Change 2FA password
Get all chats, broadcast a message to all chats
Get the full participant list of a channel/group/supergroup
Get full info about a user/chat/supergroup/channel
Get info about a user/chat/supergroup/channel
Get info about the currently logged-in user
Upload or download files up to 1.5 GB
Make a phone call and play a song
Create a secret chat bot
Add a sticker set: messages.installStickerSet
Add a sticker to recent stickers: messages.saveRecentSticker
Add a user to a normal chat (use channels->inviteToChannel for supergroups): messages.addChatUser
Add phone number as contact: contacts.importContacts
Add users to channel/supergroup: channels.inviteToChannel
Allow or disallow any user to invite users to this channel/supergroup: channels.toggleInvites
Block a user: contacts.block
Bots only: set the callback answer (after a button was clicked): messages.setBotCallbackAnswer
Bots only: set the results of an inline query: messages.setInlineBotResults
Call inline bot: messages.getInlineBotResults
Change notification settings: account.updateNotifySettings
Change the phone number associated to this account: account.changePhone
Change the phone number: account.sendChangePhoneCode
Change the profile photo: photos.updateProfilePhoto
Change typing status: messages.setTyping
Check if about to edit a message or a media caption: messages.getMessageEditData
Check if an invitation link is valid: messages.checkChatInvite
Check if this phone number is registered on telegram: auth.checkPhone
Check if this username is available: account.checkUsername
Check if this username is free and can be assigned to a channel/supergroup: channels.checkUsername
Clear all recent stickers: messages.clearRecentStickers
Confirm this phone number is associated to this account, obtain phone_code_hash from sendConfirmPhoneCode: account.confirmPhone
Convert chat to supergroup: messages.migrateChat
Create a chat (not supergroup): messages.createChat
Create channel/supergroup: channels.createChannel
Delete a certain session: account.resetAuthorization
Delete a channel/supergroup: channels.deleteChannel
Delete a contact: contacts.deleteContact
Delete a user from a chat (not supergroup): messages.deleteChatUser
Delete all logged-in sessions.: auth.resetAuthorizations
Delete all messages of a user in a channel/supergroup: channels.deleteUserHistory
Delete channel/supergroup messages: channels.deleteMessages
Delete chat history: messages.deleteHistory
Delete messages: messages.deleteMessages
Delete multiple contacts: contacts.deleteContacts
Delete profile photos: photos.deletePhotos
Delete this account: account.deleteAccount
Disable all notifications for a certain period: account.updateDeviceLocked
Edit a message: messages.editMessage
Edit a sent inline message: messages.editInlineBotMessage
Edit admin permissions of a user in a channel/supergroup: channels.editAdmin
Edit admin permissions: messages.editChatAdmin
Edit the about text of a channel/supergroup: channels.editAbout
Edit the photo of a normal chat (not supergroup): messages.editChatPhoto
Edit the photo of a supergroup/channel: channels.editPhoto
Edit the title of a normal chat (not supergroup): messages.editChatTitle
Edit the title of a supergroup/channel: channels.editTitle
Enable all users are admins in normal groups (not supergroups): messages.toggleChatAdmins
Export chat invite : messages.exportChatInvite
Export contact as card: contacts.exportCard
Export the invite link of a channel: channels.exportInvite
Forward message: messages.forwardMessage
Forward messages: messages.forwardMessages
Get a stickerset: messages.getStickerSet
Get account TTL: account.getAccountTTL
Get all archived stickers: messages.getArchivedStickers
Get all contacts: contacts.getContacts
Get all logged-in authorizations: account.getAuthorizations
Get all message drafts: messages.getAllDrafts
Get all stickerpacks: messages.getAllStickers
Get and increase message views: messages.getMessagesViews
Get blocked users: contacts.getBlocked
Get channel/supergroup messages: channels.getMessages
Get channel/supergroup participants (you should use $MadelineProto->get_pwr_chat($id)
instead): channels.getParticipants
Get dialog info of peers: messages.getPeerDialogs
Get document by SHA256 hash: messages.getDocumentByHash
Get featured stickers: messages.getFeaturedStickers
Get info about a certain channel/supergroup participant: channels.getParticipant
Get info about app updates: help.getAppUpdate
Get info about chats: messages.getChats
Get info about multiple channels/supergroups: channels.getChannels
Get info about users: users.getUsers
Get info of support user: help.getSupport
Get invitation text: help.getInviteText
Get messages: messages.getMessages
Get most used chats: contacts.getTopPeers
Get nearest datacenter: help.getNearestDc
Get notification settings: account.getNotifySettings
Get online status of all users: contacts.getStatuses
Get previous messages of a group: messages.getHistory
Get privacy settings: account.getPrivacy
Get recent stickers: messages.getRecentStickers
Get saved gifs: messages.getSavedGifs
Get server configuration: help.getConfig
Get stickers: messages.getStickers
Get terms of service: help.getTermsOfService
Get the callback answer of a bot (after clicking a button): messages.getBotCallbackAnswer
Get the changelog of this app: help.getAppChangelog
Get the current 2FA settings: account.getPasswordSettings
Get the current password: account.getPassword
Get the link of a message in a channel: channels.exportMessageLink
Get the profile photos of a user: photos.getUserPhotos
Get the settings of apeer: messages.getPeerSettings
Get unused stickers: messages.getUnusedStickers
Get webpage preview: messages.getWebPagePreview
Gets list of chats: you should use $MadelineProto->get_dialogs() instead: https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/docs/DIALOGS.html: messages.getDialogs
Global message search: messages.searchGlobal
Hide report spam popup: messages.hideReportSpam
Import card as contact: contacts.importCard
Import chat invite: messages.importChatInvite
Initializes connection and save information on the user's device and application.: initConnection
Invalidate sent phone code: auth.cancelCode
Invite friends to telegram!: auth.sendInvites
Invoke this method with layer X: invokeWithLayer
Invoke with method without returning updates in the socket: invokeWithoutUpdates
Invokes a query after successfull completion of one of the previous queries.: invokeAfterMsg
Join a channel/supergroup: channels.joinChannel
Kick user from channel: channels.kickFromChannel
Leave a channel/supergroup: channels.leaveChannel
Log data for developer of this app: help.saveAppLog
Mark channel/supergroup history as read: channels.readHistory
Mark message as read: messages.readMessageContents
Mark messages as read in secret chats: messages.readEncryptedHistory
Mark messages as read: messages.readHistory
Mark messages as read: messages.receivedMessages
Mark new featured stickers as read: messages.readFeaturedStickers
Register device for push notifications: account.registerDevice
Remove a sticker set: messages.uninstallStickerSet
Reorder sticker sets: messages.reorderStickerSets
Report a message in a supergroup/channel for spam: channels.reportSpam
Report a peer for spam: messages.reportSpam
Report for spam: account.reportPeer
Resend the SMS verification code: auth.resendCode
Reset all notification settings: account.resetNotifySettings
Reset top peer rating for a certain category/peer: contacts.resetTopPeerRating
Result type returned by a current query.: invokeAfterMsgs
Returns a list of available wallpapers.: account.getWallPapers
Save a GIF: messages.saveGif
Save a message draft: messages.saveDraft
Search contacts: contacts.search
Search gifs: messages.searchGifs
Search peers or messages: messages.search
Send a file to a secret chat: messages.sendEncryptedFile
Send a media: messages.sendMedia
Send a message to all users in the chat list: messages.sendBroadcast
Send a message: messages.sendMessage
Send a service message to a secret chat: messages.sendEncryptedService
Send an email to recover the 2FA password: auth.requestPasswordRecovery
Send confirmation phone code: account.sendConfirmPhoneCode
Send inline bot result obtained with messages.getInlineBotResults to the chat: messages.sendInlineBotResult
Send message to secret chat: messages.sendEncrypted
Send typing notification to secret chat: messages.setEncryptedTyping
Set account TTL: account.setAccountTTL
Set privacy settings: account.setPrivacy
Set the pinned message of a channel/supergroup: channels.updatePinnedMessage
Start a bot: messages.startBot
Stop sending PUSH notifications to app: account.unregisterDevice
Toggle channel signatures: channels.toggleSignatures
Unblock a user: contacts.unblock
Update online status: account.updateStatus
Update profile info: account.updateProfile
Update the username of a supergroup/channel: channels.updateUsername
Update this user's username: account.updateUsername
Upload profile photo: photos.uploadProfilePhoto
Use phone_login instead: auth.sendCode
Use the code that was emailed to you after running $MadelineProto->auth->requestPasswordRecovery to login to your account: auth.recoverPassword
You cannot use this method directly, instead modify the PFS and default_temp_auth_key_expires_in settings, see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/docs/SETTINGS.html for more info: auth.bindTempAuthKey
You cannot use this method directly, instead use $MadelineProto->get_dh_config();: messages.getDhConfig
You cannot use this method directly, see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info on handling secret chats: messages.acceptEncryption
You cannot use this method directly, see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info on handling secret chats: messages.discardEncryption
You cannot use this method directly, see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info on handling secret chats: messages.requestEncryption
You cannot use this method directly, see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info on handling updates: updates.getChannelDifference
You cannot use this method directly, see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info on handling updates: updates.getDifference
You cannot use this method directly, see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info on handling updates: updates.getState
You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->export_authorization() instead, see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/docs/LOGIN.html: auth.exportAuthorization
You cannot use this method directly, use $MadelineProto->import_authorization($authorization) instead, see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/docs/LOGIN.html: auth.importAuthorization
You cannot use this method directly, use the bot_login method instead (see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info): auth.importBotAuthorization
You cannot use this method directly, use the complete_2fa_login method instead (see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info): auth.checkPassword
You cannot use this method directly, use the complete_phone_login method instead (see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info): auth.signIn
You cannot use this method directly, use the complete_signup method instead (see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info): auth.signUp
You cannot use this method directly, use the get_pwr_chat, get_info, get_full_info methods instead (see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info): channels.getFullChannel
You cannot use this method directly, use the get_pwr_chat, get_info, get_full_info methods instead (see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info): messages.getFullChat
You cannot use this method directly, use the get_pwr_chat, get_info, get_full_info methods instead (see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info): users.getFullUser
You cannot use this method directly, use the logout method instead (see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info): auth.logOut
You cannot use this method directly, use the resolve_username, get_pwr_chat, get_info, get_full_info methods instead (see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info): contacts.resolveUsername
You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, download_to_stream, download_to_file, download_to_dir methods instead; see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info: upload.getFile
You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, download_to_stream, download_to_file, download_to_dir methods instead; see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info: upload.saveBigFilePart
You cannot use this method directly, use the upload, download_to_stream, download_to_file, download_to_dir methods instead; see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info: upload.saveFilePart
You cannot use this method directly: messages.receivedQueue
You cannot use this method directly; use $MadelineProto->update_2fa($params), instead (see https://docs.madelineproto.xyz for more info): account.updatePasswordSettings