mirror of
synced 2024-05-14 13:56:57 +02:00
And accept more commit. Co-authored-by: Pun Butrach <pun.butrach@gmail.com>
124 lines
3.2 KiB
124 lines
3.2 KiB
module.exports = {
"branches": [
"name": "dev",
"prerelease": true
"plugins": [
"@semantic-release/commit-analyzer", {
"preset": "conventionalcommits",
"releaseRules": [
{ type: "style", release: "patch" },
{ type: "refactor", release: "patch" },
{ type: "perf", release: "patch" },
{ type: "build", release: "patch" },
{ type: "chore", release: "patch" },
{ type: "revert", release: "patch" }
preset: "conventionalcommits",
presetConfig: {
types: [
{ type: "feat", section: "Features" },
{ type: "fix", section: "Bug Fixes" },
{ type: "docs", section: "Documentation" },
{ type: "style", section: "Styles" },
{ type: "refactor", section: "Code Refactoring" },
{ type: "perf", section: "Performance Improvements" },
{ type: "test", section: "Tests" },
{ type: "build", section: "Build System" },
{ type: "ci", section: "Continuous Integration" },
{ type: "chore", section: "Chores" },
{ type: "revert", section: "Reverts" },
writerOpts: {
transform: (commit, context) => {
if (commit.author.name === "semantic-release-bot") return;
const types = {
feat: "Features",
fix: "Bug Fixes",
docs: "Documentation",
style: "Styles",
refactor: "Code Refactoring",
perf: "Performance Improvements",
test: "Tests",
build: "Build System",
ci: "Continuous Integration",
chore: "Chores",
revert: "Reverts",
commit.type = types[commit.type];
return commit;
commitPartial: "* {{#if scope}}**{{scope}}:** {{/if}}{{subject}} ([{{author.name}}]({{~@root.host}}/{{~@root.owner}}/{{~@root.repository}}/commit/{{hash}}))\n",
mainTemplate: `
{{#each commitGroups}}
{{#if title}}
## {{title}}
{{#each commits}}
{{> commit root=@root}}
"files": [
"path": ["pubspec.yaml"],
"type": "flutter",
"branches": ["main", "dev"]
"prepareCmd": "flutter build apk"
"assets": [
"assets": [
"path": "build/app/outputs/apk/release/revanced-manager*.apk"
"successComment": false
"backmergeBranches": [{"from": "main", "to": "dev"}],
"clearWorkspace": true