# [3.0.0](https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-cli/compare/v2.22.0...v3.0.0) (2023-08-26)
### Bug Fixes
* also delete temporary files when uninstalling ([52c3be2](52c3be23f2))
* delete temporary files after root installation ([a3d8705](a3d8705e89))
* do not delete output file ([0f3e090](0f3e090418))
* do not use absolute path from custom AAPT2 binary option ([a9c2a5f](a9c2a5f096))
* filtration of patches malfunctioning ([2d5a7fd](2d5a7fdf1e))
* fix running commands not running ([2c7fcaf](2c7fcaf4ad))
* only check once for patch options ([11c3a6c](11c3a6cfd4))
* print original instead of kebab cased names ([5eaad33](5eaad33dc1))
* print stack trace when a patch failed ([924c1f8](924c1f80ec))
* specify correct class containing entry-point ([1fcc591](1fcc591222))
* use correct option name ([f8972ea](f8972eac3e))
* refactor!: restructure code ([07da528](07da528ce2))
### Features
* add install command ([0350b7f](0350b7f1a2))
* add options command ([9edbbf3](9edbbf3163))
* Check for missing integrations ([c93186f](c93186fb97))
* Improve command line argument descriptions ([f9cf7d2](f9cf7d21b7))
* properly make use of logging facade ([41898d7](41898d7547))
* show full package name when listing patches ([#240](https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-cli/issues/240)) ([7174364](7174364ef8))
* use better logging text ([b0e748d](b0e748daff))
* use friendly descriptions ([3dd875d](3dd875d14c))
* use separate command to list patches ([b74213f](b74213f66e))
* use separate command to patch ([32da961](32da961d57))
* use separate command to uninstall ([c0cc909](c0cc909626))
* use simpler log ([ba758f0](ba758f00f4))
* This introduces major changes to how ReVanced CLI is used from the command line.
# [3.0.0-dev.1](https://github.com/ReVanced/revanced-cli/compare/v2.23.0-dev.5...v3.0.0-dev.1) (2023-08-23)
### Bug Fixes
* do not use absolute path from custom AAPT2 binary option ([a9c2a5f](a9c2a5f096))
* use correct option name ([f8972ea](f8972eac3e))
* refactor!: restructure code ([07da528](07da528ce2))
### Features
* add options command ([9edbbf3](9edbbf3163))
* use better logging text ([b0e748d](b0e748daff))
* use separate command to list patches ([b74213f](b74213f66e))
* use separate command to patch ([32da961](32da961d57))
* use separate command to uninstall ([c0cc909](c0cc909626))
* use simpler log ([ba758f0](ba758f00f4))
* This introduces major changes to how ReVanced CLI is used from the command line.
This commit focuses on improving code quality in a couple of places and bumping the dependency to ReVanced Patcher.
BREAKING CHANGE: This introduces major changes to how ReVanced CLI is used from the command line.