topjohnwu f4f2274c60 Auto reinstall system apps on hide list
Since we are parsing through /data/app/ to find target APKs for
monitoring, system apps will not be covered in this case.
Automatically reinstall system apps as if they received an update
and refresh the monitor target after it's done.

As a bonus, use RAII idioms for locking pthread_mutex_t.
2019-02-16 02:24:35 -05:00

145 lines
3.6 KiB

#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <magisk.h>
#include <utils.h>
#include <selinux.h>
using namespace std;
static void set_path() {
char buf[4096];
sprintf(buf, BBPATH ":%s", getenv("PATH"));
setenv("PATH", buf, 1);
static void set_mirror_path() {
setenv("PATH", BBPATH ":/sbin:" MIRRDIR "/system/bin:"
MIRRDIR "/system/xbin:" MIRRDIR "/vendor/bin", 1);
void exec_common_script(const char *stage) {
char path[4096];
DIR *dir;
struct dirent *entry;
sprintf(path, SECURE_DIR "/%s.d", stage);
if (!(dir = xopendir(path)))
bool pfs = strcmp(stage, "post-fs-data") == 0;
while ((entry = xreaddir(dir))) {
if (entry->d_type == DT_REG) {
if (access(entry->d_name, X_OK) == -1)
LOGI("%s.d: exec [%s]\n", stage, entry->d_name);
exec_t exec {
.pre_exec = pfs ? set_mirror_path : set_path,
.fork = pfs ? xfork : fork_dont_care
if (pfs)
exec_command_sync(exec, MIRRDIR "/system/bin/sh", entry->d_name);
exec_command(exec, MIRRDIR "/system/bin/sh", entry->d_name);
void exec_module_script(const char *stage, const vector<string> &module_list) {
char path[4096];
bool pfs = strcmp(stage, "post-fs-data") == 0;
for (auto &m : module_list) {
const char* module = m.c_str();
sprintf(path, MODULEROOT "/%s/", module, stage);
if (access(path, F_OK) == -1)
LOGI("%s: exec []\n", module, stage);
exec_t exec {
.pre_exec = pfs ? set_mirror_path : set_path,
.fork = pfs ? xfork : fork_dont_care
if (pfs)
exec_command_sync(exec, MIRRDIR "/system/bin/sh", path);
exec_command(exec, MIRRDIR "/system/bin/sh", path);
static const char migrate_script[] =
"e2fsck -yf $IMG;"
"mkdir -p $MNT;"
"for num in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7; do"
" losetup /dev/block/loop${num} $IMG || continue;"
" mount -t ext4 /dev/block/loop${num} $MNT;"
" rm -rf $MNT/lost+found $MNT/.core;"
" magisk --clone $MNT " MODULEROOT ";"
" umount $MNT;"
" rm -rf $MNT;"
" losetup -d /dev/block/loop${num};"
" break;"
"rm -rf $IMG";
void migrate_img(const char *img) {
LOGI("* Migrating %s\n", img);
exec_t exec { .pre_exec = set_path };
rename(img, "/data/adb/tmp.img");
exec_command_sync(exec, "/system/bin/sh", "-c", migrate_script);
static const char install_script[] =
"while true; do"
" OUT=`pm install -r $APK 2>&1`;"
" log -t Magisk \"apk_install: $OUT\";"
" if echo \"$OUT\" | grep -qE \"Can't|Error:\"; then"
" sleep 5;"
" continue;"
" fi;"
" break;"
"rm -f $APK";
void install_apk(const char *apk) {
setfilecon(apk, "u:object_r:" SEPOL_FILE_DOMAIN ":s0");
LOGI("apk_install: %s\n", apk);
exec_t exec { .pre_exec = set_mirror_path };
char cmds[sizeof(install_script) + 4096];
sprintf(cmds, install_script, apk);
exec_command_sync(exec, MIRRDIR "/system/bin/sh", "-c", cmds);
static const char reinstall_script[] =
"while true; do"
" OUT=`pm path $PKG 2>&1`;"
" [ -z $OUT ] && exit 1;"
" if echo \"$OUT\" | grep -qE \"Can't|Error:\"; then"
" sleep 5;"
" continue;"
" fi;"
" APK=`echo $OUT | cut -d':' -f2`;"
" log -t Magisk \"apk_install: $APK\";"
" OUT=`pm install -r $APK`;"
" [ $? -eq 0 ] || exit 1;"
" log -t Magisk \"apk_install: $OUT\";"
" break;"
"exit 0";
// Reinstall system apps to data
int reinstall_apk(const char *pkg) {
exec_t exec { .pre_exec = set_mirror_path };
char cmds[sizeof(reinstall_script) + 256];
sprintf(cmds, reinstall_script, pkg);
return exec_command_sync(exec, MIRRDIR "/system/bin/sh", "-c", cmds);