// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2023 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #include "td/db/SqliteStatement.h" #include "td/utils/format.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/StackAllocator.h" #include "td/utils/StringBuilder.h" #include "sqlite/sqlite3.h" namespace td { int VERBOSITY_NAME(sqlite) = VERBOSITY_NAME(DEBUG) + 10; namespace { int printExplainQueryPlan(StringBuilder &sb, tdsqlite3_stmt *pStmt) { const char *zSql = tdsqlite3_sql(pStmt); if (zSql == nullptr) { return SQLITE_ERROR; } sb << "Explain query " << zSql; char *zExplain = tdsqlite3_mprintf("EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN %s", zSql); if (zExplain == nullptr) { return SQLITE_NOMEM; } tdsqlite3_stmt *pExplain; /* Compiled EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN command */ int rc = tdsqlite3_prepare_v2(tdsqlite3_db_handle(pStmt), zExplain, -1, &pExplain, nullptr); tdsqlite3_free(zExplain); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { return rc; } while (SQLITE_ROW == tdsqlite3_step(pExplain)) { int iSelectid = tdsqlite3_column_int(pExplain, 0); int iOrder = tdsqlite3_column_int(pExplain, 1); int iFrom = tdsqlite3_column_int(pExplain, 2); const char *zDetail = reinterpret_cast(tdsqlite3_column_text(pExplain, 3)); sb << '\n' << iSelectid << ' ' << iOrder << ' ' << iFrom << ' ' << zDetail; } return tdsqlite3_finalize(pExplain); } } // namespace SqliteStatement::SqliteStatement(tdsqlite3_stmt *stmt, std::shared_ptr db) : stmt_(stmt), db_(std::move(db)) { CHECK(stmt != nullptr); } SqliteStatement::~SqliteStatement() = default; Result SqliteStatement::explain() { if (empty()) { return Status::Error("No statement"); } auto tmp = StackAllocator::alloc(10000); StringBuilder sb(tmp.as_slice()); auto code = printExplainQueryPlan(sb, stmt_.get()); if (code != SQLITE_OK) { return last_error(); } if (sb.is_error()) { return Status::Error("StringBuilder buffer overflow"); } return sb.as_cslice().str(); } Status SqliteStatement::bind_blob(int id, Slice blob) { auto rc = tdsqlite3_bind_blob(stmt_.get(), id, blob.data(), static_cast(blob.size()), nullptr); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { return last_error(); } return Status::OK(); } Status SqliteStatement::bind_string(int id, Slice str) { auto rc = tdsqlite3_bind_text(stmt_.get(), id, str.data(), static_cast(str.size()), nullptr); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { return last_error(); } return Status::OK(); } Status SqliteStatement::bind_int32(int id, int32 value) { auto rc = tdsqlite3_bind_int(stmt_.get(), id, value); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { return last_error(); } return Status::OK(); } Status SqliteStatement::bind_int64(int id, int64 value) { auto rc = tdsqlite3_bind_int64(stmt_.get(), id, value); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { return last_error(); } return Status::OK(); } Status SqliteStatement::bind_null(int id) { auto rc = tdsqlite3_bind_null(stmt_.get(), id); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { return last_error(); } return Status::OK(); } StringBuilder &operator<<(StringBuilder &sb, SqliteStatement::Datatype type) { using Datatype = SqliteStatement::Datatype; switch (type) { case Datatype::Integer: return sb << "Integer"; case Datatype::Float: return sb << "Float"; case Datatype::Blob: return sb << "Blob"; case Datatype::Null: return sb << "Null"; case Datatype::Text: return sb << "Text"; } UNREACHABLE(); return sb; } Slice SqliteStatement::view_blob(int id) { LOG_IF(ERROR, view_datatype(id) != Datatype::Blob) << view_datatype(id); auto *data = tdsqlite3_column_blob(stmt_.get(), id); auto size = tdsqlite3_column_bytes(stmt_.get(), id); if (data == nullptr) { return Slice(); } return Slice(static_cast(data), size); } Slice SqliteStatement::view_string(int id) { LOG_IF(ERROR, view_datatype(id) != Datatype::Text) << view_datatype(id); auto *data = tdsqlite3_column_text(stmt_.get(), id); auto size = tdsqlite3_column_bytes(stmt_.get(), id); if (data == nullptr) { return Slice(); } return Slice(data, size); } int32 SqliteStatement::view_int32(int id) { LOG_IF(ERROR, view_datatype(id) != Datatype::Integer) << view_datatype(id); return tdsqlite3_column_int(stmt_.get(), id); } int64 SqliteStatement::view_int64(int id) { LOG_IF(ERROR, view_datatype(id) != Datatype::Integer) << view_datatype(id); return tdsqlite3_column_int64(stmt_.get(), id); } SqliteStatement::Datatype SqliteStatement::view_datatype(int id) { auto type = tdsqlite3_column_type(stmt_.get(), id); switch (type) { case SQLITE_INTEGER: return Datatype::Integer; case SQLITE_FLOAT: return Datatype::Float; case SQLITE_BLOB: return Datatype::Blob; case SQLITE_NULL: return Datatype::Null; case SQLITE3_TEXT: return Datatype::Text; default: UNREACHABLE(); } } void SqliteStatement::reset() { tdsqlite3_reset(stmt_.get()); state_ = State::Start; } Status SqliteStatement::step() { if (state_ == State::Finish) { return Status::Error("One has to reset statement"); } VLOG(sqlite) << "Start step " << tag("query", tdsqlite3_sql(stmt_.get())) << tag("statement", stmt_.get()) << tag("database", db_.get()); auto rc = tdsqlite3_step(stmt_.get()); VLOG(sqlite) << "Finish step with response " << (rc == SQLITE_ROW ? "ROW" : (rc == SQLITE_DONE ? "DONE" : "ERROR")); if (rc == SQLITE_ROW) { state_ = State::HaveRow; return Status::OK(); } state_ = State::Finish; if (rc == SQLITE_DONE) { return Status::OK(); } return last_error(); } void SqliteStatement::StmtDeleter::operator()(tdsqlite3_stmt *stmt) { tdsqlite3_finalize(stmt); } Status SqliteStatement::last_error() { return db_->last_error(); } } // namespace td