Clevero ebf93add88
add no implementation for [...]
add "No implementation for org.telegram.telegrambots.generics.BotSession was bound" error to "Errors-Handling"
2017-10-31 19:50:32 +01:00

14 lines
823 B

* [Terminated by other long poll or webhook](#terminted_by_other)
* ["No implementation for org.telegram.telegrambots.generics.BotSession was bound"](#no_implementation_was_bound)
## <a id="terminted_by_other"></a>Terminated by other long poll or webhook ##
It means that you have already a running instance of your bot. To solve it, close all running ones and then you can start a new instance.
## <a id="no_implementation_was_bound"></a>No implementation for org.telegram.telegrambots.generics.BotSession was bound ##
Please follow the steps as explained [here]( in "How To Update"
> At the beginning of your program (before creating your TelegramBotsApi instance, add the following line: