Commit Graph

14 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
934a07fbe2 migrate java8 (#8779)

We can omit argument types when using Java8.


Omit arguments where possible.


Cleaner code.
2019-01-28 05:55:30 +01:00
Norman Maurer
Decouple EventLoop details from the IO handling for each transport to… (#8680)
* Decouble EventLoop details from the IO handling for each transport to allow easy re-use of code and customization


As today extending EventLoop implementations to add custom logic / metrics / instrumentations is only possible in a very limited way if at all. This is due the fact that most implementations are final or even package-private. That said even if these would be public there are the ability to do something useful with these is very limited as the IO processing and task processing are very tightly coupled. All of the mentioned things are a big pain point in netty 4.x and need improvement.


This changeset decoubled the IO processing logic from the task processing logic for the main transport (NIO, Epoll, KQueue) by introducing the concept of an IoHandler. The IoHandler itself is responsible to wait for IO readiness and process these IO events. The execution of the IoHandler itself is done by the SingleThreadEventLoop as part of its EventLoop processing. This allows to use the same EventLoopGroup (MultiThreadEventLoupGroup) for all the mentioned transports by just specify a different IoHandlerFactory during construction.

Beside this core API change this changeset also allows to easily extend SingleThreadEventExecutor / SingleThreadEventLoop to add custom logic to it which then can be reused by all the transports. The ideas are very similar to what is provided by ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor (that is part of the JDK). This allows for example things like:

  * Adding instrumentation / metrics:
    * how many Channels are registered on an SingleThreadEventLoop
    * how many Channels were handled during the IO processing in an EventLoop run
    * how many task were handled during the last EventLoop / EventExecutor run
    * how many outstanding tasks we have
  * Implementing custom strategies for choosing the next EventExecutor / EventLoop to use based on these metrics.
  * Use different Promise / Future / ScheduledFuture implementations
  * decorate Runnable / Callables when submitted to the EventExecutor / EventLoop

As a lot of functionalities are folded into the MultiThreadEventLoopGroup and SingleThreadEventLoopGroup this changeset also removes:

  * AbstractEventLoop
  * AbstractEventLoopGroup
  * EventExecutorChooser
  * EventExecutorChooserFactory
  * DefaultEventLoopGroup
  * DefaultEventExecutor
  * DefaultEventExecutorGroup


Fixes .
2019-01-23 08:32:05 +01:00
9d62deeb6f Java 8 migration: Use diamond operator (#8749)

We can use the diamond operator these days.


Use diamond operator whenever possible.


More modern code and less boiler-plate.
2019-01-22 16:07:26 +01:00
Shohei Kamimori
73f23c5faa Fix typos in docs.

There are same typos in the docs.


Fix typos. Docs only changing.


More correct docs.
2018-02-14 08:44:07 +01:00
Stanley Shyiko
844d804aba Fix DN resolution when ndots is greater than 1

DN resolution does not fall back to the "original name" lookup after search list is checked. This results in a failure to resolve any name (outside of search list) that has number of dots less than resolv.conf's ndots value (which, for example, is often the case in the context of Kubernetes where kubelet passes on resolv.conf containing "options ndots:5").

It also does not go through the search list in a situation described in resolv.conf man:
"The default for n[dots] is 1, meaning that if there are any dots in a name, the name will be tried first as an absolute name before any search list elements are appended to it."


DnsNameResolverContext::resolve was updated to match Go's logic.

DnsNameResolverContext::resolve will now try to resolve "original name" if search list yields no results when number of dots in the original name is less than resolv.conf's ndots value. It will also go through the search list in case "origin name" resolution fails and number of dots is equal or larger than resolv.conf's ndots value.
2017-11-20 14:01:16 +01:00
Idel Pivnitskiy
50a067a8f7 Make methods 'static' where it possible

Even if it's a super micro-optimization (most JVM could optimize such
 cases in runtime), in theory (and according to some perf tests) it
 may help a bit. It also makes a code more clear and allows you to
 access such methods in the test scope directly, without instance of
 the class.


Add 'static' modifier for all methods, where it possible. Mostly in
test scope.


Cleaner code with proper 'static' modifiers.
2017-10-21 14:59:26 +02:00
Scott Mitchell
b249714a2d DNS Resovler tests should be more explicit about ndots
The DNS resolver may use default configuration inherited from the environment. This means the ndots value may change and result in test failure if the tests don't explicitly set the assumed value.

- Explicitly set ndots in resolver-dns unit tests so we don't fail if the environment overrides the search domain and ndots

Unit tests are less dependent upon the enviroment they run in.
2017-07-12 15:49:45 -07:00
Scott Mitchell
efe37e0d28 UnknownHostException should mention search domain if used
ba80fbbe05 modified the UnknownHostException to not include the search domain if the DNS query failed, but this masks what DNS query actually failed. Have the full hostname (including the search domain) provides more visibility and may help diagnose a configuration error if queries are unexpectedly failing.

- Remove DnsNameResolverContext#pristineHostname

UnknownHostException is more accurate and reflect what hostname actually resulted in failure.
2017-06-23 16:44:07 -07:00
Scott Mitchell
6cd086050f DNS Resolver Search Domain Bugs
The DNS resolver supports search domains. However the ndots are not correctly enforced. The search domain should only be appended under the following scenario [1]:

> Resolver queries having fewer than ndots dots (default is 1) in them will be attempted using each component of the search path in turn until a match is found.

The DNS resolver current appends the search domains if ndots is 0 which should never happen (because no domain can have less than 0 dots).


- Parse /etc/resolv.conf to get the default value for ndots on Unix platforms
- The search domain shouldn't be used if ndots is 0
- Avoid failing a promise to trigger the search domain queries in DnsNameResolverContext#resolve

More correct usage of search domains in the DNS resolver.
2017-06-22 00:05:43 -07:00
Scott Mitchell
e074df2ae6 DNS Resolve ambiguity in which DNS servers are used during resolution
Recently DnsServerAddressStreamProvider was introduced to allow control for each query as to which DNS server should be used for resolution to respect the local host's default DNS server configuration. However resolver-dns also accepts a stream of DNS servers to use by default, but this stream is not host name aware. This creates an ambiguity as to which method is used to determine the DNS server to user during resolution, and in which order. We can remove this ambiguity and provide a more general API by just supporting DnsServerAddressStreamProvider.

- Remove the fixed DnsServerAddresses and instead only accept a DnsServerAddressStreamProvider.
- Add utility methods to help use DnsServerAddressStreamProvider for a single entry, a list of entries, and get the default for the current machine.

2017-03-31 15:29:49 -07:00
Scott Mitchell
54c9ecf682 DnsNameResolver should respect /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/resolver
The JDK uses gethostbyname for blocking hostname resoltuion. gethostbyname can be configured on Unix systems according to [1][2]. This may impact the name server that is used to resolve particular domains or just override the default fall-back resolver. DnsNameResolver currently ignores these configuration files which means the default resolution behavior is different than the JDK. This may lead to unexpected resolution failures which succeed when using the JDK's resolver.

- Add an interface which can override what DnsServerAddressStream to use for a given hostname
- Provide a Unix specific implementation of this interface and implement [1][2]. Some elements may be ignored sortlist, timeout, etc...

DnsNameResolver behaves more like the JDK resolver by default.

2017-02-13 11:54:09 -08:00
ba80fbbe05 UnknownHostException mentions hostname with search domain added

When a hostname cannot be resolved, the message in the UnknownHostException mentions the hostname with the last attempted search domain appended, which is kind of confusing. I would prefer to see the original hostname supplied to the method in the exception.


Store the pristine hostname in the resolver context and use it to create the exception message instead of the hostname with search domain.
Add unit test to check that the exception does not mention the search domain.


The exception mentions the unmodified hostname in the message.
2016-08-01 07:20:19 +02:00
Julien Viet
8d4cfd9002 Allow ndots=0 in DnsNameResolver and search domains - fixes #5570

The ndots = 0 is a valid value for ndots, it means that when using a non dotted name, the resolution should first try using a search and if it fails then use subdomains. Currently it is not allowed. Docker compose uses this when wiring up containers as names have usually no dots inside.


Modify DnsNameResolver to accept ndots = 0 and handle the case in the resolution procedure. In this case a direct search is done and then a fallback on the search path is performed.


The ndots = 0 case is implemented.
2016-07-24 20:41:14 +02:00
Julien Viet
79c8ec4d33 DnsNameResolver search domains support

The current DnsNameResolver does not support search domains resolution. Search domains resolution is supported out of the box by the resolver, making the DnsNameResolver not able to be a drop in replacement for io.netty.resolver.DefaultNameResolver.


The DnsNameResolverContext resolution has been modified to resolve a list of search path first when it is configured so. The resolve method now uses the following algorithm:

if (hostname is absolute (start with dot) || no search domains) {
} else {
  if (numDots(name) >= ndots) {
  if (searchAsIs wasn't performed or failed) {

The DnsNameResolverBuilder provides configuration for the search domains and the ndots value. The default search domains value is configured with the OS search domains using the same native configuration the resolver uses.


The DnsNameResolver performs search domains resolution when they are present.
2016-07-08 22:04:01 +02:00