Class TdApi.InputMessageAudio

    • Field Detail

      • albumCoverThumbnail

        public TdApi.InputThumbnail albumCoverThumbnail
        Thumbnail of the cover for the album, if available.
      • duration

        public int duration
        Duration of the audio, in seconds; may be replaced by the server.
      • title

        public java.lang.String title
        Title of the audio; 0-64 characters; may be replaced by the server.
      • performer

        public java.lang.String performer
        Performer of the audio; 0-64 characters, may be replaced by the server.

        public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
        Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • InputMessageAudio

        public InputMessageAudio()
        Default constructor.
      • InputMessageAudio

        public InputMessageAudio​(TdApi.InputFile audio,
                                 TdApi.InputThumbnail albumCoverThumbnail,
                                 int duration,
                                 java.lang.String title,
                                 java.lang.String performer,
                                 TdApi.FormattedText caption)
        Constructor for initialization of all fields.
        audio - Audio file to be sent.
        albumCoverThumbnail - Thumbnail of the cover for the album, if available.
        duration - Duration of the audio, in seconds; may be replaced by the server.
        title - Title of the audio; 0-64 characters; may be replaced by the server.
        performer - Performer of the audio; 0-64 characters, may be replaced by the server.
        caption - Audio caption; 0-200 characters.