## # vcpkg_apply_patches ## ## Apply a set of patches to a source tree. This function is deprecated in favor of the `PATCHES` argument to `vcpkg_from_github()` et al. ## ## ## Usage ## ```cmake ## vcpkg_apply_patches( ## SOURCE_PATH <${SOURCE_PATH}> ## [QUIET] ## PATCHES ... ## ) ## ``` ## ## ## Parameters ## ### SOURCE_PATH ## The source path in which apply the patches. By convention, this is usually set in the portfile as the variable `SOURCE_PATH`. ## ## ### PATCHES ## A list of patches that are applied to the source tree. ## ## Generally, these take the form of `${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/some.patch` to select patches in the `port\\` directory. ## ## ### QUIET ## Disables the warning message upon failure. ## ## This should only be used for edge cases, such as patches that are known to fail even on a clean source tree. ## ## ## Examples ## ## * [libbson](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/libbson/portfile.cmake) ## * [gdal](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/blob/master/ports/gdal/portfile.cmake) include(vcpkg_execute_in_download_mode) function(vcpkg_apply_patches) cmake_parse_arguments(_ap "QUIET" "SOURCE_PATH" "PATCHES" ${ARGN}) find_program(GIT NAMES git git.cmd) set(PATCHNUM 0) foreach(PATCH ${_ap_PATCHES}) get_filename_component(ABSOLUTE_PATCH "${PATCH}" ABSOLUTE BASE_DIR "${CURRENT_PORT_DIR}") message(STATUS "Applying patch ${PATCH}") set(LOGNAME patch-${TARGET_TRIPLET}-${PATCHNUM}) vcpkg_execute_in_download_mode( COMMAND ${GIT} --work-tree=. --git-dir=.git apply "${ABSOLUTE_PATCH}" --ignore-whitespace --whitespace=nowarn --verbose OUTPUT_FILE ${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/${LOGNAME}-out.log ERROR_VARIABLE error WORKING_DIRECTORY ${_ap_SOURCE_PATH} RESULT_VARIABLE error_code ) file(WRITE "${CURRENT_BUILDTREES_DIR}/${LOGNAME}-err.log" "${error}") if(error_code AND NOT _ap_QUIET) message(FATAL_ERROR "Applying patch failed. ${error}") endif() math(EXPR PATCHNUM "${PATCHNUM}+1") endforeach() endfunction()