error("SLOW"); } // save content to a file if (temp_file_.empty()) { auto file = open_temp_file("file"); if (file.is_error()) { return Status::Error(500, "Internal Server Error: can't create temporary file"); } } auto size = content_->size(); bool restart = false; if (size > (1 << 20) || flow_sink_.is_ready()) { TRY_STATUS(save_file_part(content_->cut_head(size).move_as_buffer_slice())); restart = true; } if (flow_sink_.is_ready()) { query_->files_.emplace_back("file", "", content_type_.str(), file_size_, temp_file_name_); close_temp_file(); break; } if (restart) { continue; } return need_size; } case State::ReadArgs: { auto size = content_->size(); if (size > MAX_TOTAL_PARAMETERS_LENGTH - total_parameters_length_) { return Status::Error(413, "Request Entity Too Large: too much parameters"); } if (flow_sink_.is_ready()) { query_->container_.emplace_back(content_->cut_head(size).move_as_buffer_slice()); Status result; if (content_type_lowercased_.find("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") != string::npos) { result = parse_parameters(query_->container_.back().as_slice()); } else { result = parse_json_parameters(query_->container_.back().as_slice()); } if (result.is_error()) { if (result.code() == 413) { return std::move(result); } LOG(INFO) << result.message(); } query_->content_ = MutableSlice(); break; } return need_size; } case State::ReadMultipartFormData: { if (!content_->empty()) { TRY_RESULT(result, parse_multipart_form_data(can_be_slow)); if (result) { break; } } return need_size; } default: UNREACHABLE(); } break; } init(input_, max_post_size_, max_files_); return 0; } // returns Status on wrong request // returns true if parsing has finished // returns false if need more data Result HttpReader::parse_multipart_form_data(bool can_be_slow) { while (true) { LOG(DEBUG) << "Parsing multipart form data in state " << static_cast(form_data_parse_state_) << " with already read length " << form_data_read_length_; switch (form_data_parse_state_) { case FormDataParseState::SkipPrologue: if (find_boundary(content_->clone(), {boundary_.c_str() + 2, boundary_.size() - 2}, form_data_read_length_)) { size_t to_skip = form_data_read_length_ + (boundary_.size() - 2); content_->advance(to_skip); form_data_skipped_length_ += to_skip; form_data_read_length_ = 0; form_data_parse_state_ = FormDataParseState::ReadPartHeaders; continue; } content_->advance(form_data_read_length_); form_data_skipped_length_ += form_data_read_length_; form_data_read_length_ = 0; return false; case FormDataParseState::ReadPartHeaders: if (find_boundary(content_->clone(), "\r\n\r\n", form_data_read_length_)) { total_headers_length_ += form_data_read_length_; if (total_headers_length_ > MAX_TOTAL_HEADERS_LENGTH) { return Status::Error(431, "Request Header Fields Too Large: total headers size exceeded"); } if (form_data_read_length_ == 0) { // there is no headers at all return Status::Error(400, "Bad Request: headers in multipart/form-data are empty"); } content_->advance(2); // "\r\n" after boundary auto headers = content_->cut_head(form_data_read_length_).move_as_buffer_slice(); CHECK(headers.as_slice().size() == form_data_read_length_); LOG(DEBUG) << "Parse headers in multipart form data: \"" << headers.as_slice() << "\""; content_->advance(2); form_data_skipped_length_ += form_data_read_length_ + 4; form_data_read_length_ = 0; field_name_ = MutableSlice(); file_field_name_.clear(); field_content_type_ = "application/octet-stream"; file_name_.clear(); has_file_name_ = false; CHECK(temp_file_.empty()); temp_file_name_.clear(); Parser headers_parser(headers.as_slice()); while (headers_parser.status().is_ok() && !headers_parser.data().empty()) { MutableSlice header_name = headers_parser.read_till(':'); headers_parser.skip(':'); char *header_value_begin = headers_parser.ptr(); char *header_value_end; do { headers_parser.read_till('\r'); header_value_end = headers_parser.ptr(); headers_parser.skip('\r'); headers_parser.skip('\n'); } while (headers_parser.status().is_ok() && (headers_parser.peek_char() == ' ' || headers_parser.peek_char() == '\t')); MutableSlice header_value(header_value_begin, header_value_end); header_name = trim(header_name); header_value = trim(header_value); to_lower_inplace(header_name); if (header_name == "content-disposition") { if (header_value.substr(0, 10) != "form-data;") { return Status::Error(400, "Bad Request: expected form-data content disposition"); } header_value.remove_prefix(10); while (true) { header_value = trim(header_value); const char *key_end = static_cast(std::memchr(header_value.data(), '=', header_value.size())); if (key_end == nullptr) { break; } size_t key_size = key_end - header_value.data(); auto key = header_value.substr(0, key_size); key = trim(key); header_value.remove_prefix(key_size + 1); const char *value_end = static_cast(std::memchr(header_value.data(), ';', header_value.size())); size_t value_size; if (value_end == nullptr) { value_size = header_value.size(); } else { value_size = value_end - header_value.data(); } auto value = header_value.substr(0, value_size); value = trim(value); if (value.size() > 1u && value[0] == '"' && value.back() == '"') { value = {value.data() + 1, value.size() - 2}; } header_value.remove_prefix(value_size + (header_value.size() > value_size)); if (key == "name") { field_name_ = value; } else if (key == "filename") { file_name_ = value.str(); has_file_name_ = true; } else { // ignore unknown parts of header } } } else if (header_name == "content-type") { field_content_type_ = header_value.str(); } else { // ignore unknown header } } if (headers_parser.status().is_error()) { return Status::Error(400, "Bad Request: can't parse form data headers"); } if (field_name_.empty()) { return Status::Error(400, "Bad Request: field name in multipart/form-data not found"); } if (has_file_name_) { // file if (query_->files_.size() == max_files_) { return Status::Error(413, "Request Entity Too Large: too much files attached"); } auto file = open_temp_file(file_name_); if (file.is_error()) { return Status::Error(500, "Internal Server Error: can't create temporary file"); } // don't need to save headers for files file_field_name_ = field_name_.str(); form_data_parse_state_ = FormDataParseState::ReadFile; } else { // save headers for query parameters. They contain header names query_->container_.push_back(std::move(headers)); form_data_parse_state_ = FormDataParseState::ReadPartValue; } continue; } if (total_headers_length_ + form_data_read_length_ > MAX_TOTAL_HEADERS_LENGTH) { return Status::Error(431, "Request Header Fields Too Large: total headers size exceeded"); } return false; case FormDataParseState::ReadPartValue: if (find_boundary(content_->clone(), boundary_, form_data_read_length_)) { if (total_parameters_length_ + form_data_read_length_ > MAX_TOTAL_PARAMETERS_LENGTH) { return Status::Error(413, "Request Entity Too Large: too much parameters in form data"); } query_->container_.emplace_back(content_->cut_head(form_data_read_length_).move_as_buffer_slice()); MutableSlice value = query_->container_.back().as_slice(); content_->advance(boundary_.size()); form_data_skipped_length_ += form_data_read_length_ + boundary_.size(); form_data_read_length_ = 0; if (begins_with(field_content_type_, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) { // treat value as ordinary parameters auto result = parse_parameters(value); if (result.is_error()) { return std::move(result); } } else { total_parameters_length_ += form_data_read_length_; LOG(DEBUG) << "Get ordinary parameter in multipart form data: \"" << field_name_ << "\": \"" << value << "\""; query_->args_.emplace_back(field_name_, value); } form_data_parse_state_ = FormDataParseState::CheckForLastBoundary; continue; } CHECK(content_->size() < form_data_read_length_ + boundary_.size()); if (total_parameters_length_ + form_data_read_length_ > MAX_TOTAL_PARAMETERS_LENGTH) { return Status::Error(413, "Request Entity Too Large: too much parameters in form data"); } return false; case FormDataParseState::ReadFile: { if (!can_be_slow) { return Status::Error("SLOW"); } if (find_boundary(content_->clone(), boundary_, form_data_read_length_)) { auto file_part = content_->cut_head(form_data_read_length_).move_as_buffer_slice(); content_->advance(boundary_.size()); form_data_skipped_length_ += form_data_read_length_ + boundary_.size(); form_data_read_length_ = 0; TRY_STATUS(save_file_part(std::move(file_part))); query_->files_.emplace_back(file_field_name_, file_name_, field_content_type_, file_size_, temp_file_name_); close_temp_file(); form_data_parse_state_ = FormDataParseState::CheckForLastBoundary; continue; } // TODO optimize? auto file_part = content_->cut_head(form_data_read_length_).move_as_buffer_slice(); form_data_skipped_length_ += form_data_read_length_; form_data_read_length_ = 0; CHECK(content_->size() < boundary_.size()); TRY_STATUS(save_file_part(std::move(file_part))); return false; } case FormDataParseState::CheckForLastBoundary: { if (content_->size() < 2) { // need more data return false; } auto range = content_->clone(); char x[2]; range.advance(2, {x, 2}); if (x[0] == '-' && x[1] == '-') { content_->advance(2); form_data_skipped_length_ += 2; form_data_parse_state_ = FormDataParseState::SkipEpilogue; } else { form_data_parse_state_ = FormDataParseState::ReadPartHeaders; } continue; } case FormDataParseState::SkipEpilogue: { size_t size = content_->size(); LOG(DEBUG) << "Skipping epilogue. Have " << size << " bytes"; content_->advance(size); form_data_skipped_length_ += size; // TODO(now): check if form_data_skipped_length is too big return flow_sink_.is_ready(); } default: UNREACHABLE(); } break; } return true; } Result HttpReader::split_header() { if (find_boundary(input_->clone(), "\r\n\r\n", headers_read_length_)) { query_->container_.clear(); auto a = input_->cut_head(headers_read_length_ + 2); auto b = a.move_as_buffer_slice(); query_->container_.emplace_back(std::move(b)); // query_->container_.emplace_back(input_->cut_head(headers_read_length_ + 2).move_as_buffer_slice()); CHECK(query_->container_.back().size() == headers_read_length_ + 2); input_->advance(2); total_headers_length_ = headers_read_length_; auto status = parse_head(query_->container_.back().as_slice()); if (status.is_error()) { return std::move(status); } return 0; } if (input_->size() > MAX_TOTAL_HEADERS_LENGTH) { return Status::Error(431, "Request Header Fields Too Large: total headers size exceeded"); } return input_->size() + 1; } void HttpReader::process_header(MutableSlice header_name, MutableSlice header_value) { header_name = trim(header_name); header_value = trim(header_value); // TODO need to remove "\r\n" from value to_lower_inplace(header_name); LOG(DEBUG) << "Process header [" << header_name << "=>" << header_value << "]"; query_->headers_.emplace_back(header_name, header_value); // TODO: check if protocol is HTTP/1.1 query_->keep_alive_ = true; if (header_name == "content-length") { content_length_ = to_integer(header_value); } else if (header_name == "connection") { to_lower_inplace(header_value); if (header_value == "close") { query_->keep_alive_ = false; } } else if (header_name == "content-type") { content_type_ = header_value; content_type_lowercased_ = header_value.str(); to_lower_inplace(content_type_lowercased_); } else if (header_name == "content-encoding") { to_lower_inplace(header_value); content_encoding_ = header_value; } else if (header_name == "transfer-encoding") { to_lower_inplace(header_value); transfer_encoding_ = header_value; } } Status HttpReader::parse_url(MutableSlice url) { size_t url_path_size = 0; while (url_path_size < url.size() && url[url_path_size] != '?' && url[url_path_size] != '#') { url_path_size++; } query_->url_path_ = url_decode_inplace({url.data(), url_path_size}, false); if (url_path_size == url.size() || url[url_path_size] != '?') { return Status::OK(); } return parse_parameters(url.substr(url_path_size + 1)); } Status HttpReader::parse_parameters(MutableSlice parameters) { total_parameters_length_ += parameters.size(); if (total_parameters_length_ > MAX_TOTAL_PARAMETERS_LENGTH) { return Status::Error(413, "Request Entity Too Large: too much parameters"); } LOG(DEBUG) << "Parse parameters: \"" << parameters << "\""; Parser parser(parameters); while (!parser.data().empty()) { auto key_value = parser.read_till_nofail('&'); parser.skip_nofail('&'); Parser kv_parser(key_value); auto key = url_decode_inplace(kv_parser.read_till_nofail('='), true); kv_parser.skip_nofail('='); auto value = url_decode_inplace(kv_parser.data(), true); query_->args_.emplace_back(key, value); } CHECK(parser.status().is_ok()); return Status::OK(); } Status HttpReader::parse_json_parameters(MutableSlice parameters) { if (parameters.empty()) { return Status::OK(); } total_parameters_length_ += parameters.size(); if (total_parameters_length_ > MAX_TOTAL_PARAMETERS_LENGTH) { return Status::Error(413, "Request Entity Too Large: too much parameters"); } LOG(DEBUG) << "Parse JSON parameters: \"" << parameters << "\""; Parser parser(parameters); parser.skip_whitespaces(); if (parser.peek_char() == '"') { auto r_value = json_string_decode(parser); if (r_value.is_error()) { return Status::Error(400, PSLICE() << "Bad Request: can't parse string content: " << r_value.error().message()); } if (!parser.empty()) { return Status::Error(400, "Bad Request: extra data after string"); } query_->container_.emplace_back(BufferSlice("content")); query_->args_.emplace_back(query_->container_.back().as_slice(), r_value.move_as_ok()); return Status::OK(); } parser.skip('{'); if (parser.status().is_error()) { return Status::Error(400, "Bad Request: JSON object expected"); } while (true) { parser.skip_whitespaces(); if (parser.try_skip('}')) { parser.skip_whitespaces(); if (parser.empty()) { return Status::OK(); } return Status::Error(400, "Bad Request: unexpected data after object end"); } if (parser.empty()) { return Status::Error(400, "Bad Request: expected parameter name"); } auto r_key = json_string_decode(parser); if (r_key.is_error()) { return Status::Error(400, PSLICE() << "Bad Request: can't parse parameter name: " << r_key.error().message()); } parser.skip_whitespaces(); if (!parser.try_skip(':')) { return Status::Error(400, "Bad Request: can't parse object, ':' expected"); } parser.skip_whitespaces(); auto r_value = [&]() -> Result { if (parser.peek_char() == '"') { return json_string_decode(parser); } else { const int32 DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH = 100; auto begin = parser.ptr(); auto result = do_json_skip(parser, DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH); if (result.is_ok()) { return MutableSlice(begin, parser.ptr()); } else { return result.move_as_error(); } } }(); if (r_value.is_error()) { return Status::Error(400, PSLICE() << "Bad Request: can't parse parameter value: " << r_value.error().message()); } query_->args_.emplace_back(r_key.move_as_ok(), r_value.move_as_ok()); parser.skip_whitespaces(); if (parser.peek_char() != '}' && !parser.try_skip(',')) { return Status::Error(400, "Bad Request: expected next field or object end"); } } UNREACHABLE(); return Status::OK(); } Status HttpReader::parse_head(MutableSlice head) { Parser parser(head); Slice type = parser.read_till(' '); parser.skip(' '); // GET POST HTTP/1.1 if (type == "GET") { query_->type_ = HttpQuery::Type::Get; } else if (type == "POST") { query_->type_ = HttpQuery::Type::Post; } else if (type.size() >= 4 && type.substr(0, 4) == "HTTP") { if (type == "HTTP/1.1" || type == "HTTP/1.0") { query_->type_ = HttpQuery::Type::Response; } else { LOG(INFO) << "Unsupported HTTP version: " << type; return Status::Error(505, "HTTP Version Not Supported"); } } else { LOG(INFO) << "Not Implemented " << tag("type", type) << tag("head", head); return Status::Error(501, "Not Implemented"); } query_->args_.clear(); if (query_->type_ == HttpQuery::Type::Response) { query_->code_ = to_integer(parser.read_till(' ')); parser.skip(' '); query_->reason_ = parser.read_till('\r'); LOG(DEBUG) << "Receive HTTP response " << query_->code_ << " " << query_->reason_; } else { auto url_version = parser.read_till('\r'); auto space_pos = url_version.rfind(' '); if (space_pos == static_cast(-1)) { return Status::Error(400, "Bad Request: wrong request line"); } TRY_STATUS(parse_url(url_version.substr(0, space_pos))); auto http_version = url_version.substr(space_pos + 1); if (http_version != "HTTP/1.1" && http_version != "HTTP/1.0") { LOG(WARNING) << "Unsupported HTTP version: " << http_version; return Status::Error(505, "HTTP Version Not Supported"); } } parser.skip('\r'); parser.skip('\n'); content_length_ = 0; content_type_ = Slice("application/octet-stream"); content_type_lowercased_ = content_type_.str(); transfer_encoding_ = Slice(); content_encoding_ = Slice(); query_->keep_alive_ = false; query_->headers_.clear(); query_->files_.clear(); query_->content_ = MutableSlice(); while (parser.status().is_ok() && !parser.data().empty()) { MutableSlice header_name = parser.read_till(':'); parser.skip(':'); char *header_value_begin = parser.ptr(); char *header_value_end; do { parser.read_till('\r'); header_value_end = parser.ptr(); parser.skip('\r'); parser.skip('\n'); } while (parser.status().is_ok() && (parser.peek_char() == ' ' || parser.peek_char() == '\t')); process_header(header_name, {header_value_begin, header_value_end}); } return parser.status().is_ok() ? Status::OK() : Status::Error(400, "Bad Request"); } Status HttpReader::open_temp_file(CSlice desired_file_name) { CHECK(temp_file_.empty()); auto tmp_dir = get_temporary_dir(); if (tmp_dir.empty()) { return Status::Error("Can't find temporary directory"); } TRY_RESULT(dir, realpath(tmp_dir, true)); CHECK(!dir.empty()); auto first_try = try_open_temp_file(dir, desired_file_name); if (first_try.is_ok()) { return Status::OK(); } // Creation of new file with desired name has failed. Trying to create unique directory for it TRY_RESULT(directory, mkdtemp(dir, TEMP_DIRECTORY_PREFIX)); auto second_try = try_open_temp_file(directory, desired_file_name); if (second_try.is_ok()) { return Status::OK(); } auto third_try = try_open_temp_file(directory, "file"); if (third_try.is_ok()) { return Status::OK(); } rmdir(directory).ignore(); LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to create temporary file " << desired_file_name << ": " << second_try.error(); return second_try.move_as_error(); } Status HttpReader::try_open_temp_file(Slice directory_name, CSlice desired_file_name) { CHECK(temp_file_.empty()); CHECK(!directory_name.empty()); string file_name = clean_filename(desired_file_name); if (file_name.empty()) { file_name = "file"; } temp_file_name_.clear(); temp_file_name_.reserve(directory_name.size() + 1 + file_name.size()); temp_file_name_.append(directory_name.data(), directory_name.size()); if (temp_file_name_.back() != TD_DIR_SLASH) { temp_file_name_ += TD_DIR_SLASH; } temp_file_name_.append(file_name.data(), file_name.size()); TRY_RESULT(opened_file, FileFd::open(temp_file_name_, FileFd::Write | FileFd::CreateNew, 0640)); file_size_ = 0; temp_file_ = std::move(opened_file); LOG(DEBUG) << "Created temporary file " << temp_file_name_; return Status::OK(); } Status HttpReader::save_file_part(BufferSlice &&file_part) { file_size_ += narrow_cast(file_part.size()); if (file_size_ > MAX_FILE_SIZE) { clean_temporary_file(); return Status::Error( 413, PSLICE() << "Request Entity Too Large: file of size " << file_size_ << " is too big to be uploaded"); } LOG(DEBUG) << "Save file part of size " << file_part.size() << " to file " << temp_file_name_; auto result_written = temp_file_.write(file_part.as_slice()); if (result_written.is_error() || result_written.ok() != file_part.size()) { clean_temporary_file(); return Status::Error(500, "Internal Server Error: can't upload the file"); } return Status::OK(); } void HttpReader::clean_temporary_file() { string file_name = temp_file_name_; close_temp_file(); delete_temp_file(file_name); } void HttpReader::close_temp_file() { LOG(DEBUG) << "Close temporary file " << temp_file_name_; CHECK(!temp_file_.empty()); temp_file_.close(); CHECK(temp_file_.empty()); temp_file_name_.clear(); } void HttpReader::delete_temp_file(CSlice file_name) { CHECK(!file_name.empty()); LOG(DEBUG) << "Unlink temporary file " << file_name; unlink(file_name).ignore(); PathView path_view(file_name); Slice parent = path_view.parent_dir(); const size_t prefix_length = std::strlen(TEMP_DIRECTORY_PREFIX); if (parent.size() >= prefix_length + 7 && parent.substr(parent.size() - prefix_length - 7, prefix_length) == TEMP_DIRECTORY_PREFIX) { LOG(DEBUG) << "Unlink temporary directory " << parent; rmdir(PSLICE() << Slice(parent.data(), parent.size() - 1)).ignore(); } } } // namespace td