\documentclass[../main.tex]{subfiles} \begin{document} \chapter{Lecture 13 - 27-04-2020} \section{Linear prediction} We had $ERM$ $\hat{h}$ \\ $$ S = \{(x_1,y_1) ... (x_n,y_n) \} \qquad x_t \in \barra{R}^d \qquad y_t \in \{-1,+1\} \qquad \ell_t(w) = I \{ y_t w^T x_t \leq 0 \} $$ $$ \hat{h}_S = arg \min_{h\in H_D} \frac{1}{m} \sum_{t = 1}^{m} I \{ y_t w^T x_t\} \leq 0 $$ The associated decisio problem is a NP problem so cannot be camputed efficientiy unless $P \equiv NP$ \\ Maybe we can approximate it, so a good solution that goes close to minimise error. \\ This is called MinDisOpt\\ \subsection{MinDisOpt} Instance: $(x_1,y_1) ...(x_n, y_n) \in \{0, 1 \}^d x\{0,1\}$ Solutio: $$w \in Q^D \textbf{minimising the number of indices} t = 1,...m \ s.t. \ h_t w^Tx_t \leq 0 $$ $Opt(S)$ is the smallest number of mislcassified example in S by any linear classifier in $H_D$ \\ where $\frac{Opt(S)}{m}$ is training error of $ERM$ \\\\ \bred{Theorem} : if $P \not \equiv NP$, then $\forall c > 0$ there are no polytime algorithms (with r. t. the input size $ \Theta(m_d)$) that approximately solve every istance $S$ of MinDisOpt with a number of mistakes bounded by $C \cdot Opt(S)$.\\ If I am able to approximate it correclty this approximation will grow with the size of the dataset. \\\\ $$\forall A \ \textbf{(polytime)} \ \ and \ \ \forall C \quad \exists S \qquad \hat{\ell}_S\left(A\left(S\right)\right) \geq c \cdot \hat{\ell}_S\left( \hat{h}_S \right) \ \textbf{(where $\hat{h}_S$ is $ERM$)} $$ $$ Opt(S) = \hat{\ell}_S(\hat{h}_S) $$ \\ This is not related with free lunch theorem (information we need to get base error for some learning problem). Free lunch: we need arbitrarirally information to get such error. Here is we need a lot of computation to approximate the $ERM$. \\\\ Assume $Opt(S) = 0 $ $ERM$ has zero training error on $S$\\ $\exists U \in \barra{R}^d$ \ s.t. \ $\forall t = 1 , ...m$ \qquad $y_tU^Tx_t > 0$ \qquad \bred{$S$ is linearly separable}\\ \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.6\linewidth]{../img/lez13-img1.JPG} \caption{Tree building} %\label{fig:} \end{figure} \\ We can look at the min $$ \min_{t=1,...m} y_t U^T x_t = \gamma(U) > 0 \qquad \bred{We called this marginn of $U$ on $(x_t,y_t)$} $$ \\ We called in this way since $\frac{\gamma(U)}{\| U \|} = \min{t} y_t \| x_t\| cos(\Theta) $ \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.2\linewidth]{../img/lez13-img2.JPG} \caption{Tree building} %\label{fig:} \end{figure}\\ \\ where $\Theta$ is the angle \\ \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.6\linewidth]{../img/lez13-img3.JPG} \caption{Tree building} %\label{fig:} \end{figure}\\ $where \frac{\gamma(U)}{\|U\|}$ is the distance separating hyperplane on closest training example . \\\\ S linearly separable and if i look at the sistem of this linear inequality: $$ \begin{cases} y_t w_T x_t > 0 \\ y_m w_T x_m > 0 \\ \end{cases} $$ We can solve it in polytime using a linear solver. So any package of linear programming, and will be solved in linear time. \\\\ This is called \bred{feasibilty problem}. We want a point $y$ that satisfy all my linear inequalities. \\ \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.2\linewidth]{../img/lez13-img4.JPG} \caption{Feasibilty problem} %\label{fig:} \end{figure}\\ \\ \textbf{When $Opt(S) = 0 $ is we can implememtn $ERM$ efficiently using LP (Linear programming).} \\They may overfitting since a lot of bias. When this condition of Opt is no satisfy we cannot do it efficiently. LP algorithm can be complicated so we figure out another family of algorithm. \section{The Perception Algorithm} This came from late '50s and was designed for psicology but have a general utility in othe fields. \\\\ Perception Algorithm\\ Input : training set $S = \{ (x_t,y_t) ...(x_m, y_m) \}$ \qquad $x_t \in \barra{R}^d \qquad y_t \in \{-1, +1\} $ Init: $w = (0,...0)$\\ Repcat\\ \quad read next $(x_t,y_t)$\\ If $y_t w^T x_t \leq$ then $w \longleftarrow w +y_t x_t$\\ Until margin greater than 0 $\gamma(w) > 0$ // w separates $S$\\ Output $w$ \\\\ We know that $\gamma(w) = \min_t y_t w^T x_t \leq 0$ The question is, will it terminate if $S$ is linearly separable? \\ If $y_t w^T x_t \leq 0$, then $w \longleftarrow w + y_t x_t$\\ \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.3\linewidth]{../img/lez13-img5.JPG} \caption{} %\label{fig:} \end{figure}\\ For simplicity our x are in this circle. Some are on the circonference on top left with $+$ sign and some in bottom right with $-$ sign. \\All minus flipped to the other side and the we can deal the $+$. \\ U is a separating hyperplane, how can i find it?\\ Maybe i can do something like the average: \\$$U = \frac{1}{m} \sum_{t=1}^{m} y_t x_t \ \ ?$$ \\ But actually don't take the average of all of them. So do not take average of all, instead take the one that satisfy $y_t w^T x_t \leq 0$ condition. \\ $y_t w^T x_t \leq 0$ is a violated consstraint and we want it $> 0$. \\ Does $w \longleftarrow w + y_t x_t$ fix it? $$y_t( w + y_t \cdot x_t)^T x_t = y_t w^T x_t + \| x_t\|^2$$ We are trying to see what happen before and after the updates of w.\\ SInce $\| x_t \| > 0$ so is positive, the update increase margins, thus going towards fixing violated constraints. \\\\ \subsection{Perception convergence Theorem} dated early 60s On a linearly separable $S$, perceptron will converge after at most $M$ updates (when they touch in the figure) where: $$ M \leq \left( \min_{U \, : \, \gamma(U) \, =\,1} \| U \|^2 \right) \left( \max_{t=1,..m} \| x_t\|^2\right) $$ Algorithm is not able to do that. ALgorithm keeps looking till he get a violating constraint and then stops. This is bounded by the number of loops. \\\\ We said that $\gamma(U) = \min_{t} y_t U^T x_t$ > 0 \qquad when $U$ is separator. \\ $$ \forall t \quad y_t U^T x_t \geq \gamma(U) \quad \Leftrightarrow \quad \forall t \quad y_t \left( \frac{U}{\gamma(U)} \right)^T x_t \geq 1 $$ \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.3\linewidth]{../img/lez13-img6.JPG} \caption{} %\label{fig:} \end{figure}\\ If i rescale U i can make the margin bigger (in particolar $> 1$)\\ The shortest $min \| U \|$ \ s.t. \ $y_t U^T x_t \geq 1$ \quad $\forall t$ \\\\ \bred{Proof}: \\ $W_m$ is local variable after $M$ updates, I have zero vector \ $W_0 = (0,...0)$ \\ $t_M$ is the index of training example that causes the $M$-$th$ update.\\\\ We want to upper bound $M$ (deriving upper and lower bound \\on a certain quantity $\| W \|$ $\| U\|$) \\ where $U$ is any s.t. $y_t U^T x_t \geq 1$ \ $\forall t$ $$ \| W_M\|^2 = \|W_{M-1} + y_{tM} x_{tM} \|^2 = \|W_{M-1}\|^2 + \| y_{tM} x_{tM} \|^2 + 2 \cdot y_{tM} W_{M-1}^T x_{tM} \ = $$ $$ = \ \|W_{M-1}\|^2 + \| x_{tM}\|^2 + 2 \cdot \red{y_{tM} W^T_{M-1} x_{tM}} \ \leq $$ where $\red{y_{tM} W^T_{M-1} x_{tM}} \leq 0$ $$ \leq \ \| w_{M-1}\|^2 + \| x_{tM}\|^2 $$ $$ \| W_M\|^2 \leq \| W_0 \| ^2 + \sum_{i=1}^{M} \|x_t \|^2 \leq M \ \left( \max_t \| x_t \|^2 \right) $$ ........ ..... ... MANCA ????? $$ \| W_M\| \ \|U \| \ \leq \ \| U \| \ \sqrt[]{M} \ \left( \max_t \| x_t \|\right) $$ since $\cos \Theta \in \left[-1,1\right]$ $$ \|W_M \| \ \| U \| \geq \| W_M \| \ \| U\| \ \cos \Theta = W_M^T U = \left( W_{M-1} + y_{tM} x_{tM} \right)^T U \ = $$ where last passage is the \bred{Inner product} \\ $$ W^T_{M-1} U + \red{y_{tM} U^T x_{tM} } \geq W_{M-1}^T U +1 \geq W_0^T U + M = M $$ where $\red{y_{tM} U^T x_{tM} }$ is $\geq 1$ $$ M \leq \| W_M \| \ \| U \| \leq \| U \| \ \sqrt[]{M} \left( \max_t \| x_T \| \right) $$ $$ M \leq \left( \| U\|^2 \right) \left( \max_t \|x_t\|^2 \right) \qquad \forall U \ : \ \min_t y_t U^t x_t \geq 1 $$ $$ M = \left( \min_{U \, : \, \gamma(U) = 1} \| U \|^2 \right) \left( \max_t \| x_t \|^2 \right) $$\\ Some number depends on $S$ \\ $M$ can be exponential in $md$ when the ball of positive and negative are very closer and the length of $U$ is super long and exponential in $D$. \\ If dataset barely separable then perceptron will make a number of mistakes that is exponential in the parameter of the problem. U is a linear separator and has exponential length \end{document}