// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2018 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #include "td/telegram/files/FileLoadManager.h" #include "td/telegram/Global.h" #include "td/telegram/net/DcId.h" #include "td/utils/common.h" #include "td/utils/filesystem.h" #include "td/utils/format.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" namespace td { FileLoadManager::FileLoadManager(ActorShared callback, ActorShared<> parent) : callback_(std::move(callback)), parent_(std::move(parent)) { } void FileLoadManager::start_up() { upload_resource_manager_ = create_actor("UploadResourceManager", !G()->parameters().use_file_db /*tdlib_engine*/ ? ResourceManager::Mode::Greedy : ResourceManager::Mode::Baseline); } ActorOwn &FileLoadManager::get_download_resource_manager(bool is_small, DcId dc_id) { auto &actor = is_small ? download_small_resource_manager_map_[dc_id] : download_resource_manager_map_[dc_id]; if (actor.empty()) { actor = create_actor( PSLICE() << "DownloadResourceManager " << tag("is_small", is_small) << tag("dc_id", dc_id), ResourceManager::Mode::Baseline); } return actor; } void FileLoadManager::download(QueryId id, const FullRemoteFileLocation &remote_location, const LocalFileLocation &local, int64 size, string name, const FileEncryptionKey &encryption_key, bool search_file, int64 offset, int8 priority) { if (stop_flag_) { return; } CHECK(query_id_to_node_id_.find(id) == query_id_to_node_id_.end()); NodeId node_id = nodes_container_.create(Node()); Node *node = nodes_container_.get(node_id); CHECK(node); node->query_id_ = id; auto callback = make_unique(actor_shared(this, node_id)); bool is_small = size < 20 * 1024; node->loader_ = create_actor("Downloader", remote_location, local, size, std::move(name), encryption_key, is_small, search_file, offset, std::move(callback)); DcId dc_id = remote_location.is_web() ? G()->get_webfile_dc_id() : remote_location.get_dc_id(); auto &resource_manager = get_download_resource_manager(is_small, dc_id); send_closure(resource_manager, &ResourceManager::register_worker, ActorShared(node->loader_.get(), static_cast(-1)), priority); query_id_to_node_id_[id] = node_id; } void FileLoadManager::upload(QueryId id, const LocalFileLocation &local_location, const RemoteFileLocation &remote_location, int64 size, const FileEncryptionKey &encryption_key, int8 priority, vector bad_parts) { if (stop_flag_) { return; } CHECK(query_id_to_node_id_.find(id) == query_id_to_node_id_.end()); NodeId node_id = nodes_container_.create(Node()); Node *node = nodes_container_.get(node_id); CHECK(node); node->query_id_ = id; auto callback = make_unique(actor_shared(this, node_id)); node->loader_ = create_actor("Uploader", local_location, remote_location, size, encryption_key, std::move(bad_parts), std::move(callback)); send_closure(upload_resource_manager_, &ResourceManager::register_worker, ActorShared(node->loader_.get(), static_cast(-1)), priority); query_id_to_node_id_[id] = node_id; } void FileLoadManager::upload_by_hash(QueryId id, const FullLocalFileLocation &local_location, int64 size, int8 priority) { if (stop_flag_) { return; } CHECK(query_id_to_node_id_.find(id) == query_id_to_node_id_.end()); NodeId node_id = nodes_container_.create(Node()); Node *node = nodes_container_.get(node_id); CHECK(node); node->query_id_ = id; auto callback = make_unique(actor_shared(this, node_id)); node->loader_ = create_actor("HashUploader", local_location, size, std::move(callback)); send_closure(upload_resource_manager_, &ResourceManager::register_worker, ActorShared(node->loader_.get(), static_cast(-1)), priority); query_id_to_node_id_[id] = node_id; } void FileLoadManager::update_priority(QueryId id, int8 priority) { if (stop_flag_) { return; } auto it = query_id_to_node_id_.find(id); if (it == query_id_to_node_id_.end()) { return; } auto node = nodes_container_.get(it->second); if (node == nullptr) { return; } send_closure(node->loader_, &FileLoaderActor::update_priority, priority); } void FileLoadManager::from_bytes(QueryId id, FileType type, BufferSlice bytes, string name) { if (stop_flag_) { return; } CHECK(query_id_to_node_id_.find(id) == query_id_to_node_id_.end()); NodeId node_id = nodes_container_.create(Node()); Node *node = nodes_container_.get(node_id); CHECK(node); node->query_id_ = id; auto callback = make_unique(actor_shared(this, node_id)); node->loader_ = create_actor("FromBytes", type, std::move(bytes), std::move(name), std::move(callback)); query_id_to_node_id_[id] = node_id; } void FileLoadManager::get_content(const FullLocalFileLocation &local_location, Promise promise) { // TODO: send query to other thread promise.set_result(read_file(local_location.path_)); } // void upload_reload_parts(QueryId id, vector parts); // void upload_restart(QueryId id); void FileLoadManager::cancel(QueryId id) { if (stop_flag_) { return; } auto it = query_id_to_node_id_.find(id); if (it == query_id_to_node_id_.end()) { return; } on_error_impl(it->second, Status::Error(1, "Cancelled")); } void FileLoadManager::update_local_file_location(QueryId id, const LocalFileLocation &local) { if (stop_flag_) { return; } auto it = query_id_to_node_id_.find(id); if (it == query_id_to_node_id_.end()) { return; } auto node = nodes_container_.get(it->second); if (node == nullptr) { return; } send_closure(node->loader_, &FileLoaderActor::update_local_file_location, local); } void FileLoadManager::update_download_offset(QueryId id, int64 offset) { if (stop_flag_) { return; } auto it = query_id_to_node_id_.find(id); if (it == query_id_to_node_id_.end()) { return; } auto node = nodes_container_.get(it->second); if (node == nullptr) { return; } send_closure(node->loader_, &FileLoaderActor::update_download_offset, offset); } void FileLoadManager::hangup() { nodes_container_.for_each([](auto id, auto &node) { node.loader_.reset(); }); stop_flag_ = true; loop(); } void FileLoadManager::on_start_download() { auto node_id = get_link_token(); auto node = nodes_container_.get(node_id); if (node == nullptr) { return; } if (!stop_flag_) { send_closure(callback_, &Callback::on_start_download, node->query_id_); } } void FileLoadManager::on_partial_download(const PartialLocalFileLocation &partial_local, int64 ready_size, int64 size) { auto node_id = get_link_token(); auto node = nodes_container_.get(node_id); if (node == nullptr) { return; } if (!stop_flag_) { send_closure(callback_, &Callback::on_partial_download, node->query_id_, partial_local, ready_size, size); } } void FileLoadManager::on_hash(string hash) { auto node_id = get_link_token(); auto node = nodes_container_.get(node_id); if (node == nullptr) { return; } if (!stop_flag_) { send_closure(callback_, &Callback::on_hash, node->query_id_, std::move(hash)); } } void FileLoadManager::on_partial_upload(const PartialRemoteFileLocation &partial_remote, int64 ready_size) { auto node_id = get_link_token(); auto node = nodes_container_.get(node_id); if (node == nullptr) { return; } if (!stop_flag_) { send_closure(callback_, &Callback::on_partial_upload, node->query_id_, partial_remote, ready_size); } } void FileLoadManager::on_ok_download(const FullLocalFileLocation &local, int64 size) { auto node_id = get_link_token(); auto node = nodes_container_.get(node_id); if (node == nullptr) { return; } if (!stop_flag_) { send_closure(callback_, &Callback::on_download_ok, node->query_id_, local, size); } close_node(node_id); loop(); } void FileLoadManager::on_ok_upload(FileType file_type, const PartialRemoteFileLocation &remote, int64 size) { auto node_id = get_link_token(); auto node = nodes_container_.get(node_id); if (node == nullptr) { return; } if (!stop_flag_) { send_closure(callback_, &Callback::on_upload_ok, node->query_id_, file_type, remote, size); } close_node(node_id); loop(); } void FileLoadManager::on_ok_upload_full(const FullRemoteFileLocation &remote) { auto node_id = get_link_token(); auto node = nodes_container_.get(node_id); if (node == nullptr) { return; } if (!stop_flag_) { send_closure(callback_, &Callback::on_upload_full_ok, node->query_id_, remote); } close_node(node_id); loop(); } void FileLoadManager::on_error(Status status) { auto node_id = get_link_token(); on_error_impl(node_id, std::move(status)); } void FileLoadManager::on_error_impl(NodeId node_id, Status status) { auto node = nodes_container_.get(node_id); if (node == nullptr) { status.ignore(); return; } if (!stop_flag_) { send_closure(callback_, &Callback::on_error, node->query_id_, std::move(status)); } close_node(node_id); loop(); } void FileLoadManager::hangup_shared() { auto node_id = get_link_token(); on_error_impl(node_id, Status::Error(1, "Cancelled")); } void FileLoadManager::loop() { if (stop_flag_ && nodes_container_.empty()) { stop(); } } void FileLoadManager::close_node(NodeId node_id) { auto node = nodes_container_.get(node_id); CHECK(node); query_id_to_node_id_.erase(node->query_id_); nodes_container_.erase(node_id); } } // namespace td