"updateDialogText":"Are you sure you want to download and update ReVanced Manager?",
"notificationTitle":"ReVanced Manager was updated",
"notificationText":"Tap to open the app",
"downloadingMessage":"Downloading update...",
"installingMessage":"Installing update...",
"errorDownloadMessage":"Unable to download update",
"errorInstallMessage":"Unable to install update",
"noConnection":"No internet connection"
"timeagoLabel":"{time} ago",
"patcherLabel":"Patcher: ",
"managerLabel":"Manager: ",
"updateButton":"Update Manager"
"patchDialogText":"You have selected a resource patch and a split APK installation was detected so patching errors may occur.\nAre you sure you want to proceed with patching a split base APK?"
"widgetTitle":"Select application",
"widgetTitleSelected":"Selected application",
"widgetSubtitle":"No application selected",
"noAppsLabel":"No applications found.",
"widgetTitle":"Select patches",
"widgetTitleSelected":"Selected patches",
"widgetSubtitle":"Select an application first",
"widgetEmptySubtitle":"No patches selected"
"widgetSubtitle":"We are online!"
"viewTitle":"Select application",
"searchBarHint":"Search applications",
"errorMessage":"Unable to use selected application."
"viewTitle":"Select patches",
"searchBarHint":"Search patches",
"noPatchesFound":"No patches found for the selected app",
"selectAllPatchesWarningContent":"You are about to select all patches, that includes unrecommended patches and can cause unwanted behavior."
"unsupportedDialogText":"Selecting this patch may result in patching errors.\n\nApp version: {packageVersion}\nCurrent supported versions:\n{supportedVersions}"
"installRootButton":"Install as Root",
"shareButton":"Share file",
"notificationTitle":"ReVanced Manager is patching",
"notificationText":"Tap to return to the installer",
"shareApkMenuOption":"Share APK",
"shareLogMenuOption":"Share log",
"installErrorDialogText1":"Root install is not possible with the current patches selection.\nRepatch your app or choose non-root install.",
"installErrorDialogText2":"Non-root install is not possible with the current patches selection.\nRepatch your app or choose root install if you have your device rooted.",
"installErrorDialogText3":"Root install is not possible as the original APK was selected from storage.\nSelect an installed app or choose non-root install.",