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$MadelineProto->addChatMember(['chat_id' => long, 'user_id' => int, 'forward_limit' => int, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->addChatMembers(['chat_id' => long, 'user_ids' => [int], ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->addRecentSticker(['is_attached' => Bool, 'sticker' => InputFile, ]) === $Stickers

$MadelineProto->addRecentlyFoundChat(['chat_id' => long, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->addSavedAnimation(['animation' => InputFile, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->answerCallbackQuery(['callback_query_id' => long, 'text' => string, 'show_alert' => Bool, 'url' => string, 'cache_time' => int, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->answerInlineQuery(['inline_query_id' => long, 'is_personal' => Bool, 'results' => [InputInlineQueryResult], 'cache_time' => int, 'next_offset' => string, 'switch_pm_text' => string, 'switch_pm_parameter' => string, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->blockUser(['user_id' => int, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->cancelDownloadFile(['file_id' => int, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->changeAbout(['about' => string, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->changeAccountTtl(['ttl' => accountTtl, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->changeChannelAbout(['channel_id' => int, 'about' => string, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->changeChannelUsername(['channel_id' => int, 'username' => string, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->changeChatDraftMessage(['chat_id' => long, 'draft_message' => draftMessage, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->changeChatMemberStatus(['chat_id' => long, 'user_id' => int, 'status' => ChatMemberStatus, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->changeChatPhoto(['chat_id' => long, 'photo' => InputFile, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->changeChatReportSpamState(['chat_id' => long, 'is_spam_chat' => Bool, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->changeChatTitle(['chat_id' => long, 'title' => string, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->changeName(['first_name' => string, 'last_name' => string, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->changePhoneNumber(['phone_number' => string, 'allow_flash_call' => Bool, 'is_current_phone_number' => Bool, ]) === $AuthState

$MadelineProto->changeUsername(['username' => string, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->checkAuthBotToken(['token' => string, ]) === $AuthState

$MadelineProto->checkAuthCode(['code' => string, 'first_name' => string, 'last_name' => string, ]) === $AuthState

$MadelineProto->checkAuthPassword(['password' => string, ]) === $AuthState

$MadelineProto->checkChangePhoneNumberCode(['code' => string, ]) === $AuthState

$MadelineProto->checkChatInviteLink(['invite_link' => string, ]) === $ChatInviteLinkInfo

$MadelineProto->clearRecentStickers(['is_attached' => Bool, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->closeChat(['chat_id' => long, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->closeSecretChat(['secret_chat_id' => int, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->createChannelChat(['channel_id' => int, ]) === $Chat

$MadelineProto->createGroupChat(['group_id' => int, ]) === $Chat

$MadelineProto->createNewChannelChat(['title' => string, 'is_supergroup' => Bool, 'about' => string, ]) === $Chat

$MadelineProto->createNewGroupChat(['user_ids' => [int], 'title' => string, ]) === $Chat

$MadelineProto->createNewSecretChat(['user_id' => int, ]) === $Chat

$MadelineProto->createPrivateChat(['user_id' => int, ]) === $Chat

$MadelineProto->createSecretChat(['secret_chat_id' => int, ]) === $Chat

$MadelineProto->deleteAccount(['reason' => string, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->deleteChannel(['channel_id' => int, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->deleteChatHistory(['chat_id' => long, 'remove_from_chat_list' => Bool, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->deleteChatReplyMarkup(['chat_id' => long, 'message_id' => long, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->deleteContacts(['user_ids' => [int], ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->deleteMessages(['chat_id' => long, 'message_ids' => [long], ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->deleteMessagesFromUser(['chat_id' => long, 'user_id' => int, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->deleteProfilePhoto(['profile_photo_id' => long, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->deleteRecentSticker(['is_attached' => Bool, 'sticker' => InputFile, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->deleteRecentlyFoundChat(['chat_id' => long, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->deleteRecentlyFoundChats([]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->deleteSavedAnimation(['animation' => InputFile, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->downloadFile(['file_id' => int, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->editInlineMessageCaption(['inline_message_id' => string, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'caption' => string, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->editInlineMessageReplyMarkup(['inline_message_id' => string, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->editInlineMessageText(['inline_message_id' => string, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'input_message_content' => InputMessageContent, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->editMessageCaption(['chat_id' => long, 'message_id' => long, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'caption' => string, ]) === $Message

$MadelineProto->editMessageReplyMarkup(['chat_id' => long, 'message_id' => long, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ]) === $Message

$MadelineProto->editMessageText(['chat_id' => long, 'message_id' => long, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'input_message_content' => InputMessageContent, ]) === $Message

$MadelineProto->exportChatInviteLink(['chat_id' => long, ]) === $ChatInviteLink

$MadelineProto->finishFileGeneration(['generation_id' => long, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->forwardMessages(['chat_id' => long, 'from_chat_id' => long, 'message_ids' => [long], 'disable_notification' => Bool, 'from_background' => Bool, ]) === $Messages

$MadelineProto->getAccountTtl([]) === $AccountTtl

$MadelineProto->getActiveSessions([]) === $Sessions

$MadelineProto->getArchivedStickerSets(['is_masks' => Bool, 'offset_sticker_set_id' => long, 'limit' => int, ]) === $StickerSets

$MadelineProto->getAttachedStickerSets(['file_id' => int, ]) === $StickerSets

$MadelineProto->getAuthState([]) === $AuthState

$MadelineProto->getBlockedUsers(['offset' => int, 'limit' => int, ]) === $Users

$MadelineProto->getCallbackQueryAnswer(['chat_id' => long, 'message_id' => long, 'payload' => CallbackQueryPayload, ]) === $CallbackQueryAnswer

$MadelineProto->getChannel(['channel_id' => int, ]) === $Channel

$MadelineProto->getChannelFull(['channel_id' => int, ]) === $ChannelFull

$MadelineProto->getChannelMembers(['channel_id' => int, 'filter' => ChannelMembersFilter, 'offset' => int, 'limit' => int, ]) === $ChatMembers

$MadelineProto->getChat(['chat_id' => long, ]) === $Chat

$MadelineProto->getChatHistory(['chat_id' => long, 'from_message_id' => long, 'offset' => int, 'limit' => int, ]) === $Messages

$MadelineProto->getChatMember(['chat_id' => long, 'user_id' => int, ]) === $ChatMember

$MadelineProto->getChatReportSpamState(['chat_id' => long, ]) === $ChatReportSpamState

$MadelineProto->getChats(['offset_order' => long, 'offset_chat_id' => long, 'limit' => int, ]) === $Chats

$MadelineProto->getCommonChats(['user_id' => int, 'offset_chat_id' => long, 'limit' => int, ]) === $Chats

$MadelineProto->getCreatedPublicChannels([]) === $Channels

$MadelineProto->getDeviceTokens([]) === $DeviceTokenSet

$MadelineProto->getFile(['file_id' => int, ]) === $File

$MadelineProto->getFilePersistent(['persistent_file_id' => string, ]) === $File

$MadelineProto->getGameHighScores(['chat_id' => long, 'message_id' => long, 'user_id' => int, ]) === $GameHighScores

$MadelineProto->getGroup(['group_id' => int, ]) === $Group

$MadelineProto->getGroupFull(['group_id' => int, ]) === $GroupFull

$MadelineProto->getInlineGameHighScores(['inline_message_id' => string, 'user_id' => int, ]) === $GameHighScores

$MadelineProto->getInlineQueryResults(['bot_user_id' => int, 'chat_id' => long, 'user_location' => location, 'query' => string, 'offset' => string, ]) === $InlineQueryResults

$MadelineProto->getMe([]) === $User

$MadelineProto->getMessage(['chat_id' => long, 'message_id' => long, ]) === $Message

$MadelineProto->getMessages(['chat_id' => long, 'message_ids' => [long], ]) === $Messages

$MadelineProto->getNotificationSettings(['scope' => NotificationSettingsScope, ]) === $NotificationSettings

$MadelineProto->getOption(['name' => string, ]) === $OptionValue

$MadelineProto->getPasswordState([]) === $PasswordState

$MadelineProto->getPrivacy(['key' => PrivacyKey, ]) === $PrivacyRules

$MadelineProto->getRecentInlineBots([]) === $Users

$MadelineProto->getRecentStickers(['is_attached' => Bool, ]) === $Stickers

$MadelineProto->getRecoveryEmail(['password' => string, ]) === $RecoveryEmail

$MadelineProto->getSavedAnimations([]) === $Animations

$MadelineProto->getSecretChat(['secret_chat_id' => int, ]) === $SecretChat

$MadelineProto->getStickerEmojis(['sticker' => InputFile, ]) === $StickerEmojis

$MadelineProto->getStickerSet(['set_id' => long, ]) === $StickerSet

$MadelineProto->getStickerSets(['is_masks' => Bool, ]) === $StickerSets

$MadelineProto->getStickers(['emoji' => string, ]) === $Stickers

$MadelineProto->getSupportUser([]) === $User

$MadelineProto->getTrendingStickerSets([]) === $StickerSets

$MadelineProto->getUser(['user_id' => int, ]) === $User

$MadelineProto->getUserFull(['user_id' => int, ]) === $UserFull

$MadelineProto->getUserProfilePhotos(['user_id' => int, 'offset' => int, 'limit' => int, ]) === $UserProfilePhotos

$MadelineProto->getWallpapers([]) === $Wallpapers

$MadelineProto->getWebPagePreview(['message_text' => string, ]) === $WebPage

$MadelineProto->importChatInviteLink(['invite_link' => string, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->importContacts(['contacts' => [contact], ]) === $Users

$MadelineProto->migrateGroupChatToChannelChat(['chat_id' => long, ]) === $Chat

$MadelineProto->openChat(['chat_id' => long, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->openMessageContent(['chat_id' => long, 'message_id' => long, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->pinChannelMessage(['channel_id' => int, 'message_id' => long, 'disable_notification' => Bool, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->recoverAuthPassword(['recovery_code' => string, ]) === $AuthState

$MadelineProto->recoverPassword(['recovery_code' => string, ]) === $PasswordState

$MadelineProto->registerDevice(['device_token' => DeviceToken, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->reorderStickerSets(['is_masks' => Bool, 'sticker_set_ids' => [long], ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->reportChannelSpam(['channel_id' => int, 'user_id' => int, 'message_ids' => [long], ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->requestAuthPasswordRecovery([]) === $AuthState

$MadelineProto->requestPasswordRecovery([]) === $PasswordRecoveryInfo

$MadelineProto->resendAuthCode([]) === $AuthState

$MadelineProto->resendChangePhoneNumberCode([]) === $AuthState

$MadelineProto->resetAllNotificationSettings([]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->resetAuth(['force' => Bool, ]) === $AuthState

$MadelineProto->searchChatMessages(['chat_id' => long, 'query' => string, 'from_message_id' => long, 'limit' => int, 'filter' => SearchMessagesFilter, ]) === $Messages

$MadelineProto->searchChats(['query' => string, 'limit' => int, ]) === $Chats

$MadelineProto->searchContacts(['query' => string, 'limit' => int, ]) === $Users

$MadelineProto->searchMessages(['query' => string, 'offset_date' => int, 'offset_chat_id' => long, 'offset_message_id' => long, 'limit' => int, ]) === $Messages

$MadelineProto->searchPublicChat(['username' => string, ]) === $Chat

$MadelineProto->searchPublicChats(['username_prefix' => string, ]) === $Chats

$MadelineProto->searchStickerSet(['name' => string, ]) === $StickerSet

$MadelineProto->sendBotStartMessage(['bot_user_id' => int, 'chat_id' => long, 'parameter' => string, ]) === $Message

$MadelineProto->sendChatAction(['chat_id' => long, 'action' => SendMessageAction, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->sendChatScreenshotTakenNotification(['chat_id' => long, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->sendChatSetTtlMessage(['chat_id' => long, 'ttl' => int, ]) === $Message

$MadelineProto->sendInlineQueryResultMessage(['chat_id' => long, 'reply_to_message_id' => long, 'disable_notification' => Bool, 'from_background' => Bool, 'query_id' => long, 'result_id' => string, ]) === $Message

$MadelineProto->sendMessage(['chat_id' => long, 'reply_to_message_id' => long, 'disable_notification' => Bool, 'from_background' => Bool, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'input_message_content' => InputMessageContent, ]) === $Message

$MadelineProto->setAlarm(['seconds' => double, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->setAuthPhoneNumber(['phone_number' => string, 'allow_flash_call' => Bool, 'is_current_phone_number' => Bool, ]) === $AuthState

$MadelineProto->setBotUpdatesStatus(['pending_update_count' => int, 'error_message' => string, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->setFileGenerationProgress(['generation_id' => long, 'ready' => int, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->setGameScore(['chat_id' => long, 'message_id' => long, 'edit_message' => Bool, 'user_id' => int, 'score' => int, 'force' => Bool, ]) === $Message

$MadelineProto->setInlineGameScore(['inline_message_id' => string, 'edit_message' => Bool, 'user_id' => int, 'score' => int, 'force' => Bool, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->setNotificationSettings(['scope' => NotificationSettingsScope, 'notification_settings' => notificationSettings, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->setOption(['name' => string, 'value' => OptionValue, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->setPassword(['old_password' => string, 'new_password' => string, 'new_hint' => string, 'set_recovery_email' => Bool, 'new_recovery_email' => string, ]) === $PasswordState

$MadelineProto->setPrivacy(['key' => PrivacyKey, 'rules' => privacyRules, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->setProfilePhoto(['photo_path' => string, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->setRecoveryEmail(['password' => string, 'new_recovery_email' => string, ]) === $PasswordState

$MadelineProto->terminateAllOtherSessions([]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->terminateSession(['session_id' => long, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->test->callBytes(['x' => bytes, ]) === $test_Bytes

$MadelineProto->test->callEmpty([]) === $test_Empty

$MadelineProto->test->callString(['x' => string, ]) === $test_String

$MadelineProto->test->callVectorInt(['x' => [int], ]) === $test_VectorInt

$MadelineProto->test->callVectorIntObject(['x' => [test_Int], ]) === $test_VectorIntObject

$MadelineProto->test->callVectorString(['x' => [string], ]) === $test_VectorString

$MadelineProto->test->callVectorStringObject(['x' => [test_String], ]) === $test_VectorStringObject

$MadelineProto->test->forceGetDifference([]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->test->squareInt(['x' => int, ]) === $test_Int

$MadelineProto->test->testNet([]) === $test_Empty

$MadelineProto->toggleChannelInvites(['channel_id' => int, 'anyone_can_invite' => Bool, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->toggleChannelSignMessages(['channel_id' => int, 'sign_messages' => Bool, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->toggleGroupEditors(['group_id' => int, 'anyone_can_edit' => Bool, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->unblockUser(['user_id' => int, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->unpinChannelMessage(['channel_id' => int, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->updateStickerSet(['set_id' => long, 'is_installed' => Bool, 'is_archived' => Bool, ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->viewMessages(['chat_id' => long, 'message_ids' => [long], ]) === $Ok

$MadelineProto->viewTrendingStickerSets(['sticker_set_ids' => [long], ]) === $Ok