> If the build fails due to authentication, you may need to authenticate to GitHub Packages.
> Create a PAT with the scope `read:packages` [here](https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=read:packages&description=ReVanced) and add your token to ~/.gradle/gradle.properties.
> Example `gradle.properties` file:
> ```properties
> gpr.user = user
> gpr.key = key
> ```
## ⚙️ Workspace setup in IntelliJ IDEA
1. Open the `revanced-cli` project in IntelliJ IDEA and ensure you are using the right JDK from [💼 Prerequisites](0_prerequisites.md)
2. Import other projects you cloned earlier as modules to the `revanced-cli` project
- Open the `Project Structure` dialog by pressing `Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S`
- Click on `Modules` and add the other projects as modules to the `revanced-cli` project
3. Add a new Run/Debug configuration for `revanced-cli`; Make sure to add `Before launch` tasks to build `revanced-patches` or `revanced-integrations` if necessary
- Open the `Run/Debug Configurations` dialog by pressing `Alt + Shift + F10` and selecting `Edit Configurations...`
- Add a new `Kotlin` configuration and configure it as follows:
- If you intend to contribute to ReVanced, ensure that you branch off and PR to `dev` branches and follow the contribution guidelines of the respective repository
- Keep your Run/Debug configuration up to date. After pulling new commits, ensure you use the correct paths in `Program arguments`. If you forget to do this, you might end up debugging for hours until realizing, you supply paths to old artifacts, because the artifact names change with new releases