2023-01-09 10:43:36 +01:00

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👨‍💻 Setup a development environment for ReVanced

A certain development environment is suggested to allow for streamlined development on ReVanced.

1. ⬇️ Clone necessary repositories

    "revanced-patcher" # optional

for repository in "${repositories[@]}" ; do
        git clone -b dev --single-branch --depth 1$repository

2. 🛠️ Build from source

Before building you need to be authenticated to GitHub Packages. This will assume you have a GitHub account

Create a PAT with the scope read:packages here and add your token to ~/.gradle/

Example file:

gpr.user = ReVanced
gpr.key = ghp_key

To build all projects, run the following command from the directory which contains the repositories

    "revanced-patcher" # optional

for repository in "${repositories[@]}" ; do
        cd $repository
        ./gradlew build
        cd ..

3. ⚙️ Setup IntelliJ IDEA

  1. Open the revanced-cli project in IntelliJ IDEA and ensure you are using the right JDK from 💼 Prerequisites

  2. Import the revanced-patches and optionally the revanced-patcher project as modules into the revanced-cli project

  3. Add a new Run/Debug configuration for the revanced-cli project

    Example configuration:

     <component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
     <configuration default="false" name="Run ReVanced CLI" type="JetRunConfigurationType">
         <option name="MAIN_CLASS_NAME" value="app.revanced.cli.main.MainKt" />
         <module name="revanced-cli.main" />
         <option name="PROGRAM_PARAMETERS" value="
             --options ../options.toml
             -o ../revanced.apk
             -a ../binaries/unpatched-input.apk
             -t ../revanced-cache
             -b ../revanced-patches/build/libs/revanced-patches-<version>.jar
             -m ../revanced-integrations/app/build/outputs/apk/release/revanced-integrations-<version>.apk
             -d device-name"
         <shortenClasspath name="NONE" />
         <method v="2">
         <option name="RunConfigurationTask" enabled="true" run_configuration_name="revanced-patcher [publish]" run_configuration_type="GradleRunConfiguration" />
         <option name="RunConfigurationTask" enabled="true" run_configuration_name="revanced-patches [build]" run_configuration_type="GradleRunConfiguration" />
         <option name="Make" enabled="true" />


    : The builds of the revanced-patches and revanced-integrations change. Do not forget to update them as well in the run configuration program arguments.

5. ⚙️ Setup Android Studio

  1. Open the revanced-integrations project in Android Studio and ensure you are using the latest Android SDK.
  2. Add a new default build configuration and confirm if it succeeds.

6. ⚠️ Troubleshoot your development environment

To confirm your development environment works as intended, set a breakpoint in any patch in IntelliJ IDEA. Run the configuration and confirm, that your IDE reaches and breaks at the breakpoint. Continue and let the ReVanced CLI exit.

  • If the ReVanced CLI output is unexpected, confirm if you supplied the correct program arguments by following 💻 ReVanced CLI.

  • If the breakpoint was not hit, confirm, that you correctly added the necessary projects as modules to the revanced-cli project


Couple things should be considered with the development environment for ReVanced:

  • Follow conventional commits

  • Pull new commits from remote to keep your branch up to date

  • Keep your Run/Debug configuration up to date. Make sure, you use the correct paths in your program argument after you pull new commits. If you forget to do this, you might end up debugging for hours until realising, you supply the wrong paths to the ReVanced CLI

  • Use development branches and always branch off and PR to dev branches

  • To use the local revanced-patcher project in the revanced-cli and revanced-patches projects, make sure you publish it to the local Maven repository with ./gradlew publish and use the correct version in the build.gradle.kts file in the revanced-cli and revanced-patches projects, otherwise, it will use the package from GitHub Packages