Class TdApi.StickerSet

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class TdApi.StickerSet
    extends TdApi.Object
    Represents a sticker set.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      TdApi.StickerEmojis[] emojis
      A list of emoji corresponding to the stickers in the same order.
      long id
      Identifier of the sticker set.
      boolean isArchived
      True, if the sticker set has been archived.
      boolean isInstalled
      True, if the sticker set has been installed by the current user.
      boolean isMasks
      True, if the stickers in the set are masks.
      boolean isOfficial
      True, if the sticker set is official.
      boolean isViewed
      True for already viewed trending sticker sets.
      java.lang.String name
      Name of the sticker set.
      TdApi.Sticker[] stickers
      List of stickers in this set.
      java.lang.String title
      Title of the sticker set.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Default constructor.
      StickerSet​(long id, java.lang.String title, java.lang.String name, boolean isInstalled, boolean isArchived, boolean isOfficial, boolean isMasks, boolean isViewed, TdApi.Sticker[] stickers, TdApi.StickerEmojis[] emojis)
      Constructor for initialization of all fields.
    • Field Detail

      • id

        public long id
        Identifier of the sticker set.
      • title

        public java.lang.String title
        Title of the sticker set.
      • name

        public java.lang.String name
        Name of the sticker set.
      • isInstalled

        public boolean isInstalled
        True, if the sticker set has been installed by the current user.
      • isArchived

        public boolean isArchived
        True, if the sticker set has been archived. A sticker set can't be installed and archived simultaneously.
      • isOfficial

        public boolean isOfficial
        True, if the sticker set is official.
      • isMasks

        public boolean isMasks
        True, if the stickers in the set are masks.
      • isViewed

        public boolean isViewed
        True for already viewed trending sticker sets.
      • stickers

        public TdApi.Sticker[] stickers
        List of stickers in this set.
      • emojis

        public TdApi.StickerEmojis[] emojis
        A list of emoji corresponding to the stickers in the same order.

        public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
        Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • StickerSet

        public StickerSet()
        Default constructor.
      • StickerSet

        public StickerSet​(long id,
                          java.lang.String title,
                          java.lang.String name,
                          boolean isInstalled,
                          boolean isArchived,
                          boolean isOfficial,
                          boolean isMasks,
                          boolean isViewed,
                          TdApi.Sticker[] stickers,
                          TdApi.StickerEmojis[] emojis)
        Constructor for initialization of all fields.
        id - Identifier of the sticker set.
        title - Title of the sticker set.
        name - Name of the sticker set.
        isInstalled - True, if the sticker set has been installed by the current user.
        isArchived - True, if the sticker set has been archived. A sticker set can't be installed and archived simultaneously.
        isOfficial - True, if the sticker set is official.
        isMasks - True, if the stickers in the set are masks.
        isViewed - True for already viewed trending sticker sets.
        stickers - List of stickers in this set.
        emojis - A list of emoji corresponding to the stickers in the same order.