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🛠️ Using ReVanced CLI

Learn how to ReVanced CLI.

🔨 Usage

ReVanced CLI is divided into the following fundamental commands:

  • 🚀 Show all available options for ReVanced CLI

    java -jar revanced-cli.jar -h
  • 📃 List patches

    java -jar revanced-cli.jar list-patches \
     --with-packages \
     --with-versions \
     --with-options \
     revanced-patches.jar [<patch-bundle> ...]
  • ⚙️ Generate options

    This will generate an options.json file for the patches from a list of supplied patch bundles. The file can be supplied to ReVanced CLI later on.

    java -jar revanced-cli.jar options \
     --path options.json \
     --overwrite \
     revanced-patches.jar [<patch-bundle> ...]


    A default options.json file will be automatically created, if it does not exist without any need for intervention when using the patch command.

  • 💉 Patch an app

    You can patch apps by supplying patch bundles and the app to patch. After patching, ReVanced CLI can install the patched app on your device using two methods:


    For ReVanced CLI to be able to install the patched app on your device, make sure ADB is working:

    adb shell exit

    To get your device's serial, run the following command:

    adb devices

    If you want to mount the patched app on top of the un-patched app, make sure you have root permissions:

    adb shell su -c exit


    Some patches may require integrations such as ReVanced Integrations. Supply them with the option --merge. ReVanced Patcher will automatically determine if they are necessary.

    • 👾 Patch an app and install it on your device regularly

      java -jar revanced-cli.jar patch \
       --patch-bundle revanced-patches.jar \
       --out patched-app.apk \
       --device-serial <device-serial> \
    • 👾 Patch an app and mount it on top of the un-patched app with root permissions


      Ensure sure the same app you are patching and mounting over is installed on your device:

      adb install app.apk


      You can use the option --ii to include or --ie to exclude patches by their index in relation to supplied patch bundles, similarly to the option --include and --exclude.

      This is useful in case two patches have the same name, and you need to include or exclude one of them.
      The index of a patch is calculated by the position of the patch in the list of patches from patch bundles supplied using the option --patch-bundle.

      You can list all patches with their indices using the command list-patches.

      Keep in mind, that the indices can change based on the order of the patch bundles supplied, as well if the patch bundles are updated, because patches can be added or removed.

      java -jar revanced-cli.jar patch \
       --patch-bundle revanced-patches.jar \
       --include "Some patch" \
       --ii 123 \
       --exclude "Some other patch" \
       --out patched-app.apk \
       --device-serial <device-serial> \
       --mount \
  • 🗑️ Uninstall an app

    java -jar revanced-cli.jar utility uninstall \
     --package-name <package-name> \


    You can unmount an APK file by adding the option --unmount.

  • 📦 Install an app

    java -jar revanced-cli.jar utility install \
     -a input.apk \


    You can mount an APK file by supplying the package name of the app to mount the supplied APK file to over the option --mount.