Master of Science in Data Science and Economics (DSE)
:closed_book: Notes and Projects :computer:

## Università degli Studi di Milano :mortar_board:

Notes, projects and slides of the Master of Science in Data Science and Economics (DSE)

[Course page]( # Contributors :busts_in_silhouette:

Andrea Ierardi

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## Years 2019 - 2021

NB. :no_entry: Courses have not been attended yet

### 1° year - 2019/2020 - __1° trimester - 18 CFU/ECTS__ - *Graph Theory, Discrete Mathematics and Optimization* (total 12 CFU/ECTS): - [Discrete Mathematics]( Module (3 CFU/ECTS) - [Graph Theory]( Module (3 CFU/ECTS) - [Optimization]( - Module (6 CFU/ECTS) - *Micro-econometrics, casual inference and Time series econometric*: - [Time series]( - Module (6 CFU/ECTS) - __2° trimester - 18 CFU/ECTS__ - *Advanced Microeconomics and Macroeconomics* (total 12 CFU/ECTS): - [Advanced microeconomics]( - Module (6 CFU/ECTS) - *Micro-econometrics, casual inference and Time series econometric*: - [Micro-econometrics, Causal Inference]( - Module (6 CFU/ECTS) - *Coding for Data Science and Data Management* (total 12 CFU/ECTS) - [Coding for Data Science - R language ]( - Module (3 CFU/ECTS) - [Coding for Data Science - Python language]( - Module (3 CFU/ECTS) - __3° trimester - 24 CFU/ECTS__ - *Advanced Microeconomics and Macroeconomics* (total 12 CFU/ECTS): - [Advanced Macroeconomics]( - Module (6 CFU/ECTS) - *Machine Learning, Statistical Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence* (total 12 CFU/ECTS): - [Machine Learning]( - Module (6 CFU/ECTS) - [Statistical Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence]( - Module (6 CFU/ETCS) - *Coding for Data Science and Data Management* - [Data Management]( - Module (6 CFU/ETCS) - __Seminar/Laboratories - 3 CFU/ECTS__ - *Short Course Data Science with Prof. Kenett* (total 3 CFU/ECTS) - [Short Course](

### 2° Year - 2020/2021 :no_entry: - __1° trimester - 30 CFU/ECTS__ - *Cybersecurity and Privacy Preservation Techniques and Digital Security and Privacy* (total 6 CFU/ECTS): - [Cybersecurity and Privacy Preservation Techniques]( - Module (3 CFU/ECTS) :no_entry: - [Digital Security and Privacy]( - Module (3 CFU/ECTS) :no_entry: - *Algorithms for Massive Data, Cloud and Distributed Computing* (total 12 CFU/ECTS): - [Algorithms for Massive Data]( - Module (6 CFU/ECTS) :no_entry: - [Cloud and Distributed Computing]( - Module (6 CFU/ECTS) :no_entry: - *Advanced multivariate statistics* (total 6 CFU/ECTS): - [Advanced multivariate statistics]( - (6 CFU/ECTS) :no_entry: - *Social Network Analysis* (total 6 CFU/ECTS): - [Social Network Analysis]( - (6 CFU/ECTS) :no_entry: - __2° trimester 12 CFU/ECTS__ - *Knowledge extraction and information retrieval* (total 6 CFU/ECTS): - [Knowledge extraction and information retrieval]( - (6 CFU/ECTS) :no_entry: - *Text mining and sentiment analysis* (total 6 CFU/ECTS): - [Text mining and sentiment analysis]( - (6 CFU/ECTS) :no_entry: - __3° trimester - 0 CFU/ECTS__ - __Seminar/Laboratories - 3 CFU/ECTS__ - *Laboratory:* (total 3 CFU/ECTS) - [Lab]( :no_entry: - __Stage - 3 CFU/ECTS__ - __Thesis - 3 CFU/ECTS__