2024-02-25 16:33:17 +01:00

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👨‍💻 Setup a development environment for ReVanced

A certain development environment is suggested to allow for streamlined development on ReVanced.

🚀 Get started

  1. ⬇️ Clone repositories

    mkdir revanced && cd revanced
        "revanced-patcher" # Only if you want to work on ReVanced Patcher
        "revanced-library" # Only if you want to work on ReVanced Library
    for repository in "${repositories[@]}" ; do
        git clone -b dev --single-branch --depth 1 https://github.com/revanced/$repository
  2. 🛠️ Build

    To build all projects, run the following command from the directory which contains the repositories.

    for project in */; do
        cd "$project" && ./gradlew build


If the build fails due to authentication, you may need to authenticate to GitHub Packages. Create a PAT with the scope read:packages here and add your token to ~/.gradle/gradle.properties.

Example gradle.properties file:

gpr.user = user
gpr.key = key

⚙️ Setup your workspace in IntelliJ IDEA

  1. Open the revanced-cli project in IntelliJ IDEA and ensure you are using the right JDK from 💼 Prerequisites

  2. Import other projects you cloned earlier as modules to the revanced-cli project

    • Open the Project Structure dialog by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S
    • Click on Modules and add the other projects as modules to the revanced-cli project
  3. Add a new Run/Debug configuration for revanced-cli; Make sure to add Before launch tasks to build revanced-patches or revanced-integrations if necessary

    • Open the Run/Debug Configurations dialog by pressing Alt + Shift + F10 and selecting Edit Configurations...

    • Add a new Kotlin configuration and configure it as follows:

      • Main class: app.revanced.cli.command.MainCommandKt

      • Program arguments: The program arguments you would use to run ReVanced CLI from the command line Example program arguments:

        -b revanced-patches\build\libs\revanced-patches-<version>.jar
        -m revanced-integrations\app\build\outputs\apk\release\revanced-integrations-<version>.apk
      • Working directory: The parent directory of the revanced-cli project ($ProjectFileDir$/..)

      • Before launch: Add a Gradle task to build revanced-patches (and revanced-integrations if necessary)

        • Click on the + button and select Gradle
        • Select the revanced-patches project and add the build task
        • Optionally, add the revanced-integrations project and the build task

        Ensure the Build task of the revanced-cli project is the last task in the list.


With every release in the revanced-patches and revanced-integrations projects, the names of the artifacts change. Do not forget to update them in the run configuration program arguments when you pull new commits.


To test the revanced-patcher and revanced-library projects, publish them to your local Maven repository by running ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal.
You can now use them as dependencies in local projects such as revanced-patches or revanced-cli.

⚠️ Troubleshoot your development environment

Confirm that your development environment works as intended:

  • Debug the build configuration for revanced-cli and confirm that your IDE reaches and breaks at the breakpoint. Continue and let ReVanced CLI exit.

    • If the ReVanced CLI output is unexpected, confirm that you supplied the correct program arguments by following 💻 ReVanced CLI.
    • If the breakpoint was not hit, confirm that you correctly added the necessary projects as modules to the revanced-cli project


A couple of things should be considered with the development environment for ReVanced:

  • Follow conventional commits
  • If you intend to contribute to ReVanced, ensure that you branch off and PR to dev branches and follow the contribution guidelines of the respective repository
  • Merge new commits regularly from the remotes to keep your branch up to date
  • Keep your Run/Debug configuration up to date. After pulling new commits, ensure you use the correct paths in Program arguments. If you forget to do this, you might end up debugging for hours until realizing, you supply paths to old artifacts, because the artifact names change with new releases