101 KiB
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$accountTtl = ['days' => int, ];
$animation = ['duration' => int, 'width' => int, 'height' => int, 'file_name' => string, 'mime_type' => string, 'thumb' => photoSize, 'animation' => file, ];
$animations = ['animations' => [animation], ];
$audio = ['duration' => int, 'title' => string, 'performer' => string, 'file_name' => string, 'mime_type' => string, 'album_cover_thumb' => photoSize, 'audio' => file, ];
$authCodeTypeCall = ['length' => int, ];
$authCodeTypeFlashCall = ['pattern' => string, ];
$authCodeTypeMessage = ['length' => int, ];
$authCodeTypeSms = ['length' => int, ];
$authStateLoggingOut = [];
$authStateOk = [];
$authStateWaitCode = ['is_registered' => Bool, 'code_type' => AuthCodeType, 'next_code_type' => AuthCodeType, 'timeout' => int, ];
$authStateWaitPassword = ['password_hint' => string, 'has_recovery_email' => Bool, 'recovery_email_pattern' => string, ];
$authStateWaitPhoneNumber = [];
$botCommand = ['command' => string, 'description' => string, ];
$botInfo = ['description' => string, 'commands' => [botCommand], ];
$call = ['id' => int, 'user_id' => int, 'is_outgoing' => Bool, 'state' => CallState, ];
$callConnection = ['id' => int64, 'ip' => string, 'ipv6' => string, 'port' => int, 'peer_tag' => bytes, ];
$callDiscardReasonDeclined = [];
$callDiscardReasonDisconnected = [];
$callDiscardReasonEmpty = [];
$callDiscardReasonHungUp = [];
$callDiscardReasonMissed = [];
$callProtocol = ['udp_p2p' => Bool, 'udp_reflector' => Bool, 'min_layer' => int, 'max_layer' => int, ];
$callStateDiscarded = ['reason' => CallDiscardReason, 'need_rating' => Bool, 'need_debug' => Bool, ];
$callStateError = ['error' => error, ];
$callStateExchangingKeys = [];
$callStateHangingUp = [];
$callStatePending = ['is_created' => Bool, 'is_received' => Bool, ];
$callStateReady = ['protocol' => callProtocol, 'connections' => [callConnection], 'config' => string, 'encryption_key' => bytes, 'emojis' => [string], ];
$callbackQueryAnswer = ['text' => string, 'show_alert' => Bool, 'url' => string, ];
$callbackQueryPayloadData = ['data' => bytes, ];
$callbackQueryPayloadGame = ['game_short_name' => string, ];
$channel = ['id' => int, 'username' => string, 'date' => int, 'status' => ChatMemberStatus, 'anyone_can_invite' => Bool, 'sign_messages' => Bool, 'is_supergroup' => Bool, 'is_verified' => Bool, 'restriction_reason' => string, ];
$channelFull = ['description' => string, 'member_count' => int, 'administrator_count' => int, 'restricted_count' => int, 'banned_count' => int, 'can_get_members' => Bool, 'can_set_username' => Bool, 'can_set_sticker_set' => Bool, 'sticker_set_id' => int64, 'invite_link' => string, 'pinned_message_id' => int53, 'migrated_from_group_id' => int, 'migrated_from_max_message_id' => int53, ];
$channelMembersFilterAdministrators = [];
$channelMembersFilterBanned = ['query' => string, ];
$channelMembersFilterBots = [];
$channelMembersFilterRecent = [];
$channelMembersFilterRestricted = ['query' => string, ];
$channelMembersFilterSearch = ['query' => string, ];
$chat = ['id' => int53, 'type' => ChatType, 'title' => string, 'photo' => chatPhoto, 'top_message' => message, 'order' => int64, 'is_pinned' => Bool, 'unread_count' => int, 'last_read_inbox_message_id' => int53, 'last_read_outbox_message_id' => int53, 'unread_mention_count' => int, 'notification_settings' => notificationSettings, 'reply_markup_message_id' => int53, 'draft_message' => draftMessage, 'client_data' => string, ];
$chatActionCancel = [];
$chatActionChoosingContact = [];
$chatActionChoosingLocation = [];
$chatActionRecordingVideo = [];
$chatActionRecordingVideoNote = [];
$chatActionRecordingVoice = [];
$chatActionStartPlayingGame = [];
$chatActionTyping = [];
$chatActionUploadingDocument = ['progress' => int, ];
$chatActionUploadingPhoto = ['progress' => int, ];
$chatActionUploadingVideo = ['progress' => int, ];
$chatActionUploadingVideoNote = ['progress' => int, ];
$chatActionUploadingVoice = ['progress' => int, ];
$chatEvent = ['id' => int64, 'date' => int, 'user_id' => int, 'action' => ChatEventAction, ];
$chatEventDescriptionChanged = ['old_description' => string, 'new_description' => string, ];
$chatEventInvitesToggled = ['anyone_can_invite' => Bool, ];
$chatEventLogFilters = ['message_edits' => Bool, 'message_deletions' => Bool, 'message_pins' => Bool, 'member_joins' => Bool, 'member_leaves' => Bool, 'member_invites' => Bool, 'member_promotions' => Bool, 'member_restrictions' => Bool, 'info_changes' => Bool, 'setting_changes' => Bool, ];
$chatEventMemberInvited = ['user_id' => int, 'status' => ChatMemberStatus, ];
$chatEventMemberJoined = [];
$chatEventMemberLeft = [];
$chatEventMemberPromoted = ['user_id' => int, 'old_status' => ChatMemberStatus, 'new_status' => ChatMemberStatus, ];
$chatEventMemberRestricted = ['user_id' => int, 'old_status' => ChatMemberStatus, 'new_status' => ChatMemberStatus, ];
$chatEventMessageDeleted = ['message' => message, ];
$chatEventMessageEdited = ['old_message' => message, 'new_message' => message, ];
$chatEventMessagePinned = ['message' => message, ];
$chatEventMessageUnpinned = [];
$chatEventPhotoChanged = ['old_photo' => chatPhoto, 'new_photo' => chatPhoto, ];
$chatEventSignMessagesToggled = ['sign_messages' => Bool, ];
$chatEventStickerSetChanged = ['old_sticker_set_id' => int64, 'new_sticker_set_id' => int64, ];
$chatEventTitleChanged = ['old_title' => string, 'new_title' => string, ];
$chatEventUsernameChanged = ['old_username' => string, 'new_username' => string, ];
$chatEvents = ['events' => [chatEvent], ];
$chatInviteLink = ['invite_link' => string, ];
$chatInviteLinkInfo = ['chat_id' => int53, 'title' => string, 'photo' => chatPhoto, 'member_count' => int, 'member_user_ids' => [int], 'is_group' => Bool, 'is_channel' => Bool, 'is_public_channel' => Bool, 'is_supergroup_channel' => Bool, ];
$chatMember = ['user_id' => int, 'inviter_user_id' => int, 'join_date' => int, 'status' => ChatMemberStatus, 'bot_info' => botInfo, ];
$chatMemberStatusAdministrator = ['can_be_edited' => Bool, 'can_change_info' => Bool, 'can_post_messages' => Bool, 'can_edit_messages' => Bool, 'can_delete_messages' => Bool, 'can_invite_users' => Bool, 'can_restrict_members' => Bool, 'can_pin_messages' => Bool, 'can_promote_members' => Bool, ];
$chatMemberStatusBanned = ['banned_until_date' => int, ];
$chatMemberStatusCreator = [];
$chatMemberStatusLeft = [];
$chatMemberStatusMember = [];
$chatMemberStatusRestricted = ['is_member' => Bool, 'restricted_until_date' => int, 'can_send_messages' => Bool, 'can_send_media_messages' => Bool, 'can_send_other_messages' => Bool, 'can_add_web_page_previews' => Bool, ];
$chatMembers = ['total_count' => int, 'members' => [chatMember], ];
$chatPhoto = ['small' => file, 'big' => file, ];
$chatReportReasonOther = ['text' => string, ];
$chatReportReasonPornography = [];
$chatReportReasonSpam = [];
$chatReportReasonViolence = [];
$chatReportSpamState = ['can_report_spam' => Bool, ];
$chatTypeChannel = ['channel_id' => int, 'is_supergroup' => Bool, ];
$chatTypeGroup = ['group_id' => int, ];
$chatTypePrivate = ['user_id' => int, ];
$chatTypeSecret = ['secret_chat_id' => int, 'user_id' => int, ];
$chats = ['chat_ids' => [int53], ];
$connectionStateConnecting = [];
$connectionStateConnectingToProxy = [];
$connectionStateReady = [];
$connectionStateUpdating = [];
$connectionStateWaitingForNetwork = [];
$contact = ['phone_number' => string, 'first_name' => string, 'last_name' => string, 'user_id' => int, ];
$customRequestResult = ['result' => string, ];
$deviceTokenApns = ['token' => string, ];
$deviceTokenBlackberry = ['token' => string, ];
$deviceTokenGcm = ['token' => string, ];
$deviceTokenMpns = ['token' => string, ];
$deviceTokenSimplePush = ['token' => string, ];
$deviceTokenUbuntuPhone = ['token' => string, ];
$document = ['file_name' => string, 'mime_type' => string, 'thumb' => photoSize, 'document' => file, ];
$draftMessage = ['reply_to_message_id' => int53, 'input_message_text' => InputMessageContent, ];
$error = ['code' => int, 'message' => string, ];
$file = ['id' => int, 'persistent_id' => string, 'size' => int, 'is_being_downloaded' => Bool, 'local_size' => int, 'is_being_uploaded' => Bool, 'remote_size' => int, 'path' => string, ];
$fileTypeAnimation = [];
$fileTypeAudio = [];
$fileTypeDocument = [];
$fileTypeNone = [];
$fileTypePhoto = [];
$fileTypeProfilePhoto = [];
$fileTypeSecret = [];
$fileTypeSecretThumb = [];
$fileTypeSticker = [];
$fileTypeThumb = [];
$fileTypeUnknown = [];
$fileTypeVideo = [];
$fileTypeVideoNote = [];
$fileTypeVoice = [];
$fileTypeWallpaper = [];
$foundMessages = ['messages' => [message], 'next_from_search_id' => int64, ];
$game = ['id' => int64, 'short_name' => string, 'title' => string, 'text' => string, 'text_entities' => [textEntity], 'description' => string, 'photo' => photo, 'animation' => animation, ];
$gameHighScore = ['position' => int, 'user_id' => int, 'score' => int, ];
$gameHighScores = ['scores' => [gameHighScore], ];
$group = ['id' => int, 'member_count' => int, 'status' => ChatMemberStatus, 'everyone_is_administrator' => Bool, 'is_active' => Bool, 'migrated_to_channel_id' => int, ];
$groupFull = ['creator_user_id' => int, 'members' => [chatMember], 'invite_link' => string, ];
$hashtags = ['hashtags' => [string], ];
$importedContacts = ['user_ids' => [int], 'importer_count' => [int], ];
$inlineKeyboardButton = ['text' => string, 'type' => InlineKeyboardButtonType, ];
$inlineKeyboardButtonTypeBuy = [];
$inlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallback = ['data' => bytes, ];
$inlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackGame = [];
$inlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline = ['query' => string, 'in_current_chat' => Bool, ];
$inlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl = ['url' => string, ];
$inlineQueryResultAnimation = ['id' => string, 'animation' => animation, 'title' => string, ];
$inlineQueryResultArticle = ['id' => string, 'url' => string, 'hide_url' => Bool, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, 'thumb' => photoSize, ];
$inlineQueryResultAudio = ['id' => string, 'audio' => audio, ];
$inlineQueryResultContact = ['id' => string, 'contact' => contact, 'thumb' => photoSize, ];
$inlineQueryResultDocument = ['id' => string, 'document' => document, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, ];
$inlineQueryResultGame = ['id' => string, 'game' => game, ];
$inlineQueryResultLocation = ['id' => string, 'location' => location, 'title' => string, 'thumb' => photoSize, ];
$inlineQueryResultPhoto = ['id' => string, 'photo' => photo, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, ];
$inlineQueryResultSticker = ['id' => string, 'sticker' => sticker, ];
$inlineQueryResultVenue = ['id' => string, 'venue' => venue, 'thumb' => photoSize, ];
$inlineQueryResultVideo = ['id' => string, 'video' => video, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, ];
$inlineQueryResultVoice = ['id' => string, 'voice' => voice, 'title' => string, ];
$inlineQueryResults = ['inline_query_id' => int64, 'next_offset' => string, 'results' => [InlineQueryResult], 'switch_pm_text' => string, 'switch_pm_parameter' => string, ];
$inputCredentialsNew = ['data' => string, 'allow_save' => Bool, ];
$inputCredentialsSaved = ['saved_credentials_id' => string, ];
$inputFileGenerated = ['original_path' => string, 'conversion' => string, 'expected_size' => int, ];
$inputFileId = ['id' => int, ];
$inputFileLocal = ['path' => string, ];
$inputFilePersistentId = ['persistent_id' => string, ];
$inputInlineQueryResultAnimatedGif = ['id' => string, 'title' => string, 'thumb_url' => string, 'gif_url' => string, 'gif_duration' => int, 'gif_width' => int, 'gif_height' => int, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'input_message_content' => InputMessageContent, ];
$inputInlineQueryResultAnimatedMpeg4 = ['id' => string, 'title' => string, 'thumb_url' => string, 'mpeg4_url' => string, 'mpeg4_duration' => int, 'mpeg4_width' => int, 'mpeg4_height' => int, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'input_message_content' => InputMessageContent, ];
$inputInlineQueryResultArticle = ['id' => string, 'url' => string, 'hide_url' => Bool, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, 'thumb_url' => string, 'thumb_width' => int, 'thumb_height' => int, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'input_message_content' => InputMessageContent, ];
$inputInlineQueryResultAudio = ['id' => string, 'title' => string, 'performer' => string, 'audio_url' => string, 'audio_duration' => int, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'input_message_content' => InputMessageContent, ];
$inputInlineQueryResultContact = ['id' => string, 'contact' => contact, 'thumb_url' => string, 'thumb_width' => int, 'thumb_height' => int, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'input_message_content' => InputMessageContent, ];
$inputInlineQueryResultDocument = ['id' => string, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, 'document_url' => string, 'mime_type' => string, 'thumb_url' => string, 'thumb_width' => int, 'thumb_height' => int, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'input_message_content' => InputMessageContent, ];
$inputInlineQueryResultGame = ['id' => string, 'game_short_name' => string, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ];
$inputInlineQueryResultLocation = ['id' => string, 'location' => location, 'title' => string, 'thumb_url' => string, 'thumb_width' => int, 'thumb_height' => int, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'input_message_content' => InputMessageContent, ];
$inputInlineQueryResultPhoto = ['id' => string, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, 'thumb_url' => string, 'photo_url' => string, 'photo_width' => int, 'photo_height' => int, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'input_message_content' => InputMessageContent, ];
$inputInlineQueryResultSticker = ['id' => string, 'thumb_url' => string, 'sticker_url' => string, 'sticker_width' => int, 'sticker_height' => int, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'input_message_content' => InputMessageContent, ];
$inputInlineQueryResultVenue = ['id' => string, 'venue' => venue, 'thumb_url' => string, 'thumb_width' => int, 'thumb_height' => int, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'input_message_content' => InputMessageContent, ];
$inputInlineQueryResultVideo = ['id' => string, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, 'thumb_url' => string, 'video_url' => string, 'mime_type' => string, 'video_width' => int, 'video_height' => int, 'video_duration' => int, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'input_message_content' => InputMessageContent, ];
$inputInlineQueryResultVoice = ['id' => string, 'title' => string, 'voice_url' => string, 'voice_duration' => int, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'input_message_content' => InputMessageContent, ];
$inputMessageAnimation = ['animation' => InputFile, 'thumb' => inputThumb, 'duration' => int, 'width' => int, 'height' => int, 'caption' => string, ];
$inputMessageAudio = ['audio' => InputFile, 'album_cover_thumb' => inputThumb, 'duration' => int, 'title' => string, 'performer' => string, 'caption' => string, ];
$inputMessageContact = ['contact' => contact, ];
$inputMessageDocument = ['document' => InputFile, 'thumb' => inputThumb, 'caption' => string, ];
$inputMessageForwarded = ['from_chat_id' => int53, 'message_id' => int53, 'in_game_share' => Bool, ];
$inputMessageGame = ['bot_user_id' => int, 'game_short_name' => string, ];
$inputMessageInvoice = ['invoice' => invoice, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, 'photo_url' => string, 'photo_size' => int, 'photo_width' => int, 'photo_height' => int, 'payload' => bytes, 'provider_token' => string, 'start_parameter' => string, ];
$inputMessageLocation = ['location' => location, ];
$inputMessagePhoto = ['photo' => InputFile, 'thumb' => inputThumb, 'added_sticker_file_ids' => [int], 'width' => int, 'height' => int, 'caption' => string, 'ttl' => int, ];
$inputMessageSticker = ['sticker' => InputFile, 'thumb' => inputThumb, 'width' => int, 'height' => int, ];
$inputMessageText = ['text' => string, 'disable_web_page_preview' => Bool, 'clear_draft' => Bool, 'entities' => [textEntity], 'parse_mode' => TextParseMode, ];
$inputMessageVenue = ['venue' => venue, ];
$inputMessageVideo = ['video' => InputFile, 'thumb' => inputThumb, 'added_sticker_file_ids' => [int], 'duration' => int, 'width' => int, 'height' => int, 'caption' => string, 'ttl' => int, ];
$inputMessageVideoNote = ['video_note' => InputFile, 'thumb' => inputThumb, 'duration' => int, 'length' => int, ];
$inputMessageVoice = ['voice' => InputFile, 'duration' => int, 'waveform' => bytes, 'caption' => string, ];
$inputSticker = ['png_sticker' => InputFile, 'emojis' => string, 'mask_position' => maskPosition, ];
$inputThumb = ['thumb' => InputFile, 'width' => int, 'height' => int, ];
$invoice = ['currency' => string, 'prices' => [labeledPrice], 'is_test' => Bool, 'need_name' => Bool, 'need_phone_number' => Bool, 'need_email' => Bool, 'need_shipping_address' => Bool, 'is_flexible' => Bool, ];
$keyboardButton = ['text' => string, 'type' => KeyboardButtonType, ];
$keyboardButtonTypeRequestLocation = [];
$keyboardButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumber = [];
$keyboardButtonTypeText = [];
$labeledPrice = ['label' => string, 'amount' => int53, ];
$linkStateContact = [];
$linkStateKnowsPhoneNumber = [];
$linkStateNone = [];
$location = ['latitude' => double, 'longitude' => double, ];
$maskPosition = ['point' => int, 'x_shift' => double, 'y_shift' => double, 'scale' => double, ];
$message = ['id' => int53, 'sender_user_id' => int, 'chat_id' => int53, 'send_state' => MessageSendState, 'can_be_edited' => Bool, 'can_be_forwarded' => Bool, 'can_be_deleted_only_for_self' => Bool, 'can_be_deleted_for_everyone' => Bool, 'is_post' => Bool, 'contains_unread_mention' => Bool, 'date' => int, 'edit_date' => int, 'forward_info' => MessageForwardInfo, 'reply_to_message_id' => int53, 'ttl' => int, 'ttl_expires_in' => double, 'via_bot_user_id' => int, 'author_signature' => string, 'views' => int, 'content' => MessageContent, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ];
$messageAnimation = ['animation' => animation, 'caption' => string, ];
$messageAudio = ['audio' => audio, 'caption' => string, ];
$messageCall = ['discard_reason' => CallDiscardReason, 'duration' => int, ];
$messageChannelChatCreate = ['title' => string, ];
$messageChatAddMembers = ['member_user_ids' => [int], ];
$messageChatChangePhoto = ['photo' => photo, ];
$messageChatChangeTitle = ['title' => string, ];
$messageChatDeleteMember = ['user_id' => int, ];
$messageChatDeletePhoto = [];
$messageChatJoinByLink = [];
$messageChatMigrateFrom = ['title' => string, 'group_id' => int, ];
$messageChatMigrateTo = ['channel_id' => int, ];
$messageChatSetTtl = ['ttl' => int, ];
$messageContact = ['contact' => contact, ];
$messageContactRegistered = [];
$messageDocument = ['document' => document, 'caption' => string, ];
$messageExpiredPhoto = [];
$messageExpiredVideo = [];
$messageForwardedFromUser = ['sender_user_id' => int, 'date' => int, ];
$messageForwardedPost = ['chat_id' => int53, 'author_signature' => string, 'date' => int, 'message_id' => int53, ];
$messageGame = ['game' => game, ];
$messageGameScore = ['game_message_id' => int53, 'game_id' => int64, 'score' => int, ];
$messageGroupChatCreate = ['title' => string, 'member_user_ids' => [int], ];
$messageInvoice = ['title' => string, 'description' => string, 'photo' => photo, 'currency' => string, 'total_amount' => int53, 'start_parameter' => string, 'is_test' => Bool, 'need_shipping_address' => Bool, 'receipt_message_id' => int53, ];
$messageIsBeingSent = [];
$messageIsFailedToSend = [];
$messageIsIncoming = [];
$messageIsSuccessfullySent = [];
$messageLocation = ['location' => location, ];
$messagePaymentSuccessful = ['currency' => string, 'total_amount' => int53, ];
$messagePaymentSuccessfulBot = ['currency' => string, 'total_amount' => int53, 'invoice_payload' => bytes, 'shipping_option_id' => string, 'order_info' => orderInfo, 'telegram_payment_charge_id' => string, 'provider_payment_charge_id' => string, ];
$messagePhoto = ['photo' => photo, 'caption' => string, ];
$messagePinMessage = ['message_id' => int53, ];
$messageScreenshotTaken = [];
$messageSticker = ['sticker' => sticker, ];
$messageText = ['text' => string, 'entities' => [textEntity], 'web_page' => webPage, ];
$messageUnsupported = [];
$messageVenue = ['venue' => venue, ];
$messageVideo = ['video' => video, 'caption' => string, ];
$messageVideoNote = ['video_note' => videoNote, 'is_viewed' => Bool, ];
$messageVoice = ['voice' => voice, 'caption' => string, 'is_listened' => Bool, ];
$messages = ['total_count' => int, 'messages' => [message], ];
$networkStatistics = ['since_date' => int, 'entries' => [NetworkStatisticsEntry], ];
$networkStatisticsEntryCall = ['network_type' => NetworkType, 'sent_bytes' => int53, 'received_bytes' => int53, 'duration' => double, ];
$networkStatisticsEntryFile = ['file_type' => FileType, 'network_type' => NetworkType, 'sent_bytes' => int53, 'received_bytes' => int53, ];
$networkTypeMobile = [];
$networkTypeMobileRoaming = [];
$networkTypeNone = [];
$networkTypeOther = [];
$networkTypeWiFi = [];
$notificationSettings = ['mute_for' => int, 'sound' => string, 'show_preview' => Bool, ];
$notificationSettingsScopeAllChats = [];
$notificationSettingsScopeChat = ['chat_id' => int53, ];
$notificationSettingsScopeGroupChats = [];
$notificationSettingsScopePrivateChats = [];
$ok = [];
$optionValueBoolean = ['value' => Bool, ];
$optionValueEmpty = [];
$optionValueInteger = ['value' => int, ];
$optionValueString = ['value' => string, ];
$orderInfo = ['name' => string, 'phone_number' => string, 'email' => string, 'shipping_address' => shippingAddress, ];
$pageBlockAnchor = ['name' => string, ];
$pageBlockAnimation = ['animation' => animation, 'caption' => RichText, 'need_autoplay' => Bool, ];
$pageBlockAudio = ['audio' => audio, 'caption' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockAuthorDate = ['author' => RichText, 'publish_date' => int, ];
$pageBlockBlockQuote = ['text' => RichText, 'caption' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockChatLink = ['title' => string, 'photo' => chatPhoto, 'username' => string, ];
$pageBlockCollage = ['page_blocks' => [PageBlock], 'caption' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockCover = ['cover' => PageBlock, ];
$pageBlockDivider = [];
$pageBlockEmbedded = ['url' => string, 'html' => string, 'poster_photo' => photo, 'width' => int, 'height' => int, 'caption' => RichText, 'is_full_width' => Bool, 'allow_scrolling' => Bool, ];
$pageBlockEmbeddedPost = ['url' => string, 'author' => string, 'author_photo' => photo, 'date' => int, 'page_blocks' => [PageBlock], 'caption' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockFooter = ['footer' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockHeader = ['header' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockList = ['items' => [RichText], 'is_ordered' => Bool, ];
$pageBlockParagraph = ['text' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockPhoto = ['photo' => photo, 'caption' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockPreformatted = ['text' => RichText, 'language' => string, ];
$pageBlockPullQuote = ['text' => RichText, 'caption' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockSlideshow = ['page_blocks' => [PageBlock], 'caption' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockSubheader = ['subheader' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockSubtitle = ['subtitle' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockTitle = ['title' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockVideo = ['video' => video, 'caption' => RichText, 'need_autoplay' => Bool, 'is_looped' => Bool, ];
$passwordRecoveryInfo = ['recovery_email_pattern' => string, ];
$passwordState = ['has_password' => Bool, 'password_hint' => string, 'has_recovery_email' => Bool, 'unconfirmed_recovery_email_pattern' => string, ];
$paymentForm = ['invoice' => invoice, 'url' => string, 'payments_provider' => paymentsProviderStripe, 'saved_order_info' => orderInfo, 'saved_credentials' => savedCredentials, 'can_save_credentials' => Bool, 'need_password' => Bool, ];
$paymentReceipt = ['date' => int, 'payments_provider_user_id' => int, 'invoice' => invoice, 'order_info' => orderInfo, 'shipping_option' => shippingOption, 'credentials_title' => string, ];
$paymentResult = ['success' => Bool, 'verification_url' => string, ];
$paymentsProviderStripe = ['publishable_key' => string, 'need_country' => Bool, 'need_zip' => Bool, 'need_cardholder_name' => Bool, ];
$photo = ['id' => int64, 'has_stickers' => Bool, 'sizes' => [photoSize], ];
$photoSize = ['type' => string, 'photo' => file, 'width' => int, 'height' => int, ];
$privacyKeyCall = [];
$privacyKeyChatInvite = [];
$privacyKeyUserStatus = [];
$privacyRuleAllowAll = [];
$privacyRuleAllowContacts = [];
$privacyRuleAllowUsers = ['user_ids' => [int], ];
$privacyRuleDisallowAll = [];
$privacyRuleDisallowContacts = [];
$privacyRuleDisallowUsers = ['user_ids' => [int], ];
$privacyRules = ['rules' => [PrivacyRule], ];
$profilePhoto = ['id' => int64, 'small' => file, 'big' => file, ];
$proxyEmpty = [];
$proxySocks5 = ['server' => string, 'port' => int, 'username' => string, 'password' => string, ];
$publicMessageLink = ['url' => string, ];
$recoveryEmail = ['recovery_email' => string, ];
$replyMarkupForceReply = ['personal' => Bool, ];
$replyMarkupInlineKeyboard = ['rows' => [inlineKeyboardButton], ];
$replyMarkupRemoveKeyboard = ['personal' => Bool, ];
$replyMarkupShowKeyboard = ['rows' => [keyboardButton], 'resize_keyboard' => Bool, 'one_time' => Bool, 'personal' => Bool, ];
$richTextBold = ['text' => RichText, ];
$richTextConcatenation = ['texts' => [RichText], ];
$richTextEmail = ['text' => RichText, 'email' => string, ];
$richTextFixed = ['text' => RichText, ];
$richTextItalic = ['text' => RichText, ];
$richTextPlain = ['text' => string, ];
$richTextStrikethrough = ['text' => RichText, ];
$richTextUnderline = ['text' => RichText, ];
$richTextUrl = ['text' => RichText, 'url' => string, ];
$savedCredentials = ['id' => string, 'title' => string, ];
$searchMessagesFilterAnimation = [];
$searchMessagesFilterAudio = [];
$searchMessagesFilterCall = [];
$searchMessagesFilterChatPhoto = [];
$searchMessagesFilterDocument = [];
$searchMessagesFilterEmpty = [];
$searchMessagesFilterMention = [];
$searchMessagesFilterMissedCall = [];
$searchMessagesFilterPhoto = [];
$searchMessagesFilterPhotoAndVideo = [];
$searchMessagesFilterUnreadMention = [];
$searchMessagesFilterUrl = [];
$searchMessagesFilterVideo = [];
$searchMessagesFilterVideoNote = [];
$searchMessagesFilterVoice = [];
$searchMessagesFilterVoiceAndVideoNote = [];
$secretChat = ['id' => int, 'user_id' => int, 'state' => int, 'is_outbound' => Bool, 'ttl' => int, 'key_hash' => bytes, 'layer' => int, ];
$session = ['id' => int64, 'is_current' => Bool, 'app_id' => int, 'app_name' => string, 'app_version' => string, 'is_official_app' => Bool, 'device_model' => string, 'platform' => string, 'system_version' => string, 'log_in_date' => int, 'last_active_date' => int, 'ip' => string, 'country' => string, 'region' => string, ];
$sessions = ['sessions' => [session], ];
$shippingAddress = ['country_code' => string, 'state' => string, 'city' => string, 'street_line1' => string, 'street_line2' => string, 'post_code' => string, ];
$shippingOption = ['id' => string, 'title' => string, 'prices' => [labeledPrice], ];
$sticker = ['set_id' => int64, 'width' => int, 'height' => int, 'emoji' => string, 'is_mask' => Bool, 'mask_position' => maskPosition, 'thumb' => photoSize, 'sticker' => file, ];
$stickerEmojis = ['emojis' => [string], ];
$stickerSet = ['id' => int64, 'title' => string, 'name' => string, 'is_installed' => Bool, 'is_archived' => Bool, 'is_official' => Bool, 'is_masks' => Bool, 'is_viewed' => Bool, 'stickers' => [sticker], 'emojis' => [stickerEmojis], ];
$stickerSetInfo = ['id' => int64, 'title' => string, 'name' => string, 'is_installed' => Bool, 'is_archived' => Bool, 'is_official' => Bool, 'is_masks' => Bool, 'is_viewed' => Bool, 'size' => int, 'covers' => [sticker], ];
$stickerSets = ['total_count' => int, 'sets' => [stickerSetInfo], ];
$stickers = ['stickers' => [sticker], ];
$storageStatistics = ['size' => int53, 'count' => int, 'by_chat' => [storageStatisticsByChat], ];
$storageStatisticsByChat = ['chat_id' => int53, 'size' => int53, 'count' => int, 'by_file_type' => [storageStatisticsByFileType], ];
$storageStatisticsByFileType = ['file_type' => FileType, 'size' => int53, 'count' => int, ];
$storageStatisticsFast = ['files_size' => int53, 'files_count' => int, 'database_size' => int53, ];
$temporaryPasswordState = ['has_password' => Bool, 'valid_for' => int, ];
$testBytes = ['value' => bytes, ];
$testInt = ['value' => int, ];
$testString = ['value' => string, ];
$testVectorInt = ['value' => [int], ];
$testVectorIntObject = ['value' => [testInt], ];
$testVectorString = ['value' => [string], ];
$testVectorStringObject = ['value' => [testString], ];
$textEntities = ['entities' => [textEntity], ];
$textEntity = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, 'type' => TextEntityType, ];
$textEntityTypeBold = [];
$textEntityTypeBotCommand = [];
$textEntityTypeCode = [];
$textEntityTypeEmail = [];
$textEntityTypeHashtag = [];
$textEntityTypeItalic = [];
$textEntityTypeMention = [];
$textEntityTypeMentionName = ['user_id' => int, ];
$textEntityTypePre = [];
$textEntityTypePreCode = ['language' => string, ];
$textEntityTypeTextUrl = ['url' => string, ];
$textEntityTypeUrl = [];
$textParseModeHTML = [];
$textParseModeMarkdown = [];
$topChatCategoryBots = [];
$topChatCategoryCalls = [];
$topChatCategoryChannels = [];
$topChatCategoryGroups = [];
$topChatCategoryInlineBots = [];
$topChatCategoryUsers = [];
$updateAuthState = ['auth_state' => AuthState, ];
$updateCall = ['call' => call, ];
$updateChannel = ['channel' => channel, ];
$updateChannelFull = ['channel_id' => int, 'channel_full' => channelFull, ];
$updateChatDraftMessage = ['chat_id' => int53, 'draft_message' => draftMessage, 'order' => int64, ];
$updateChatIsPinned = ['chat_id' => int53, 'is_pinned' => Bool, 'order' => int64, ];
$updateChatOrder = ['chat_id' => int53, 'order' => int64, ];
$updateChatPhoto = ['chat_id' => int53, 'photo' => chatPhoto, ];
$updateChatReadInbox = ['chat_id' => int53, 'last_read_inbox_message_id' => int53, 'unread_count' => int, ];
$updateChatReadOutbox = ['chat_id' => int53, 'last_read_outbox_message_id' => int53, ];
$updateChatReplyMarkup = ['chat_id' => int53, 'reply_markup_message_id' => int53, ];
$updateChatTitle = ['chat_id' => int53, 'title' => string, ];
$updateChatTopMessage = ['chat_id' => int53, 'top_message' => message, 'order' => int64, ];
$updateChatUnreadMentionCount = ['chat_id' => int53, 'unread_mention_count' => int, ];
$updateConnectionState = ['state' => ConnectionState, ];
$updateDeleteMessages = ['chat_id' => int53, 'message_ids' => [int53], ];
$updateFavoriteStickers = ['sticker_ids' => [int], ];
$updateFile = ['file' => file, ];
$updateFileGenerationFinish = ['file' => file, ];
$updateFileGenerationProgress = ['file_id' => int, 'size' => int, 'ready' => int, ];
$updateFileGenerationStart = ['generation_id' => int64, 'original_path' => string, 'destination_path' => string, 'conversion' => string, ];
$updateFileProgress = ['file_id' => int, 'size' => int, 'ready' => int, ];
$updateGroup = ['group' => group, ];
$updateGroupFull = ['group_id' => int, 'group_full' => groupFull, ];
$updateInstalledStickerSets = ['is_masks' => Bool, 'sticker_set_ids' => [int64], ];
$updateMessageContent = ['chat_id' => int53, 'message_id' => int53, 'new_content' => MessageContent, ];
$updateMessageEdited = ['chat_id' => int53, 'message_id' => int53, 'edit_date' => int, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ];
$updateMessageMentionRead = ['chat_id' => int53, 'message_id' => int53, 'unread_mention_count' => int, ];
$updateMessageSendAcknowledged = ['chat_id' => int53, 'message_id' => int53, ];
$updateMessageSendFailed = ['message' => message, 'old_message_id' => int53, 'error_code' => int, 'error_message' => string, ];
$updateMessageSendSucceeded = ['message' => message, 'old_message_id' => int53, ];
$updateMessageViews = ['chat_id' => int53, 'message_id' => int53, 'views' => int, ];
$updateNewCallbackQuery = ['id' => int64, 'sender_user_id' => int, 'chat_id' => int53, 'message_id' => int53, 'chat_instance' => int64, 'payload' => CallbackQueryPayload, ];
$updateNewChat = ['chat' => chat, ];
$updateNewChosenInlineResult = ['sender_user_id' => int, 'user_location' => location, 'query' => string, 'result_id' => string, 'inline_message_id' => string, ];
$updateNewCustomEvent = ['event' => string, ];
$updateNewCustomQuery = ['id' => int64, 'data' => string, 'timeout' => int, ];
$updateNewInlineCallbackQuery = ['id' => int64, 'sender_user_id' => int, 'inline_message_id' => string, 'chat_instance' => int64, 'payload' => CallbackQueryPayload, ];
$updateNewInlineQuery = ['id' => int64, 'sender_user_id' => int, 'user_location' => location, 'query' => string, 'offset' => string, ];
$updateNewMessage = ['message' => message, 'disable_notification' => Bool, 'contains_mention' => Bool, ];
$updateNewPreCheckoutQuery = ['id' => int64, 'sender_user_id' => int, 'currency' => string, 'total_amount' => int53, 'invoice_payload' => bytes, 'shipping_option_id' => string, 'order_info' => orderInfo, ];
$updateNewShippingQuery = ['id' => int64, 'sender_user_id' => int, 'invoice_payload' => string, 'shipping_address' => shippingAddress, ];
$updateNotificationSettings = ['scope' => NotificationSettingsScope, 'notification_settings' => notificationSettings, ];
$updateOpenMessageContent = ['chat_id' => int53, 'message_id' => int53, ];
$updateOption = ['name' => string, 'value' => OptionValue, ];
$updatePrivacy = ['key' => PrivacyKey, 'rules' => privacyRules, ];
$updateRecentStickers = ['is_attached' => Bool, 'sticker_ids' => [int], ];
$updateSavedAnimations = ['animation_ids' => [int], ];
$updateSecretChat = ['secret_chat' => secretChat, ];
$updateServiceNotification = ['type' => string, 'content' => MessageContent, ];
$updateTrendingStickerSets = ['sticker_sets' => stickerSets, ];
$updateUser = ['user' => user, ];
$updateUserChatAction = ['chat_id' => int53, 'user_id' => int, 'action' => ChatAction, ];
$updateUserFull = ['user_id' => int, 'user_full' => userFull, ];
$updateUserStatus = ['user_id' => int, 'status' => UserStatus, ];
$user = ['id' => int, 'first_name' => string, 'last_name' => string, 'username' => string, 'phone_number' => string, 'status' => UserStatus, 'profile_photo' => profilePhoto, 'my_link' => LinkState, 'foreign_link' => LinkState, 'is_verified' => Bool, 'restriction_reason' => string, 'have_access' => Bool, 'type' => UserType, 'language_code' => string, ];
$userFull = ['is_blocked' => Bool, 'can_be_called' => Bool, 'has_private_calls' => Bool, 'about' => string, 'common_chat_count' => int, 'bot_info' => botInfo, ];
$userProfilePhotos = ['total_count' => int, 'photos' => [photo], ];
$userStatusEmpty = [];
$userStatusLastMonth = [];
$userStatusLastWeek = [];
$userStatusOffline = ['was_online' => int, ];
$userStatusOnline = ['expires' => int, ];
$userStatusRecently = [];
$userTypeBot = ['can_join_group_chats' => Bool, 'can_read_all_group_chat_messages' => Bool, 'is_inline' => Bool, 'inline_query_placeholder' => string, 'need_location' => Bool, ];
$userTypeDeleted = [];
$userTypeGeneral = [];
$userTypeUnknown = [];
$users = ['total_count' => int, 'user_ids' => [int], ];
$validatedOrderInfo = ['order_info_id' => string, 'shipping_options' => [shippingOption], ];
$venue = ['location' => location, 'title' => string, 'address' => string, 'provider' => string, 'id' => string, ];
$video = ['duration' => int, 'width' => int, 'height' => int, 'file_name' => string, 'mime_type' => string, 'has_stickers' => Bool, 'thumb' => photoSize, 'video' => file, ];
$videoNote = ['duration' => int, 'length' => int, 'thumb' => photoSize, 'video' => file, ];
$voice = ['duration' => int, 'waveform' => bytes, 'mime_type' => string, 'voice' => file, ];
$wallpaper = ['id' => int, 'sizes' => [photoSize], 'color' => int, ];
$wallpapers = ['wallpapers' => [wallpaper], ];
$webPage = ['url' => string, 'display_url' => string, 'type' => string, 'site_name' => string, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, 'photo' => photo, 'embed_url' => string, 'embed_type' => string, 'embed_width' => int, 'embed_height' => int, 'duration' => int, 'author' => string, 'animation' => animation, 'audio' => audio, 'document' => document, 'sticker' => sticker, 'video' => video, 'video_note' => videoNote, 'voice' => voice, 'has_instant_view' => Bool, ];
$webPageInstantView = ['page_blocks' => [PageBlock], 'is_full' => Bool, ];