We talk about \bred{consistency}: as the training size grows unbounded the expected risk of algorithms converge to Bayes Risk.
Now we talk about \bred{non parametric algorithm}: the structure of the model is determined by the data.\\
Structure of the model is fixed, like the structure of a Neural Network but in non parametric algorithm will change structure of the model as the data grows ($\knn$ and tree predictor).\\
If I live the tree grow unboundenly then we get a non parametric tree, but if we bound the grows then we get a parametric one.
The converve rate of Bayes Risk (in this case doubled) was small.
Converge of $1$-$NN$ to $2\,\ell_D(f^*)$ is $m^{-\frac{1}{d+1}}$ so we need an esponential in the dimension. And we need this is under Lips assumption of $\eta$.
\\ It's possible to converge to Bayes Risk and it's called \bred{No free lunch}.
\subsection{Theorem: No free lunch}
Let a sequenece of number
$a_1, a_2$ ... $\in\barra{R}$
such that they converge to 0.
\\Also $\frac{1}{22222222}\geq a_1\geq a_2\geq ...$$\forall A $
for binary classification $\exists D$ s. t.
\\$\ell_D(f^*)=0$ (zero-one loss) so Bayes risk is zero and
\expt{\ell_D\left(A(S_M)\right)}$\geq a_m \quad\forall m \geq1$
Any Bayes Optimal you should be prepared to do so on long period of time. This means that:
\item For specific data distribution $D$, then $A$ may converge fast to Bayes Risk.
\item If $\eta$ is Lipschitz then it is continous. This mean that we perturb the input by the output doesno't change too much.
\item If Bayes Risk is 0 ($\ell_D(f^*)=0$) function will be discontinous
This result typically people think twice for using consistent algorithm because
I have Bayes risk and some non conssitent algorithm that will converge to some value ($\ell_D(\hat{h}^*)$).
Maybe i have Bayes risk and the convergence takes a lot on increasing data points. Before converging was better non parametric (?..)
Picture for binary classification, (similar for other losses)
\item Under no assumption on $\eta$, the typicall "parametric" converge rate to risk of best model in $H$ (including ERM) is $m^{-\frac{1}{2}}$. (Bias error may be high)
\item Under no assumption on $\eta$ there is no guaranteed convergence to Bayes Risk (in general) and this is \bred{no-free-lunch} that guaranteed me no convergence rate.
\item Under Lipshtiz assunption on $\eta$ the typical non parametric convergence to Bayes Risk is $m^{-\frac{1}{d+1}}$. This is exponentially worst than the parametric convergency rate.
The exponential depencendece on $d$ is called \bred{Curse of dimnsionality}.
\\ But if I assume small number of dimension $\longrightarrow$$\knn$ is ok if $d$ is small (and $\eta$ is "easy")
If you have a non parametric algorithm (no Bayes error but may have exponentially infinity training error).
I want them to be balanced and avoid bias and variance. We need to introduce a bit of bias in controlled way.
Inserting bias to reducing variance error. So we sacrify a bit to get a better variance error.
It could be good to inject bias in order to reduce the variance error. In practise instead of having 0 training error i want to have a larger training error and hope to reduce overfitting sacrifing a bit in the training error.
I can increase bias in different technics: one is the unsamble methods.
\section{Highly Parametric Learning Algorithm}
\subsection{Linear Predictors}
Our domain is Euclidean space (so we have points of numbers).
X \ is \ \barra{R}^d \qquad x = (x_1,..,x_d)
A linear predictor will be a linear function of the data points.
h: \barra{R}^d \longrightarrow Y \qquad h\left(x\right) = f(w^T \, x) \quad w \in\barra{R}^d
f: \barra{R}\longrightarrow Y
And this is the dot product that is
w^T \, x = \sum_{t = 1}^{d} w_i x_i = \| w \|\,\| x \|\cos\Theta
We can do binary classification using the hyperplane. Any points that lives in the positive half space and the negative. So the hyperplane is splitting in halfs.
$ H \equiv\{ x \in\barra{R}^d : w^T x = c \}$\
H^+ \equiv\{x \in\barra{R}^d : w^Tx > c \}\qquad\textbf{positive $h_s$}