Arves100 3af38fb06b Revamp build system with CMake
- Completely removed config.h generation file, as it was not used
	anywere in the code
- Removed all the old build files and switched to CMake (3.0+)
- As tl-parser only uses zlib for crc32, removing the dependency makes
	the CMake file easier to maintain and makes the code building
	without third party code. The crc32 implementation was taken from
2020-12-24 03:32:53 +01:00

3112 lines
79 KiB

This file is part of tl-parser
tl-parser is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
tl-parser is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this tl-parser. If not, see <>.
Copyright Vitaly Valtman 2014
It is derivative work of VK/KittenPHP-DB-Engine (
Copyright 2012-2013 Vkontakte Ltd
2012-2013 Vitaliy Valtman
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <io.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "crc32.h"
#include "portable_endian.h"
#include "tl-parser-tree.h"
#include "tl-parser.h"
#include "tl-tl.h"
extern int verbosity;
extern int schema_version;
extern int output_expressions;
int total_types_num;
int total_constructors_num;
int total_functions_num;
/*char *tstrdup (const char *s) {
assert (s);
char *r = talloc (strlen (s) + 1);
memcpy (r, s, strlen (s) + 1);
return r;
#define talloc(a) malloc(a)
#define tfree(a,b) free (a)
#define talloc0(a) calloc(a,1)
#define tstrdup(a) strdup(a)
typedef char error_int_must_be_4_byte[(sizeof (int) == 4) ? 1 : -1];
typedef char error_long_long_must_be_8_byte[(sizeof (long long) == 8) ? 1 : -1];
char curch;
struct parse parse;
struct tree *tree;
struct tree *tree_alloc (void) {
struct tree *T = talloc (sizeof (*T));
assert (T);
memset (T, 0, sizeof (*T));
return T;
void tree_add_child (struct tree *P, struct tree *C) {
if (P->nc == P->size) {
void **t = talloc (sizeof (void *) * (++P->size));
memcpy (t, P->c, sizeof (void *) * (P->size - 1));
if (P->c) {
tfree (P->c, sizeof (void *) * (P->size - 1));
P->c = (void *)t;
assert (P->c);
P->c[P->nc ++] = C;
void tree_delete (struct tree *T) {
assert (T);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < T->nc; i++) {
assert (T->c[i]);
tree_delete (T->c[i]);
if (T->c) {
tfree (T->c, sizeof (void *) * T->nc);
tfree (T, sizeof (*T));
void tree_del_child (struct tree *P) {
assert (P->nc);
tree_delete (P->c[--P->nc]);
char nextch (void) {
if (parse.pos < parse.len - 1) {
curch = parse.text[++parse.pos];
} else {
curch = 0;
if (curch == 10) {
parse.line ++;
parse.line_pos = 0;
} else {
if (curch) {
parse.line_pos ++;
return curch;
struct parse save_parse (void) {
return parse;
void load_parse (struct parse _parse) {
parse = _parse;
curch = parse.pos > parse.len ? 0: parse.text[parse.pos] ;
int is_whitespace (char c) {
return (c <= 32);
int is_uletter (char c) {
return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z');
int is_lletter (char c) {
return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z');
int is_letter (char c) {
return is_uletter (c) || is_lletter (c);
int is_digit (char c) {
return (c >= '0' && c <= '9');
int is_hexdigit (char c) {
return is_digit (c) || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f');
int is_ident_char (char c) {
return is_digit (c) || is_letter (c) || c == '_';
int last_error_pos;
int last_error_line;
int last_error_line_pos;
char *last_error;
void parse_error (const char *e) {
if (parse.pos > last_error_pos) {
last_error_pos = parse.pos;
last_error_line = parse.line;
last_error_line_pos = parse.line_pos;
if (last_error) {
tfree (last_error, strlen (last_error) + 1);
last_error = tstrdup (e);
void tl_print_parse_error (void) {
fprintf (stderr, "Error near line %d pos %d: `%s`\n", last_error_line + 1, last_error_line_pos + 1, last_error);
char *parse_lex (void) {
while (1) {
while (curch && is_whitespace (curch)) { nextch (); }
if (curch == '/' && nextch () == '/') {
while (nextch () != 10);
nextch ();
} else {
if (!curch) {
parse.lex.len = 0;
parse.lex.type = lex_eof;
return (parse.lex.ptr = 0);
char *p = parse.text + parse.pos;
parse.lex.flags = 0;
switch (curch) {
case '-':
if (nextch () != '-' || nextch () != '-') {
parse_error ("Can not parse triple minus");
parse.lex.type = lex_error;
return (parse.lex.ptr = (void *)-1);
} else {
parse.lex.len = 3;
parse.lex.type = lex_triple_minus;
nextch ();
return (parse.lex.ptr = p);
case ':':
case ';':
case '(':
case ')':
case '[':
case ']':
case '{':
case '}':
case '=':
case '#':
case '?':
case '%':
case '<':
case '>':
case '+':
case ',':
case '*':
case '_':
case '!':
case '.':
nextch ();
parse.lex.len = 1;
parse.lex.type = lex_char;
return (parse.lex.ptr = p);
case 'a':
case 'b':
case 'c':
case 'd':
case 'e':
case 'f':
case 'g':
case 'h':
case 'i':
case 'j':
case 'k':
case 'l':
case 'm':
case 'n':
case 'o':
case 'p':
case 'q':
case 'r':
case 's':
case 't':
case 'u':
case 'v':
case 'w':
case 'x':
case 'y':
case 'z':
case 'A':
case 'B':
case 'C':
case 'D':
case 'E':
case 'F':
case 'G':
case 'H':
case 'I':
case 'J':
case 'K':
case 'L':
case 'M':
case 'N':
case 'O':
case 'P':
case 'Q':
case 'R':
case 'S':
case 'T':
case 'U':
case 'V':
case 'W':
case 'X':
case 'Y':
case 'Z':
parse.lex.flags = 0;
if (is_uletter (curch)) {
while (is_ident_char (nextch ()));
parse.lex.len = parse.text + parse.pos - p;
parse.lex.ptr = p;
if (parse.lex.len == 5 && !memcmp (parse.lex.ptr, "Final", 5)) {
parse.lex.type = lex_final;
} else if (parse.lex.len == 3 && !memcmp (parse.lex.ptr, "New", 3)) {
parse.lex.type = lex_new;
} else if (parse.lex.len == 5 && !memcmp (parse.lex.ptr, "Empty", 5)) {
parse.lex.type = lex_empty;
} else {
parse.lex.type = lex_uc_ident;
return (parse.lex.ptr = p);
while (is_ident_char (nextch ()));
if (curch == '.' && !is_letter (parse.text[parse.pos + 1])) {
parse.lex.len = parse.text + parse.pos - p;
parse.lex.type = lex_lc_ident;
return (parse.lex.ptr = p);
while (curch == '.') {
parse.lex.flags |= 1;
nextch ();
if (is_uletter (curch)) {
while (is_ident_char (nextch ()));
parse.lex.len = parse.text + parse.pos - p;
parse.lex.type = lex_uc_ident;
return (parse.lex.ptr = p);
if (is_lletter (curch)) {
while (is_ident_char (nextch ()));
} else {
parse_error ("Expected letter");
parse.lex.type = lex_error;
return (parse.lex.ptr = (void *)-1);
if (curch == '#') {
parse.lex.flags |= 2;
int i;
int ok = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (!is_hexdigit (nextch())) {
if (curch == ' ' && i >= 5) {
ok = 2;
} else {
parse_error ("Hex digit expected");
parse.lex.type = lex_error;
return (parse.lex.ptr = (void *)-1);
if (ok == 1) {
nextch ();
parse.lex.len = parse.text + parse.pos - p;
parse.lex.type = lex_lc_ident;
return (parse.lex.ptr = p);
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
while (is_digit (nextch ()));
parse.lex.len = parse.text + parse.pos - p;
parse.lex.type = lex_num;
return (parse.lex.ptr = p);
parse_error ("Unknown lexem");
parse.lex.type = lex_error;
return (parse.lex.ptr = (void *)-1);
int expect (char *s) {
if (!parse.lex.ptr || parse.lex.ptr == (void *)-1 || parse.lex.type == lex_error || parse.lex.type == lex_none || parse.lex.len != (int)strlen (s) || memcmp (s, parse.lex.ptr, parse.lex.len)) {
static char buf[1000];
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
sprintf_s(buf, 1000, "Expected %s", s);
sprintf(buf, "Expected %s", s);
parse_error (buf);
return -1;
} else {
parse_lex ();
return 1;
struct parse *tl_init_parse_file (const char *fname) {
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
int fd = 0;
if (_sopen_s(&fd, fname, _O_RDONLY | _O_BINARY, _SH_DENYNO, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE) != 0) {
char errorStr[256] = { 0 };
strerror_s(errorStr, 256, errno);
fprintf(stderr, "Error %s\n", errorStr);
#elif defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)
int fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
if (fd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error %s\n", strerror(errno));
int fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error %m\n");
assert (0);
return 0;
long long size = lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_END);
if (size <= 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "size is %"_PRINTF_INT64_"d. Too small.\n", size);
return 0;
static struct parse save;
save.text = talloc (size);
lseek (fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
save.len = read (fd, save.text, size);
assert (save.len == size);
save.pos = 0;
save.line = 0;
save.line_pos = 0;
save.lex.ptr = save.text;
save.lex.len = 0;
save.lex.type = lex_none;
return &save;
#define PARSE_INIT(_type) struct parse save = save_parse (); struct tree *T = tree_alloc (); T->type = (_type); T->lex_line = parse.line; T->lex_line_pos = parse.line_pos; struct tree *S __attribute__ ((unused));
#define PARSE_FAIL load_parse (save); tree_delete (T); return 0;
#define PARSE_OK return T;
#define PARSE_TRY_PES(x) if (!(S = x ())) { PARSE_FAIL; } { tree_add_child (T, S); }
#define PARSE_TRY_OPT(x) if ((S = x ())) { tree_add_child (T, S); PARSE_OK }
#define PARSE_TRY(x) S = x ();
#define PARSE_ADD(_type) S = tree_alloc (); S->type = _type; tree_add_child (T, S);
#define EXPECT(s) if (expect (s) < 0) { PARSE_FAIL; }
#define LEX_CHAR(c) (parse.lex.type == lex_char && *parse.lex.ptr == c)
struct tree *parse_args (void);
struct tree *parse_expr (void);
struct tree *parse_boxed_type_ident (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_boxed_type_ident);
if (parse.lex.type != lex_uc_ident) {
parse_error ("Can not parse boxed type");
} else {
T->text = parse.lex.ptr;
T->len = parse.lex.len;
T->flags = parse.lex.flags;
parse_lex ();
struct tree *parse_full_combinator_id (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_full_combinator_id);
if (parse.lex.type == lex_lc_ident || LEX_CHAR('_')) {
T->text = parse.lex.ptr;
T->len = parse.lex.len;
T->flags = parse.lex.flags;
parse_lex ();
} else {
parse_error ("Can not parse full combinator id");
struct tree *parse_combinator_id (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_combinator_id);
if (parse.lex.type == lex_lc_ident && !(parse.lex.flags & 2)) {
T->text = parse.lex.ptr;
T->len = parse.lex.len;
T->flags = parse.lex.flags;
parse_lex ();
} else {
parse_error ("Can not parse combinator id");
struct tree *parse_var_ident (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_var_ident);
if ((parse.lex.type == lex_lc_ident || parse.lex.type == lex_uc_ident) && !(parse.lex.flags & 3)) {
T->text = parse.lex.ptr;
T->len = parse.lex.len;
T->flags = parse.lex.flags;
parse_lex ();
} else {
parse_error ("Can not parse var ident");
struct tree *parse_var_ident_opt (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_var_ident_opt);
if ((parse.lex.type == lex_lc_ident || parse.lex.type == lex_uc_ident)&& !(parse.lex.flags & 3)) {
T->text = parse.lex.ptr;
T->len = parse.lex.len;
T->flags = parse.lex.flags;
parse_lex ();
} else if (LEX_CHAR ('_')) {
T->text = parse.lex.ptr;
T->len = parse.lex.len;
T->flags = parse.lex.flags;
parse_lex ();
} else {
parse_error ("Can not parse var ident opt");
struct tree *parse_nat_const (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_nat_const);
if (parse.lex.type == lex_num) {
T->text = parse.lex.ptr;
T->len = parse.lex.len;
T->flags = parse.lex.flags;
parse_lex ();
} else {
parse_error ("Can not parse nat const");
struct tree *parse_type_ident (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_type_ident);
if (parse.lex.type == lex_uc_ident && !(parse.lex.flags & 2)) {
T->text = parse.lex.ptr;
T->len = parse.lex.len;
T->flags = parse.lex.flags;
parse_lex ();
} else if (parse.lex.type == lex_lc_ident && !(parse.lex.flags & 2)) {
T->text = parse.lex.ptr;
T->len = parse.lex.len;
T->flags = parse.lex.flags;
parse_lex ();
} else if (LEX_CHAR ('#')) {
T->text = parse.lex.ptr;
T->len = parse.lex.len;
T->flags = parse.lex.flags;
parse_lex ();
} else {
parse_error ("Can not parse type ident");
struct tree *parse_term (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_term);
while (LEX_CHAR ('%')) {
EXPECT ("%")
PARSE_ADD (type_percent);
if (LEX_CHAR ('(')) {
EXPECT ("(");
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_expr);
EXPECT (")");
PARSE_TRY (parse_type_ident);
if (S) {
tree_add_child (T, S);
if (LEX_CHAR ('<')) {
EXPECT ("<");
while (1) {
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_expr);
if (LEX_CHAR ('>')) { break; }
EXPECT (",");
EXPECT (">");
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_type_ident);
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_var_ident);
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_nat_const);
struct tree *parse_nat_term (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_nat_term);
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_term);
struct tree *parse_subexpr (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_subexpr);
int was_term = 0;
int cc = 0;
while (1) {
PARSE_TRY (parse_nat_const);
if (S) {
tree_add_child (T, S);
} else if (!was_term) {
was_term = 1;
PARSE_TRY (parse_term);
if (S) {
tree_add_child (T, S);
} else {
cc ++;
if (!LEX_CHAR ('+')) {
EXPECT ("+");
if (!cc) {
} else {
struct tree *parse_expr (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_expr);
int cc = 0;
while (1) {
PARSE_TRY (parse_subexpr);
if (S) {
tree_add_child (T, S);
cc ++;
} else {
if (cc < 1) { PARSE_FAIL; }
else { PARSE_OK; }
struct tree *parse_final_empty (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_final_empty);
EXPECT ("Empty");
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_boxed_type_ident);
struct tree *parse_final_new (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_final_new);
EXPECT ("New");
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_boxed_type_ident);
struct tree *parse_final_final (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_final_final);
EXPECT ("Final");
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_boxed_type_ident);
struct tree *parse_partial_comb_app_decl (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_partial_comb_app_decl);
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_combinator_id);
while (1) {
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_subexpr);
if (LEX_CHAR (';')) { break; }
struct tree *parse_partial_type_app_decl (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_partial_type_app_decl);
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_boxed_type_ident);
if (LEX_CHAR ('<')) {
EXPECT ("<");
while (1) {
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_expr);
if (LEX_CHAR ('>')) { break; }
EXPECT (",");
EXPECT (">");
} else {
while (1) {
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_subexpr);
if (LEX_CHAR (';')) { break; }
struct tree *parse_multiplicity (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_multiplicity);
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_nat_term);
struct tree *parse_type_term (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_type_term);
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_term);
struct tree *parse_optional_arg_def (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_optional_arg_def);
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_var_ident);
EXPECT (".");
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_nat_const);
EXPECT ("?");
struct tree *parse_args4 (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_args4);
struct parse so = save_parse ();
PARSE_TRY (parse_optional_arg_def);
if (S) {
tree_add_child (T, S);
} else {
load_parse (so);
if (LEX_CHAR ('!')) {
PARSE_ADD (type_exclam);
EXPECT ("!");
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_type_term);
struct tree *parse_args3 (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_args3);
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_var_ident_opt);
EXPECT (":");
struct parse so = save_parse ();
PARSE_TRY (parse_optional_arg_def);
if (S) {
tree_add_child (T, S);
} else {
load_parse (so);
if (LEX_CHAR ('!')) {
PARSE_ADD (type_exclam);
EXPECT ("!");
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_type_term);
struct tree *parse_args2 (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_args2);
PARSE_TRY (parse_var_ident_opt);
if (S && LEX_CHAR (':')) {
tree_add_child (T, S);
EXPECT (":");
} else {
load_parse (save);
struct parse so = save_parse ();
PARSE_TRY (parse_optional_arg_def);
if (S) {
tree_add_child (T, S);
} else {
load_parse (so);
struct parse save2 = save_parse ();
PARSE_TRY (parse_multiplicity);
if (S && LEX_CHAR ('*')) {
tree_add_child (T, S);
EXPECT ("*");
} else {
load_parse (save2);
EXPECT ("[");
while (1) {
if (LEX_CHAR (']')) { break; }
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_args);
EXPECT ("]");
struct tree *parse_args1 (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_args1);
EXPECT ("(");
while (1) {
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_var_ident_opt);
if (LEX_CHAR(':')) { break; }
EXPECT (":");
struct parse so = save_parse ();
PARSE_TRY (parse_optional_arg_def);
if (S) {
tree_add_child (T, S);
} else {
load_parse (so);
if (LEX_CHAR ('!')) {
PARSE_ADD (type_exclam);
EXPECT ("!");
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_type_term);
EXPECT (")");
struct tree *parse_args (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_args);
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_args1);
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_args2);
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_args3);
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_args4);
struct tree *parse_opt_args (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_opt_args);
while (1) {
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_var_ident);
if (parse.lex.type == lex_char && *parse.lex.ptr == ':') { break;}
EXPECT (":");
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_type_term);
struct tree *parse_final_decl (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_final_decl);
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_final_new);
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_final_final);
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_final_empty);
struct tree *parse_partial_app_decl (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_partial_app_decl);
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_partial_type_app_decl);
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_partial_comb_app_decl);
struct tree *parse_result_type (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_result_type);
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_boxed_type_ident);
if (LEX_CHAR ('<')) {
EXPECT ("<");
while (1) {
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_expr);
if (LEX_CHAR ('>')) { break; }
EXPECT (",");
EXPECT (">");
} else {
while (1) {
if (LEX_CHAR (';')) { PARSE_OK; }
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_subexpr);
struct tree *parse_combinator_decl (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_combinator_decl);
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_full_combinator_id)
while (1) {
if (LEX_CHAR ('{')) {
parse_lex ();
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_opt_args);
EXPECT ("}");
} else {
while (1) {
if (LEX_CHAR ('=')) { break; }
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_args);
EXPECT ("=");
PARSE_ADD (type_equals);
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_result_type);
struct tree *parse_builtin_combinator_decl (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_builtin_combinator_decl);
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_full_combinator_id)
EXPECT ("?");
EXPECT ("=");
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_boxed_type_ident);
struct tree *parse_declaration (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_declaration);
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_combinator_decl);
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_partial_app_decl);
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_final_decl);
PARSE_TRY_OPT (parse_builtin_combinator_decl);
struct tree *parse_constr_declarations (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_constr_declarations);
if (parse.lex.type == lex_triple_minus || parse.lex.type == lex_eof) { PARSE_OK; }
while (1) {
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_declaration);
EXPECT (";");
if (parse.lex.type == lex_eof || parse.lex.type == lex_triple_minus) { PARSE_OK; }
struct tree *parse_fun_declarations (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_fun_declarations);
if (parse.lex.type == lex_triple_minus || parse.lex.type == lex_eof) { PARSE_OK; }
while (1) {
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_declaration);
EXPECT (";");
if (parse.lex.type == lex_eof || parse.lex.type == lex_triple_minus) { PARSE_OK; }
struct tree *parse_program (void) {
PARSE_INIT (type_tl_program);
while (1) {
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_constr_declarations);
if (parse.lex.type == lex_eof) { PARSE_OK; }
if (parse.lex.type == lex_error || expect ("---") < 0 || expect ("functions") < 0 || expect ("---") < 0) { PARSE_FAIL; }
PARSE_TRY_PES (parse_fun_declarations);
if (parse.lex.type == lex_eof) { PARSE_OK; }
if (parse.lex.type == lex_error || expect ("---") < 0 || expect ("types") < 0 || expect ("---") < 0) { PARSE_FAIL; }
struct tree *tl_parse_lex (struct parse *_parse) {
assert (_parse);
load_parse (*_parse);
if (parse.lex.type == lex_none) {
parse_lex ();
if (parse.lex.type == lex_error) {
return 0;
return parse_program ();
int mystrcmp2 (const char *b, int len, const char *a) {
int c = strncmp (b, a, len);
return c ? a[len] ? -1 : 0 : c;
char *mystrdup (const char *a, int len) {
char *z = talloc (len + 1);
memcpy (z, a, len);
z[len] = 0;
return z;
struct tl_program *tl_program_cur;
#define TL_TRY_PES(x) if (!(x)) { return 0; }
#define tl_type_cmp(a,b) (strcmp (a->id, b->id))
DEFINE_TREE (tl_type,struct tl_type *,tl_type_cmp,0)
struct tree_tl_type *tl_type_tree;
DEFINE_TREE (tl_constructor,struct tl_constructor *,tl_type_cmp,0)
struct tree_tl_constructor *tl_constructor_tree;
struct tree_tl_constructor *tl_function_tree;
DEFINE_TREE (tl_var,struct tl_var *,tl_type_cmp,0)
struct tl_var_value {
struct tl_combinator_tree *ptr;
struct tl_combinator_tree *val;
int num_val;
#define tl_var_value_cmp(a,b) (((char *)a.ptr) - ((char *)b.ptr))
struct tl_var_value empty;
DEFINE_TREE (var_value, struct tl_var_value, tl_var_value_cmp, empty)
//tree_tl_var_t *tl_var_tree;
DEFINE_TREE (tl_field,char *,strcmp, 0)
//tree_tl_field_t *tl_field_tree;
#define TL_FAIL return 0;
#define TL_INIT(x) struct tl_combinator_tree *x = 0;
#define TL_TRY(f,x) { struct tl_combinator_tree *_t = f; if (!_t) { TL_FAIL;} x = tl_union (x, _t); if (!x) { TL_FAIL; }}
#define TL_ERROR(...) fprintf (stderr, __VA_ARGS__);
#define TL_WARNING(...) fprintf (stderr, __VA_ARGS__);
void tl_set_var_value (struct tree_var_value **T, struct tl_combinator_tree *var, struct tl_combinator_tree *value) {
struct tl_var_value t = {.ptr = var, .val = value, .num_val = 0};
if (tree_lookup_var_value (*T, t).ptr) {
*T = tree_delete_var_value (*T, t);
*T = tree_insert_var_value (*T, t, lrand48 ());
void tl_set_var_value_num (struct tree_var_value **T, struct tl_combinator_tree *var, struct tl_combinator_tree *value, long long num_value) {
struct tl_var_value t = {.ptr = var, .val = value, .num_val = num_value};
if (tree_lookup_var_value (*T, t).ptr) {
*T = tree_delete_var_value (*T, t);
*T = tree_insert_var_value (*T, t, lrand48 ());
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_get_var_value (struct tree_var_value **T, struct tl_combinator_tree *var) {
struct tl_var_value t = {.ptr = var, .val = 0, .num_val = 0};
struct tl_var_value r = tree_lookup_var_value (*T, t);
return r.ptr ? r.val : 0;
int tl_get_var_value_num (struct tree_var_value **T, struct tl_combinator_tree *var) {
struct tl_var_value t = {.ptr = var, .val = 0};
struct tl_var_value r = tree_lookup_var_value (*T, t);
return r.ptr ? r.num_val : 0;
int namespace_level;
struct tree_tl_var *vars[10];
struct tree_tl_field *fields[10];
struct tl_var *last_num_var[10];
int tl_is_type_name (const char *id, int len) {
if (len == 1 && *id == '#') { return 1;}
int ok = id[0] >= 'A' && id[0] <= 'Z';
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) if (id[i] == '.') {
ok = id[i + 1] >= 'A' && id[i + 1] <= 'Z';
return ok;
int tl_add_field (char *id) {
assert (namespace_level < 10);
assert (namespace_level >= 0);
if (tree_lookup_tl_field (fields[namespace_level], id)) {
return 0;
fields[namespace_level] = tree_insert_tl_field (fields[namespace_level], id, lrand48 ());
return 1;
void tl_clear_fields (void) {
// tree_act_tl_field (fields[namespace_level], (void *)free);
fields[namespace_level] = tree_clear_tl_field (fields[namespace_level]);
struct tl_var *tl_add_var (char *id, struct tl_combinator_tree *ptr, int type) {
struct tl_var *v = talloc (sizeof (*v));
v->id = tstrdup (id);
v->type = type;
v->ptr = ptr;
v->flags = 0;
if (tree_lookup_tl_var (vars[namespace_level], v)) {
return 0;
vars[namespace_level] = tree_insert_tl_var (vars[namespace_level], v, lrand48 ());
if (type) {
last_num_var[namespace_level] = v;
return v;
void tl_del_var (struct tl_var *v) {
// free (v->id);
tfree (v, sizeof (*v));
void tl_clear_vars (void) {
tree_act_tl_var (vars[namespace_level], tl_del_var);
vars[namespace_level] = tree_clear_tl_var (vars[namespace_level]);
last_num_var[namespace_level] = 0;
struct tl_var *tl_get_last_num_var (void) {
return last_num_var[namespace_level];
struct tl_var *tl_get_var (char *_id, int len) {
char *id = mystrdup (_id, len);
struct tl_var v = {.id = id};
int i;
for (i = namespace_level; i >= 0; i--) {
struct tl_var *w = tree_lookup_tl_var (vars[i], &v);
if (w) {
tfree (id, len + 1);
return w;
tfree (id, len + 1);
return 0;
void namespace_push (void) {
namespace_level ++;
assert (namespace_level < 10);
tl_clear_vars ();
tl_clear_fields ();
void namespace_pop (void) {
namespace_level --;
assert (namespace_level >= 0);
struct tl_type *tl_get_type (const char *_id, int len) {
char *id = mystrdup (_id, len);
struct tl_type _t = {.id = id};
struct tl_type *r = tree_lookup_tl_type (tl_type_tree, &_t);
tfree (id, len + 1);
return r;
struct tl_type *tl_add_type (const char *_id, int len, int params_num, long long params_types) {
char *id = talloc (len + 1);
memcpy (id, _id, len);
id[len] = 0;
struct tl_type _t = {.id = id};
struct tl_type *_r = 0;
if ((_r = tree_lookup_tl_type (tl_type_tree, &_t))) {
tfree (id, len + 1);
if (params_num >= 0 && (_r->params_num != params_num || _r->params_types != params_types)) {
TL_ERROR ("Wrong params_num or types for type %s\n", _r->id);
return 0;
return _r;
struct tl_type *t = talloc (sizeof (*t));
t->id = id;
t->print_id = tstrdup (t->id);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if (t->print_id[i] == '.' || t->print_id[i] == '#' || t->print_id[i] == ' ') {
t->print_id[i] = '$';
t->name = 0;
t->constructors_num = 0;
t->constructors = 0;
t->flags = 0;
t->real_id = 0;
if (params_num >= 0) {
assert (params_num <= 64);
t->params_num = params_num;
t->params_types = params_types;
} else {
t->flags |= 4;
t->params_num = -1;
tl_type_tree = tree_insert_tl_type (tl_type_tree, t, lrand48 ());
total_types_num ++;
return t;
void tl_add_type_param (struct tl_type *t, int x) {
assert (t->flags & 4);
assert (t->params_num <= 64);
if (x) {
t->params_types |= (1ull << (t->params_num ++));
} else {
t->params_num ++;
int tl_type_set_params (struct tl_type *t, int x, long long y) {
if (t->flags & 4) {
t->params_num = x;
t->params_types = y;
t->flags &= ~4;
} else {
if (t->params_num != x || t->params_types != y) {
fprintf (stderr, "Wrong num of params (type %s)\n", t->id);
return 0;
return 1;
void tl_type_finalize (struct tl_type *t) {
t->flags &= ~4;
struct tl_constructor *tl_get_constructor (const char *_id, int len) {
char *id = mystrdup (_id, len);
struct tl_constructor _t = {.id = id};
struct tl_constructor *r = tree_lookup_tl_constructor (tl_constructor_tree, &_t);
tfree (id, len + 1);
return r;
struct tl_constructor *tl_add_constructor (struct tl_type *a, const char *_id, int len, int force_magic) {
assert (a);
if (a->flags & 1) {
TL_ERROR ("New constructor for type `%s` after final statement\n", a->id);
return 0;
int x = 0;
while (x < len && (_id[x] != '#' || force_magic)) { x++; }
char *id = talloc (x + 1);
memcpy (id, _id, x);
id[x] = 0;
unsigned magic = 0;
if (x < len) {
assert (len - x >= 6 && len - x <= 9);
int i;
for (i = 1; i < len - x; i++) {
magic = (magic << 4) + (_id[x + i] <= '9' ? _id[x + i] - '0' : _id[x + i] - 'a' + 10);
assert (magic && magic != (unsigned)-1);
len = x;
if (*id != '_') {
struct tl_constructor _t = {.id = id};
if (tree_lookup_tl_constructor (tl_constructor_tree, &_t)) {
TL_ERROR ("Duplicate constructor id `%s`\n", id);
tfree (id, len + 1);
return 0;
} else {
assert (len == 1);
struct tl_constructor *t = talloc (sizeof (*t));
t->type = a;
t->name = magic;
t->id = id;
t->print_id = tstrdup (id);
t->real_id = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if (t->print_id[i] == '.' || t->print_id[i] == '#' || t->print_id[i] == ' ') {
t->print_id[i] = '$';
t->left = t->right = 0;
a->constructors = realloc (a->constructors, sizeof (void *) * (a->constructors_num + 1));
assert (a->constructors);
a->constructors[a->constructors_num ++] = t;
if (*id != '_') {
tl_constructor_tree = tree_insert_tl_constructor (tl_constructor_tree, t, lrand48 ());
} else {
total_constructors_num ++;
return t;
struct tl_constructor *tl_get_function (const char *_id, int len) {
char *id = mystrdup (_id, len);
struct tl_constructor _t = {.id = id};
struct tl_constructor *r = tree_lookup_tl_constructor (tl_function_tree, &_t);
tfree (id, len + 1);
return r;
struct tl_constructor *tl_add_function (struct tl_type *a, const char *_id, int len, int force_magic) {
// assert (a);
int x = 0;
while (x < len && ((_id[x] != '#') || force_magic)) { x++; }
char *id = talloc (x + 1);
memcpy (id, _id, x);
id[x] = 0;
unsigned magic = 0;
if (x < len) {
assert (len - x >= 6 && len - x <= 9);
int i;
for (i = 1; i < len - x; i++) {
magic = (magic << 4) + (_id[x + i] <= '9' ? _id[x + i] - '0' : _id[x + i] - 'a' + 10);
assert (magic && magic != (unsigned)-1);
len = x;
struct tl_constructor _t = {.id = id};
if (tree_lookup_tl_constructor (tl_function_tree, &_t)) {
TL_ERROR ("Duplicate function id `%s`\n", id);
tfree (id, len + 1);
return 0;
struct tl_constructor *t = talloc (sizeof (*t));
t->type = a;
t->name = magic;
t->id = id;
t->print_id = tstrdup (id);
t->real_id = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) if (t->print_id[i] == '.' || t->print_id[i] == '#' || t->print_id[i] == ' ') {
t->print_id[i] = '$';
t->left = t->right = 0;
tl_function_tree = tree_insert_tl_constructor (tl_function_tree, t, lrand48 ());
total_functions_num ++;
return t;
static char buf[(1 << 20)];
int buf_pos;
struct tl_combinator_tree *alloc_ctree_node (void) {
struct tl_combinator_tree *T = talloc (sizeof (*T));
assert (T);
memset (T, 0, sizeof (*T));
return T;
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_tree_dup (struct tl_combinator_tree *T) {
if (!T) { return 0; }
struct tl_combinator_tree *S = talloc (sizeof (*S));
memcpy (S, T, sizeof (*S));
S->left = tl_tree_dup (T->left);
S->right = tl_tree_dup (T->right);
return S;
struct tl_type *tl_tree_get_type (struct tl_combinator_tree *T) {
assert (T->type == type_type);
if (T->act == act_array) { return 0;}
while (T->left) {
T = T->left;
if (T->act == act_array) { return 0;}
assert (T->type == type_type);
assert (T->act == act_type || T->act == act_var || T->act == act_array);
return T->act == act_type ? T->data : 0;
void tl_tree_set_len (struct tl_combinator_tree *T) {
H = T;
while (H->left) {
H->left->type_len = H->type_len + 1;
H = H->left;
assert (H->type == type_type);
struct tl_type *t = H->data;
assert (t);
assert (H->type_len == t->params_num);
void tl_buf_reset (void) {
buf_pos = 0;
void tl_buf_add_string (char *s, int len) {
if (len < 0) { len = strlen (s); }
buf[buf_pos ++] = ' ';
memcpy (buf + buf_pos, s, len); buf_pos += len;
buf[buf_pos] = 0;
void tl_buf_add_string_nospace (char *s, int len) {
if (len < 0) { len = strlen (s); }
// if (buf_pos) { buf[buf_pos ++] = ' '; }
memcpy (buf + buf_pos, s, len); buf_pos += len;
buf[buf_pos] = 0;
void tl_buf_add_string_q (char *s, int len, int x) {
if (x) {
tl_buf_add_string (s, len);
} else {
tl_buf_add_string_nospace (s, len);
void tl_buf_add_tree (struct tl_combinator_tree *T, int x) {
if (!T) { return; }
assert (T != (void *)-1l && T != (void *)-2l);
switch (T->act) {
case act_question_mark:
tl_buf_add_string_q ("?", -1, x);
case act_type:
if ((T->flags & 1) && !(T->flags & 4)) {
tl_buf_add_string_q ("%", -1, x);
x = 0;
if (T->flags & 2) {
tl_buf_add_string_q ((char *)T->data, -1, x);
} else {
struct tl_type *t = T->data;
if (T->flags & 4) {
assert (t->constructors_num == 1);
tl_buf_add_string_q (t->constructors[0]->real_id ? t->constructors[0]->real_id : t->constructors[0]->id, -1, x);
} else {
tl_buf_add_string_q (t->real_id ? t->real_id : t->id, -1, x);
case act_field:
if (T->data) {
tl_buf_add_string_q ((char *)T->data, -1, x);
x = 0;
tl_buf_add_string_q (":", -1, 0);
tl_buf_add_tree (T->left, x);
tl_buf_add_tree (T->right, 1);
case act_union:
tl_buf_add_tree (T->left, x);
tl_buf_add_tree (T->right, 1);
case act_var:
if (T->data == (void *)-1l) { return; }
struct tl_combinator_tree *v = T->data;
tl_buf_add_string_q ((char *)v->data, -1, x);
if (T->type == type_num && T->type_flags) {
static char _buf[30];
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
sprintf_s(_buf, 30, "+%"_PRINTF_INT64_"d", T->type_flags);
sprintf(_buf, "+%"_PRINTF_INT64_"d", T->type_flags);
tl_buf_add_string_q (_buf, -1, 0);
case act_arg:
tl_buf_add_tree (T->left, x);
tl_buf_add_tree (T->right, 1);
case act_array:
if (T->left && !(T->left->flags & 128)) {
tl_buf_add_tree (T->left, x);
x = 0;
tl_buf_add_string_q ("*", -1, x);
tl_buf_add_string_q ("[", -1, x);
tl_buf_add_tree (T->right, 1);
tl_buf_add_string_q ("]", -1, 1);
case act_plus:
tl_buf_add_tree (T->left, x);
tl_buf_add_string_q ("+", -1, 0);
tl_buf_add_tree (T->right, 0);
case act_nat_const:
static char _buf[30];
snprintf (_buf, 29, "%"_PRINTF_INT64_"d", T->type_flags);
tl_buf_add_string_q (_buf, -1, x);
case act_opt_field:
struct tl_combinator_tree *v = T->left->data;
tl_buf_add_string_q ((char *)v->data, -1, x);
tl_buf_add_string_q (".", -1, 0);
static char _buf[30];
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
sprintf_s(_buf, 30, "%"_PRINTF_INT64_"d", T->left->type_flags);
sprintf(_buf, "%"_PRINTF_INT64_"d", T->left->type_flags);
tl_buf_add_string_q (_buf, -1, 0);
tl_buf_add_string_q ("?", -1, 0);
tl_buf_add_tree (T->right, 0);
fprintf (stderr, "%s %s\n", TL_ACT (T->act), TL_TYPE (T->type));
assert (0);
int tl_count_combinator_name (struct tl_constructor *c) {
assert (c);
tl_buf_reset ();
tl_buf_add_string_nospace (c->real_id ? c->real_id : c->id, -1);
tl_buf_add_tree (c->left, 1);
tl_buf_add_string ("=", -1);
tl_buf_add_tree (c->right, 1);
//fprintf (stderr, "%.*s\n", buf_pos, buf);
if (!c->name) {
c->name = compute_crc32(buf, buf_pos);
return c->name;
int tl_print_combinator (struct tl_constructor *c) {
tl_buf_reset ();
tl_buf_add_string_nospace (c->real_id ? c->real_id : c->id, -1);
static char _buf[10];
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
sprintf_s(_buf, 10, "#%08x", c->name);
sprintf(_buf, "#%08x", c->name);
tl_buf_add_string_nospace (_buf, -1);
tl_buf_add_tree (c->left, 1);
tl_buf_add_string ("=", -1);
tl_buf_add_tree (c->right, 1);
if (output_expressions >= 1) {
fprintf (stderr, "%.*s\n", buf_pos, buf);
/* if (!c->name) {
c->name = compute_crc32 (buf, buf_pos);
return c->name;
int _tl_finish_subtree (struct tl_combinator_tree *R, int x, long long y) {
assert (R->type == type_type);
assert (R->type_len < 0);
assert (R->act == act_arg || R->act == act_type);
R->type_len = x;
R->type_flags = y;
if (R->act == act_type) {
struct tl_type *t = R->data;
assert (t);
return tl_type_set_params (t, x, y);
assert ((R->right->type == type_type && R->right->type_len == 0) || R->right->type == type_num || R->right->type == type_num_value);
return _tl_finish_subtree (R->left, x + 1, y * 2 + (R->right->type == type_num || R->right->type == type_num_value));
int tl_finish_subtree (struct tl_combinator_tree *R) {
assert (R);
if (R->type != type_type) {
return 1;
if (R->type_len >= 0) {
if (R->type_len > 0) {
TL_ERROR ("Not enough params\n");
return 0;
return 1;
return _tl_finish_subtree (R, 0, 0);
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_union (struct tl_combinator_tree *L, struct tl_combinator_tree *R) {
if (!L) { return R; }
if (!R) { return L; }
TL_INIT (v);
v = alloc_ctree_node ();
v->left = L;
v->right = R;
switch (L->type) {
case type_num:
if (R->type != type_num_value) {
TL_ERROR ("Union: type mistmatch\n");
return 0;
tfree (v, sizeof (*v));
L->type_flags += R->type_flags;
return L;
case type_num_value:
if (R->type != type_num_value && R->type != type_num) {
TL_ERROR ("Union: type mistmatch\n");
return 0;
tfree (v, sizeof (*v));
R->type_flags += L->type_flags;
return R;
case type_list_item:
case type_list:
if (R->type != type_list_item) {
TL_ERROR ("Union: type mistmatch\n");
return 0;
v->type = type_list;
v->act = act_union;
return v;
case type_type:
if (L->type_len == 0) {
TL_ERROR ("Arguments number exceeds type arity\n");
return 0;
if (R->type != type_num && R->type != type_type && R->type != type_num_value) {
TL_ERROR ("Union: type mistmatch\n");
return 0;
if (R->type_len < 0) {
if (!tl_finish_subtree (R)) {
return 0;
if (R->type_len > 0) {
TL_ERROR ("Argument type must have full number of arguments\n");
return 0;
if (L->type_len > 0 && ((L->type_flags & 1) != (R->type == type_num || R->type == type_num_value))) {
TL_ERROR ("Argument types mistmatch: L->type_flags = %"_PRINTF_INT64_"d, R->type = %s\n", L->flags, TL_TYPE (R->type));
return 0;
v->type = type_type;
v->act = act_arg;
v->type_len = L->type_len > 0 ? L->type_len - 1 : -1;
v->type_flags = L->type_flags >> 1;
return v;
assert (0);
return 0;
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_any_term (struct tree *T, int s);
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_term (struct tree *T, int s) {
assert (T->type == type_term);
int i = 0;
while (i < T->nc && T->c[i]->type == type_percent) { i ++; s ++; }
assert (i < T->nc);
while (i < T->nc) {
TL_TRY (tl_parse_any_term (T->c[i], s), L);
s = 0;
i ++;
return L;
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_type_term (struct tree *T, int s) {
assert (T->type == type_type_term);
assert (T->nc == 1);
struct tl_combinator_tree *Z = tl_parse_term (T->c[0], s);
if (!Z || Z->type != type_type) { if (Z) { TL_ERROR ("type_term: found type %s\n", TL_TYPE (Z->type)); } TL_FAIL; }
return Z;
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_nat_term (struct tree *T, int s) {
assert (T->type == type_nat_term);
assert (T->nc == 1);
struct tl_combinator_tree *Z = tl_parse_term (T->c[0], s);
if (!Z || (Z->type != type_num && Z->type != type_num_value)) { if (Z) { TL_ERROR ("nat_term: found type %s\n", TL_TYPE (Z->type)); }TL_FAIL; }
return Z;
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_subexpr (struct tree *T, int s) {
assert (T->type == type_subexpr);
assert (T->nc >= 1);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < T->nc; i++) {
TL_TRY (tl_parse_any_term (T->c[i], s), L);
s = 0;
return L;
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_expr (struct tree *T, int s) {
assert (T->type == type_expr);
assert (T->nc >= 1);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < T->nc; i++) {
TL_TRY (tl_parse_subexpr (T->c[i], s), L);
s = 0;
return L;
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_nat_const (struct tree *T, int s) {
assert (T->type == type_nat_const);
assert (!T->nc);
if (s > 0) {
TL_ERROR ("Nat const can not preceed with %%\n");
assert (T->type == type_nat_const);
assert (!T->nc);
L = alloc_ctree_node ();
L->act = act_nat_const;
L->type = type_num_value;
int i;
long long x = 0;
for (i = 0; i < T->len; i++) {
x = x * 10 + T->text[i] - '0';
L->type_flags = x;
return L;
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_ident (struct tree *T, int s) {
assert (T->type == type_type_ident || T->type == type_var_ident || T->type == type_boxed_type_ident);
assert (!T->nc);
struct tl_var *v = tl_get_var (T->text, T->len);
if (v) {
L = alloc_ctree_node ();
L->act = act_var;
L->type = v->type ? type_num : type_type;
if (L->type == type_num && s) {
TL_ERROR ("Nat var can not preceed with %%\n");
} else {
if (s) {
L->flags |= 1;
L->type_len = 0;
L->type_flags = 0;
L->data = v->ptr;
return L;
/* if (!mystrcmp2 (T->text, T->len, "#") || !mystrcmp2 (T->text, T->len, "Type")) {
L = alloc_ctree_node ();
L->act = act_type;
L->flags |= 2;
L->data = tl_get_type (T->text, T->len);
assert (L->data);
L->type = type_type;
L->type_len = 0;
L->type_flags = 0;
return L;
struct tl_constructor *c = tl_get_constructor (T->text, T->len);
if (c) {
assert (c->type);
if (c->type->constructors_num != 1) {
TL_ERROR ("Constructor can be used only if it is the only constructor of the type\n");
return 0;
c->type->flags |= 1;
L = alloc_ctree_node ();
L->act = act_type;
L->flags |= 5;
L->data = c->type;
L->type = type_type;
L->type_len = c->type->params_num;
L->type_flags = c->type->params_types;
return L;
int x = tl_is_type_name (T->text, T->len);
if (x) {
struct tl_type *t = tl_add_type (T->text, T->len, -1, 0);
L = alloc_ctree_node ();
if (s) {
L->flags |= 1;
t->flags |= 8;
L->act = act_type;
L->data = t;
L->type = type_type;
L->type_len = t->params_num;
L->type_flags = t->params_types;
return L;
} else {
TL_ERROR ("Not a type/var ident `%.*s`\n", T->len, T->text);
return 0;
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_any_term (struct tree *T, int s) {
switch (T->type) {
case type_type_term:
return tl_parse_type_term (T, s);
case type_nat_term:
return tl_parse_nat_term (T, s);
case type_term:
return tl_parse_term (T, s);
case type_expr:
return tl_parse_expr (T, s);
case type_subexpr:
return tl_parse_subexpr (T, s);
case type_nat_const:
return tl_parse_nat_const (T, s);
case type_type_ident:
case type_var_ident:
return tl_parse_ident (T, s);
fprintf (stderr, "type = %d\n", T->type);
assert (0);
return 0;
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_multiplicity (struct tree *T) {
assert (T->type == type_multiplicity);
assert (T->nc == 1);
return tl_parse_nat_term (T->c[0], 0);
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_opt_args (struct tree *T) {
assert (T);
assert (T->type == type_opt_args);
assert (T->nc >= 2);
TL_TRY (tl_parse_type_term (T->c[T->nc - 1], 0), R);
assert (R->type == type_type && !R->type_len);
assert (tl_finish_subtree (R));
struct tl_type *t = tl_tree_get_type (R);
//assert (t);
int tt = -1;
if (t && !strcmp (t->id, "#")) {
tt = 1;
} else if (t && !strcmp (t->id, "Type")) {
tt = 0;
if (tt < 0) {
TL_ERROR ("Optargs can be only of type # or Type\n");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < T->nc - 1; i++) {
if (T->c[i]->type != type_var_ident) {
TL_ERROR ("Variable name expected\n");
if (T->c[i]->len == 1 && *T->c[i]->text == '_') {
TL_ERROR ("Variables can not be unnamed\n");
// for (i = T->nc - 2; i >= (T->nc >= 2 ? 0 : -1); i--) {
for (i = 0; i <= T->nc - 2; i++) {
TL_INIT (S); S = alloc_ctree_node ();
S->left = (i == T->nc - 2) ? R : tl_tree_dup (R) ; S->right = 0;
S->type = type_list_item;
S->type_len = 0;
S->act = act_field;
S->data = i >= 0 ? mystrdup (T->c[i]->text, T->c[i]->len) : 0;
if (tt >= 0) {
assert (S->data);
tl_add_var (S->data, S, tt);
S->flags = 33;
H = tl_union (H, S);
return H;
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_args (struct tree *T);
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_args2 (struct tree *T) {
assert (T);
assert (T->type == type_args2);
assert (T->nc >= 1);
int x = 0;
char *field_name = 0;
if (T->c[x]->type == type_var_ident_opt || T->c[x]->type == type_var_ident) {
field_name = mystrdup (T->c[x]->text, T->c[x]->len);
if (!tl_add_field (field_name)) {
TL_ERROR ("Duplicate field name %s\n", field_name);
x ++;
//fprintf (stderr, "%d %d\n", x, T->nc);
if (T->c[x]->type == type_multiplicity) {
L = tl_parse_multiplicity (T->c[x]);
if (!L) { TL_FAIL;}
x ++;
} else {
struct tl_var *v = tl_get_last_num_var ();
if (!v) {
TL_ERROR ("Expected multiplicity or nat var\n");
L = alloc_ctree_node ();
L->act = act_var;
L->type = type_num;
L->flags |= 128;
L->type_len = 0;
L->type_flags = 0;
L->data = v->ptr;
((struct tl_combinator_tree *)(v->ptr))->flags |= 256;
namespace_push ();
while (x < T->nc) {
TL_TRY (tl_parse_args (T->c[x]), R);
x ++;
namespace_pop ();
struct tl_combinator_tree *S = alloc_ctree_node ();
S->type = type_type;
S->type_len = 0;
S->act = act_array;
S->left = L;
S->right = R;
//S->data = field_name;
struct tl_combinator_tree *H = alloc_ctree_node ();
H->type = type_list_item;
H->act = act_field;
H->left = S;
H->right = 0;
H->data = field_name;
H->type_len = 0;
return H;
void tl_mark_vars (struct tl_combinator_tree *T);
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_args134 (struct tree *T) {
assert (T);
assert (T->type == type_args1 || T->type == type_args3 || T->type == type_args4);
assert (T->nc >= 1);
TL_TRY (tl_parse_type_term (T->c[T->nc - 1], 0), R);
assert (tl_finish_subtree (R));
assert (R->type == type_type && !R->type_len);
struct tl_type *t = tl_tree_get_type (R);
//assert (t);
int tt = -1;
if (t && !strcmp (t->id, "#")) {
tt = 1;
} else if (t && !strcmp (t->id, "Type")) {
tt = 0;
/* if (tt >= 0 && T->nc == 1) {
TL_ERROR ("Variables can not be unnamed (type %d)\n", tt);
int last = T->nc - 2;
int excl = 0;
if (last >= 0 && T->c[last]->type == type_exclam) {
excl ++;
tl_mark_vars (R);
last --;
if (last >= 0 && T->c[last]->type == type_optional_arg_def) {
assert (T->c[last]->nc == 2);
TL_INIT (E); E = alloc_ctree_node ();
E->type = type_type;
E->act = act_opt_field;
E->left = tl_parse_ident (T->c[last]->c[0], 0);
int i;
long long x = 0;
for (i = 0; i < T->c[last]->c[1]->len; i++) {
x = x * 10 + T->c[last]->c[1]->text[i] - '0';
E->left->type_flags = x;
E->type_flags = R->type_flags;
E->type_len = R->type_len;
E->right = R;
R = E;
last --;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < last; i++) {
if (T->c[i]->type != type_var_ident && T->c[i]->type != type_var_ident_opt) {
TL_ERROR ("Variable name expected\n");
/* if (tt >= 0 && (T->nc == 1 || (T->c[i]->len == 1 && *T->c[i]->text == '_'))) {
TL_ERROR ("Variables can not be unnamed\n");
// for (i = T->nc - 2; i >= (T->nc >= 2 ? 0 : -1); i--) {
for (i = (last >= 0 ? 0 : -1); i <= last; i++) {
TL_INIT (S); S = alloc_ctree_node ();
S->left = (i == last) ? R : tl_tree_dup (R) ; S->right = 0;
S->type = type_list_item;
S->type_len = 0;
S->act = act_field;
S->data = i >= 0 ? mystrdup (T->c[i]->text, T->c[i]->len) : 0;
if (excl) {
S->flags |= FLAG_EXCL;
if (S->data && (T->c[i]->len >= 2 || *T->c[i]->text != '_')) {
if (!tl_add_field (S->data)) {
TL_ERROR ("Duplicate field name %s\n", (char *)S->data);
if (tt >= 0) {
//assert (S->data);
char *name = S->data;
if (!name) {
static char s[20];
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1400
sprintf_s(s, 20, "%"_PRINTF_INT64_"d", lrand48() * (1ll << 32) + lrand48());
sprintf(s, "%"_PRINTF_INT64_"d", lrand48() * (1ll << 32) + lrand48());
name = s;
struct tl_var *v = tl_add_var (name, S, tt);
if (!v) {TL_FAIL;}
v->flags |= 2;
H = tl_union (H, S);
return H;
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_args (struct tree *T) {
assert (T->type == type_args);
assert (T->nc == 1);
switch (T->c[0]->type) {
case type_args1:
return tl_parse_args134 (T->c[0]);
case type_args2:
return tl_parse_args2 (T->c[0]);
case type_args3:
return tl_parse_args134 (T->c[0]);
case type_args4:
return tl_parse_args134 (T->c[0]);
assert (0);
return 0;
void tl_mark_vars (struct tl_combinator_tree *T) {
if (!T) { return; }
if (T->act == act_var) {
char *id = ((struct tl_combinator_tree *)(T->data))->data;
struct tl_var *v = tl_get_var (id, strlen (id));
assert (v);
v->flags |= 1;
tl_mark_vars (T->left);
tl_mark_vars (T->right);
struct tl_combinator_tree *tl_parse_result_type (struct tree *T) {
assert (T->type == type_result_type);
assert (T->nc >= 1);
assert (T->nc <= 64);
if (tl_get_var (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len)) {
if (T->nc != 1) {
TL_ERROR ("Variable can not take params\n");
L = alloc_ctree_node ();
L->act = act_var;
L->type = type_type;
struct tl_var *v = tl_get_var (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len);
if (v->type) {
TL_ERROR ("Type mistmatch\n");
L->data = v->ptr;
// assert (v->ptr);
} else {
L = alloc_ctree_node ();
L->act = act_type;
L->type = type_type;
struct tl_type *t = tl_add_type (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len, -1, 0);
assert (t);
L->type_len = t->params_num;
L->type_flags = t->params_types;
L->data = t;
int i;
for (i = 1; i < T->nc; i++) {
TL_TRY (tl_parse_any_term (T->c[i], 0), L);
assert (L->right);
assert (L->right->type == type_num || L->right->type == type_num_value || (L->right->type == type_type && L->right->type_len == 0));
if (!tl_finish_subtree (L)) {
tl_mark_vars (L);
return L;
int __ok;
void tl_var_check_used (struct tl_var *v) {
__ok = __ok && (v->flags & 3);
int tl_parse_combinator_decl (struct tree *T, int fun) {
assert (T->type == type_combinator_decl);
assert (T->nc >= 3);
namespace_level = 0;
tl_clear_vars ();
tl_clear_fields ();
int i = 1;
while (i < T->nc - 2 && T->c[i]->type == type_opt_args) {
TL_TRY (tl_parse_opt_args (T->c[i]), L);
while (i < T->nc - 2 && T->c[i]->type == type_args) {
TL_TRY (tl_parse_args (T->c[i]), L);
assert (i == T->nc - 2 && T->c[i]->type == type_equals);
i ++;
R = tl_parse_result_type (T->c[i]);
if (!R) { TL_FAIL; }
struct tl_type *t = tl_tree_get_type (R);
if (!fun && !t) {
TL_ERROR ("Only functions can return variables\n");
assert (t || fun);
assert (namespace_level == 0);
__ok = 1;
tree_act_tl_var (vars[0], tl_var_check_used);
if (!__ok) {
TL_ERROR ("Not all variables are used in right side\n");
if (tl_get_constructor (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len) || tl_get_function (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len)) {
TL_ERROR ("Duplicate combinator id %.*s\n", T->c[0]->len, T->c[0]->text);
return 0;
struct tl_constructor *c = !fun ? tl_add_constructor (t, T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len, 0) : tl_add_function (t, T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len, 0);
if (!c) { TL_FAIL; }
c->left = L;
c->right = R;
if (!c->name) {
tl_count_combinator_name (c);
tl_print_combinator (c);
return 1;
void change_var_ptrs (struct tl_combinator_tree *O, struct tl_combinator_tree *D, struct tree_var_value **V) {
if (!O || !D) {
assert (!O && !D);
if (O->act == act_field) {
struct tl_type *t = tl_tree_get_type (O->left);
if (t && (!strcmp (t->id, "#") || !strcmp (t->id, "Type"))) {
tl_set_var_value (V, O, D);
if (O->act == act_var) {
assert (D->data == O->data);
D->data = tl_get_var_value (V, O->data);
assert (D->data);
change_var_ptrs (O->left, D->left, V);
change_var_ptrs (O->right, D->right, V);
struct tl_combinator_tree *change_first_var (struct tl_combinator_tree *O, struct tl_combinator_tree **X, struct tl_combinator_tree *Y) {
if (!O) { return (void *)-2l; };
if (O->act == act_field && !*X) {
struct tl_type *t = tl_tree_get_type (O->left);
if (t && !strcmp (t->id, "#")) {
if (Y->type != type_num && Y->type != type_num_value) {
TL_ERROR ("change_var: Type mistmatch\n");
return 0;
} else {
*X = O;
return (void *)-1l;
if (t && !strcmp (t->id, "Type")) {
if (Y->type != type_type || Y->type_len != 0) {
TL_ERROR ("change_var: Type mistmatch\n");
return 0;
} else {
*X = O;
return (void *)-1l;
if (O->act == act_var) {
if (O->data == *X) {
struct tl_combinator_tree *R = tl_tree_dup (Y);
if (O->type == type_num || O->type == type_num_value) { R->type_flags += O->type_flags; }
return R;
struct tl_combinator_tree *t;
t = change_first_var (O->left, X, Y);
if (!t) { return 0;}
if (t == (void *)-1l) {
t = change_first_var (O->right, X, Y);
if (!t) { return 0;}
if (t == (void *)-1l) { return (void *)-1l; }
if (t != (void *)-2l) { return t;}
return (void *)-1l;
if (t != (void *)-2l) {
O->left = t;
t = change_first_var (O->right, X, Y);
if (!t) { return 0;}
if (t == (void *)-1l) {
return O->left;
if (t != (void *)-2l) {
O->right = t;
return O;
int uniformize (struct tl_combinator_tree *L, struct tl_combinator_tree *R, struct tree_var_value **T);
struct tree_var_value **_T;
int __tok;
void check_nat_val (struct tl_var_value v) {
if (!__tok) { return; }
long long x = v.num_val;
struct tl_combinator_tree *L = v.val;
if (L->type == type_type) { return;}
while (1) {
if (L->type == type_num_value) {
if (x + L->type_flags < 0) {
__tok = 0;
} else {
assert (L->type == type_num);
x += L->type_flags;
x += tl_get_var_value_num (_T, L->data);
L = tl_get_var_value (_T, L->data);
if (!L) { return;}
int check_constructors_equal (struct tl_combinator_tree *L, struct tl_combinator_tree *R, struct tree_var_value **T) {
if (!uniformize (L, R, T)) { return 0; }
__tok = 1;
_T = T;
tree_act_var_value (*T, check_nat_val);
return __tok;
struct tl_combinator_tree *reduce_type (struct tl_combinator_tree *A, struct tl_type *t) {
assert (A);
if (A->type_len == t->params_num) {
assert (A->type_flags == t->params_types);
A->act = act_type;
A->type = type_type;
A->left = A->right = 0;
A->data = t;
return A;
A->left = reduce_type (A->left, t);
return A;
struct tl_combinator_tree *change_value_var (struct tl_combinator_tree *O, struct tree_var_value **X) {
if (!O) { return (void *)-2l; };
while (O->act == act_var) {
assert (O->data);
if (!tl_get_var_value (X, O->data)) {
if (O->type == type_type) {
O = tl_tree_dup (tl_get_var_value (X, O->data));
} else {
long long n = tl_get_var_value_num (X, O->data);
struct tl_combinator_tree *T = tl_get_var_value (X, O->data);
O->data = T->data;
O->type = T->type;
O->act = T->act;
O->type_flags = O->type_flags + n + T->type_flags;
if (O->act == act_field) {
if (tl_get_var_value (X, O)) { return (void *)-1l; }
struct tl_combinator_tree *t;
t = change_value_var (O->left, X);
if (!t) { return 0;}
if (t == (void *)-1l) {
t = change_value_var (O->right, X);
if (!t) { return 0;}
if (t == (void *)-1l) { return (void *)-1l; }
if (t != (void *)-2l) { return t;}
return (void *)-1l;
if (t != (void *)-2l) {
O->left = t;
t = change_value_var (O->right, X);
if (!t) { return 0;}
if (t == (void *)-1l) {
return O->left;
if (t != (void *)-2l) {
O->right = t;
return O;
int tl_parse_partial_type_app_decl (struct tree *T) {
assert (T->type == type_partial_type_app_decl);
assert (T->nc >= 1);
assert (T->c[0]->type == type_boxed_type_ident);
struct tl_type *t = tl_get_type (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len);
if (!t) {
TL_ERROR ("Can not make partial app for unknown type\n");
return 0;
tl_type_finalize (t);
struct tl_combinator_tree *L = tl_parse_ident (T->c[0], 0);
assert (L);
int i;
tl_buf_reset ();
int cc = T->nc - 1;
for (i = 1; i < T->nc; i++) {
TL_TRY (tl_parse_any_term (T->c[i], 0), L);
tl_buf_add_tree (L->right, 1);
while (L->type_len) {
struct tl_combinator_tree *C = alloc_ctree_node ();
C->act = act_var;
C->type = (L->type_flags & 1) ? type_num : type_type;
C->type_len = 0;
C->type_flags = 0;
C->data = (void *)-1l;
L = tl_union (L, C);
if (!L) { return 0; }
static char _buf[100000];
snprintf (_buf, 100000, "%s%.*s", t->id, buf_pos, buf);
struct tl_type *nt = tl_add_type (_buf, strlen (_buf), t->params_num - cc, t->params_types >> cc);
assert (nt);
//snprintf (_buf, 100000, "%s #", t->id);
//nt->real_id = strdup (_buf);
for (i = 0; i < t->constructors_num; i++) {
struct tl_constructor *c = t->constructors[i];
struct tree_var_value *V = 0;
A = tl_tree_dup (c->left);
B = tl_tree_dup (c->right);
struct tree_var_value *W = 0;
change_var_ptrs (c->left, A, &W);
change_var_ptrs (c->right, B, &W);
if (!check_constructors_equal (B, L, &V)) { continue; }
B = reduce_type (B, nt);
A = change_value_var (A, &V);
if (A == (void *)-1l) { A = 0;}
B = change_value_var (B, &V);
assert (B != (void *)-1l);
snprintf (_buf, 100000, "%s%.*s", c->id, buf_pos, buf);
struct tl_constructor *r = tl_add_constructor (nt, _buf, strlen (_buf), 1);
snprintf (_buf, 100000, "%s", c->id);
r->real_id = tstrdup (_buf);
r->left = A;
r->right = B;
if (!r->name) {
tl_count_combinator_name (r);
tl_print_combinator (r);
return 1;
int tl_parse_partial_comb_app_decl (struct tree *T, int fun) {
assert (T->type == type_partial_comb_app_decl);
struct tl_constructor *c = !fun ? tl_get_constructor (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len) : tl_get_function (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len);
if (!c) {
TL_ERROR ("Can not make partial app for undefined combinator\n");
return 0;
//TL_INIT (K);
//static char buf[1000];
//int x = sprintf (buf, "%s", c->id);
L = tl_tree_dup (c->left);
R = tl_tree_dup (c->right);
struct tree_var_value *V = 0;
change_var_ptrs (c->left, L, &V);
change_var_ptrs (c->right, R, &V);
V = tree_clear_var_value (V);
int i;
tl_buf_reset ();
for (i = 1; i < T->nc; i++) {
X = tl_parse_any_term (T->c[i], 0);
struct tl_combinator_tree *K = 0;
if (!(Z = change_first_var (L, &K, X))) {
L = Z;
if (!K) {
TL_ERROR ("Partial app: not enougth variables (i = %d)\n", i);
if (!(Z = change_first_var (R, &K, X))) {
assert (Z == R);
tl_buf_add_tree (X, 1);
static char _buf[100000];
snprintf (_buf, 100000, "%s%.*s", c->id, buf_pos, buf);
// fprintf (stderr, "Local id: %s\n", _buf);
struct tl_constructor *r = !fun ? tl_add_constructor (c->type, _buf, strlen (_buf), 1) : tl_add_function (c->type, _buf, strlen (_buf), 1);
r->left = L;
r->right = R;
snprintf (_buf, 100000, "%s", c->id);
r->real_id = tstrdup (_buf);
if (!r->name) {
tl_count_combinator_name (r);
tl_print_combinator (r);
return 1;
int tl_parse_partial_app_decl (struct tree *T, int fun) {
assert (T->type == type_partial_app_decl);
assert (T->nc == 1);
if (T->c[0]->type == type_partial_comb_app_decl) {
return tl_parse_partial_comb_app_decl (T->c[0], fun);
} else {
if (fun) {
TL_ERROR ("Partial type app in functions block\n");
return tl_parse_partial_type_app_decl (T->c[0]);
int tl_parse_final_final (struct tree *T) {
assert (T->type == type_final_final);
assert (T->nc == 1);
struct tl_type *R;
if ((R = tl_get_type (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len))) {
R->flags |= 1;
return 1;
} else {
TL_ERROR ("Final statement for type `%.*s` before declaration\n", T->c[0]->len, T->c[0]->text);
int tl_parse_final_new (struct tree *T) {
assert (T->type == type_final_new);
assert (T->nc == 1);
if (tl_get_type (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len)) {
TL_ERROR ("New statement: type `%.*s` already declared\n", T->c[0]->len, T->c[0]->text);
} else {
return 1;
int tl_parse_final_empty (struct tree *T) {
assert (T->type == type_final_empty);
assert (T->nc == 1);
if (tl_get_type (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len)) {
TL_ERROR ("New statement: type `%.*s` already declared\n", T->c[0]->len, T->c[0]->text);
struct tl_type *t = tl_add_type (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len, 0, 0);
assert (t);
t->flags |= 1 | FLAG_EMPTY;
return 1;
int tl_parse_final_decl (struct tree *T, int fun) {
assert (T->type == type_final_decl);
assert (!fun);
assert (T->nc == 1);
switch (T->c[0]->type) {
case type_final_new:
return tl_parse_final_new (T->c[0]);
case type_final_final:
return tl_parse_final_final (T->c[0]);
case type_final_empty:
return tl_parse_final_empty (T->c[0]);
assert (0);
return 0;
int tl_parse_builtin_combinator_decl (struct tree *T, int fun) {
if (fun) {
TL_ERROR ("Builtin type can not be described in function block\n");
return -1;
assert (T->type == type_builtin_combinator_decl);
assert (T->nc == 2);
assert (T->c[0]->type == type_full_combinator_id);
assert (T->c[1]->type == type_boxed_type_ident);
if ((!mystrcmp2 (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len, "int") && !mystrcmp2 (T->c[1]->text, T->c[1]->len, "Int")) ||
(!mystrcmp2 (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len, "long") && !mystrcmp2 (T->c[1]->text, T->c[1]->len, "Long")) ||
(!mystrcmp2 (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len, "double") && !mystrcmp2 (T->c[1]->text, T->c[1]->len, "Double")) ||
(!mystrcmp2 (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len, "object") && !mystrcmp2 (T->c[1]->text, T->c[1]->len, "Object")) ||
(!mystrcmp2 (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len, "function") && !mystrcmp2 (T->c[1]->text, T->c[1]->len, "Function")) ||
(!mystrcmp2 (T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len, "string") && !mystrcmp2 (T->c[1]->text, T->c[1]->len, "String"))) {
struct tl_type *t = tl_add_type (T->c[1]->text, T->c[1]->len, 0, 0);
if (!t) {
return 0;
struct tl_constructor *c = tl_add_constructor (t, T->c[0]->text, T->c[0]->len, 0);
if (!c) {
return 0;
c->left = alloc_ctree_node ();
c->left->act = act_question_mark;
c->left->type = type_list_item;
c->right = alloc_ctree_node ();
c->right->act = act_type;
c->right->data = t;
c->right->type = type_type;
if (!c->name) {
tl_count_combinator_name (c);
tl_print_combinator (c);
} else {
TL_ERROR ("Unknown builting type `%.*s`\n", T->c[0]->len, T->c[0]->text);
return 0;
return 1;
int tl_parse_declaration (struct tree *T, int fun) {
assert (T->type == type_declaration);
assert (T->nc == 1);
switch (T->c[0]->type) {
case type_combinator_decl:
return tl_parse_combinator_decl (T->c[0], fun);
case type_partial_app_decl:
return tl_parse_partial_app_decl (T->c[0], fun);
case type_final_decl:
return tl_parse_final_decl (T->c[0], fun);
case type_builtin_combinator_decl:
return tl_parse_builtin_combinator_decl (T->c[0], fun);
assert (0);
return 0;
int tl_parse_constr_declarations (struct tree *T) {
assert (T->type == type_constr_declarations);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < T->nc; i++) {
TL_TRY_PES (tl_parse_declaration (T->c[i], 0));
return 1;
int tl_parse_fun_declarations (struct tree *T) {
assert (T->type == type_fun_declarations);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < T->nc; i++) {
TL_TRY_PES (tl_parse_declaration (T->c[i], 1));
return 1;
int tl_tree_lookup_value (struct tl_combinator_tree *L, void *var, struct tree_var_value **T) {
if (!L) {
return -1;
if (L->act == act_var && L->data == var) {
return 0;
if (L->act == act_var) {
struct tl_combinator_tree *E = tl_get_var_value (T, L->data);
if (!E) { return -1;}
else { return tl_tree_lookup_value (E, var, T); }
if (tl_tree_lookup_value (L->left, var, T) >= 0) { return 1; }
if (tl_tree_lookup_value (L->right, var, T) >= 0) { return 1; }
return -1;
int tl_tree_lookup_value_nat (struct tl_combinator_tree *L, void *var, long long x, struct tree_var_value **T) {
assert (L);
if (L->type == type_num_value) { return -1; }
assert (L->type == type_num);
assert (L->act == act_var);
if (L->data == var) {
return x == L->type_flags ? 0 : 1;
} else {
if (!tl_get_var_value (T, L->data)) {
return -1;
return tl_tree_lookup_value_nat (tl_get_var_value (T, L->data), var, x + tl_get_var_value_num (T, L->data), T);
int uniformize (struct tl_combinator_tree *L, struct tl_combinator_tree *R, struct tree_var_value **T) {
if (!L || !R) {
assert (!L && !R);
return 1;
if (R->act == act_var) {
struct tl_combinator_tree *_ = R; R = L; L = _;
if (L->type == type_type) {
if (R->type != type_type || L->type_len != R->type_len || L->type_flags != R->type_flags) {
return 0;
if (R->data == (void *)-1l || L->data == (void *)-1l) { return 1;}
if (L->act == act_var) {
int x = tl_tree_lookup_value (R, L->data, T);
if (x > 0) {
// if (tl_tree_lookup_value (R, L->data, T) > 0) {
return 0;
if (x == 0) {
return 1;
struct tl_combinator_tree *E = tl_get_var_value (T, L->data);
if (!E) {
tl_set_var_value (T, L->data, R);
return 1;
} else {
return uniformize (E, R, T);
} else {
if (L->act != R->act || L->data != R->data) {
return 0;
return uniformize (L->left, R->left, T) && uniformize (L->right, R->right, T);
} else {
assert (L->type == type_num || L->type == type_num_value);
if (R->type != type_num && R->type != type_num_value) {
return 0;
assert (R->type == type_num || R->type == type_num_value);
if (R->data == (void *)-1l || L->data == (void *)-1l) { return 1;}
long long x = 0;
struct tl_combinator_tree *K = L;
while (1) {
x += K->type_flags;
if (K->type == type_num_value) {
if (!tl_get_var_value (T, K->data)) {
int s = tl_tree_lookup_value_nat (R, K->data, K->type_flags, T);
if (s > 0) {
return 0;
if (s == 0) {
return 1;
/*tl_set_var_value_num (T, K->data, R, -x);
return 1;*/
x += tl_get_var_value_num (T, K->data);
K = tl_get_var_value (T, K->data);
long long y = 0;
struct tl_combinator_tree *M = R;
while (1) {
y += M->type_flags;
if (M->type == type_num_value) {
if (!tl_get_var_value (T, M->data)) {
int s = tl_tree_lookup_value_nat (L, M->data, M->type_flags, T);
if (s > 0) {
return 0;
if (s == 0) {
return 1;
/*tl_set_var_value_num (T, M->data, L, -y);
return 1;*/
y += tl_get_var_value_num (T, M->data);
M = tl_get_var_value (T, M->data);
if (K->type == type_num_value && M->type == type_num_value) {
return x == y;
if (M->type == type_num_value) {
tl_set_var_value_num (T, K->data, M, -(x - y + M->type_flags));
return 1;
} else if (K->type == type_num_value) {
tl_set_var_value_num (T, M->data, K, -(y - x + K->type_flags));
return 1;
} else {
if (x >= y) {
tl_set_var_value_num (T, K->data, M, -(x - y + M->type_flags));
} else {
tl_set_var_value_num (T, M->data, K, -(y - x + K->type_flags));
return 1;
return 0;
void tl_type_check (struct tl_type *t) {
if (!__ok) return;
if (!strcmp (t->id, "#")) { t->name = 0x70659eff; return; }
if (!strcmp (t->id, "Type")) { t->name = 0x2cecf817; return; }
if (t->constructors_num <= 0 && !(t->flags & FLAG_EMPTY)) {
TL_ERROR ("Type %s has no constructors\n", t->id);
__ok = 0;
int i, j;
t->name = 0;
for (i = 0; i < t->constructors_num; i++) {
t->name ^= t->constructors[i]->name;
for (i = 0; i < t->constructors_num; i++) {
for (j = i + 1; j < t->constructors_num; j++) {
struct tree_var_value *v = 0;
if (check_constructors_equal (t->constructors[i]->right, t->constructors[j]->right, &v)) {
t->flags |= 16;
if ((t->flags & 24) == 24) {
TL_WARNING ("Warning: Type %s has overlapping costructors, but it is used with `%%`\n", t->id);
int z = 0;
int sid = 0;
for (i = 0; i < t->constructors_num; i++) if (*t->constructors[i]->id == '_') {
z ++;
sid = i;
if (z > 1) {
TL_ERROR ("Type %s has %d default constructors\n", t->id, z);
__ok = 0;
if (z == 1 && (t->flags & 8)) {
TL_ERROR ("Type %s has default constructors and used bare\n", t->id);
__ok = 0;
if (z) {
struct tl_constructor *c;
c = t->constructors[sid];
t->constructors[sid] = t->constructors[t->constructors_num - 1];
t->constructors[t->constructors_num - 1] = c;
struct tl_program *tl_parse (struct tree *T) {
assert (T);
assert (T->type == type_tl_program);
int i;
tl_program_cur = talloc (sizeof (*tl_program_cur));
tl_add_type ("#", 1, 0, 0);
tl_add_type ("Type", 4, 0, 0);
for (i = 0; i < T->nc; i++) {
if (T->c[i]->type == type_constr_declarations) { TL_TRY_PES (tl_parse_constr_declarations (T->c[i])); }
else { TL_TRY_PES (tl_parse_fun_declarations (T->c[i])) }
__ok = 1;
tree_act_tl_type (tl_type_tree, tl_type_check);
if (!__ok) {
return 0;
return tl_program_cur;
int __f;
int num = 0;
void wint (int a) {
// printf ("%d ", a);
a = htole32 (a);
assert (write (__f, &a, 4) == 4);
void wdata (const void *x, int len) {
assert (write (__f, x, len) == len);
void wstr (const char *s) {
if (s) {
// printf ("\"%s\" ", s);
int x = strlen (s);
if (x <= 254) {
unsigned char x_c = (unsigned char)x;
assert (write (__f, &x_c, 1) == 1);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "String is too big...\n");
assert (0);
wdata (s, x);
x ++; // The header, containing the length, which is 1 byte
int t = 0;
if (x & 3) {
// Let's hope it's truly zero on every platform
wdata (&t, 4 - (x & 3));
} else {
// printf ("<none> ");
wint (0);
void wll (long long a) {
// printf ("%lld ", a);
a = htole64 (a);
assert (write (__f, &a, 8) == 8);
int count_list_size (struct tl_combinator_tree *T) {
assert (T->type == type_list || T->type == type_list_item);
if (T->type == type_list_item) {
return 1;
} else {
return count_list_size (T->left) + count_list_size (T->right);
void write_type_flags (long long flags) {
int new_flags = 0;
if (flags & 1) {
new_flags |= FLAG_BARE;
wint (new_flags);
void write_field_flags (long long flags) {
int new_flags = 0;
//fprintf (stderr, "%lld\n", flags);
if (flags & 1) {
new_flags |= FLAG_BARE;
if (flags & 32) {
new_flags |= FLAG_OPT_VAR;
if (flags & FLAG_EXCL) {
new_flags |= FLAG_EXCL;
if (flags & FLAG_OPT_FIELD) {
// new_flags |= FLAG_OPT_FIELD;
new_flags |= 2;
if (flags & (1 << 21)) {
new_flags |= 4;
wint (new_flags);
void write_var_type_flags (long long flags) {
int new_flags = 0;
if (flags & 1) {
new_flags |= FLAG_BARE;
if (new_flags & FLAG_BARE) {
TL_ERROR ("Sorry, bare vars are not (yet ?) supported.\n");
assert (!(new_flags & FLAG_BARE));
wint (new_flags);
void write_tree (struct tl_combinator_tree *T, int extra, struct tree_var_value **v, int *last_var);
void write_args (struct tl_combinator_tree *T, struct tree_var_value **v, int *last_var) {
assert (T->type == type_list || T->type == type_list_item);
if (T->type == type_list) {
assert (T->act == act_union);
assert (T->left);
assert (T->right);
write_args (T->left, v, last_var);
write_args (T->right, v, last_var);
wint (TLS_ARG_V2);
assert (T->act == act_field);
assert (T->left);
wstr (T->data && strcmp (T->data, "_") ? T->data : 0);
long long f = T->flags;
if (T->left->act == act_opt_field) {
f |= (1 << 20);
if (T->left->act == act_type && T->left->data && (!strcmp (((struct tl_type *)T->left->data)->id, "#") || !strcmp (((struct tl_type *)T->left->data)->id, "Type"))) {
write_field_flags (f | (1 << 21));
wint (*last_var);
*last_var = (*last_var) + 1;
tl_set_var_value_num (v, T, 0, (*last_var) - 1);
} else {
write_field_flags (f);
write_tree (T->left, 0, v, last_var);
void write_array (struct tl_combinator_tree *T, struct tree_var_value **v, int *last_var) {
wint (TLS_ARRAY);
write_tree (T->left, 0, v, last_var);
write_tree (T->right, 0, v, last_var);
void write_type_rec (struct tl_combinator_tree *T, int cc, struct tree_var_value **v, int *last_var) {
if (T->act == act_arg) {
write_type_rec (T->left, cc + 1, v, last_var);
if (T->right->type == type_num_value || T->right->type == type_num) {
wint (TLS_EXPR_NAT);
} else {
write_tree (T->right, 0, v, last_var);
} else {
assert (T->act == act_var || T->act == act_type);
if (T->act == act_var) {
assert (!cc);
wint (TLS_TYPE_VAR);
wint (tl_get_var_value_num (v, T->data));
write_var_type_flags (T->flags);
//wint (T->flags);
} else {
struct tl_type *t = T->data;
wint (t->name);
write_type_flags (T->flags);
// wint (T->flags);
wint (cc);
// fprintf (stderr, "cc = %d\n", cc);
void write_opt_type (struct tl_combinator_tree *T, struct tree_var_value **v, int *last_var) {
wint (tl_get_var_value_num (v, T->left->data));
wint (T->left->type_flags);
// write_tree (T->right, 0, v, last_var);
assert (T);
T = T->right;
switch (T->type) {
case type_type:
if (T->act == act_array) {
write_array (T, v, last_var);
} else if (T->act == act_type || T->act == act_var || T->act == act_arg) {
write_type_rec (T, 0, v, last_var);
} else {
assert (0);
assert (0);
void write_tree (struct tl_combinator_tree *T, int extra, struct tree_var_value **v, int *last_var) {
assert (T);
switch (T->type) {
case type_list_item:
case type_list:
if (extra) {
wint (count_list_size (T));
write_args (T, v, last_var);
case type_num_value:
wint ((int)TLS_NAT_CONST);
wint (T->type_flags);
case type_num:
wint ((int)TLS_NAT_VAR);
wint (T->type_flags);
wint (tl_get_var_value_num (v, T->data));
case type_type:
if (T->act == act_array) {
write_array (T, v, last_var);
} else if (T->act == act_type || T->act == act_var || T->act == act_arg) {
write_type_rec (T, 0, v, last_var);
} else {
assert (T->act == act_opt_field);
write_opt_type (T, v, last_var);
assert (0);
void write_type (struct tl_type *t) {
wint (TLS_TYPE);
wint (t->name);
wstr (t->id);
wint (t->constructors_num);
wint (t->flags);
wint (t->params_num);
wll (t->params_types);
int is_builtin_type (const char *id) {
return !strcmp (id, "int") || !strcmp (id, "long") || !strcmp (id, "double") || !strcmp (id, "string")
|| !strcmp(id, "object") || !strcmp(id, "function");
void write_combinator (struct tl_constructor *c) {
wint (c->name);
wstr (c->id);
wint (c->type ? c->type->name : 0);
struct tree_var_value *T = 0;
int x = 0;
assert (c->right);
if (c->left) {
if (is_builtin_type (c->id)) {
} else {
// FIXME: What is that?
// wint (count_list_size (c->left));
write_tree (c->left, 0, &T, &x);
} else {
wint (0);
write_tree (c->right, 1, &T, &x);
void write_constructor (struct tl_constructor *c) {
write_combinator (c);
void write_function (struct tl_constructor *c) {
write_combinator (c);
void write_type_constructors (struct tl_type *t) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < t->constructors_num; i++) {
write_constructor (t->constructors[i]);
void write_types (int f) {
__f = f;
wint (TLS_SCHEMA_V2);
wint (0);
wint (time (0));
/* Make the tlo reproducible by default. Rationale: */
wint (0);
num = 0;
wint (total_types_num);
tree_act_tl_type (tl_type_tree, write_type);
wint (total_constructors_num);
tree_act_tl_type (tl_type_tree, write_type_constructors);
wint (total_functions_num);
tree_act_tl_constructor (tl_function_tree, write_function);