// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2021 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #include "td/utils/benchmark.h" #include "td/utils/common.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/MpscPollableQueue.h" #include "td/utils/port/sleep.h" #include "td/utils/port/thread.h" #include "td/utils/queue.h" #include "td/utils/Random.h" // TODO: check system calls // TODO: all return values must be checked #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if TD_LINUX #include #endif #define MODE std::memory_order_relaxed // void set_affinity(int mask) { // pid_t pid = gettid(); // int syscallres = syscall(__NR_sched_setaffinity, pid, sizeof(mask), &mask); // if (syscallres) { // perror("Failed to set affinity"); // } // } using qvalue_t = int; // Just for testing, not production class PipeQueue { int input; int output; public: void init() { int new_pipe[2]; int res = pipe(new_pipe); CHECK(res == 0); output = new_pipe[0]; input = new_pipe[1]; } void put(qvalue_t value) { auto len = write(input, &value, sizeof(value)); CHECK(len == sizeof(value)); } qvalue_t get() { qvalue_t res; auto len = read(output, &res, sizeof(res)); CHECK(len == sizeof(res)); return res; } void destroy() { close(input); close(output); } }; class Backoff { int cnt; public: Backoff() : cnt(0) { } bool next() { cnt++; if (cnt < 50) { return true; } else { sched_yield(); return cnt < 500; } } }; class VarQueue { std::atomic data{0}; public: void init() { data.store(-1, MODE); } void put(qvalue_t value) { data.store(value, MODE); } qvalue_t try_get() { __sync_synchronize(); // TODO: it is wrong place for barrier, but it results in fastest queue qvalue_t res = data.load(MODE); return res; } void acquire() { data.store(-1, MODE); } qvalue_t get() { qvalue_t res; Backoff backoff; do { res = try_get(); } while (res == -1 && (backoff.next(), true)); acquire(); return res; } void destroy() { } }; class SemQueue { sem_t sem; VarQueue q; public: void init() { q.init(); sem_init(&sem, 0, 0); } void put(qvalue_t value) { q.put(value); sem_post(&sem); } qvalue_t get() { sem_wait(&sem); qvalue_t res = q.get(); return res; } void destroy() { q.destroy(); sem_destroy(&sem); } // HACK for benchmark void reader_flush() { } void writer_flush() { } void writer_put(qvalue_t value) { put(value); } int reader_wait() { return 1; } qvalue_t reader_get_unsafe() { return get(); } }; #if TD_LINUX class EventfdQueue { int fd; VarQueue q; public: void init() { q.init(); fd = eventfd(0, 0); } void put(qvalue_t value) { q.put(value); td::int64 x = 1; auto len = write(fd, &x, sizeof(x)); CHECK(len == sizeof(x)); } qvalue_t get() { td::int64 x; auto len = read(fd, &x, sizeof(x)); CHECK(len == sizeof(x)); CHECK(x == 1); return q.get(); } void destroy() { q.destroy(); close(fd); } }; #endif const int queue_buf_size = 1 << 10; class BufferQueue { struct node { qvalue_t val; char pad[64 - sizeof(std::atomic)]; }; node q[queue_buf_size]; struct Position { std::atomic i{0}; char pad[64 - sizeof(std::atomic)]; td::uint32 local_read_i; td::uint32 local_write_i; char pad2[64 - sizeof(td::uint32) * 2]; void init() { i = 0; local_read_i = 0; local_write_i = 0; } }; Position writer; Position reader; public: void init() { writer.init(); reader.init(); } bool reader_empty() { return reader.local_write_i == reader.local_read_i; } bool writer_empty() { return writer.local_write_i == writer.local_read_i + queue_buf_size; } int reader_ready() { return static_cast(reader.local_write_i - reader.local_read_i); } int writer_ready() { return static_cast(writer.local_read_i + queue_buf_size - writer.local_write_i); } qvalue_t get_unsafe() { return q[reader.local_read_i++ & (queue_buf_size - 1)].val; } void flush_reader() { reader.i.store(reader.local_read_i, std::memory_order_release); } int update_reader() { reader.local_write_i = writer.i.load(std::memory_order_acquire); return reader_ready(); } void put_unsafe(qvalue_t val) { q[writer.local_write_i++ & (queue_buf_size - 1)].val = val; } void flush_writer() { writer.i.store(writer.local_write_i, std::memory_order_release); } int update_writer() { writer.local_read_i = reader.i.load(std::memory_order_acquire); return writer_ready(); } int wait_reader() { Backoff backoff; int res = 0; while (res == 0) { backoff.next(); res = update_reader(); } return res; } qvalue_t get_noflush() { if (!reader_empty()) { return get_unsafe(); } Backoff backoff; while (true) { backoff.next(); if (update_reader()) { return get_unsafe(); } } } qvalue_t get() { qvalue_t res = get_noflush(); flush_reader(); return res; } void put_noflush(qvalue_t val) { if (!writer_empty()) { put_unsafe(val); return; } if (!update_writer()) { std::fprintf(stderr, "put strong failed\n"); std::exit(0); } put_unsafe(val); } void put(qvalue_t val) { put_noflush(val); flush_writer(); } void destroy() { } }; #if TD_LINUX class BufferedFdQueue { int fd; std::atomic wait_flag{0}; BufferQueue q; char pad[64]; public: void init() { q.init(); fd = eventfd(0, 0); (void)pad[0]; } void put(qvalue_t value) { q.put(value); td::int64 x = 1; __sync_synchronize(); if (wait_flag.load(MODE)) { auto len = write(fd, &x, sizeof(x)); CHECK(len == sizeof(x)); } } void put_noflush(qvalue_t value) { q.put_noflush(value); } void flush_writer() { q.flush_writer(); td::int64 x = 1; __sync_synchronize(); if (wait_flag.load(MODE)) { auto len = write(fd, &x, sizeof(x)); CHECK(len == sizeof(x)); } } void flush_reader() { q.flush_reader(); } qvalue_t get_unsafe_flush() { qvalue_t res = q.get_unsafe(); q.flush_reader(); return res; } qvalue_t get_unsafe() { return q.get_unsafe(); } int wait_reader() { int res = 0; Backoff backoff; while (res == 0 && backoff.next()) { res = q.update_reader(); } if (res != 0) { return res; } td::int64 x; wait_flag.store(1, MODE); __sync_synchronize(); while (!(res = q.update_reader())) { auto len = read(fd, &x, sizeof(x)); CHECK(len == sizeof(x)); __sync_synchronize(); } wait_flag.store(0, MODE); return res; } qvalue_t get() { if (!q.reader_empty()) { return get_unsafe_flush(); } Backoff backoff; while (backoff.next()) { if (q.update_reader()) { return get_unsafe_flush(); } } td::int64 x; wait_flag.store(1, MODE); __sync_synchronize(); while (!q.update_reader()) { auto len = read(fd, &x, sizeof(x)); CHECK(len == sizeof(x)); __sync_synchronize(); } wait_flag.store(0, MODE); return get_unsafe_flush(); } void destroy() { q.destroy(); close(fd); } }; class FdQueue { int fd; std::atomic wait_flag{0}; VarQueue q; char pad[64]; public: void init() { q.init(); fd = eventfd(0, 0); (void)pad[0]; } void put(qvalue_t value) { q.put(value); td::int64 x = 1; __sync_synchronize(); if (wait_flag.load(MODE)) { auto len = write(fd, &x, sizeof(x)); CHECK(len == sizeof(x)); } } qvalue_t get() { // td::int64 x; // auto len = read(fd, &x, sizeof(x)); // CHECK(len == sizeof(x)); // return q.get(); Backoff backoff; qvalue_t res = -1; do { res = q.try_get(); } while (res == -1 && backoff.next()); if (res != -1) { q.acquire(); return res; } td::int64 x; wait_flag.store(1, MODE); __sync_synchronize(); // std::fprintf(stderr, "!\n"); // while (res == -1 && read(fd, &x, sizeof(x)) == sizeof(x)) { // res = q.try_get(); //} do { __sync_synchronize(); res = q.try_get(); } while (res == -1 && read(fd, &x, sizeof(x)) == sizeof(x)); q.acquire(); wait_flag.store(0, MODE); return res; } void destroy() { q.destroy(); close(fd); } }; #endif class SemBackoffQueue { sem_t sem; VarQueue q; public: void init() { q.init(); sem_init(&sem, 0, 0); } void put(qvalue_t value) { q.put(value); sem_post(&sem); } qvalue_t get() { Backoff backoff; int sem_flag = -1; do { sem_flag = sem_trywait(&sem); } while (sem_flag != 0 && backoff.next()); if (sem_flag != 0) { sem_wait(&sem); } return q.get(); } void destroy() { q.destroy(); sem_destroy(&sem); } }; class SemCheatQueue { sem_t sem; VarQueue q; public: void init() { q.init(); sem_init(&sem, 0, 0); } void put(qvalue_t value) { q.put(value); sem_post(&sem); } qvalue_t get() { Backoff backoff; qvalue_t res = -1; do { res = q.try_get(); } while (res == -1 && backoff.next()); sem_wait(&sem); if (res != -1) { q.acquire(); return res; } return q.get(); } void destroy() { q.destroy(); sem_destroy(&sem); } }; template class QueueBenchmark2 final : public td::Benchmark { QueueT client, server; int connections_n, queries_n; int server_active_connections; int client_active_connections; std::vector server_conn; std::vector client_conn; public: explicit QueueBenchmark2(int connections_n = 1) : connections_n(connections_n) { } std::string get_description() const final { return "QueueBenchmark2"; } void start_up() final { client.init(); server.init(); } void tear_down() final { client.destroy(); server.destroy(); } void server_process(qvalue_t value) { int no = value & 0x00FFFFFF; auto co = static_cast(static_cast(value) >> 24); // std::fprintf(stderr, "-->%d %d\n", co, no); if (co < 0 || co >= connections_n || no != server_conn[co]++) { std::fprintf(stderr, "%d %d\n", co, no); std::fprintf(stderr, "expected %d %lld\n", co, static_cast(server_conn[co] - 1)); std::fprintf(stderr, "Server BUG\n"); while (true) { } } // std::fprintf(stderr, "no = %d/%d\n", no, queries_n); // std::fprintf(stderr, "answer: %d %d\n", no, co); client.writer_put(value); client.writer_flush(); if (no + 1 >= queries_n) { server_active_connections--; } } void *server_run(void *) { server_conn = std::vector(connections_n); server_active_connections = connections_n; while (server_active_connections > 0) { int cnt = server.reader_wait(); if (cnt == 0) { std::fprintf(stderr, "ERROR!\n"); std::exit(0); } while (cnt-- > 0) { server_process(server.reader_get_unsafe()); server.reader_flush(); } // client.writer_flush(); server.reader_flush(); } return nullptr; } void client_process(qvalue_t value) { int no = value & 0x00FFFFFF; auto co = static_cast(static_cast(value) >> 24); // std::fprintf(stderr, "<--%d %d\n", co, no); if (co < 0 || co >= connections_n || no != client_conn[co]++) { std::fprintf(stderr, "%d %d\n", co, no); std::fprintf(stderr, "expected %d %lld\n", co, static_cast(client_conn[co] - 1)); std::fprintf(stderr, "BUG\n"); while (true) { } std::exit(0); } if (no + 1 < queries_n) { // std::fprintf(stderr, "query: %d %d\n", no + 1, co); server.writer_put(value + 1); server.writer_flush(); } else { client_active_connections--; } } void *client_run(void *) { client_conn = std::vector(connections_n); client_active_connections = connections_n; if (queries_n >= (1 << 24)) { std::fprintf(stderr, "Too big queries_n\n"); std::exit(0); } for (int i = 0; i < connections_n; i++) { server.writer_put(static_cast(i) << 24); } server.writer_flush(); while (client_active_connections > 0) { int cnt = client.reader_wait(); if (cnt == 0) { std::fprintf(stderr, "ERROR!\n"); std::exit(0); } while (cnt-- > 0) { client_process(client.reader_get_unsafe()); client.reader_flush(); } // server.writer_flush(); client.reader_flush(); } // system("cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq"); return nullptr; } static void *client_run_gateway(void *arg) { return static_cast(arg)->client_run(nullptr); } static void *server_run_gateway(void *arg) { return static_cast(arg)->server_run(nullptr); } void run(int n) final { pthread_t client_thread_id; pthread_t server_thread_id; queries_n = (n + connections_n - 1) / connections_n; pthread_create(&client_thread_id, nullptr, client_run_gateway, this); pthread_create(&server_thread_id, nullptr, server_run_gateway, this); pthread_join(client_thread_id, nullptr); pthread_join(server_thread_id, nullptr); } }; template class QueueBenchmark final : public td::Benchmark { QueueT client, server; const int connections_n; int queries_n; public: explicit QueueBenchmark(int connections_n = 1) : connections_n(connections_n) { } std::string get_description() const final { return "QueueBenchmark"; } void start_up() final { client.init(); server.init(); } void tear_down() final { client.destroy(); server.destroy(); } void *server_run(void *) { std::vector conn(connections_n); int active_connections = connections_n; while (active_connections > 0) { qvalue_t value = server.get(); int no = value & 0x00FFFFFF; auto co = static_cast(value >> 24); // std::fprintf(stderr, "-->%d %d\n", co, no); if (co < 0 || co >= connections_n || no != conn[co]++) { std::fprintf(stderr, "%d %d\n", co, no); std::fprintf(stderr, "expected %d %lld\n", co, static_cast(conn[co] - 1)); std::fprintf(stderr, "Server BUG\n"); while (true) { } } // std::fprintf(stderr, "no = %d/%d\n", no, queries_n); client.put(value); if (no + 1 >= queries_n) { active_connections--; } } return nullptr; } void *client_run(void *) { std::vector conn(connections_n); if (queries_n >= (1 << 24)) { std::fprintf(stderr, "Too big queries_n\n"); std::exit(0); } for (int i = 0; i < connections_n; i++) { server.put(static_cast(i) << 24); } int active_connections = connections_n; while (active_connections > 0) { qvalue_t value = client.get(); int no = value & 0x00FFFFFF; auto co = static_cast(value >> 24); // std::fprintf(stderr, "<--%d %d\n", co, no); if (co < 0 || co >= connections_n || no != conn[co]++) { std::fprintf(stderr, "%d %d\n", co, no); std::fprintf(stderr, "expected %d %lld\n", co, static_cast(conn[co] - 1)); std::fprintf(stderr, "BUG\n"); while (true) { } std::exit(0); } if (no + 1 < queries_n) { server.put(value + 1); } else { active_connections--; } } // system("cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq"); return nullptr; } void *client_run2(void *) { std::vector conn(connections_n); if (queries_n >= (1 << 24)) { std::fprintf(stderr, "Too big queries_n\n"); std::exit(0); } for (int query = 0; query < queries_n; query++) { for (int i = 0; i < connections_n; i++) { server.put((static_cast(i) << 24) + query); } for (int i = 0; i < connections_n; i++) { qvalue_t value = client.get(); int no = value & 0x00FFFFFF; auto co = static_cast(value >> 24); // std::fprintf(stderr, "<--%d %d\n", co, no); if (co < 0 || co >= connections_n || no != conn[co]++) { std::fprintf(stderr, "%d %d\n", co, no); std::fprintf(stderr, "expected %d %lld\n", co, static_cast(conn[co] - 1)); std::fprintf(stderr, "BUG\n"); while (true) { } std::exit(0); } } } // system("cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq"); return nullptr; } static void *client_run_gateway(void *arg) { return static_cast(arg)->client_run(nullptr); } static void *server_run_gateway(void *arg) { return static_cast(arg)->server_run(nullptr); } void run(int n) final { pthread_t client_thread_id; pthread_t server_thread_id; queries_n = (n + connections_n - 1) / connections_n; pthread_create(&client_thread_id, nullptr, client_run_gateway, this); pthread_create(&server_thread_id, nullptr, server_run_gateway, this); pthread_join(client_thread_id, nullptr); pthread_join(server_thread_id, nullptr); } }; template class RingBenchmark final : public td::Benchmark { static constexpr int QN = 504; struct Thread { int int_id; pthread_t id; QueueT queue; Thread *next; char pad[64]; void *run() { qvalue_t value; // std::fprintf(stderr, "start %d\n", int_id); do { int cnt = queue.reader_wait(); CHECK(cnt == 1); value = queue.reader_get_unsafe(); queue.reader_flush(); next->queue.writer_put(value - 1); next->queue.writer_flush(); } while (value >= QN); return nullptr; } }; Thread q[QN]; public: static void *run_gateway(void *arg) { return static_cast(arg)->run(); } void start_up() final { for (int i = 0; i < QN; i++) { q[i].int_id = i; q[i].queue.init(); q[i].next = &q[(i + 1) % QN]; } } void tear_down() final { for (int i = 0; i < QN; i++) { q[i].queue.destroy(); } } void run(int n) final { for (int i = 0; i < QN; i++) { pthread_create(&q[i].id, nullptr, run_gateway, &q[i]); } std::fprintf(stderr, "run %d\n", n); if (n < 1000) { n = 1000; } q[0].queue.writer_put(n); q[0].queue.writer_flush(); for (int i = 0; i < QN; i++) { pthread_join(q[i].id, nullptr); } } }; #if !TD_THREAD_UNSUPPORTED && !TD_EVENTFD_UNSUPPORTED static void test_queue() { std::vector threads; static constexpr size_t THREAD_COUNT = 100; std::vector> queues(THREAD_COUNT); for (auto &q : queues) { q.init(); } for (size_t i = 0; i < THREAD_COUNT; i++) { threads.emplace_back([&q = queues[i]] { while (true) { auto got = q.reader_wait_nonblock(); while (got-- > 0) { q.reader_get_unsafe(); } q.reader_get_event_fd().wait(1000); } }); } while (true) { td::usleep_for(100); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { queues[td::Random::fast(0, THREAD_COUNT - 1)].writer_put(1); } } } #endif int main() { SET_VERBOSITY_LEVEL(VERBOSITY_NAME(DEBUG)); #if !TD_THREAD_UNSUPPORTED && !TD_EVENTFD_UNSUPPORTED // test_queue(); #endif #define BENCH_Q2(Q, N) \ std::fprintf(stderr, "!%s %d:\t", #Q, N); \ td::bench(QueueBenchmark2(N)); #define BENCH_Q(Q, N) \ std::fprintf(stderr, "%s %d:\t", #Q, N); \ td::bench(QueueBenchmark(N)); #define BENCH_R(Q) \ std::fprintf(stderr, "%s:\t", #Q); \ td::bench(RingBenchmark()); // TODO: yield makes it extremely slow. Yet some backoff may be necessary. // BENCH_R(SemQueue); // BENCH_R(td::PollQueue); #if !TD_THREAD_UNSUPPORTED && !TD_EVENTFD_UNSUPPORTED BENCH_Q2(td::PollQueue, 1); BENCH_Q2(td::MpscPollableQueue, 1); BENCH_Q2(td::PollQueue, 100); BENCH_Q2(td::MpscPollableQueue, 100); BENCH_Q2(td::PollQueue, 10); BENCH_Q2(td::MpscPollableQueue, 10); #endif BENCH_Q(VarQueue, 1); // BENCH_Q(FdQueue, 1); // BENCH_Q(BufferedFdQueue, 1); BENCH_Q(PipeQueue, 1); BENCH_Q(SemCheatQueue, 1); BENCH_Q(SemQueue, 1); #if !TD_THREAD_UNSUPPORTED && !TD_EVENTFD_UNSUPPORTED // BENCH_Q2(td::PollQueue, 100); // BENCH_Q2(td::PollQueue, 10); // BENCH_Q2(td::PollQueue, 4); // BENCH_Q2(td::InfBackoffQueue, 100); // BENCH_Q2(td::InfBackoffQueue, 1); #endif // BENCH_Q(SemCheatQueue, 1); // BENCH_Q(BufferedFdQueue, 100); // BENCH_Q(BufferedFdQueue, 10); // BENCH_Q(BufferQueue, 4); // BENCH_Q(BufferQueue, 100); // BENCH_Q(BufferQueue, 10); // BENCH_Q(BufferQueue, 1); }