- AbstractChannel now handles flushing a message buffer
- Cleaned up DatagramChannel interface
- Removed ProtocolFamily because a user can create an NIO
DatagramChannel and specify it as a constructor parameter
- UniqueName and UniqueKey constructors became public so that
I don't need to create a subclass every time.
- Replaced pipeline factories with initializers
- Ported essential parts related with HTTP to the new API
- Replaced ChannelHandlerAdapter.combine() with CombinedChannelHandler
- Fixed a bug where ReplayingDecoder does not notify the next handler
- Fixed a bug where ReplayingDecoder calls wrong callDecode() method
- Added a destination buffer as an argument to AbstractChannel.doRead()
for easier implementation
- Fixed a bug where NioSocketChannel did not try to increase the inbound
buffer size (moved the logic to AbstractChannel)
- Replaced some IllegalArgumentExceptions with
- MessageToMessage(Encoder|Decoder) should continue polling the
inbound buffer if encode() or decode() returns null
- aggregating codec can do that
- Added CodecException which is either EncoderException or
- Made all decoder exceptions a subtype of DecoderException
- Replaced CodecEmbedderException with CodecException
- All abstract handlers wraps an exception with a CodecException
- UniqueKey removes the duplication between ChannelOption and
- UniqueName provides common name collision check for AttributeKey,
ChannelOption, and Signal.
- Replaced ReplayError with Signal
- Removed deprecated classes
- Changed type parameter of StreamToMessageDecoder and
MessageToMessageDecoder for more flexibility
- Made all tests in the codec package pass
- Replaced FrameDecoder and OneToOne(Encoder|Decoder) with:
- (Stream|Message)To(String|Message)(Encoder|Decoder)
- Moved the classes in 'codec.frame' up to 'codec'
- Fixed some bugs found while running unit tests
- It does not build a new Channel but just helps bootstrapping it.
- Added shutdown() method for simpler deinitialization
- ServerChannelBootstrap has shorter method names for the parent channel
- Added ChannelInitializer which is supposed to be used with the
- Echo examples use ChannelBuilder and ServerChannelBuilder now
- Replace ChannelFuture.rethrowIfFailed() with sync*()
- Bug fixes