- Adopt IT translations

-  Tuned Summa options
-  Fixed copyright translations

GitOrigin-RevId: e989411188a8ef9a0c01d12623e96afab20ae5ac
This commit is contained in:
the-superpirate 2021-01-10 00:14:38 +03:00
parent 2622aae3b6
commit f1189351f3
121 changed files with 709 additions and 684 deletions

View File

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ http:
bind_addr: bind_addr:
keep_alive_secs: 75 keep_alive_secs: 75
max_body_size_mb: 32 max_body_size_mb: 32
workers: 4 workers: 48
log_path: /var/log/summa/{{ ENV_TYPE }} log_path: /var/log/summa/{{ ENV_TYPE }}
search_engine: search_engine:
data_path: /summa/20210108 data_path: /summa/20210109
default_page_size: 5 default_page_size: 5
timeout_secs: 5 timeout_secs: 15
writer_memory_mb: 1024 writer_memory_mb: 1024
writer_threads: 4 writer_threads: 4

View File

@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ schema:
options: options:
indexing: indexing:
record: position record: position
tokenizer: default tokenizer: summa
stored: true stored: true
- name: authors - name: authors
type: text type: text
options: options:
indexing: indexing:
record: position record: position
tokenizer: default tokenizer: summa
stored: true stored: true
- name: doi - name: doi
type: text type: text
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ schema:
options: options:
indexing: indexing:
record: position record: position
tokenizer: default tokenizer: summa
stored: true stored: true
- name: issns - name: issns
type: text type: text
@ -94,14 +94,14 @@ schema:
options: options:
indexing: indexing:
record: position record: position
tokenizer: default tokenizer: summa
stored: true stored: true
- name: title - name: title
type: text type: text
options: options:
indexing: indexing:
record: position record: position
tokenizer: default tokenizer: summa
stored: true stored: true
- name: updated_at - name: updated_at
type: i64 type: i64

View File

@ -319,6 +319,146 @@ es:
UPLOADED_TO_TELEGRAM: subido a Telegram... UPLOADED_TO_TELEGRAM: subido a Telegram...
VIEWS_CANNOT_BE_SHARED: Haga su propia búsqueda, los comandos no se pueden compartir. VIEWS_CANNOT_BE_SHARED: Haga su propia búsqueda, los comandos no se pueden compartir.
Ho trovato questo libro su Internet.
Sii paziente, lo invierò non appena sarà pronto.
Sei bannato fino a **{datetime} UTC**.
Reason: **{reason}**
Sei bannato per **{seconds} secondi(s)**
Motivo: **{reason}**
CLOSE: Chiudi
**Aggiornamenti e novità**: {related_channel}
**Info per donazioni**: /donate
**LiberaPay**: {libera_pay_url}
**Indirizzo BTC:** {btc_donate_address}
Puoi inviarci un feedback direttamente con /contact <il tuo messaggio qui>
Se vuoi fare un reclamo per violazione di copyright:
- Inizia il tuo messaggio con /copyright, poi aggiungi una nuova linea
- Incolla i link di visualizzazione di tali contenuti. Un link di visualizzazione è un elemento
che puoi cliccare sulla pagina dei risultati di ricerca, es. `/v_ip6qnAOB_893608_1749642_3`
- Allega come singolo file (*.zip) tutti i documenti che certificano che detieni i diritti di copyright oppure agisci in modo autorizzato per conto del proprietario.
La tua segnalazione verrà esaminata entro 24 ore.
Se accettata, il contenuto non sarà più scaricabile, ma rimarrà comunque cercabile.
La tua segnalazione di violazione di copyright è stata accettata
COULD_NOT_FIND_ANYTHING: Non ho trovato niente :(
DESCRIPTION: Descrizione
DISABLE_DISCOVERY: Se non vuoi ricevere un feed personalizzato, puoi disabilitare Nexus Discovery in /settings
DISCOVERY_PROMPT: 🦘 **Guarda cosa ho trovato per te:** 🦘
Grazie per aver visitato /donate. Mi fa piacere anche solo la tua intenzione di aprire questo messaggio.
Il buon insegnamento deve provenire da numerosi fonti di conoscenza. Una sorgente poco profonda non può generare un flusso vigoroso.
Donando a noi, stai donando a tutte le persone che non hanno accesso alla conoscenza umana a causa di restrizioni per accesso a pagamento o costi troppo alti.
Tutte le donazioni verranno spese per:
- Sviluppare l'Indice Nexus e rendere ricercabile quanta più conoscenza possibile, per tutti.
- Mantenere i server. Costruire ed esporre l'indice e sfruttare il machine learning sono compiti molto costosi computazionalmente, che richiedono molta GPU, CPU e memoria.
Ogni centesimo verrà speso per il progetto.
Puoi contattarci (/contact) o iscriverti a {related_channel}, se vuoi sapere esattamente come le donazioni verranno spese.
**Dettagli per le donazioni**
**LiberaPay**: {libera_pay_url}
**Indirizzo BTC:** {btc_donate_address}
DOWNLOADED: scaricato
DOWNLOADING: scaricamento in corso...
DOWNLOAD_AND_SEARCH_MORE: Scarica e cerca qualcos'altro
Stiamo riavviando la nostra infrastruttura.
Per favore, prova a scaricare `{document}` tra un minuto.
EDITION: Edizione
FILE: File
Ciao! Sono il bot **Nexus**!
Posso cercare libri o articoli scientifici per titolo, autore o DOI.
Inoltre, posso fornire suggerimenti in base a quello che hai cercato precedentemente.
**Scrivi qui la tua richiesta a parole.**
Esempio: `Divina Commedia Dante` oppure `https://doi.org/10.1159/000477855`
Restringi la ricerca all'anno 2019: `emoglobina AND year:2019`
Find only starting from 2019 year: `emoglobina AND year:[2019 TO *]
Ricerca per autore: `authors:Jack authors:London`
Risultato esatto: `"Emoglobina fetale"`
/copyright - segnala una violazione di copyright
/donate - info su come sostenerci
/help - mostra questo aiuto
/roll - ottieni un libro a caso
/settings - modifica la lingua, le impostazioni delle notifiche e il feed personalizzato.
Cosa vuoi leggere oggi?
```Oops, non so cosa fare con questo URL:(
Prova a mandarmi il DOI, MD5 o semplicemente il nome di quello che cerchi!```[]({too_difficult_picture_url})
```Oops, c'è qualcosa di sbagliato nella tua richiesta. Probabilmente è troppo avanzata per me.
Suggerimento: usa le parentesi, aggiungi più AND/OR o toglili.```[]({too_difficult_picture_url})
JOURNAL: Rivista
LEGACY: Abbiamo fatto un aggiornamento e i vecchi widget hanno smesso di funzionare :( Per favore, ripeti la ricerca.
LOOKING_AT: 'cercando {source}...'
```Oops! Qualcosa è andato storto e stiamo facendo del nostro meglio per tornare operativi.
Per favore, prova un po' più tardi.```[]({maintenance_picture_url})
MAINTENANCE_WO_PIC: Oops! Per favore, prova un po' più tardi.
NAMELESS: Senza nome
**Nexus Discovery** è un servizio di raccomandazione. Ti segnala anche le pubblicazioni appena arrivate che hai provato a cercare precedentemente. Il tuo digest personalizzato viene inviato ogni Domenica.
**Nexus Search - Aggiornamenti e novità**
READ_ONLY_MODE: ⚠️ Il servizio è limitato fino a mezzanotte (UTC). /settings non è disponibile, la ricerca è più lenta.
REFERENCED_BY: Riferito da
REPLY_MESSAGE_HAS_BEEN_DELETED: Il messaggio di ricerca è stato (ri-)mosso. Ripeti la ricerca.
SEARCHING: ricerca in corso...
SEND_YOUR_LOCATION: Invia la tua posizione (tramite il pulsante allegato a sinistra)
Le impostazioni possono essere configurate automaticamente o manualmente.
La modalità automatica richiederà la tua posizione per impostare il fuso orario, la lingua e il ranking geografico.
**Versione del Bot:** {bot_version}
**Versione del Nexus:** {nexus_version}
**Lingua:** {language}
**Fuso orario:** {tzinfo}
SETUP_AUTOMATICALLY: Configura automaticamente
SETUP_MANUALLY: Configura manualmente
SHORT_PROMO: ⤴️ Resta aggiornato con noi su {related_channel}
SOURCES_UNAVAILABLE: '`{document}` non è disponibile adesso. Per favore, prova più tardi.'
SUBSCRIBE_TO_CHANNEL: Iscriviti a {related_channel} per continuare ad usare questo bot.
SYSTEM_MESSAGING_OPTION: Notifiche Aggiornamento Bot
TANKS_BRUH: Grazie bro!
THANK_YOU_FOR_CONTACT: Grazie! Se hai una domanda, ti conviene chiedere agli utenti in {related_channel}.
La tua richiesta è troppo lunga (il limite è circa 35-40 caratteri).
Prova a fare una richiesta codificata NID. Trova l'elemento che vuoi condividere, copia il NID da una pagina
di visualizzazione e genera un link breve per la richiesta `NID: <NID>`.
TOO_MANY_DOWNLOADS: Troppi download in corso. Per favore, attendi il completamento.
TRANSMITTED_FROM: 'inviato da {source}'
```Un grosso aggiornamento è in corso, riprova domani```[]({upgrade_maintenance_picture_url})
UPLOADED_TO_TELEGRAM: caricato su Telegram...
VIEWS_CANNOT_BE_SHARED: Effettua la tua ricerca, i comandi non possono essere condivisi.
YEAR: Anno
ru: ru:
ABSTRACT: Аннотация ABSTRACT: Аннотация
@ -464,321 +604,3 @@ ru:
UPLOADED_TO_TELEGRAM: загружено в Телеграм... UPLOADED_TO_TELEGRAM: загружено в Телеграм...
VIEWS_CANNOT_BE_SHARED: Выполните поиск сами, команду нельзя передавать другому пользователю. VIEWS_CANNOT_BE_SHARED: Выполните поиск сами, команду нельзя передавать другому пользователю.
Ho trovato questo libro su Internet.
Sii paziente, lo invierò non appena sarà pronto.
Sei bannato fino a **{datetime} UTC**.
Reason: **{reason}**
Sei bannato per **{seconds} secondi(s)**
Motivo: **{reason}**
CLOSE: Chiudi
**Aggiornamenti e novità**: {related_channel}
**Info per donazioni**: /donate
**LiberaPay**: {libera_pay_url}
**Indirizzo BTC:** {btc_donate_address}
Puoi inviarci un feedback direttamente con /contact <il tuo messaggio qui>
Se vuoi fare un reclamo per violazione di copyright:
- Inizia il tuo messaggio con /copyright, poi aggiungi una nuova linea
- Incolla i link di visualizzazione di tali contenuti. Un link di visualizzazione è un elemento
che puoi cliccare sulla pagina dei risultati di ricerca, es. `/v_ip6qnAOB_893608_1749642_3`
- Allega come singolo file (*.zip) tutti i documenti che certificano che detieni i diritti di copyright oppure agisci in modo autorizzato per conto del proprietario.
La tua segnalazione verrà esaminata entro 24 ore.
Se accettata, il contenuto non sarà più scaricabile, ma rimarrà comunque cercabile.
La tua segnalazione di violazione di copyright è stata accettata
COULD_NOT_FIND_ANYTHING: Non ho trovato niente :(
DESCRIPTION: Descrizione
DISABLE_DISCOVERY: Se non vuoi ricevere un feed personalizzato, puoi disabilitare Nexus Discovery in /settings
DISCOVERY_PROMPT: 🦘 **Guarda cosa ho trovato per te:** 🦘
Grazie per aver visitato /donate. Mi fa piacere anche solo la tua intenzione di aprire questo messaggio.
Il buon insegnamento deve provenire da numerosi fonti di conoscenza. Una sorgente poco profonda non può generare un flusso vigoroso.
Donando a noi, stai donando a tutte le persone che non hanno accesso alla conoscenza umana a causa di restrizioni per accesso a pagamento o costi troppo alti.
Tutte le donazioni verranno spese per:
- Sviluppare l'Indice Nexus e rendere ricercabile quanta più conoscenza possibile, per tutti.
- Mantenere i server. Costruire ed esporre l'indice e sfruttare il machine learning sono compiti molto costosi computazionalmente, che richiedono molta GPU, CPU e memoria.
Ogni centesimo verrà speso per il progetto.
Puoi contattarci (/contact) o iscriverti a {related_channel}, se vuoi sapere esattamente come le donazioni verranno spese.
**Dettagli per le donazioni**
**LiberaPay**: {libera_pay_url}
**Indirizzo BTC:** {btc_donate_address}
DOWNLOADED: scaricato
DOWNLOADING: scaricamento in corso...
DOWNLOAD_AND_SEARCH_MORE: Scarica e cerca qualcos'altro
Stiamo riavviando la nostra infrastruttura.
Per favore, prova a scaricare `{document}` tra un minuto.
EDITION: Edizione
FILE: File
Ciao! Sono il bot **Nexus**!
Posso cercare libri o articoli scientifici per titolo, autore o DOI.
Inoltre, posso fornire suggerimenti in base a quello che hai cercato precedentemente.
**Scrivi qui la tua richiesta a parole.**
Esempio: `Divina Commedia Dante` oppure `https://doi.org/10.1159/000477855`
Restringi la ricerca all'anno 2019: `emoglobina AND year:2019`
Find only starting from 2019 year: `emoglobina AND year:[2019 TO *]
Ricerca per autore: `authors:Jack authors:London`
Risultato esatto: `"Emoglobina fetale"`
/copyright - segnala una violazione di copyright
/donate - info su come sostenerci
/help - mostra questo aiuto
/roll - ottieni un libro a caso
/settings - modifica la lingua, le impostazioni delle notifiche e il feed personalizzato.
Cosa vuoi leggere oggi?
Hi! I'm **Nexus** bot for groups!
I can search books or science articles by titles, authors or DOIs.
Just type your request in plain words prepending **with /search**.
Example: `/search Divine Comedy Dante` or `/search https://doi.org/10.1159/000477855`
Restrict search by 2019 year: `/search hemoglobin AND year:2019`
Find only starting from 2019 year: `/search hemoglobin AND year:[2019 TO *]
Search by author: `/search authors:Jack authors:London`
Exact match: `/search "Fetal Hemoglobin"`
/donate - tells how to support us
/help - shows this help
/roll - get random book
/settings - changes language
What are we going to read today?
```Oops, non so cosa fare con questo URL:(
Prova a mandarmi il DOI, MD5 o semplicemente il nome di quello che cerchi!```[]({too_difficult_picture_url})
```Oops, c'è qualcosa di sbagliato nella tua richiesta. Probabilmente è troppo avanzata per me.
Suggerimento: usa le parentesi, aggiungi più AND/OR o toglili.```[]({too_difficult_picture_url})
JOURNAL: Rivista
LEGACY: Abbiamo fatto un aggiornamento e i vecchi widget hanno smesso di funzionare :( Per favore, ripeti la ricerca.
LOOKING_AT: 'cercando {source}...'
```Oops! Qualcosa è andato storto e stiamo facendo del nostro meglio per tornare operativi.
Per favore, prova un po' più tardi.```[]({maintenance_picture_url})
MAINTENANCE_WO_PIC: Oops! Per favore, prova un po' più tardi.
NAMELESS: Senza nome
**Nexus Discovery** è un servizio di raccomandazione. Ti segnala anche le pubblicazioni appena arrivate che hai provato a cercare precedentemente. Il tuo digest personalizzato viene inviato ogni Domenica.
**Nexus Search - Aggiornamenti e novità**
READ_ONLY_MODE: ⚠️ Il servizio è limitato fino a mezzanotte (UTC). /settings non è disponibile, la ricerca è più lenta.
REFERENCED_BY: Riferito da
REPLY_MESSAGE_HAS_BEEN_DELETED: Il messaggio di ricerca è stato (ri-)mosso. Ripeti la ricerca.
SEARCHING: ricerca in corso...
SEND_YOUR_LOCATION: Invia la tua posizione (tramite il pulsante allegato a sinistra)
Le impostazioni possono essere configurate automaticamente o manualmente.
La modalità automatica richiederà la tua posizione per impostare il fuso orario, la lingua e il ranking geografico.
**Versione del Bot:** {bot_version}
**Versione del Nexus:** {nexus_version}
**Lingua:** {language}
**Fuso orario:** {tzinfo}
SETUP_AUTOMATICALLY: Configura automaticamente
SETUP_MANUALLY: Configura manualmente
SHORT_PROMO: ⤴️ Resta aggiornato con noi su {related_channel}
SOURCES_UNAVAILABLE: '`{document}` non è disponibile adesso. Per favore, prova più tardi.'
SUBSCRIBE_TO_CHANNEL: Iscriviti a {related_channel} per continuare ad usare questo bot.
SYSTEM_MESSAGING_OPTION: Notifiche Aggiornamento Bot
TANKS_BRUH: Grazie bro!
THANK_YOU_FOR_CONTACT: Grazie! Se hai una domanda, ti conviene chiedere agli utenti in {related_channel}.
La tua richiesta è troppo lunga (il limite è circa 35-40 caratteri).
Prova a fare una richiesta codificata NID. Trova l'elemento che vuoi condividere, copia il NID da una pagina
di visualizzazione e genera un link breve per la richiesta `NID: <NID>`.
TOO_MANY_DOWNLOADS: Troppi download in corso. Per favore, attendi il completamento.
TRANSMITTED_FROM: 'inviato da {source}'
```Un grosso aggiornamento è in corso, riprova domani```[]({upgrade_maintenance_picture_url})
UPLOADED_TO_TELEGRAM: caricato su Telegram...
VIEWS_CANNOT_BE_SHARED: Effettua la tua ricerca, i comandi non possono essere condivisi.
YEAR: Anno
Encontré este libro en Internet.
Por favor, ten paciencia, te lo enviaré cuando esté listo.
AUTHORS: Autores
Has sido baneado hasta la(s) **{datetime} UTC**.
Razón: **{reason}**
Has sido baneado por **{seconds} segundo(s)**
Razón: **{reason}**
BAN_MESSAGE_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS: Demasiadas peticiones
CLOSE: Cerrar
**Actualizaciones y noticias**: {related_channel}
**Detalles sobre donaciones**: /donate
**LiberaPay**: {libera_pay_url}
**Dirección BTC:** {btc_donate_address}
Puedes enviarnos sus comentarios directamente por /contact <tu mensaje aquí>
Si deseas presentar una queja por infracción de derechos de autor:
- Comienza tu mensaje con /copyright, luego agregua la nueva línea
- Pega los enlaces a los ítems sobre los que estás reclamando. Un enlace a un ítem
es aquel sobre el que estás haciendo clic en el resultado de la página de búsqueda, es decir, `/vb_FH5fWn2o_3512868_1675254_2`
- Agrega como un solo archivo (*.zip) todos los documentos que confirman que eres el propietario legal de los derechos de autor o un agente autorizado para actuar en nombre del propietario.
Tu reclamo será considerado durante 24 horas.
La decisión de satisfacer el reclamo impedirá que se descargue el ítem, pero aún se podrá buscar.
Se ha aceptado su reclamo por infracción de derechos de autor.
COULD_NOT_FIND_ANYTHING: No pude encontrar nada :(
DESCRIPTION: Descripción
DISABLE_DISCOVERY: Si no deseas obtener un feed personalizado, puedes deshabilitar Nexus Discovery en /settings
DISCOVERY_PROMPT: 🦘 **Mira lo que encontré para ti:** 🦘
Gracias por visitar /donate. Agradezco incluso tu intención de abrir este mensaje.
Toda buena enseñanza debe fluir de abundantes fuentes de conocimiento. Las fuentes poco profundas no pueden emitir un resultado fluido y abundante.
Al donarnos a nosotros, estás donando a todas las personas que no tienen acceso al conocimiento humano debido a restricciones de pago o un precio excesivamente alto.
Todas las donaciones se gastarán en:
- Desarrollo del Nexus Index y hacer que todo el mundo pueda buscar tanto conocimiento como sea posible.
- Mantenimiento de servidores. Crear y entregar el índice y usar el aprendizaje automático es una tarea computacional pesada que requiere una gran cantidad de GPU, CPU y discos.
Cada centavo se utilizará para el proyecto.
Puedes contactarnos con /contact o suscribirte en {related_channel}, si deseas saber exactamente cómo se gastarán las donaciones.
**Detalles sobre donaciones**
**LiberaPay**: {libera_pay_url}
**Dirección BTC:** {btc_donate_address}
DOWNLOAD: Descargar
DOWNLOADED: descargado
DOWNLOADING: descargando...
DOWNLOAD_AND_SEARCH_MORE: Descarga y busca más
Estamos recargando nuestros backends.
Por favor, intente descargar `{document}` en un minuto.
EDITION: Edición
FILE: Archivo
¡Hola! ¡Soy el bot **Nexus**!
Puedo buscar libros o artículos científicos por títulos, autores o DOI.
Además, puedo enviar recomendaciones basadas en lo que estabas buscando antes.
**Simplemente escriba su solicitud en palabras sencillas.**
Ejemplo: `Cien Años de Soledad` o `https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1026654312961`
Restringir la búsqueda para el año 2019: `hemoglobina AND year:2019`
Encuentre solo a partir del año 2019: `hemoglobina AND year:[2019 TO *]
Búsqueda por autor: `authors:Jack authors:London`
Coincidencia exacta: `"Hemoglobina Fetal"`
/copyright - hacer un reclamo por infracción de derechos de autor
/donate - explica cómo apoyarnos
/help - muestra esta ayuda
/roll - obtener un libro al azar
/settings - cambia la configuración de idioma, notificaciones y feeds personalizados
¿Qué vas a leer hoy?
¡Hola! ¡Soy el bot **Nexus** para grupos!
Puedo buscar libros o artículos científicos por títulos, autores o DOI.
Simplemente escribe tu solicitud en palabras sencillas precedido de **/search**.
Ejemplo: `Cien Años de Soledad` o `https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1026654312961`
Restringir la búsqueda para el año 2019: `hemoglobina AND year:2019`
Encuentre solo a partir del año 2019: `hemoglobina AND year:[2019 TO *]
Búsqueda por autor: `authors:Jack authors:London`
Coincidencia exacta: `"Hemoglobina Fetal"`
/donate - explica cómo apoyarnos
/help - muestra esta ayuda
/roll - obtener un libro al azar
/settings - cambia la configuración de idioma, notificaciones y feeds personalizados
¿Qué vas a leer hoy?
```Oops, No sé qué hacer con esta URL :(
¡Intenta enviarme DOI, MD5 o simplemente el nombre de lo que estás buscando!```[]({too_difficult_picture_url})
```Oops, algo anda mal con tu consulta. Probablemente sea demasiado inteligente para mí.
Tip: usa corchetes, agrega más AND/OR o quítalos todos.```[]({too_difficult_picture_url})
JOURNAL: Revista
LEGACY: Hemos actualizado y los widgets antiguos dejaron de funcionar :( Por favor, vuelva a buscar.
LOOKING_AT: 'buscando en {source}...'
```¡Oops! Algo salió mal y estamos esforzándonos por revivir.
Por favor, inténtalo más tarde.```[]({maintenance_picture_url})
MAINTENANCE_WO_PIC: ¡Oops! Por favor, intenta más tarde.
NAMELESS: Sin nombre
**Nexus Discovery** es un servicio de recomendaciones. También te notifica sobre publicaciones recién llegadas que estabas buscando antes. Tu resumen personal se enviará todos los domingos.
**Nexus Search - Actualizaciones y Noticias**
READ_ONLY_MODE: ⚠️ Servicio reducido hasta la medianoche (UTC). /settings no funciona, busque en modo lento.
REFERENCED_BY: Referenciado por
REPLY_MESSAGE_HAS_BEEN_DELETED: El mensaje de búsqueda ha sido (re)movido. Vuelve a buscar.
SEARCHING: buscando...
SEND_YOUR_LOCATION: Envía tu ubicación (a través del botón de adjuntar de la izquierda)
Los ajustes se pueden configurar de forma automática o manual.
El modo automático solicitará la ubicación para establecer la zona horaria, el idioma y la clasificación geográfica.
**Versión del bot:** {bot_version}
**Versión de Nexus:** {nexus_version}
**Idioma:** {language}
**Zona horaria:** {tzinfo}
SETUP_AUTOMATICALLY: Configurar automáticamente
SETUP_MANUALLY: Configurar manualmente
SHORT_PROMO: ⤴️ Mantente en contacto con nosotros en {related_channel}
SOURCES_UNAVAILABLE: '`{document}` no está disponible en este momento. Por favor intenta más tarde.'
SUBSCRIBE_TO_CHANNEL: Suscríbete a {related_channel} para seguir usando este bot.
SYSTEM_MESSAGING_OPTION: Notificaciones de actualización de bot
TAGS: Tags
TANKS_BRUH: Tank ya bruuuh!
THANK_YOU_FOR_CONTACT: ¡Gracias! Si tienes alguna pregunta, es mejor que la hagas en el grupo de usuarios de {related_channel}.
Su consulta es demasiado larga (el límite es de 35 a 40 caracteres).
Intente utilizar una consulta codificada con NID. Busque un elemento que desee compartir, copie el NID de una página de visualización y
luego cree un enlace corto para la consulta `NID: <NID>`.
TOO_MANY_DOWNLOADS: Demasiadas descargas activas. Por favor, espera a que finalicen.
TRANSMITTED_FROM: 'transmitido desde {source}'
```Se está llevando a cabo una actualización importante, vuelve con nosotros mañana```[]({upgrade_maintenance_picture_url})
UPLOADED_TO_TELEGRAM: subido a Telegram...
VIEWS_CANNOT_BE_SHARED: Haga su propia búsqueda, los comandos no se pueden compartir.

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ deadpool-postgres = "0.5.6"
derive_more = "0.99.9" derive_more = "0.99.9"
dotenv = "0.15.0" dotenv = "0.15.0"
downcast-rs = { version="1.2.0" } downcast-rs = { version="1.2.0" }
env_logger = "0.8.2"
erased-serde = "0.3.12" erased-serde = "0.3.12"
fail = "0.4.0" fail = "0.4.0"
failure = "0.1.8" failure = "0.1.8"

View File

@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ alias(
alias( alias(
name = "byteorder", name = "byteorder",
actual = "@raze__byteorder__1_3_4//:byteorder", actual = "@raze__byteorder__1_4_2//:byteorder",
tags = [ tags = [
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
@ -309,6 +309,15 @@ alias(
], ],
) )
name = "env_logger",
actual = "@raze__env_logger__0_8_2//:env_logger",
tags = [
alias( alias(
name = "erased_serde", name = "erased_serde",
actual = "@raze__erased_serde__0_3_13//:erased_serde", actual = "@raze__erased_serde__0_3_13//:erased_serde",
@ -374,7 +383,7 @@ alias(
alias( alias(
name = "futures", name = "futures",
actual = "@raze__futures__0_3_8//:futures", actual = "@raze__futures__0_3_9//:futures",
tags = [ tags = [
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
@ -466,7 +475,7 @@ alias(
alias( alias(
name = "libc", name = "libc",
actual = "@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", actual = "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
tags = [ tags = [
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
@ -711,7 +720,7 @@ alias(
alias( alias(
name = "regex", name = "regex",
actual = "@raze__regex__1_4_2//:regex", actual = "@raze__regex__1_4_3//:regex",
tags = [ tags = [
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
@ -855,7 +864,7 @@ alias(
alias( alias(
name = "smallvec", name = "smallvec",
actual = "@raze__smallvec__1_6_0//:smallvec", actual = "@raze__smallvec__1_6_1//:smallvec",
tags = [ tags = [
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
@ -954,7 +963,7 @@ alias(
alias( alias(
name = "time", name = "time",
actual = "@raze__time__0_2_23//:time", actual = "@raze__time__0_2_24//:time",
tags = [ tags = [
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",

View File

@ -481,11 +481,11 @@ def raze_fetch_remote_crates():
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__byteorder__1_3_4", name = "raze__byteorder__1_4_2",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/byteorder/1.3.4/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/byteorder/1.4.2/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "byteorder-1.3.4", strip_prefix = "byteorder-1.4.2",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.byteorder-1.3.4.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.byteorder-1.4.2.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
@ -938,6 +938,15 @@ def raze_fetch_remote_crates():
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.enum-as-inner-0.3.3.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.enum-as-inner-0.3.3.bazel"),
) )
name = "raze__env_logger__0_8_2",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/env_logger/0.8.2/download",
type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "env_logger-0.8.2",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.env_logger-0.8.2.bazel"),
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__erased_serde__0_3_13", name = "raze__erased_serde__0_3_13",
@ -1084,83 +1093,83 @@ def raze_fetch_remote_crates():
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__futures__0_3_8", name = "raze__futures__0_3_9",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures/0.3.8/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures/0.3.9/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "futures-0.3.8", strip_prefix = "futures-0.3.9",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-0.3.8.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-0.3.9.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__futures_channel__0_3_8", name = "raze__futures_channel__0_3_9",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-channel/0.3.8/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-channel/0.3.9/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "futures-channel-0.3.8", strip_prefix = "futures-channel-0.3.9",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-channel-0.3.8.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-channel-0.3.9.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__futures_core__0_3_8", name = "raze__futures_core__0_3_9",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-core/0.3.8/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-core/0.3.9/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "futures-core-0.3.8", strip_prefix = "futures-core-0.3.9",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-core-0.3.8.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-core-0.3.9.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__futures_executor__0_3_8", name = "raze__futures_executor__0_3_9",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-executor/0.3.8/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-executor/0.3.9/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "futures-executor-0.3.8", strip_prefix = "futures-executor-0.3.9",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-executor-0.3.8.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-executor-0.3.9.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__futures_io__0_3_8", name = "raze__futures_io__0_3_9",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-io/0.3.8/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-io/0.3.9/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "futures-io-0.3.8", strip_prefix = "futures-io-0.3.9",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-io-0.3.8.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-io-0.3.9.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__futures_macro__0_3_8", name = "raze__futures_macro__0_3_9",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-macro/0.3.8/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-macro/0.3.9/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "futures-macro-0.3.8", strip_prefix = "futures-macro-0.3.9",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-macro-0.3.8.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-macro-0.3.9.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__futures_sink__0_3_8", name = "raze__futures_sink__0_3_9",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-sink/0.3.8/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-sink/0.3.9/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "futures-sink-0.3.8", strip_prefix = "futures-sink-0.3.9",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-sink-0.3.8.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-sink-0.3.9.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__futures_task__0_3_8", name = "raze__futures_task__0_3_9",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-task/0.3.8/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-task/0.3.9/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "futures-task-0.3.8", strip_prefix = "futures-task-0.3.9",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-task-0.3.8.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-task-0.3.9.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__futures_util__0_3_8", name = "raze__futures_util__0_3_9",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-util/0.3.8/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/futures-util/0.3.9/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "futures-util-0.3.8", strip_prefix = "futures-util-0.3.9",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-util-0.3.8.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.futures-util-0.3.9.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
@ -1309,11 +1318,11 @@ def raze_fetch_remote_crates():
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__http__0_2_2", name = "raze__http__0_2_3",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/http/0.2.2/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/http/0.2.3/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "http-0.2.2", strip_prefix = "http-0.2.3",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.http-0.2.2.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.http-0.2.3.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
@ -1343,6 +1352,15 @@ def raze_fetch_remote_crates():
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.humantime-1.3.0.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.humantime-1.3.0.bazel"),
) )
name = "raze__humantime__2_0_1",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/humantime/2.0.1/download",
type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "humantime-2.0.1",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.humantime-2.0.1.bazel"),
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__idna__0_2_0", name = "raze__idna__0_2_0",
@ -1471,11 +1489,11 @@ def raze_fetch_remote_crates():
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__libc__0_2_81", name = "raze__libc__0_2_82",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/libc/0.2.81/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/libc/0.2.82/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "libc-0.2.81", strip_prefix = "libc-0.2.82",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.libc-0.2.81.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.libc-0.2.82.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
@ -1489,11 +1507,11 @@ def raze_fetch_remote_crates():
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__linked_hash_map__0_5_3", name = "raze__linked_hash_map__0_5_4",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/linked-hash-map/0.5.3/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/linked-hash-map/0.5.4/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "linked-hash-map-0.5.3", strip_prefix = "linked-hash-map-0.5.4",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.linked-hash-map-0.5.3.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.linked-hash-map-0.5.4.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
@ -1975,11 +1993,11 @@ def raze_fetch_remote_crates():
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__pin_project_lite__0_2_1", name = "raze__pin_project_lite__0_2_2",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/pin-project-lite/0.2.1/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/pin-project-lite/0.2.2/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "pin-project-lite-0.2.1", strip_prefix = "pin-project-lite-0.2.2",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.pin-project-lite-0.2.1.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.pin-project-lite-0.2.2.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
@ -2317,11 +2335,11 @@ def raze_fetch_remote_crates():
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__regex__1_4_2", name = "raze__regex__1_4_3",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/regex/1.4.2/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/regex/1.4.3/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "regex-1.4.2", strip_prefix = "regex-1.4.3",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.regex-1.4.2.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.regex-1.4.3.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
@ -2344,11 +2362,11 @@ def raze_fetch_remote_crates():
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__regex_syntax__0_6_21", name = "raze__regex_syntax__0_6_22",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/regex-syntax/0.6.21/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/regex-syntax/0.6.22/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "regex-syntax-0.6.21", strip_prefix = "regex-syntax-0.6.22",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.regex-syntax-0.6.21.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.regex-syntax-0.6.22.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
@ -2740,11 +2758,11 @@ def raze_fetch_remote_crates():
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__smallvec__1_6_0", name = "raze__smallvec__1_6_1",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/smallvec/1.6.0/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/smallvec/1.6.1/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "smallvec-1.6.0", strip_prefix = "smallvec-1.6.1",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.smallvec-1.6.0.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.smallvec-1.6.1.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
@ -2954,6 +2972,15 @@ def raze_fetch_remote_crates():
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.term-0.6.1.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.term-0.6.1.bazel"),
) )
name = "raze__termcolor__1_1_2",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/termcolor/1.1.2/download",
type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "termcolor-1.1.2",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.termcolor-1.1.2.bazel"),
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__textwrap__0_11_0", name = "raze__textwrap__0_11_0",
@ -3001,11 +3028,11 @@ def raze_fetch_remote_crates():
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__thread_local__1_0_1", name = "raze__thread_local__1_1_0",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/thread_local/1.0.1/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/thread_local/1.1.0/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "thread_local-1.0.1", strip_prefix = "thread_local-1.1.0",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.thread_local-1.0.1.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.thread_local-1.1.0.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
@ -3019,20 +3046,20 @@ def raze_fetch_remote_crates():
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__time__0_1_44", name = "raze__time__0_1_43",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/time/0.1.44/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/time/0.1.43/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "time-0.1.44", strip_prefix = "time-0.1.43",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.time-0.1.44.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.time-0.1.43.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__time__0_2_23", name = "raze__time__0_2_24",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/time/0.2.23/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/time/0.2.24/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "time-0.2.23", strip_prefix = "time-0.2.24",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.time-0.2.23.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.time-0.2.24.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(
@ -3424,11 +3451,11 @@ def raze_fetch_remote_crates():
maybe( maybe(
http_archive, http_archive,
name = "raze__wasi__0_10_0_wasi_snapshot_preview1", name = "raze__wasi__0_10_1_wasi_snapshot_preview1",
url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasi/0.10.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1/download", url = "https://crates.io/api/v1/crates/wasi/0.10.1+wasi-snapshot-preview1/download",
type = "tar.gz", type = "tar.gz",
strip_prefix = "wasi-0.10.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1", strip_prefix = "wasi-0.10.1+wasi-snapshot-preview1",
build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.wasi-0.10.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1.bazel"), build_file = Label("//rules/rust/remote:BUILD.wasi-0.10.1+wasi-snapshot-preview1.bazel"),
) )
maybe( maybe(

View File

@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ rust_library(
"@raze__bitflags__1_2_1//:bitflags", "@raze__bitflags__1_2_1//:bitflags",
"@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes", "@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes",
"@raze__crossbeam_channel__0_4_4//:crossbeam_channel", "@raze__crossbeam_channel__0_4_4//:crossbeam_channel",
"@raze__futures_channel__0_3_8//:futures_channel", "@raze__futures_channel__0_3_9//:futures_channel",
"@raze__futures_util__0_3_8//:futures_util", "@raze__futures_util__0_3_9//:futures_util",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__once_cell__1_5_2//:once_cell", "@raze__once_cell__1_5_2//:once_cell",
"@raze__parking_lot__0_11_1//:parking_lot", "@raze__parking_lot__0_11_1//:parking_lot",
"@raze__pin_project__0_4_27//:pin_project", "@raze__pin_project__0_4_27//:pin_project",
"@raze__smallvec__1_6_0//:smallvec", "@raze__smallvec__1_6_1//:smallvec",
"@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio", "@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio",
"@raze__tokio_util__0_3_1//:tokio_util", "@raze__tokio_util__0_3_1//:tokio_util",
"@raze__trust_dns_proto__0_19_6//:trust_dns_proto", "@raze__trust_dns_proto__0_19_6//:trust_dns_proto",

View File

@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ rust_library(
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__bitflags__1_2_1//:bitflags", "@raze__bitflags__1_2_1//:bitflags",
"@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes", "@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes",
"@raze__futures_core__0_3_8//:futures_core", "@raze__futures_core__0_3_9//:futures_core",
"@raze__futures_sink__0_3_8//:futures_sink", "@raze__futures_sink__0_3_9//:futures_sink",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio", "@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio",
"@raze__tokio_util__0_2_0//:tokio_util", "@raze__tokio_util__0_2_0//:tokio_util",

View File

@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ rust_library(
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__bitflags__1_2_1//:bitflags", "@raze__bitflags__1_2_1//:bitflags",
"@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes", "@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes",
"@raze__futures_core__0_3_8//:futures_core", "@raze__futures_core__0_3_9//:futures_core",
"@raze__futures_sink__0_3_8//:futures_sink", "@raze__futures_sink__0_3_9//:futures_sink",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__pin_project__0_4_27//:pin_project", "@raze__pin_project__0_4_27//:pin_project",
"@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio", "@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio",

View File

@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ rust_library(
"@raze__actix_service__1_0_6//:actix_service", "@raze__actix_service__1_0_6//:actix_service",
"@raze__actix_utils__2_0_0//:actix_utils", "@raze__actix_utils__2_0_0//:actix_utils",
"@raze__either__1_6_1//:either", "@raze__either__1_6_1//:either",
"@raze__futures_util__0_3_8//:futures_util", "@raze__futures_util__0_3_9//:futures_util",
"@raze__http__0_2_2//:http", "@raze__http__0_2_3//:http",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__trust_dns_proto__0_19_6//:trust_dns_proto", "@raze__trust_dns_proto__0_19_6//:trust_dns_proto",
"@raze__trust_dns_resolver__0_19_6//:trust_dns_resolver", "@raze__trust_dns_resolver__0_19_6//:trust_dns_resolver",

View File

@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ rust_library(
"@raze__copyless__0_1_5//:copyless", "@raze__copyless__0_1_5//:copyless",
"@raze__either__1_6_1//:either", "@raze__either__1_6_1//:either",
"@raze__encoding_rs__0_8_26//:encoding_rs", "@raze__encoding_rs__0_8_26//:encoding_rs",
"@raze__futures_channel__0_3_8//:futures_channel", "@raze__futures_channel__0_3_9//:futures_channel",
"@raze__futures_core__0_3_8//:futures_core", "@raze__futures_core__0_3_9//:futures_core",
"@raze__futures_util__0_3_8//:futures_util", "@raze__futures_util__0_3_9//:futures_util",
"@raze__fxhash__0_2_1//:fxhash", "@raze__fxhash__0_2_1//:fxhash",
"@raze__h2__0_2_7//:h2", "@raze__h2__0_2_7//:h2",
"@raze__http__0_2_2//:http", "@raze__http__0_2_3//:http",
"@raze__httparse__1_3_4//:httparse", "@raze__httparse__1_3_4//:httparse",
"@raze__indexmap__1_6_1//:indexmap", "@raze__indexmap__1_6_1//:indexmap",
"@raze__itoa__0_4_7//:itoa", "@raze__itoa__0_4_7//:itoa",
@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ rust_library(
"@raze__percent_encoding__2_1_0//:percent_encoding", "@raze__percent_encoding__2_1_0//:percent_encoding",
"@raze__pin_project__1_0_3//:pin_project", "@raze__pin_project__1_0_3//:pin_project",
"@raze__rand__0_7_3//:rand", "@raze__rand__0_7_3//:rand",
"@raze__regex__1_4_2//:regex", "@raze__regex__1_4_3//:regex",
"@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde", "@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde",
"@raze__serde_json__1_0_61//:serde_json", "@raze__serde_json__1_0_61//:serde_json",
"@raze__serde_urlencoded__0_7_0//:serde_urlencoded", "@raze__serde_urlencoded__0_7_0//:serde_urlencoded",
"@raze__sha_1__0_9_2//:sha_1", "@raze__sha_1__0_9_2//:sha_1",
"@raze__slab__0_4_2//:slab", "@raze__slab__0_4_2//:slab",
"@raze__time__0_2_23//:time", "@raze__time__0_2_24//:time",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ rust_library(
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__bytestring__0_1_5//:bytestring", "@raze__bytestring__0_1_5//:bytestring",
"@raze__http__0_2_2//:http", "@raze__http__0_2_3//:http",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__regex__1_4_2//:regex", "@raze__regex__1_4_3//:regex",
"@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde", "@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -54,9 +54,9 @@ rust_library(
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__actix_threadpool__0_3_3//:actix_threadpool", "@raze__actix_threadpool__0_3_3//:actix_threadpool",
"@raze__copyless__0_1_5//:copyless", "@raze__copyless__0_1_5//:copyless",
"@raze__futures_channel__0_3_8//:futures_channel", "@raze__futures_channel__0_3_9//:futures_channel",
"@raze__futures_util__0_3_8//:futures_util", "@raze__futures_util__0_3_9//:futures_util",
"@raze__smallvec__1_6_0//:smallvec", "@raze__smallvec__1_6_1//:smallvec",
"@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio", "@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ rust_library(
"@raze__actix_rt__1_1_1//:actix_rt", "@raze__actix_rt__1_1_1//:actix_rt",
"@raze__actix_service__1_0_6//:actix_service", "@raze__actix_service__1_0_6//:actix_service",
"@raze__actix_utils__2_0_0//:actix_utils", "@raze__actix_utils__2_0_0//:actix_utils",
"@raze__futures_channel__0_3_8//:futures_channel", "@raze__futures_channel__0_3_9//:futures_channel",
"@raze__futures_util__0_3_8//:futures_util", "@raze__futures_util__0_3_9//:futures_util",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__mio__0_6_23//:mio", "@raze__mio__0_6_23//:mio",
"@raze__mio_uds__0_6_8//:mio_uds", "@raze__mio_uds__0_6_8//:mio_uds",

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ rust_library(
version = "1.0.6", version = "1.0.6",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__futures_util__0_3_8//:futures_util", "@raze__futures_util__0_3_9//:futures_util",
"@raze__pin_project__0_4_27//:pin_project", "@raze__pin_project__0_4_27//:pin_project",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ rust_library(
version = "0.3.3", version = "0.3.3",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__futures_channel__0_3_8//:futures_channel", "@raze__futures_channel__0_3_9//:futures_channel",
"@raze__lazy_static__1_4_0//:lazy_static", "@raze__lazy_static__1_4_0//:lazy_static",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__num_cpus__1_13_0//:num_cpus", "@raze__num_cpus__1_13_0//:num_cpus",

View File

@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ rust_library(
"@raze__actix_codec__0_3_0//:actix_codec", "@raze__actix_codec__0_3_0//:actix_codec",
"@raze__actix_service__1_0_6//:actix_service", "@raze__actix_service__1_0_6//:actix_service",
"@raze__actix_utils__2_0_0//:actix_utils", "@raze__actix_utils__2_0_0//:actix_utils",
"@raze__futures_util__0_3_8//:futures_util", "@raze__futures_util__0_3_9//:futures_util",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ rust_library(
"@raze__bitflags__1_2_1//:bitflags", "@raze__bitflags__1_2_1//:bitflags",
"@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes", "@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes",
"@raze__either__1_6_1//:either", "@raze__either__1_6_1//:either",
"@raze__futures__0_3_8//:futures", "@raze__futures__0_3_9//:futures",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__pin_project__0_4_27//:pin_project", "@raze__pin_project__0_4_27//:pin_project",
"@raze__slab__0_4_2//:slab", "@raze__slab__0_4_2//:slab",

View File

@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ rust_library(
"@raze__bitflags__1_2_1//:bitflags", "@raze__bitflags__1_2_1//:bitflags",
"@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes", "@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes",
"@raze__either__1_6_1//:either", "@raze__either__1_6_1//:either",
"@raze__futures_channel__0_3_8//:futures_channel", "@raze__futures_channel__0_3_9//:futures_channel",
"@raze__futures_sink__0_3_8//:futures_sink", "@raze__futures_sink__0_3_9//:futures_sink",
"@raze__futures_util__0_3_8//:futures_util", "@raze__futures_util__0_3_9//:futures_util",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__pin_project__0_4_27//:pin_project", "@raze__pin_project__0_4_27//:pin_project",
"@raze__slab__0_4_2//:slab", "@raze__slab__0_4_2//:slab",

View File

@ -79,19 +79,19 @@ rust_library(
"@raze__awc__2_0_3//:awc", "@raze__awc__2_0_3//:awc",
"@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes", "@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes",
"@raze__encoding_rs__0_8_26//:encoding_rs", "@raze__encoding_rs__0_8_26//:encoding_rs",
"@raze__futures_channel__0_3_8//:futures_channel", "@raze__futures_channel__0_3_9//:futures_channel",
"@raze__futures_core__0_3_8//:futures_core", "@raze__futures_core__0_3_9//:futures_core",
"@raze__futures_util__0_3_8//:futures_util", "@raze__futures_util__0_3_9//:futures_util",
"@raze__fxhash__0_2_1//:fxhash", "@raze__fxhash__0_2_1//:fxhash",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__mime__0_3_16//:mime", "@raze__mime__0_3_16//:mime",
"@raze__pin_project__1_0_3//:pin_project", "@raze__pin_project__1_0_3//:pin_project",
"@raze__regex__1_4_2//:regex", "@raze__regex__1_4_3//:regex",
"@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde", "@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde",
"@raze__serde_json__1_0_61//:serde_json", "@raze__serde_json__1_0_61//:serde_json",
"@raze__serde_urlencoded__0_7_0//:serde_urlencoded", "@raze__serde_urlencoded__0_7_0//:serde_urlencoded",
"@raze__socket2__0_3_19//:socket2", "@raze__socket2__0_3_19//:socket2",
"@raze__time__0_2_23//:time", "@raze__time__0_2_24//:time",
"@raze__tinyvec__1_1_0//:tinyvec", "@raze__tinyvec__1_1_0//:tinyvec",
"@raze__url__2_2_0//:url", "@raze__url__2_2_0//:url",
], ],

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ rust_library(
"@raze__base64__0_13_0//:base64", "@raze__base64__0_13_0//:base64",
"@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes", "@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes",
"@raze__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if", "@raze__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if",
"@raze__futures_core__0_3_8//:futures_core", "@raze__futures_core__0_3_9//:futures_core",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__mime__0_3_16//:mime", "@raze__mime__0_3_16//:mime",
"@raze__percent_encoding__2_1_0//:percent_encoding", "@raze__percent_encoding__2_1_0//:percent_encoding",

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ rust_library(
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__addr2line__0_14_1//:addr2line", "@raze__addr2line__0_14_1//:addr2line",
"@raze__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if", "@raze__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if",
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
"@raze__miniz_oxide__0_4_3//:miniz_oxide", "@raze__miniz_oxide__0_4_3//:miniz_oxide",
"@raze__object__0_22_0//:object", "@raze__object__0_22_0//:object",
"@raze__rustc_demangle__0_1_18//:rustc_demangle", "@raze__rustc_demangle__0_1_18//:rustc_demangle",

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ rust_library(
version = "0.9.3", version = "0.9.3",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__byteorder__1_3_4//:byteorder", "@raze__byteorder__1_4_2//:byteorder",
"@raze__safemem__0_3_3//:safemem", "@raze__safemem__0_3_3//:safemem",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ rust_library(
version = "0.4.2", version = "0.4.2",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__futures__0_3_8//:futures", "@raze__futures__0_3_9//:futures",
"@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio", "@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ rust_library(
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__bb8__0_4_2//:bb8", "@raze__bb8__0_4_2//:bb8",
"@raze__futures__0_3_8//:futures", "@raze__futures__0_3_9//:futures",
"@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio", "@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio",
"@raze__tokio_postgres__0_5_5//:tokio_postgres", "@raze__tokio_postgres__0_5_5//:tokio_postgres",
], ],

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ rust_library(
version = "1.3.1", version = "1.3.1",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__byteorder__1_3_4//:byteorder", "@raze__byteorder__1_4_2//:byteorder",
"@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde", "@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
cargo-raze crate build file.
DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
# buildifier: disable=load
# buildifier: disable=load
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
package(default_visibility = [
# Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
# Prefer access through "//rules/rust", which limits external
# visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
"unencumbered", # Unlicense from expression "Unlicense OR MIT"
# Generated Targets
# buildifier: disable=load-on-top
name = "byteorder_build_script",
srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
build_script_env = {
crate_features = [
crate_root = "build.rs",
data = glob(["**"]),
edition = "2015",
rustc_flags = [
tags = [
version = "1.3.4",
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
deps = [
# Unsupported target "bench" with type "bench" omitted
name = "byteorder",
srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
crate_features = [
crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
crate_type = "lib",
data = [],
edition = "2015",
rustc_flags = [
tags = [
version = "1.3.4",
# buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
cargo-raze crate build file.
DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
# buildifier: disable=load
# buildifier: disable=load
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
package(default_visibility = [
# Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
# Prefer access through "//rules/rust", which limits external
# visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
"unencumbered", # Unlicense from expression "Unlicense OR MIT"
# Generated Targets
# Unsupported target "bench" with type "bench" omitted
name = "byteorder",
srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
crate_features = [
crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
crate_type = "lib",
data = [],
edition = "2018",
rustc_flags = [
tags = [
version = "1.4.2",
# buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [

View File

@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ rust_library(
version = "0.4.19", version = "0.4.19",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
"@raze__num_integer__0_1_44//:num_integer", "@raze__num_integer__0_1_44//:num_integer",
"@raze__num_traits__0_2_14//:num_traits", "@raze__num_traits__0_2_14//:num_traits",
"@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde", "@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde",
"@raze__time__0_1_44//:time", "@raze__time__0_1_43//:time",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -84,6 +84,6 @@ rust_library(
deps = [ deps = [
":cookie_build_script", ":cookie_build_script",
"@raze__percent_encoding__2_1_0//:percent_encoding", "@raze__percent_encoding__2_1_0//:percent_encoding",
"@raze__time__0_2_23//:time", "@raze__time__0_2_24//:time",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ rust_library(
"@raze__oorandom__11_1_3//:oorandom", "@raze__oorandom__11_1_3//:oorandom",
"@raze__plotters__0_2_15//:plotters", "@raze__plotters__0_2_15//:plotters",
"@raze__rayon__1_5_0//:rayon", "@raze__rayon__1_5_0//:rayon",
"@raze__regex__1_4_2//:regex", "@raze__regex__1_4_3//:regex",
"@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde", "@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde",
"@raze__serde_cbor__0_11_1//:serde_cbor", "@raze__serde_cbor__0_11_1//:serde_cbor",
"@raze__serde_json__1_0_61//:serde_json", "@raze__serde_json__1_0_61//:serde_json",

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ rust_library(
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__config__0_10_1//:config", "@raze__config__0_10_1//:config",
"@raze__deadpool__0_5_2//:deadpool", "@raze__deadpool__0_5_2//:deadpool",
"@raze__futures__0_3_8//:futures", "@raze__futures__0_3_9//:futures",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde", "@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde",
"@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio", "@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio",

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
cargo-raze crate build file.
DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
# buildifier: disable=load
# buildifier: disable=load
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
package(default_visibility = [
# Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
# Prefer access through "//rules/rust", which limits external
# visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
"notice", # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
# Generated Targets
# Unsupported target "custom_default_format" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "custom_format" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "custom_logger" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "default" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "direct_logger" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "filters_from_code" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "in_tests" with type "example" omitted
# Unsupported target "syslog_friendly_format" with type "example" omitted
name = "env_logger",
srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
crate_features = [
crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
crate_type = "lib",
data = [],
edition = "2018",
rustc_flags = [
tags = [
version = "0.8.2",
# buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [
# Unsupported target "init-twice-retains-filter" with type "test" omitted
# Unsupported target "log-in-log" with type "test" omitted
# Unsupported target "log_tls_dtors" with type "test" omitted
# Unsupported target "regexp_filter" with type "test" omitted

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ rust_library(
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__bit_set__0_5_2//:bit_set", "@raze__bit_set__0_5_2//:bit_set",
"@raze__regex__1_4_2//:regex", "@raze__regex__1_4_3//:regex",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ rust_library(
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if", "@raze__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if",
"@raze__crc32fast__1_2_1//:crc32fast", "@raze__crc32fast__1_2_1//:crc32fast",
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
"@raze__miniz_oxide__0_4_3//:miniz_oxide", "@raze__miniz_oxide__0_4_3//:miniz_oxide",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ rust_library(
version = "0.3.5", version = "0.3.5",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__byteorder__1_3_4//:byteorder", "@raze__byteorder__1_4_2//:byteorder",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -53,16 +53,16 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "0.3.8", version = "0.3.9",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__futures_channel__0_3_8//:futures_channel", "@raze__futures_channel__0_3_9//:futures_channel",
"@raze__futures_core__0_3_8//:futures_core", "@raze__futures_core__0_3_9//:futures_core",
"@raze__futures_executor__0_3_8//:futures_executor", "@raze__futures_executor__0_3_9//:futures_executor",
"@raze__futures_io__0_3_8//:futures_io", "@raze__futures_io__0_3_9//:futures_io",
"@raze__futures_sink__0_3_8//:futures_sink", "@raze__futures_sink__0_3_9//:futures_sink",
"@raze__futures_task__0_3_8//:futures_task", "@raze__futures_task__0_3_9//:futures_task",
"@raze__futures_util__0_3_8//:futures_util", "@raze__futures_util__0_3_9//:futures_util",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "0.3.8", version = "0.3.9",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__futures_core__0_3_8//:futures_core", "@raze__futures_core__0_3_9//:futures_core",
"@raze__futures_sink__0_3_8//:futures_sink", "@raze__futures_sink__0_3_9//:futures_sink",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "0.3.8", version = "0.3.9",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
], ],

View File

@ -51,12 +51,12 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "0.3.8", version = "0.3.9",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__futures_core__0_3_8//:futures_core", "@raze__futures_core__0_3_9//:futures_core",
"@raze__futures_task__0_3_8//:futures_task", "@raze__futures_task__0_3_9//:futures_task",
"@raze__futures_util__0_3_8//:futures_util", "@raze__futures_util__0_3_9//:futures_util",
"@raze__num_cpus__1_13_0//:num_cpus", "@raze__num_cpus__1_13_0//:num_cpus",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "0.3.8", version = "0.3.9",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
], ],

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "0.3.8", version = "0.3.9",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__proc_macro2__1_0_24//:proc_macro2", "@raze__proc_macro2__1_0_24//:proc_macro2",

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "0.3.8", version = "0.3.9",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
], ],

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "0.3.8", version = "0.3.9",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__once_cell__1_5_2//:once_cell", "@raze__once_cell__1_5_2//:once_cell",

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ rust_library(
data = [], data = [],
edition = "2018", edition = "2018",
proc_macro_deps = [ proc_macro_deps = [
"@raze__futures_macro__0_3_8//:futures_macro", "@raze__futures_macro__0_3_9//:futures_macro",
"@raze__proc_macro_hack__0_5_19//:proc_macro_hack", "@raze__proc_macro_hack__0_5_19//:proc_macro_hack",
], ],
rustc_flags = [ rustc_flags = [
@ -68,16 +68,16 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "0.3.8", version = "0.3.9",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__futures_channel__0_3_8//:futures_channel", "@raze__futures_channel__0_3_9//:futures_channel",
"@raze__futures_core__0_3_8//:futures_core", "@raze__futures_core__0_3_9//:futures_core",
"@raze__futures_io__0_3_8//:futures_io", "@raze__futures_io__0_3_9//:futures_io",
"@raze__futures_sink__0_3_8//:futures_sink", "@raze__futures_sink__0_3_9//:futures_sink",
"@raze__futures_task__0_3_8//:futures_task", "@raze__futures_task__0_3_9//:futures_task",
"@raze__memchr__2_3_4//:memchr", "@raze__memchr__2_3_4//:memchr",
"@raze__pin_project__1_0_3//:pin_project", "@raze__pin_project_lite__0_2_2//:pin_project_lite",
"@raze__pin_utils__0_1_0//:pin_utils", "@raze__pin_utils__0_1_0//:pin_utils",
"@raze__proc_macro_nested__0_1_6//:proc_macro_nested", "@raze__proc_macro_nested__0_1_6//:proc_macro_nested",
"@raze__slab__0_4_2//:slab", "@raze__slab__0_4_2//:slab",

View File

@ -51,6 +51,6 @@ rust_library(
version = "0.2.1", version = "0.2.1",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__byteorder__1_3_4//:byteorder", "@raze__byteorder__1_4_2//:byteorder",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ rust_library(
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__base64__0_9_3//:base64", "@raze__base64__0_9_3//:base64",
"@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes", "@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes",
"@raze__futures__0_3_8//:futures", "@raze__futures__0_3_9//:futures",
"@raze__httpbis__0_9_1//:httpbis", "@raze__httpbis__0_9_1//:httpbis",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__log_ndc__0_2_0//:log_ndc", "@raze__log_ndc__0_2_0//:log_ndc",

View File

@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ rust_library(
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes", "@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes",
"@raze__fnv__1_0_7//:fnv", "@raze__fnv__1_0_7//:fnv",
"@raze__futures_core__0_3_8//:futures_core", "@raze__futures_core__0_3_9//:futures_core",
"@raze__futures_sink__0_3_8//:futures_sink", "@raze__futures_sink__0_3_9//:futures_sink",
"@raze__futures_util__0_3_8//:futures_util", "@raze__futures_util__0_3_9//:futures_util",
"@raze__http__0_2_2//:http", "@raze__http__0_2_3//:http",
"@raze__indexmap__1_6_1//:indexmap", "@raze__indexmap__1_6_1//:indexmap",
"@raze__slab__0_4_2//:slab", "@raze__slab__0_4_2//:slab",
"@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio", "@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio",

View File

@ -50,6 +50,6 @@ rust_library(
version = "0.1.17", version = "0.1.17",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "0.2.2", version = "0.2.3",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes", "@raze__bytes__1_0_0//:bytes",
"@raze__fnv__1_0_7//:fnv", "@raze__fnv__1_0_7//:fnv",
"@raze__itoa__0_4_7//:itoa", "@raze__itoa__0_4_7//:itoa",
], ],

View File

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ rust_binary(
":httpbis", ":httpbis",
":httpbis_build_script", ":httpbis_build_script",
"@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes", "@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes",
"@raze__futures__0_3_8//:futures", "@raze__futures__0_3_9//:futures",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__log_ndc__0_2_0//:log_ndc", "@raze__log_ndc__0_2_0//:log_ndc",
"@raze__net2__0_2_37//:net2", "@raze__net2__0_2_37//:net2",
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ rust_library(
deps = [ deps = [
":httpbis_build_script", ":httpbis_build_script",
"@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes", "@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes",
"@raze__futures__0_3_8//:futures", "@raze__futures__0_3_9//:futures",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__log_ndc__0_2_0//:log_ndc", "@raze__log_ndc__0_2_0//:log_ndc",
"@raze__net2__0_2_37//:net2", "@raze__net2__0_2_37//:net2",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
cargo-raze crate build file.
DO NOT EDIT! Replaced on runs of cargo-raze
# buildifier: disable=load
# buildifier: disable=load
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:selects.bzl", "selects")
package(default_visibility = [
# Public for visibility by "@raze__crate__version//" targets.
# Prefer access through "//rules/rust", which limits external
# visibility to explicit Cargo.toml dependencies.
"notice", # MIT from expression "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
# Generated Targets
# Unsupported target "datetime_format" with type "bench" omitted
# Unsupported target "datetime_parse" with type "bench" omitted
name = "humantime",
srcs = glob(["**/*.rs"]),
crate_features = [
crate_root = "src/lib.rs",
crate_type = "lib",
data = [],
edition = "2018",
rustc_flags = [
tags = [
version = "2.0.1",
# buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ cargo_build_script(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "0.2.81", version = "0.2.82",
visibility = ["//visibility:private"], visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
deps = [ deps = [
], ],
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "0.2.81", version = "0.2.82",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
":libc_build_script", ":libc_build_script",

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "0.5.3", version = "0.5.4",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
], ],

View File

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -49,6 +49,6 @@ rust_library(
version = "0.1.2", version = "0.1.2",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__linked_hash_map__0_5_3//:linked_hash_map", "@raze__linked_hash_map__0_5_4//:linked_hash_map",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ rust_binary(
deps = [ deps = [
# Binaries get an implicit dependency on their crate's lib # Binaries get an implicit dependency on their crate's lib
":lz4", ":lz4",
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
"@raze__lz4_sys__1_9_2//:lz4_sys", "@raze__lz4_sys__1_9_2//:lz4_sys",
], ],
) )
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ rust_library(
version = "1.23.2", version = "1.23.2",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
"@raze__lz4_sys__1_9_2//:lz4_sys", "@raze__lz4_sys__1_9_2//:lz4_sys",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -79,6 +79,6 @@ rust_library(
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
":lz4_sys_build_script", ":lz4_sys_build_script",
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__iovec__0_1_4//:iovec", "@raze__iovec__0_1_4//:iovec",
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
"@raze__mio__0_6_23//:mio", "@raze__mio__0_6_23//:mio",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],

View File

@ -51,6 +51,6 @@ rust_library(
version = "0.2.0", version = "0.2.0",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__byteorder__1_3_4//:byteorder", "@raze__byteorder__1_4_2//:byteorder",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ rust_library(
":nix_build_script", ":nix_build_script",
"@raze__bitflags__1_2_1//:bitflags", "@raze__bitflags__1_2_1//:bitflags",
"@raze__cfg_if__0_1_10//:cfg_if", "@raze__cfg_if__0_1_10//:cfg_if",
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
"@raze__void__1_0_2//:void", "@raze__void__1_0_2//:void",
] + selects.with_or({ ] + selects.with_or({
# cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux")) # cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "linux"))

View File

@ -51,6 +51,6 @@ rust_library(
version = "1.13.0", version = "1.13.0",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ rust_library(
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if", "@raze__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if",
"@raze__instant__0_1_9//:instant", "@raze__instant__0_1_9//:instant",
"@raze__smallvec__1_6_0//:smallvec", "@raze__smallvec__1_6_1//:smallvec",
] + selects.with_or({ ] + selects.with_or({
# cfg(unix) # cfg(unix)
( (
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "0.2.1", version = "0.2.2",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
], ],

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ rust_library(
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes", "@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes",
"@raze__fallible_iterator__0_2_0//:fallible_iterator", "@raze__fallible_iterator__0_2_0//:fallible_iterator",
"@raze__futures__0_3_8//:futures", "@raze__futures__0_3_9//:futures",
"@raze__log__0_4_11//:log", "@raze__log__0_4_11//:log",
"@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio", "@raze__tokio__0_2_24//:tokio",
"@raze__tokio_postgres__0_5_5//:tokio_postgres", "@raze__tokio_postgres__0_5_5//:tokio_postgres",

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ rust_library(
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__base64__0_13_0//:base64", "@raze__base64__0_13_0//:base64",
"@raze__byteorder__1_3_4//:byteorder", "@raze__byteorder__1_4_2//:byteorder",
"@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes", "@raze__bytes__0_5_6//:bytes",
"@raze__fallible_iterator__0_2_0//:fallible_iterator", "@raze__fallible_iterator__0_2_0//:fallible_iterator",
"@raze__hmac__0_9_0//:hmac", "@raze__hmac__0_9_0//:hmac",

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ rust_library(
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__base64__0_13_0//:base64", "@raze__base64__0_13_0//:base64",
"@raze__byteorder__1_3_4//:byteorder", "@raze__byteorder__1_4_2//:byteorder",
"@raze__bytes__1_0_0//:bytes", "@raze__bytes__1_0_0//:bytes",
"@raze__fallible_iterator__0_2_0//:fallible_iterator", "@raze__fallible_iterator__0_2_0//:fallible_iterator",
"@raze__hmac__0_10_1//:hmac", "@raze__hmac__0_10_1//:hmac",

View File

@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ rust_library(
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__bit_set__0_5_2//:bit_set", "@raze__bit_set__0_5_2//:bit_set",
"@raze__bitflags__1_2_1//:bitflags", "@raze__bitflags__1_2_1//:bitflags",
"@raze__byteorder__1_3_4//:byteorder", "@raze__byteorder__1_4_2//:byteorder",
"@raze__lazy_static__1_4_0//:lazy_static", "@raze__lazy_static__1_4_0//:lazy_static",
"@raze__num_traits__0_2_14//:num_traits", "@raze__num_traits__0_2_14//:num_traits",
"@raze__quick_error__1_2_3//:quick_error", "@raze__quick_error__1_2_3//:quick_error",
"@raze__rand__0_7_3//:rand", "@raze__rand__0_7_3//:rand",
"@raze__rand_chacha__0_2_2//:rand_chacha", "@raze__rand_chacha__0_2_2//:rand_chacha",
"@raze__rand_xorshift__0_2_0//:rand_xorshift", "@raze__rand_xorshift__0_2_0//:rand_xorshift",
"@raze__regex_syntax__0_6_21//:regex_syntax", "@raze__regex_syntax__0_6_22//:regex_syntax",
"@raze__rusty_fork__0_3_0//:rusty_fork", "@raze__rusty_fork__0_3_0//:rusty_fork",
"@raze__tempfile__3_1_0//:tempfile", "@raze__tempfile__3_1_0//:tempfile",
], ],

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "1.4.2", version = "1.4.3",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__aho_corasick__0_7_15//:aho_corasick", "@raze__aho_corasick__0_7_15//:aho_corasick",
"@raze__memchr__2_3_4//:memchr", "@raze__memchr__2_3_4//:memchr",
"@raze__regex_syntax__0_6_21//:regex_syntax", "@raze__regex_syntax__0_6_22//:regex_syntax",
"@raze__thread_local__1_0_1//:thread_local", "@raze__thread_local__1_1_0//:thread_local",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ rust_library(
version = "0.1.9", version = "0.1.9",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__byteorder__1_3_4//:byteorder", "@raze__byteorder__1_4_2//:byteorder",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "0.6.21", version = "0.6.22",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
], ],

View File

@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ rust_library(
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
":reopen_build_script", ":reopen_build_script",
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
"@raze__signal_hook__0_2_3//:signal_hook", "@raze__signal_hook__0_2_3//:signal_hook",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ rust_library(
"@raze__lazy_static__1_4_0//:lazy_static", "@raze__lazy_static__1_4_0//:lazy_static",
"@raze__linked_hash_map__0_3_0//:linked_hash_map", "@raze__linked_hash_map__0_3_0//:linked_hash_map",
"@raze__num_traits__0_1_43//:num_traits", "@raze__num_traits__0_1_43//:num_traits",
"@raze__regex__1_4_2//:regex", "@raze__regex__1_4_3//:regex",
"@raze__serde__0_8_23//:serde", "@raze__serde__0_8_23//:serde",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ rust_library(
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__dtoa__0_4_7//:dtoa", "@raze__dtoa__0_4_7//:dtoa",
"@raze__linked_hash_map__0_5_3//:linked_hash_map", "@raze__linked_hash_map__0_5_4//:linked_hash_map",
"@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde", "@raze__serde__1_0_118//:serde",
"@raze__yaml_rust__0_4_5//:yaml_rust", "@raze__yaml_rust__0_4_5//:yaml_rust",
], ],

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ rust_library(
version = "0.2.3", version = "0.2.3",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
"@raze__signal_hook_registry__1_3_0//:signal_hook_registry", "@raze__signal_hook_registry__1_3_0//:signal_hook_registry",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ rust_library(
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
":signal_hook_build_script", ":signal_hook_build_script",
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
"@raze__signal_hook_registry__1_3_0//:signal_hook_registry", "@raze__signal_hook_registry__1_3_0//:signal_hook_registry",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ rust_library(
version = "1.3.0", version = "1.3.0",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ rust_library(
"@raze__crossbeam_channel__0_4_4//:crossbeam_channel", "@raze__crossbeam_channel__0_4_4//:crossbeam_channel",
"@raze__slog__2_7_0//:slog", "@raze__slog__2_7_0//:slog",
"@raze__take_mut__0_2_2//:take_mut", "@raze__take_mut__0_2_2//:take_mut",
"@raze__thread_local__1_0_1//:thread_local", "@raze__thread_local__1_1_0//:thread_local",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ rust_library(
"@raze__chrono__0_4_19//:chrono", "@raze__chrono__0_4_19//:chrono",
"@raze__slog__2_7_0//:slog", "@raze__slog__2_7_0//:slog",
"@raze__term__0_6_1//:term", "@raze__term__0_6_1//:term",
"@raze__thread_local__1_0_1//:thread_local", "@raze__thread_local__1_1_0//:thread_local",
], ],
) )

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ rust_library(
"cargo-raze", "cargo-raze",
"manual", "manual",
], ],
version = "1.6.0", version = "1.6.1",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
], ],

View File

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if", "@raze__cfg_if__1_0_0//:cfg_if",
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ rust_library(
version = "0.3.0", version = "0.3.0",
# buildifier: leave-alone # buildifier: leave-alone
deps = [ deps = [
"@raze__byteorder__1_3_4//:byteorder", "@raze__byteorder__1_4_2//:byteorder",
"@raze__regex_syntax__0_4_2//:regex_syntax", "@raze__regex_syntax__0_4_2//:regex_syntax",
"@raze__utf8_ranges__1_0_4//:utf8_ranges", "@raze__utf8_ranges__1_0_4//:utf8_ranges",
], ],

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
"@raze__xattr__0_2_2//:xattr", "@raze__xattr__0_2_2//:xattr",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ rust_library(
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-apple-darwin",
"@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu", "@io_bazel_rules_rust//rust/platform:x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
): [ ): [
"@raze__libc__0_2_81//:libc", "@raze__libc__0_2_82//:libc",
], ],
"//conditions:default": [], "//conditions:default": [],
}), }),

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More