
1377 lines
41 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright 2005 by Aaron Seigo <>
* Copyright 2007 by Riccardo Iaconelli <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this program; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "applet.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QEvent>
#include <QFile>
#include <QList>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QSize>
#include <QStyleOptionGraphicsItem>
#include <QTextDocument>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QUiLoader>
#include <KIcon>
#include <KColorScheme>
#include <KConfigDialog>
#include <KDialog>
#include <KPluginInfo>
#include <KStandardDirs>
#include <KService>
#include <KServiceTypeTrader>
#include <KIconLoader>
#include <Solid/PowerManagement>
#include "plasma/configxml.h"
#include "plasma/containment.h"
#include "plasma/corona.h"
#include "plasma/dataenginemanager.h"
#include "plasma/package.h"
#include "plasma/packages_p.h"
#include "plasma/plasma.h"
#include "plasma/scriptengine.h"
#include "plasma/shadowitem_p.h"
#include "plasma/svg.h"
#include "plasma/theme.h"
#include "plasma/view.h"
#include "plasma/layouts/boxlayout.h"
#include "plasma/widgets/widget.h"
#include "plasma/widgets/lineedit.h"
#include "plasma/widgets/pushbutton.h"
namespace Plasma
class Applet::Private
Private(KService::Ptr service, int uniqueID)
: appletId(uniqueID),
if (appletId == 0) {
appletId = nextId();
if (appletId > s_maxAppletId) {
s_maxAppletId = appletId;
foreach ( const QString& engine, loadedEngines ) {
DataEngineManager::self()->unloadDataEngine( engine );
delete background;
delete package;
delete configXml;
delete shadow;
delete cachedBackground;
delete mainConfig;
void init(Applet* applet)
// WARNING: do not access config() OR globalConfig() in this method!
// that requires a scene, which is not available at this point
if (!appletDescription.isValid()) {
QString language ="X-Plasma-Language").toString();
// we have a scripted plasmoid
if (!language.isEmpty()) {
// find where the Package is
QString path = KStandardDirs::locate("appdata",
"plasmoids/" + appletDescription.pluginName() + '/');
if (path.isEmpty()) {
applet->setFailedToLaunch(true, i18n("Could not locate the %1 package required for the %2 widget.",
} else {
// create the package and see if we have something real
//kDebug() << "trying for" << path;
package = new Package(path, PlasmoidStructure());
if (package->isValid()) {
// now we try and set up the script engine.
// it will be parented to this applet and so will get
// deleted when the applet does
scriptEngine = ScriptEngine::load(language, applet);
if (!scriptEngine) {
delete package;
package = 0;
applet->setFailedToLaunch(true, i18n("Could not create a %1 ScriptEngine for the %2 widget.",
} else {
applet->setFailedToLaunch(true, i18n("Could not open the %1 package required for the %2 widget.",
delete package;
package = 0;
if (package) {
// put all setup routines for script here. at this point we can assume that
// package exists and that we have a script engin
void setupScriptSupport(Applet* applet)
QString xmlPath = package->filePath("mainconfigxml");
if (!xmlPath.isEmpty()) {
QFile file(xmlPath);
// FIXME: KConfigSkeleton doesn't play well with KConfigGroup =/
KConfigGroup config = applet->config();
configXml = new ConfigXml(&config, &file);
if (!package->filePath("mainconfigui").isEmpty()) {
void paintBackground(QPainter* p2, Applet* q, QRectF paintRect)
if (q->formFactor() != Plasma::Planar) {
// we don't paint special backgrounds for other form factors
// if that changes in the future, this method is where such
// background painting code should be added
// TODO: caching these values might be an idea
const int topHeight = background->elementSize("top").height();
const int leftWidth = background->elementSize("left").width();
const int topOffset = 0 - topHeight;
const int leftOffset = 0 - leftWidth;
if (!cachedBackground || cachedBackground->size() != q->boundingRect().toRect().size()) {
QSize contents = contentSize(q).toSize();
const int contentWidth = contents.width();
const int contentHeight = contents.height();
const int topWidth = background->elementSize("top").width();
const int leftHeight = background->elementSize("left").height();
const int rightWidth = background->elementSize("right").width();
const int bottomHeight = background->elementSize("bottom").height();
// contents top-left corner is (0,0). We need to draw up and left of that
const int rightOffset = contentWidth;
const int bottomOffset = contentHeight;
const int contentTop = 0;
const int contentLeft = 0;
delete cachedBackground;
cachedBackground = new QPixmap(leftWidth + contentWidth + rightWidth, topHeight + contentHeight + bottomHeight);
QPainter p(cachedBackground);
p.translate(leftWidth, topHeight);
//FIXME: This is a hack to fix a drawing problems with svg files where a thin transparent border is drawn around the svg image.
// the transparent border around the svg seems to vary in size depending on the size of the svg and as a result increasing the
// svn image by 2 all around didn't resolve the issue. For now it resizes based on the border size.
background->resize(contentWidth, contentHeight);
background->paint(&p, QRect(contentLeft-leftWidth, contentTop-topHeight, contentWidth+leftWidth*2, contentHeight+topHeight*2), "center");
background->paint(&p, QRect(leftOffset, topOffset, leftWidth, topHeight), "topleft");
background->paint(&p, QRect(rightOffset, topOffset,rightWidth, topHeight), "topright");
background->paint(&p, QRect(leftOffset, bottomOffset, leftWidth, bottomHeight), "bottomleft");
background->paint(&p, QRect(rightOffset, bottomOffset, rightWidth, bottomHeight), "bottomright");
if (background->elementExists("hint-stretch-borders")) {
background->paint(&p, QRect(leftOffset, contentTop, leftWidth, contentHeight), "left");
background->paint(&p, QRect(rightOffset, contentTop, rightWidth, contentHeight), "right");
background->paint(&p, QRect(contentLeft, topOffset, contentWidth, topHeight), "top");
background->paint(&p, QRect(contentLeft, bottomOffset, contentWidth, bottomHeight), "bottom");
} else {
QPixmap left(leftWidth, leftHeight);
QPainter sidePainter(&left);
background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "left");
p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(leftOffset, contentTop, leftWidth, contentHeight), left);
QPixmap right(rightWidth, leftHeight);
QPainter sidePainter(&right);
background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "right");
p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(rightOffset, contentTop, rightWidth, contentHeight), right);
QPixmap top(topWidth, topHeight);
QPainter sidePainter(&top);
background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "top");
p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(contentLeft, topOffset, contentWidth, topHeight), top);
QPixmap bottom(topWidth, bottomHeight);
QPainter sidePainter(&bottom);
background->paint(&sidePainter, QPoint(0, 0), "bottom");
p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(contentLeft, bottomOffset, contentWidth, bottomHeight), bottom);
// re-enable this once Qt's svg rendering is un-buggered
//background->resize(contentWidth, contentHeight);
//background->paint(&p, QRect(contentLeft, contentTop, contentWidth, contentHeight), "center");
p2->drawPixmap(paintRect, *cachedBackground, paintRect.translated(-leftOffset,-topOffset));
QSizeF contentSize(const Applet* q)
if (failureText) {
return failureText->geometry().size();
return q->contentSize();
static uint nextId()
return s_maxAppletId;
QString instanceName()
if (!appletDescription.isValid()) {
return QString();
return appletDescription.service()->library() + QString::number(appletId);
void getBorderSize(int& left , int& top, int &right, int& bottom)
if (background) {
top = background->elementSize("top").height();
left = background->elementSize("left").width();
right = background->elementSize("right").width();
bottom = background->elementSize("bottom").height();
} else {
top = left = right = bottom = 0;
void scheduleConstraintsUpdate(Plasma::Constraints c, Applet* applet)
if (pendingConstraints == NoConstraint) {
QTimer::singleShot(0, applet, SLOT(flushUpdatedConstraints()));
pendingConstraints |= c;
KConfigGroup* mainConfigGroup(const Applet* q)
if (mainConfig) {
return mainConfig;
if (isContainment) {
const Containment *asContainment = qobject_cast<Containment*>(const_cast<Applet*>(q));
KConfigGroup containmentConfig;
//kDebug() << "got a corona, baby?" << (QObject*)asContainment->corona();
if (asContainment->corona()) {
containmentConfig = KConfigGroup(asContainment->corona()->config(), "Containments");
} else {
containmentConfig = KConfigGroup(KGlobal::config(), "Containments");
mainConfig = new KConfigGroup(&containmentConfig, QString::number(appletId));
} else {
KConfigGroup appletConfig;
if (q->containment()) {
appletConfig = q->containment()->config();
appletConfig = KConfigGroup(&appletConfig, "Applets");
} else {
kWarning() << "requesting config for" << q->name() << "without a containment!";
appletConfig = KConfigGroup(KGlobal::config(), "Applets");
mainConfig = new KConfigGroup(&appletConfig, QString::number(appletId));
return mainConfig;
void copyEntries(KConfigGroup *source, KConfigGroup *destination)
foreach (const QString &group, source->groupList()) {
KConfigGroup subSource(source, group);
KConfigGroup subDest(destination, group);
copyEntries(&subSource, &subDest);
QMap<QString, QString> entries = source->entryMap();
QMapIterator<QString, QString> it(entries);
while (it.hasNext()) {;
destination->writeEntry(it.key(), it.value());
//TODO: examine the usage of memory here; there's a pretty large
// number of members at this point.
uint appletId;
KPluginInfo appletDescription;
Package* package;
QList<QObject*> watchedForFocus;
QStringList loadedEngines;
static uint s_maxAppletId;
Plasma::Svg *background;
Plasma::LineEdit *failureText;
ScriptEngine* scriptEngine;
ConfigXml* configXml;
ShadowItem* shadow;
QPixmap* cachedBackground;
KConfigGroup *mainConfig;
Plasma::Constraints pendingConstraints;
bool kioskImmutable : 1;
bool immutable : 1;
bool hasConfigurationInterface : 1;
bool failed : 1;
bool needsConfig : 1;
bool isContainment : 1;
uint Applet::Private::s_maxAppletId = 0;
Applet::Applet(QGraphicsItem *parent,
const QString& serviceID,
uint appletId)
: Widget(parent),
d(new Private(KService::serviceByStorageId(serviceID), appletId))
// WARNING: do not access config() OR globalConfig() in this method!
// that requires a scene, which is not available at this point
Applet::Applet(QObject* parentObject, const QVariantList& args)
: Widget(0,parentObject),
d(new Private(KService::serviceByStorageId(args.count() > 0 ? args[0].toString() : QString()),
args.count() > 1 ? args[1].toInt() : 0))
// WARNING: do not access config() OR globalConfig() in this method!
// that requires a scene, which is not available at this point
// the brain damage seen in the initialization list is due to the
// inflexibility of KService::createInstance
delete d;
void Applet::init()
uint Applet::id() const
return d->appletId;
void Applet::save(KConfigGroup* group) const
// we call the dptr member directly for locked since isImmutable()
// also checks kiosk and parent containers
group->writeEntry("locked", d->immutable);
group->writeEntry("plugin", pluginName());
//FIXME: for containments, we need to have some special values here w/regards to
// screen affinity (e.g. "bottom of screen 0")
//kDebug() << pluginName() << "geometry is" << geometry() << "pos is" << pos() << "bounding rect is" << boundingRect();
group->writeEntry("geometry", geometry());
if (transform() == QTransform()) {
} else {
QList<qreal> m;
QTransform t = transform();
m << t.m11() << t.m12() << t.m13() << t.m21() << t.m22() << t.m23() << t.m31() << t.m32() << t.m33();
group->writeEntry("transform", m);
//group->writeEntry("transform", transformToString(transform()));
KConfigGroup appletConfigGroup(group, "Configuration");
//FIXME: we need a global save state too
void Applet::saveState(KConfigGroup* group) const
if (group->config()->name() != config().config()->name()) {
// we're being saved to a different file!
// let's just copy the current values in our configuration over
KConfigGroup c = config();
d->copyEntries(&c, group);
KConfigGroup Applet::config(const QString &group) const
KConfigGroup cg = config();
return KConfigGroup(&cg, group);
KConfigGroup Applet::config() const
if (d->isContainment) {
return *(d->mainConfigGroup(this));
return KConfigGroup(d->mainConfigGroup(this), "Configuration");
KConfigGroup Applet::globalConfig() const
KConfigGroup globalAppletConfig;
if (containment() && containment()->corona()) {
KSharedConfig::Ptr coronaConfig = containment()->corona()->config();
globalAppletConfig = KConfigGroup(coronaConfig, "AppletGlobals");
} else {
globalAppletConfig = KConfigGroup(KGlobal::config(), "AppletGlobals");
return KConfigGroup(&globalAppletConfig, globalName());
void Applet::destroy()
//kDebug() << "???????????????? DESTROYING APPLET" << name() << " ???????????????????????????";
if (d->configXml) {
void Applet::resetConfigurationObject()
delete d->mainConfig;
d->mainConfig = 0;
ConfigXml* Applet::configXml() const
return d->configXml;
DataEngine* Applet::dataEngine(const QString& name) const
int index = d->loadedEngines.indexOf(name);
if (index != -1) {
return DataEngineManager::self()->dataEngine(name);
DataEngine* engine = DataEngineManager::self()->loadDataEngine(name);
if (engine->isValid()) {
return engine;
const Package* Applet::package() const
return d->package;
void Applet::updateConstraints(Plasma::Constraints constraints)
d->scheduleConstraintsUpdate(constraints, this);
void Applet::constraintsUpdated(Plasma::Constraints constraints)
//kDebug() << constraints << "constraints are FormFactor: " << formFactor() << ", Location: " << location();
QString Applet::name() const
if (!d->appletDescription.isValid()) {
return i18n("Unknown Applet");
return d->;
QString Applet::icon() const
if (!d->appletDescription.isValid()) {
return QString();
return d->appletDescription.icon();
QString Applet::pluginName() const
if (!d->appletDescription.isValid()) {
return QString();
return d->appletDescription.pluginName();
bool Applet::shouldConserveResources() const
return Solid::PowerManagement::appShouldConserveResources();
QString Applet::category() const
if (!d->appletDescription.isValid()) {
return i18n("Miscellaneous");
return d->appletDescription.category();
QString Applet::category(const KPluginInfo& applet)
QString Applet::category(const QString& appletName)
if (appletName.isEmpty()) {
return QString();
QString constraint = QString("[X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name] == '%1'").arg(appletName);
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Applet", constraint);
if (offers.isEmpty()) {
return QString();
return offers.first()->property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category").toString();
bool Applet::isImmutable() const
return d->immutable || d->kioskImmutable ||
(containment() && containment()->isImmutable()) ||
(dynamic_cast<Corona*>( scene() ) && static_cast<Corona*>(scene())->isImmutable());
bool Applet::isKioskImmutable() const
return d->kioskImmutable;
void Applet::setImmutable(bool immutable)
if (d->immutable == immutable ||
(immutable && d->kioskImmutable)) {
d->immutable = immutable;
// TODO: should we tell the applets too?
bool Applet::drawStandardBackground()
return d->background != 0;
void Applet::setDrawStandardBackground(bool drawBackground)
if (drawBackground) {
if (!d->background) {
d->background = new Plasma::Svg("widgets/background");
} else if (d->background) {
delete d->background;
d->background = 0;
bool Applet::failedToLaunch() const
return d->failed;
QString visibleFailureText(const QString& reason)
QString text;
if (reason.isEmpty()) {
text = i18n("This object could not be created.");
} else {
text = i18n("This object could not be created for the following reason:<p><b>%1</b></p>", reason);
return text;
void Applet::setFailedToLaunch(bool failed, const QString& reason)
if (d->failed == failed) {
if (d->failureText) {
setGeometry(QRectF(geometry().topLeft(), d->failureText->sizeHint()));
d->failed = failed;
d->failureText = 0;
delete layout();
if (failed) {
Layout* failureLayout = new BoxLayout(BoxLayout::TopToBottom, this);
d->failureText = new LineEdit(this);
d->failureText->setTextInteractionFlags( Qt::TextSelectableByMouse );
//FIXME: this needs to get the colour from the theme's colour scheme
setGeometry(QRectF(geometry().topLeft(), d->failureText->sizeHint()));
bool Applet::needsConfiguring() const
return d->needsConfig;
void Applet::setNeedsConfiguring(bool needsConfig)
if (d->needsConfig == needsConfig) {
d->needsConfig = needsConfig;
delete layout();
if (needsConfig) {
This breaks the existing Plasma applet API, see the contentSize() comments below. * New Flow Layout. This provides simple icon view-esque layout of items. Useful for icons for documents , applications or other tasks on the desktop for example. Supports non-equally sized items. Works well when used with the LayoutAnimator class to animate insertions and removals. * Re-wrote BoxLayout and removed old HBoxLayout,VBoxLayout classes which had a lot of code duplication. BoxLayout class now takes a direction argument in the constructor, ala. QBoxLayout. New BoxLayout class actually takes minimumSize() , maximumSize() of items into account. The Qt layout code for box and grid layouts is surprisingly sophisticated, so the results from BoxLayout probably will not be as good in certain situations but it should do for the panel. New BoxLayout also has support for LayoutAnimator * Fix Plasma::HBoxLayout and Plasma::VBoxLayout to use margin() rather than spacing() for the distance from the top and left margins respectively. * Fix Plasma::Applet::contentSize() to return the actual content size rather than a size hint. Added a new method contentSizeHint() which applets use to provide a hint about suitable content size. Existing implementations of contentSize() in applets need to be renamed to contentSizeHint(). The arguments and return type are the same as before. * Install the LayoutAnimator header so that applets can use it svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma/; revision=707275
2007-09-01 14:34:22 +02:00
Layout* layout = new BoxLayout(BoxLayout::TopToBottom,this);
PushButton* button = new PushButton(this);
connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(performSetupConfig()));
void Applet::performSetupConfig()
delete layout();
void Applet::checkImmutability()
d->kioskImmutable = globalConfig().isImmutable() || config().isImmutable() ||
(containment() && containment()->isKioskImmutable()) ||
(dynamic_cast<Corona*>(scene()) && static_cast<Corona*>(scene())->isKioskImmutable());
if (d->kioskImmutable) {
void Applet::flushUpdatedConstraints()
if (d->pendingConstraints == NoConstraint) {
//kDebug() << "fushing constraints: " << d->pendingConstraints << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!";
Plasma::Constraints c = d->pendingConstraints;
d->pendingConstraints = NoConstraint;
Containment* containment = qobject_cast<Plasma::Containment*>(this);
if (c & Plasma::FormFactorConstraint) {
FormFactor f = formFactor();
setShadowShown(f == Planar);
setDrawStandardBackground(!containment && f != Vertical && f != Horizontal);
if (isContainment() && containment) {
if (layout()) {
int Applet::type() const
return Type;
QRectF Applet::boundingRect() const
QRectF rect = QRectF(QPointF(0,0), d->contentSize(this));
int left;
int right;
int top;
int bottom;
//kDebug() << "Background , Border size" << d->background << left << top << right << bottom;
return rect.adjusted(-left,-top,right,bottom);
QSizeF Applet::sizeHint() const
int left = 0;
int right = 0;
int top = 0;
int bottom = 0;
d->getBorderSize(left, top, right, bottom);
QSizeF borderSize = QSizeF(left + right, top + bottom);
//kDebug() << "Applet content size hint: " << contentSizeHint() << "plus our borders" << left << right << top << bottom;
This breaks the existing Plasma applet API, see the contentSize() comments below. * New Flow Layout. This provides simple icon view-esque layout of items. Useful for icons for documents , applications or other tasks on the desktop for example. Supports non-equally sized items. Works well when used with the LayoutAnimator class to animate insertions and removals. * Re-wrote BoxLayout and removed old HBoxLayout,VBoxLayout classes which had a lot of code duplication. BoxLayout class now takes a direction argument in the constructor, ala. QBoxLayout. New BoxLayout class actually takes minimumSize() , maximumSize() of items into account. The Qt layout code for box and grid layouts is surprisingly sophisticated, so the results from BoxLayout probably will not be as good in certain situations but it should do for the panel. New BoxLayout also has support for LayoutAnimator * Fix Plasma::HBoxLayout and Plasma::VBoxLayout to use margin() rather than spacing() for the distance from the top and left margins respectively. * Fix Plasma::Applet::contentSize() to return the actual content size rather than a size hint. Added a new method contentSizeHint() which applets use to provide a hint about suitable content size. Existing implementations of contentSize() in applets need to be renamed to contentSizeHint(). The arguments and return type are the same as before. * Install the LayoutAnimator header so that applets can use it svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma/; revision=707275
2007-09-01 14:34:22 +02:00
return contentSizeHint() + QSizeF(left + right, top + bottom);
QList<QAction*> Applet::contextActions()
kDebug() << "empty context actions";
return QList<QAction*>();
QColor Applet::color() const
// TODO: add more colors for more categories and
// maybe read from config?
QString c = category();
int alpha = 200;
// Colors taken from Oxygen color palette
if (c == "Date and Time") {
return QColor(191, 94, 0, alpha);
} else if (c == "Environment & Weather") {
return QColor(191, 0, 0, alpha);
} else if (c == "Examples") {
return QColor(204, 0, 154, alpha);
} else if (c == "File System") {
return QColor(90, 0, 179, alpha);
} else if (c == "Graphics") {
return QColor(0, 0, 255, alpha);
} else if (c == "Language") {
return QColor(0, 191, 0, alpha);
} else if (c == "Mapping") {
return QColor(191, 245, 0, alpha);
} else if (c == "Online Services") {
return QColor(255, 213, 0, alpha);
} else if (c == "System Information") {
return QColor(0, 196, 204, alpha);
} else if (c == "Windows and Tasks") {
return QColor(255, 126, 0, alpha);
} else {
return QColor(136, 136, 136, alpha);
void Applet::paintWidget(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
if (d->shadow && d->shadow->shadowedSize() != boundingRect().size()) {
//kDebug() << "sizes are " << d->shadow->shadowedSize() << boundingRect().size();
if (transform().isRotating()) {
if (d->background) {
//kDebug() << "option rect is" << option->rect;
d->paintBackground(painter, this, option->rect);
if (!d->failed && !d->needsConfig) {
if (widget && isContainment()) {
// note that the widget we get is actually the viewport of the view, not the view itself
View* v = qobject_cast<Plasma::View*>(widget->parent());
if (v && !v->drawWallpaper()) {
//kDebug() << "paint interface of" << (QObject*) this;
paintInterface(painter, option, QRect(QPoint(0,0), d->contentSize(this).toSize()));
void Applet::paintInterface(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
const QRect & contentsRect)
if (d->scriptEngine) {
d->scriptEngine->paintInterface(painter, option, contentsRect);
} else {
//kDebug() << "Applet::paintInterface() default impl";
FormFactor Applet::formFactor() const
Containment* c = containment();
return c ? c->formFactor() : Plasma::Planar;
Containment* Applet::containment() const
QGraphicsItem *parent = parentItem();
Containment *c = 0;
while (parent) {
if ((c = dynamic_cast<Containment*>(parent))) {
parent = parent->parentItem();
return c;
Location Applet::location() const
Containment* c = containment();
if (!c) {
return Plasma::Desktop;
return c->location();
QRectF Applet::contentRect() const
return QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), contentSize());
QSizeF Applet::contentSize() const
This breaks the existing Plasma applet API, see the contentSize() comments below. * New Flow Layout. This provides simple icon view-esque layout of items. Useful for icons for documents , applications or other tasks on the desktop for example. Supports non-equally sized items. Works well when used with the LayoutAnimator class to animate insertions and removals. * Re-wrote BoxLayout and removed old HBoxLayout,VBoxLayout classes which had a lot of code duplication. BoxLayout class now takes a direction argument in the constructor, ala. QBoxLayout. New BoxLayout class actually takes minimumSize() , maximumSize() of items into account. The Qt layout code for box and grid layouts is surprisingly sophisticated, so the results from BoxLayout probably will not be as good in certain situations but it should do for the panel. New BoxLayout also has support for LayoutAnimator * Fix Plasma::HBoxLayout and Plasma::VBoxLayout to use margin() rather than spacing() for the distance from the top and left margins respectively. * Fix Plasma::Applet::contentSize() to return the actual content size rather than a size hint. Added a new method contentSizeHint() which applets use to provide a hint about suitable content size. Existing implementations of contentSize() in applets need to be renamed to contentSizeHint(). The arguments and return type are the same as before. * Install the LayoutAnimator header so that applets can use it svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma/; revision=707275
2007-09-01 14:34:22 +02:00
int top, left, right, bottom;
d->getBorderSize(left, top, right, bottom);
// kDebug() << "Geometry size: " << geometry().size();
// kDebug() << "Borders: " << left << top << right << bottom;
This breaks the existing Plasma applet API, see the contentSize() comments below. * New Flow Layout. This provides simple icon view-esque layout of items. Useful for icons for documents , applications or other tasks on the desktop for example. Supports non-equally sized items. Works well when used with the LayoutAnimator class to animate insertions and removals. * Re-wrote BoxLayout and removed old HBoxLayout,VBoxLayout classes which had a lot of code duplication. BoxLayout class now takes a direction argument in the constructor, ala. QBoxLayout. New BoxLayout class actually takes minimumSize() , maximumSize() of items into account. The Qt layout code for box and grid layouts is surprisingly sophisticated, so the results from BoxLayout probably will not be as good in certain situations but it should do for the panel. New BoxLayout also has support for LayoutAnimator * Fix Plasma::HBoxLayout and Plasma::VBoxLayout to use margin() rather than spacing() for the distance from the top and left margins respectively. * Fix Plasma::Applet::contentSize() to return the actual content size rather than a size hint. Added a new method contentSizeHint() which applets use to provide a hint about suitable content size. Existing implementations of contentSize() in applets need to be renamed to contentSizeHint(). The arguments and return type are the same as before. * Install the LayoutAnimator header so that applets can use it svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma/; revision=707275
2007-09-01 14:34:22 +02:00
return (geometry().size() - QSizeF(left + right, top + bottom)).expandedTo(QSizeF(0, 0));
This breaks the existing Plasma applet API, see the contentSize() comments below. * New Flow Layout. This provides simple icon view-esque layout of items. Useful for icons for documents , applications or other tasks on the desktop for example. Supports non-equally sized items. Works well when used with the LayoutAnimator class to animate insertions and removals. * Re-wrote BoxLayout and removed old HBoxLayout,VBoxLayout classes which had a lot of code duplication. BoxLayout class now takes a direction argument in the constructor, ala. QBoxLayout. New BoxLayout class actually takes minimumSize() , maximumSize() of items into account. The Qt layout code for box and grid layouts is surprisingly sophisticated, so the results from BoxLayout probably will not be as good in certain situations but it should do for the panel. New BoxLayout also has support for LayoutAnimator * Fix Plasma::HBoxLayout and Plasma::VBoxLayout to use margin() rather than spacing() for the distance from the top and left margins respectively. * Fix Plasma::Applet::contentSize() to return the actual content size rather than a size hint. Added a new method contentSizeHint() which applets use to provide a hint about suitable content size. Existing implementations of contentSize() in applets need to be renamed to contentSizeHint(). The arguments and return type are the same as before. * Install the LayoutAnimator header so that applets can use it svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma/; revision=707275
2007-09-01 14:34:22 +02:00
void Applet::setContentSize(const QSizeF &size)
int top, left, right, bottom;
d->getBorderSize(left, top, right, bottom);
resize(size + QSizeF(left + right, top + bottom));
void Applet::setContentSize(int width, int height)
setContentSize(QSizeF(width, height));
This breaks the existing Plasma applet API, see the contentSize() comments below. * New Flow Layout. This provides simple icon view-esque layout of items. Useful for icons for documents , applications or other tasks on the desktop for example. Supports non-equally sized items. Works well when used with the LayoutAnimator class to animate insertions and removals. * Re-wrote BoxLayout and removed old HBoxLayout,VBoxLayout classes which had a lot of code duplication. BoxLayout class now takes a direction argument in the constructor, ala. QBoxLayout. New BoxLayout class actually takes minimumSize() , maximumSize() of items into account. The Qt layout code for box and grid layouts is surprisingly sophisticated, so the results from BoxLayout probably will not be as good in certain situations but it should do for the panel. New BoxLayout also has support for LayoutAnimator * Fix Plasma::HBoxLayout and Plasma::VBoxLayout to use margin() rather than spacing() for the distance from the top and left margins respectively. * Fix Plasma::Applet::contentSize() to return the actual content size rather than a size hint. Added a new method contentSizeHint() which applets use to provide a hint about suitable content size. Existing implementations of contentSize() in applets need to be renamed to contentSizeHint(). The arguments and return type are the same as before. * Install the LayoutAnimator header so that applets can use it svn path=/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/libs/plasma/; revision=707275
2007-09-01 14:34:22 +02:00
QSizeF Applet::contentSizeHint() const
if (layout()) {
return layout()->sizeHint();
return contentSize();
void Applet::setMinimumContentSize(const QSizeF &minSize)
int top, left, right, bottom;
d->getBorderSize(left, top, right, bottom);
setMinimumSize(minSize + QSizeF(left + right, top + bottom));
void Applet::setMinimumContentSize(int minWidth, int minHeight)
setMinimumContentSize(QSizeF(minWidth, minHeight));
QSizeF Applet::minimumContentSize() const
int top, left, right, bottom;
d->getBorderSize(left, top, right, bottom);
return minimumSize() - QSizeF(left + right, top + bottom);
void Applet::setMaximumContentSize(const QSizeF &maxSize)
int top, left, right, bottom;
d->getBorderSize(left, top, right, bottom);
setMaximumSize(maxSize + QSizeF(left + right, top + bottom));
void Applet::setMaximumContentSize(int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
setMaximumContentSize(QSizeF(maxWidth, maxHeight));
QSizeF Applet::maximumContentSize() const
int top, left, right, bottom;
d->getBorderSize(left, top, right, bottom);
return maximumSize() - QSizeF(left + right, top + bottom);
QString Applet::globalName() const
if (!d->appletDescription.isValid()) {
return QString();
return d->appletDescription.service()->library();
QString Applet::instanceName() const
return d->instanceName();
void Applet::watchForFocus(QObject *widget, bool watch)
if ( !widget ) {
int index = d->watchedForFocus.indexOf(widget);
if ( watch ) {
if ( index == -1 ) {
d->watchedForFocus.append( widget );
widget->installEventFilter( this );
} else if ( index != -1 ) {
d->watchedForFocus.removeAt( index );
widget->removeEventFilter( this );
void Applet::needsFocus(bool focus)
if (focus == QGraphicsItem::hasFocus()) {
emit requestFocus(focus);
bool Applet::hasConfigurationInterface()
return d->hasConfigurationInterface;
void Applet::setHasConfigurationInterface(bool hasInterface)
d->hasConfigurationInterface = hasInterface;
bool Applet::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent * e )
if ( !d->watchedForFocus.contains( o ) )
if ( e->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease ||
e->type() == QEvent::FocusIn ) {
needsFocus( true );
} else if ( e->type() == QEvent::FocusOut ) {
needsFocus( false );
return QObject::eventFilter(o, e);
void Applet::showConfigurationInterface()
if (d->package && d->configXml) {
QString uiFile = d->package->filePath("mainconfigui");
if (uiFile.isEmpty()) {
KConfigDialog *dialog = new KConfigDialog(0, "", d->configXml);
dialog->setWindowTitle(i18n("%1 Settings", name()));
dialog->setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true);
QUiLoader loader;
QString filename = d->package->filePath("mainconfigui");
QFile f(filename);
if (! {
delete dialog;
QWidget *w = loader.load(&f);
dialog->addPage(w, i18n("Settings"), icon(), i18n("%1 Settings", name()));
KPluginInfo::List Applet::knownApplets(const QString &category,
const QString &parentApp)
QString constraint;
if (parentApp.isEmpty()) {
constraint.append("not exist [X-KDE-ParentApp]");
} else {
constraint.append("[X-KDE-ParentApp] == '").append(parentApp).append("'");
if (!category.isEmpty()) {
if (!constraint.isEmpty()) {
constraint.append(" and ");
constraint.append("[X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category] == '").append(category).append("'");
if (category == "Miscellaneous") {
constraint.append(" or (not exist [X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category] or [X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category] == '')");
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Applet", constraint);
//kDebug() << "Applet::knownApplets constraint was '" << constraint << "' which got us " << offers.count() << " matches";
return KPluginInfo::fromServices(offers);
KPluginInfo::List Applet::knownAppletsForMimetype(const QString &mimetype)
QString constraint = QString("'%1' in MimeTypes").arg(mimetype);
//kDebug() << "knownAppletsForMimetype with" << mimetype << constraint;
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Applet", constraint);
return KPluginInfo::fromServices(offers);
QStringList Applet::knownCategories(const QString &parentApp, bool visibleOnly)
QString constraint = "exist [X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category]";
if (parentApp.isEmpty()) {
constraint.append(" and not exist [X-KDE-ParentApp]");
} else {
constraint.append(" and [X-KDE-ParentApp] == '").append(parentApp).append("'");
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Applet", constraint);
QStringList categories;
foreach (const KService::Ptr applet, offers) {
QString appletCategory = applet->property("X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category").toString();
if (visibleOnly && applet->noDisplay()) {
// we don't want to show the hidden category
//kDebug() << " and we have " << appletCategory;
if (appletCategory.isEmpty()) {
if (!categories.contains(i18n("Miscellaneous"))) {
categories << i18n("Miscellaneous");
} else if (!categories.contains(appletCategory)) {
categories << appletCategory;
return categories;
Applet* Applet::loadApplet(const QString& appletName, uint appletId, const QVariantList& args)
if (appletName.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
QString constraint = QString("[X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name] == '%1'").arg(appletName);
KService::List offers = KServiceTypeTrader::self()->query("Plasma/Applet", constraint);
if (offers.isEmpty()) {
//TODO: what would be -really- cool is offer to try and download the applet
// from the network at this point
kDebug() << "Applet::loadApplet: offers is empty for \"" << appletName << "\"";
return 0;
} /* else if (offers.count() > 1) {
kDebug() << "hey! we got more than one! let's blindly take the first one";
} */
KService::Ptr offer = offers.first();
if (appletId == 0) {
appletId = Private::nextId();
if (!offer->property("X-Plasma-Language").toString().isEmpty()) {
kDebug() << "we have a script in the language of" << offer->property("X-Plasma-Language").toString();
Applet *applet = new Applet(0, offer->storageId(), appletId);
return applet;
QVariantList allArgs;
allArgs << offer->storageId() << appletId << args;
QString error;
Applet* applet = offer->createInstance<Plasma::Applet>(0, allArgs, &error);
if (!applet) {
kDebug() << "Couldn't load applet \"" << appletName << "\"! reason given: " << error;
return applet;
Applet* Applet::loadApplet(const KPluginInfo& info, uint appletId, const QVariantList& args)
if (!info.isValid()) {
return 0;
return loadApplet(info.pluginName(), appletId, args);
void Applet::setShadowShown(bool shown)
//There are various problems with shadows right now:
//1) shadows can be seen through translucent areas, which is probably technically correct ubt
//looks odd
//2) the shape of the item odesn't conform to the shape of the standard background, e.g. with
//rounded corners
if (shown) {
if (d->shadow) {
} else {
d->shadow = new ShadowItem(this);
if (scene()) {
} else {
delete d->shadow;
d->shadow = 0;
bool Applet::isShadowShown() const
return d->shadow && d->shadow->isVisible();
QVariant Applet::itemChange(GraphicsItemChange change, const QVariant &value)
switch (change) {
case ItemPositionChange:
if (d->shadow) {
case ItemSceneChange: {
QGraphicsScene *newScene = qvariant_cast<QGraphicsScene*>(value);
if (newScene) {
// checking immutability requires having a working config object
// Applet relies on having a Corona scene to be able to get the
// correct config. so we have to wait until we have the scene,
// otherwise we trigger premature creation of the config objects
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(checkImmutability()));
if (d->shadow) {
if (d->shadow->scene()) {
if (newScene) {
case ItemVisibleChange:
if (d->shadow) {
return Widget::itemChange(change, value);
void Applet::setGeometry(const QRectF& geometry)
Plasma::Constraints updatedConstraints(0);
if (geometry.size().width() > 0 && geometry.size().height() > 0 && size() != geometry.size()) {
qreal width = qBound(minimumSize().width(), geometry.size().width(), maximumSize().width());
qreal height = qBound(minimumSize().height(), geometry.size().height(), maximumSize().height());
setSize(QSizeF(width, height));
if (layout()) {
layout()->setGeometry(QRectF(QPoint(0, 0), contentSize()));
if (managingLayout()) {
updatedConstraints |= Plasma::SizeConstraint;
if (geometry.topLeft() != pos()) {
updatedConstraints |= Plasma::LocationConstraint;
if (updatedConstraints) {
emit geometryChanged();
void Applet::setIsContainment(bool isContainment)
d->isContainment = isContainment;
bool Applet::isContainment() const
return d->isContainment;
} // Plasma namespace
#include "applet.moc"