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title: danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\Files: Manages upload and download of files.
# `danog\MadelineProto\MTProtoTools\Files`
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> Author: Daniil Gentili <>
Manages upload and download of files.
## Method list:
* `uploadFromUrl(string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $url, int $size, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
* `uploadFromCallable(mixed $callable, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $seekable, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
* `uploadFromTgfile(mixed $media, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
* `getFileInfo(mixed $constructor): \Generator<array>`
* `getPropicInfo(mixed $messageMedia): \Generator<array>`
* `extractBotAPIFile(array $info): ?array`
* `getDownloadInfo(mixed $messageMedia): \Generator<array>`
* `downloadToDir(mixed $messageMedia, string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $dir, callable $cb): \Generator`
* `downloadToFile(mixed $messageMedia, string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $file, callable $cb): \Generator Downloaded file path`
* `downloadToCallable(mixed $messageMedia, callable|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $callable, callable $cb, bool $seekable, int $offset, int $end, int $part_size): \Generator`
* `downloadToBrowser(array|string $messageMedia, callable $cb): \Generator`
* `downloadToStream(mixed $messageMedia, mixed|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $stream, callable $cb, int $offset, int $end): \Generator`
* `downloadToResponse(array|string $messageMedia, \ServerRequest $request, callable $cb): \Generator Returned response`
* `uploadEncrypted(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file, string $fileName, callable $cb): \Generator`
* `upload(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
* `uploadFromStream(mixed $stream, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
## Methods:
### `uploadFromUrl(string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $url, int $size, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
Upload file from URL.
* `$url`: `string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface` URL of file
* `$size`: `int` Size of file
* `$fileName`: `string` File name
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
* `$encrypted`: `bool` Whether to encrypt file for secret chats
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\Http\Client\Response>|\Amp\Promise<int>|\Amp\Promise<null|string>|\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface|array|int|mixed, mixed, mixed>
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface`: File callback interface.](../
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Amp\Http\Client\Response`
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface`: Generic stream interface.](../Stream/
* `\Generator`
### `uploadFromCallable(mixed $callable, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $seekable, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
Upload file from callable.
The callable must accept two parameters: int $offset, int $size
The callable must return a string with the contest of the file at the specified offset and size.
* `$callable`: `mixed` Callable
* `$size`: `int` File size
* `$mime`: `string` Mime type
* `$fileName`: `string` File name
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
* `$seekable`: `bool` Whether chunks can be fetched out of order
* `$encrypted`: `bool` Whether to encrypt file for secret chats
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<array>, mixed, array{_: string, id: string, parts: int, name: string, mime_type: string, key_fingerprint?: mixed, key?: mixed, iv?: mixed, md5_checksum: string}>
#### See also:
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Generator`
### `uploadFromTgfile(mixed $media, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
Reupload telegram file.
* `$media`: `mixed` Telegram file
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
* `$encrypted`: `bool` Whether to encrypt file for secret chats
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|array, mixed, mixed>
#### See also:
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Generator`
### `getFileInfo(mixed $constructor): \Generator<array>`
Get info about file.
* `$constructor`: `mixed` File ID
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `getPropicInfo(mixed $messageMedia): \Generator<array>`
Get download info of the propic of a user
Returns an array with the following structure:.
`$info['ext']` - The file extension
`$info['name']` - The file name, without the extension
`$info['mime']` - The file mime type
`$info['size']` - The file size
* `$messageMedia`: `mixed` File ID
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `extractBotAPIFile(array $info): ?array`
Extract file info from bot API message.
* `$info`: `array` Bot API message object
### `getDownloadInfo(mixed $messageMedia): \Generator<array>`
Get download info of file
Returns an array with the following structure:.
`$info['ext']` - The file extension
`$info['name']` - The file name, without the extension
`$info['mime']` - The file mime type
`$info['size']` - The file size
* `$messageMedia`: `mixed` File ID
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `downloadToDir(mixed $messageMedia, string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $dir, callable $cb): \Generator`
Download file to directory.
* `$messageMedia`: `mixed` File to download
* `$dir`: `string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface` Directory where to download the file
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\File\File>|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket>|\Amp\Promise<callable|null>|\Amp\Promise<mixed>|array|bool|mixed, mixed, false|string>
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface`: File callback interface.](../
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Amp\File\File`
* `\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket`
* `\Generator`
### `downloadToFile(mixed $messageMedia, string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $file, callable $cb): \Generator Downloaded file path`
Download file.
* `$messageMedia`: `mixed` File to download
* `$file`: `string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface` Downloaded file path
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
Return value: Downloaded file path
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\File\File>|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket>|\Amp\Promise<callable|null>|\Amp\Promise<mixed>|array|bool|mixed, mixed, false|string>
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface`: File callback interface.](../
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Amp\File\File`
* `\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket`
* `\Generator`
### `downloadToCallable(mixed $messageMedia, callable|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $callable, callable $cb, bool $seekable, int $offset, int $end, int $part_size): \Generator`
Download file to callable.
The callable must accept two parameters: string $payload, int $offset
The callable will be called (possibly out of order, depending on the value of $seekable).
The callable should return the number of written bytes.
* `$messageMedia`: `mixed` File to download
* `$callable`: `callable|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface` Chunk callback
* `$cb`: `callable` Status callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
* `$seekable`: `bool` Whether the callable can be called out of order
* `$offset`: `int` Offset where to start downloading
* `$end`: `int` Offset where to stop downloading (inclusive)
* `$part_size`: `int` Size of each chunk
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|array, mixed, true>
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface`: File callback interface.](../
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Generator`
### `downloadToBrowser(array|string $messageMedia, callable $cb): \Generator`
Download file to browser.
Supports HEAD requests and content-ranges for parallel and resumed downloads.
* `$messageMedia`: `array|string` File to download
* `$cb`: `callable` Status callback (can also use FileCallback)
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `downloadToStream(mixed $messageMedia, mixed|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $stream, callable $cb, int $offset, int $end): \Generator`
Download file to stream.
* `$messageMedia`: `mixed` File to download
* `$stream`: `mixed|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface` Stream where to download file
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
* `$offset`: `int` Offset where to start downloading
* `$end`: `int` Offset where to end download
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int, \Amp\Promise<\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket>|\Amp\Promise<mixed>|mixed, mixed, mixed>
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface`: File callback interface.](../
* `\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket`
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Generator`
### `downloadToResponse(array|string $messageMedia, \ServerRequest $request, callable $cb): \Generator Returned response`
Download file to amphp/http-server response.
Supports HEAD requests and content-ranges for parallel and resumed downloads.
* `$messageMedia`: `array|string` File to download
* `$request`: `\ServerRequest` Request
* `$cb`: `callable` Status callback (can also use FileCallback)
Return value: Returned response
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<mixed, array, mixed, \Amp\Http\Server\Response>
#### See also:
* `\ServerRequest`
* `\Amp\Http\Server\Response`
* `\Generator`
### `uploadEncrypted(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file, string $fileName, callable $cb): \Generator`
Upload file to secret chat.
* `$file`: `\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array` File, URL or Telegram file to upload
* `$fileName`: `string` File name
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\File\File>|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket>|\Amp\Promise<int>|\Amp\Promise<mixed>|\Amp\Promise<null|string>|\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface|array|int|mixed, mixed, mixed>
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface`: File callback interface.](../
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Amp\File\File`
* `\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket`
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface`: Generic stream interface.](../Stream/
* `\Generator`
### `upload(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
Upload file.
* `$file`: `\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array` File, URL or Telegram file to upload
* `$fileName`: `string` File name
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
* `$encrypted`: `bool` Whether to encrypt file for secret chats
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\File\File>|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket>|\Amp\Promise<int>|\Amp\Promise<mixed>|\Amp\Promise<null|string>|\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface|array|int|mixed, mixed, mixed>
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface`: File callback interface.](../
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Amp\File\File`
* `\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket`
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface`: Generic stream interface.](../Stream/
* `\Generator`
### `uploadFromStream(mixed $stream, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
Upload file from stream.
* `$stream`: `mixed` PHP resource or AMPHP async stream
* `$size`: `int` File size
* `$mime`: `string` Mime type
* `$fileName`: `string` File name
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
* `$encrypted`: `bool` Whether to encrypt file for secret chats
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<int>|\Amp\Promise<null|string>|\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface|array|int|mixed, mixed, mixed>
#### See also:
* `\Amp\Promise`
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface`: Generic stream interface.](../Stream/
* `\Generator`
## Properties
* `$settings`: `\Settings` Settings
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