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synced 2024-05-14 13:56:57 +02:00
Boris M
feat: ability to store and load selected patches (#469)
* feat: ability to store and load selected patches * fix: I18n * fix: do not append but truncate file * fix: use json file, minor fixes * fix: better ui * WIP * feat: load patches selection after app selection * feat: import/export json file * fix: reformat code * fix: rare bug on import feature fixed * fix: move export/ipmort to settings page & import full json * fix: minor improvements * fix: minor code quality improvements * fix: export filename fix * fix: select list element istead of removing it
💊 ReVanced Manager
The official ReVanced Manager based on Flutter.
🔽 Download
To download the Alpha version of Manager, go here and install the provided APK file.
📝 Prerequisites
- Android 8 or higher
- Does not work on some armv7 devices
- Vanced MicroG required for YouTube and YouTube Music (Only for non-root)
⚠️ Disclaimer
Please note that even though we're releasing the Manager, it is an ALPHA version. There's a big chance that the Manager might not work at all for you.
🔴 Issues
For suggestions and bug reports, open an issue here.
💭 Discussion
If you wish to discuss the Manager, a thread has been made under the #development channel in the Discord server, please note that this thread may be temporary and may be removed in the future.
🛠️ Building Manager from source
- Setup flutter environment for your platform
- Clone the repository locally
- Add your github token in gradle.properties like this
- Open the project in terminal
- Run
flutter pub get
in terminal - Then
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
(Must be done on each git pull) - To build release apk run
flutter build apk