- Add ChannelHandlerContext.eventLoop() for convenience
- Bootstrap and ServerBootstrap handles channel initialization failure
- More strict checks for missing @Sharable annotation
- A handler without @Sharable annotation cannot be added more than
once now.
- Exception in this case makes a user less confusing
- To reduce the overhead of filling the stack trace,
NoSuchBufferException has a public pre-constructed instance.
- This is necessary because codec framework sometimes need to support
both type of outbound buffers.
- Fixed a bug where SpdyFrameEncoder did not handle ping messages
- Reduced memory copy in codec embedder (EmbeddedChannel)
- Renamed ChannelBootstrap to Bootstrap
- Renamed ServerChannelBootstrap to ServerBootstrap
- Moved bootstrap classes to io.netty.bootstrap as before
- Moved unfoldAndAdd() to a separate utility class
- Fixed a bug in unfoldAndAdd() where it did not handle ChannelBuffer
- Previous API did not support the pipeline which contains multiple
MessageToStreamEncoders because there was no way to find the closest
outbound byte buffer. Now you always get the correct buffer even if
the handler that provides the buffer is placed distantly.
For example:
Channel -> MsgAEncoder -> MsgBEncoder -> MsgCEncoder
Msg(A|B|C)Encoder will all have access to the channel's outbound
byte buffer. Previously, it was simply impossible.
- Improved ChannelBufferHolder.toString()
- Replaced pipeline factories with initializers
- Ported essential parts related with HTTP to the new API
- Replaced ChannelHandlerAdapter.combine() with CombinedChannelHandler
- Fixed a bug where ReplayingDecoder does not notify the next handler
- Fixed a bug where ReplayingDecoder calls wrong callDecode() method
- Added a destination buffer as an argument to AbstractChannel.doRead()
for easier implementation
- Fixed a bug where NioSocketChannel did not try to increase the inbound
buffer size (moved the logic to AbstractChannel)
- Replaced some IllegalArgumentExceptions with
- MessageToMessage(Encoder|Decoder) should continue polling the
inbound buffer if encode() or decode() returns null
- aggregating codec can do that
- Added CodecException which is either EncoderException or
- Made all decoder exceptions a subtype of DecoderException
- Replaced CodecEmbedderException with CodecException
- All abstract handlers wraps an exception with a CodecException
- UniqueKey removes the duplication between ChannelOption and
- UniqueName provides common name collision check for AttributeKey,
ChannelOption, and Signal.
- Replaced ReplayError with Signal
- Removed deprecated classes
- Changed type parameter of StreamToMessageDecoder and
MessageToMessageDecoder for more flexibility
- Made all tests in the codec package pass
- Replaced FrameDecoder and OneToOne(Encoder|Decoder) with:
- (Stream|Message)To(String|Message)(Encoder|Decoder)
- Moved the classes in 'codec.frame' up to 'codec'
- Fixed some bugs found while running unit tests
- Channel now creates a ChannelPipeline by itself
I find no reason to allow a user to use one's own pipeline
implementation since I saw nobody does except for the cases where a
user wants to add a user attribute to a channel, which is now covered
by AttributeMap.
- Removed ChannelEvent and its subtypes because they are replaced by
direct method invocation.
- Replaced ChannelSink with Channel.unsafe()
- Various getter renaming (e.g. Channel.getId() -> Channel.id())
- Added ChannelHandlerInvoker interface
- Implemented AbstractChannel and AbstractServerChannel
- Some other changes I don't remember
Merge in fix for threading (related to #140 and #187). This also includes the new feature that allow to submit a Runnable that gets executed later in the io thread.
* Overall code cleanup on FrameDecoder and ReplayingDecoder
* FrameDecoder discards readableBytes only when it has to
* Replaced createCumulationDynamicBuffer with newCumulationBuffer with
an additional hint
* ReplayingDecoder does not perform memory copy if possible