2024-04-08 18:14:45 +03:00

448 lines
14 KiB

require_once 'TlDocumentationGenerator.php';
class DoxygenTlDocumentationGenerator extends TlDocumentationGenerator
private function getParameterTypeName($type)
switch ($type) {
case 'Bool':
return 'bool ';
case 'int32':
return 'int32 ';
case 'int53':
return 'int53 ';
case 'int64':
return 'int64 ';
case 'double':
return 'double ';
case 'string':
return 'string const &';
case 'bytes':
return 'bytes const &';
if (substr($type, 0, 6) === 'vector') {
if ($type[6] !== '<' || $type[strlen($type) - 1] !== '>') {
return '';
return 'array<'.$this->getTypeName(substr($type, 7, -1)).'> &&';
if (preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9.]/', $type)) {
return '';
return 'object_ptr<'.$this->getClassName($type).'> &&';
protected function escapeDocumentation($doc)
$doc = htmlspecialchars($doc, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
$doc = preg_replace_callback('/&quot;((http|https|tg):\/\/[^" ]*)&quot;/',
function ($quoted_link)
return "&quot;<a href=\"".$quoted_link[1]."\">".$quoted_link[1]."</a>&quot;";
}, $doc);
$doc = str_replace('*/', '*&#47;', $doc);
$doc = str_replace('#', '\#', $doc);
return $doc;
protected function getFieldName($name, $class_name)
if (substr($name, 0, 6) === 'param_') {
$name = substr($name, 6);
return $name.'_';
protected function getClassName($type)
return implode(explode('.', trim($type, "\r\n ;")));
protected function getTypeName($type)
switch ($type) {
case 'Bool':
return 'bool';
case 'int32':
return 'int32';
case 'int53':
return 'int53';
case 'int64':
return 'int64';
case 'double':
return 'double';
case 'string':
return 'string';
case 'bytes':
return 'bytes';
case 'bool':
case 'int':
case 'long':
case 'Int':
case 'Long':
case 'Int32':
case 'Int53':
case 'Int64':
case 'Double':
case 'String':
case 'Bytes':
$this->printError("Wrong type $type");
return '';
if (substr($type, 0, 6) === 'vector') {
if ($type[6] !== '<' || $type[strlen($type) - 1] !== '>') {
$this->printError("Wrong vector subtype in $type");
return '';
return 'array<'.$this->getTypeName(substr($type, 7, -1)).'>';
if (preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9.]/', $type)) {
$this->printError("Wrong type $type");
return '';
return 'object_ptr<'.$this->getClassName($type).'>';
protected function getBaseClassName($is_function)
return $is_function ? 'Function' : 'Object';
protected function needRemoveLine($line)
$line = trim($line);
return strpos($line, '/**') === 0 || strpos($line, '*') === 0 || strpos($line, '///') === 0;
protected function needSkipLine($line)
$tline = trim($line);
return empty($tline) || $tline[0] === '}' || $tline === 'public:' || strpos($line, '#pragma ') === 0 ||
strpos($line, '#include <') === 0 || strpos($tline, 'return ') === 0 || strpos($tline, 'namespace') === 0 ||
preg_match('/class [A-Za-z0-9_]*;/', $line) || $tline === 'if (value == nullptr) {' ||
strpos($tline, 'result += ') === 0 || strpos($tline, 'result = ') || strpos($tline, ' : values') ||
strpos($line, 'JNIEnv') || strpos($line, 'jfieldID') || $tline === 'virtual ~Object() {' ||
$tline === 'virtual void store(TlStorerToString &s, const char *field_name) const = 0;' ||
$tline === 'const char *&get_package_name_ref();';
protected function isHeaderLine($line)
return strpos($line, 'template <') === 0;
protected function extractClassName($line)
if (strpos($line, 'class ') === 0) {
return explode(' ', trim($line))[1];
return '';
protected function fixLine($line)
if (strpos($line, 'ID = ') > 0 || strpos($line, 'ReturnType = ') > 0 || strpos($line, 'using BaseObject = ') === 0) {
return substr($line, 0, strpos($line, '='));
if (strpos($line, 'class Function: ') === 0) {
return 'class Function';
if (strpos($line, 'class Object {') === 0 || strpos($line, 'class Object: public TlObject {') === 0) {
return 'class Object';
return $line;
protected function addGlobalDocumentation()
$this->addDocumentation('#include "td/tl/TlObject.h"', <<<EOT
* \\file
* Contains declarations of all functions and types which represent a public TDLib interface.
$this->addDocumentation('using int32 = std::int32_t;', <<<EOT
* This type is used to store 32-bit signed integers, which can be represented as Number in JSON.
$this->addDocumentation('using int53 = std::int64_t;', <<<EOT
* This type is used to store 53-bit signed integers, which can be represented as Number in JSON.
$this->addDocumentation('using int64 = std::int64_t;', <<<EOT
* This type is used to store 64-bit signed integers, which can't be represented as Number in JSON and are represented as String instead.
$this->addDocumentation('using string = std::string;', <<<EOT
* This type is used to store UTF-8 strings.
$this->addDocumentation('using bytes = std::string;', <<<EOT
* This type is used to store arbitrary sequences of bytes. In JSON interface the bytes are base64-encoded.
$this->addDocumentation('using array = std::vector<Type>;', <<<EOT
* This type is used to store a list of objects of any type and is represented as Array in JSON.
$this->addDocumentation('using BaseObject', <<<EOT
* This class is a base class for all TDLib API classes and functions.
$this->addDocumentation('using object_ptr = ::td::tl_object_ptr<Type>;', <<<EOT
* A smart wrapper to store a pointer to a TDLib API object. Can be treated as an analogue of std::unique_ptr.
$this->addDocumentation('object_ptr<Type> make_object(Args &&... args) {', <<<EOT
* A function to create a dynamically allocated TDLib API object. Can be treated as an analogue of std::make_unique.
* Usage example:
* \\code
* auto get_me_request = td::td_api::make_object<td::td_api::getMe>();
* auto message_text = td::td_api::make_object<td::td_api::formattedText>("Hello, world!!!",
* td::td_api::array<td::td_api::object_ptr<td::td_api::textEntity>>());
* auto send_message_request = td::td_api::make_object<td::td_api::sendMessage>(chat_id, 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
* td::td_api::make_object<td::td_api::inputMessageText>(std::move(message_text), nullptr, true));
* \\endcode
* \\tparam Type Type of object to construct.
* \\param[in] args Arguments to pass to the object constructor.
* \\return Wrapped pointer to the created object.
$this->addDocumentation('object_ptr<ToType> move_object_as(FromType &&from) {', <<<EOT
* A function to cast a wrapped in td::td_api::object_ptr TDLib API object to its subclass or superclass.
* Casting an object to an incorrect type will lead to undefined behaviour.
* Usage example:
* \\code
* td::td_api::object_ptr<td::td_api::callState> call_state = ...;
* switch (call_state->get_id()) {
* case td::td_api::callStatePending::ID: {
* auto state = td::td_api::move_object_as<td::td_api::callStatePending>(call_state);
* // use state
* break;
* }
* case td::td_api::callStateExchangingKeys::ID: {
* // no additional fields, no casting is needed
* break;
* }
* case td::td_api::callStateReady::ID: {
* auto state = td::td_api::move_object_as<td::td_api::callStateReady>(call_state);
* // use state
* break;
* }
* case td::td_api::callStateHangingUp::ID: {
* // no additional fields, no casting is needed
* break;
* }
* case td::td_api::callStateDiscarded::ID: {
* auto state = td::td_api::move_object_as<td::td_api::callStateDiscarded>(call_state);
* // use state
* break;
* }
* case td::td_api::callStateError::ID: {
* auto state = td::td_api::move_object_as<td::td_api::callStateError>(call_state);
* // use state
* break;
* }
* default:
* assert(false);
* }
* \\endcode
* \\tparam ToType Type of TDLib API object to move to.
* \\tparam FromType Type of TDLib API object to move from, this is auto-deduced.
* \\param[in] from Wrapped in td::td_api::object_ptr pointer to a TDLib API object.
$this->addDocumentation('std::string to_string(const BaseObject &value);', <<<EOT
* Returns a string representation of a TDLib API object.
* \\param[in] value The object.
* \\return Object string representation.
$this->addDocumentation('std::string to_string(const object_ptr<T> &value) {', <<<EOT
* Returns a string representation of a TDLib API object.
* \\tparam T Object type, auto-deduced.
* \\param[in] value The object.
* \\return Object string representation.
$this->addDocumentation('std::string to_string(const std::vector<object_ptr<T>> &values) {', <<<EOT
* Returns a string representation of a list of TDLib API objects.
* \\tparam T Object type, auto-deduced.
* \\param[in] values The objects.
* \\return Objects string representation.
$this->addDocumentation(' void store(TlStorerToString &s, const char *field_name) const final;', <<<EOT
* Helper function for to_string method. Appends string representation of the object to the storer.
* \\param[in] s Storer to which object string representation will be appended.
* \\param[in] field_name Object field_name if applicable.
$this->addDocumentation('class Object', <<<EOT
* This class is a base class for all TDLib API classes.
$this->addDocumentation('class Function', <<<EOT
* This class is a base class for all TDLib API functions.
$this->addDocumentation(' static const std::int32_t ID', <<<EOT
/// Identifier uniquely determining a type of the object.
$this->addDocumentation(' std::int32_t get_id() const final {', <<<EOT
* Returns identifier uniquely determining a type of the object.
* \\return this->ID.
$this->addDocumentation(' virtual std::int32_t get_id() const = 0;', <<<EOT
* Returns identifier uniquely determining a type of the object.
* \\return this->ID.
$this->addDocumentation(' using ReturnType', <<<EOT
/// Typedef for the type returned by the function.
protected function addAbstractClassDocumentation($class_name, $documentation)
$this->addDocumentation("class $class_name: public Object {", <<<EOT
* This class is an abstract base class.
* $documentation
protected function getFunctionReturnTypeDescription($return_type, $for_constructor)
$shift = $for_constructor ? ' ' : ' ';
return PHP_EOL.$shift.'*'.PHP_EOL.$shift."* Returns $return_type.";
protected function addClassDocumentation($class_name, $base_class_name, $return_type, $description)
$this->addDocumentation("class $class_name final : public $base_class_name {", <<<EOT
* $description
protected function addFieldDocumentation($class_name, $field_name, $type_name, $field_info, $may_be_null)
$this->addDocumentation($class_name." $type_name $field_name;", <<<EOT
/// $field_info
protected function addDefaultConstructorDocumentation($class_name, $class_description)
$this->addDocumentation(" $class_name();", <<<EOT
* $class_description
protected function addFullConstructorDocumentation($class_name, $class_description, $known_fields, $info)
$explicit = count($known_fields) === 1 ? 'explicit ' : '';
$full_constructor = " $explicit$class_name(";
$colon = '';
foreach ($known_fields as $name => $type) {
$full_constructor .= $colon.$this->getParameterTypeName($type).$this->getFieldName($name, $class_name);
$colon = ', ';
$full_constructor .= ');';
$full_doc = <<<EOT
* $class_description
foreach ($known_fields as $name => $type) {
$full_doc .= ' * \\param[in] '.$this->getFieldName($name, $class_name).' '.$info[$name].PHP_EOL;
$full_doc .= ' */';
$this->addDocumentation($full_constructor, $full_doc);
$generator = new DoxygenTlDocumentationGenerator();
$generator->generate($argv[1], $argv[2]);