34 KiB
title | description | image |
Methods | What do you want to do? | https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png |
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Accept telegram passport authorization: account.acceptAuthorization
Add a sticker to recent stickers: messages.saveRecentSticker
Add a user to a normal chat (use channels->inviteToChannel for supergroups): messages.addChatUser
Allow or disallow any user to invite users to this channel/supergroup: channels.toggleInvites
Bots only: get telegram passport authorization form: account.getAuthorizationForm
Bots only: set precheckout results: messages.setBotPrecheckoutResults
Bots only: set shipping results: messages.setBotShippingResults
Bots only: set the callback answer (after a button was clicked): messages.setBotCallbackAnswer
Bots only: set the results of an inline query: messages.setInlineBotResults
Change sticker position in photo: stickers.changeStickerPosition
Change the phone number associated to this account: account.changePhone
Check if about to edit a message or a media caption: messages.getMessageEditData
Check if an invitation link is valid: messages.checkChatInvite
Check if this username is free and can be assigned to a channel/supergroup: channels.checkUsername
Confirm password recovery using email: account.confirmPasswordEmail
Contact signup notification setting value: account.getContactSignUpNotification
Delete a certain telegram web login authorization: account.resetWebAuthorization
Delete a user from a chat (not supergroup): messages.deleteChatUser
Delete all messages of a user in a channel/supergroup: channels.deleteUserHistory
Delete all temporary authorization keys except the ones provided: auth.dropTempAuthKeys
Delete secure telegram passport value: account.deleteSecureValue
Delete the history of a supergroup/channel: channels.deleteHistory
Disable all notifications for a certain period: account.updateDeviceLocked
Edit admin permissions of a user in a channel/supergroup: channels.editAdmin
Edit the about text of a channel/supergroup: channels.editAbout
Edit the photo of a normal chat (not supergroup): messages.editChatPhoto
Edit the title of a normal chat (not supergroup): messages.editChatTitle
Enable all users are admins in normal groups (not supergroups): messages.toggleChatAdmins
Enable or disable hidden history for new channel/supergroup users: channels.togglePreHistoryHidden
Finish account exporting session: account.finishTakeoutSession
Get all chats (not supergroups or channels): messages.getAllChats
Get all secure telegram passport values: account.getAllSecureValues
Get all supergroups/channels where you're admin: channels.getAdminedPublicChannels
Get dialogs marked as unread manually: messages.getDialogUnreadMarks
Get high scores of a game sent in an inline message: messages.getInlineGameHighScores
Get info about a certain channel/supergroup participant: channels.getParticipant
Get info about multiple channels/supergroups: channels.getChannels
Get secure value for telegram passport: account.getSecureValue
Get stickers attachable to images: messages.getAttachedStickers
Get telegram web login authorizations: account.getWebAuthorizations
Get temporary password for buying products through bots: account.getTmpPassword
Get the callback answer of a bot (after clicking a button): messages.getBotCallbackAnswer
Get the link of a message in a channel: channels.exportMessageLink
Initializes connection and save information on the user's device and application.: initConnection
Invoke with method without returning updates in the socket: invokeWithoutUpdates
Invokes a query after successfull completion of one of the previous queries.: invokeAfterMsg
Kick or ban a user from a channel/supergroup: channels.editBanned
Mark channel/supergroup history as read: channels.readHistory
Mark channel/supergroup messages as read: channels.readMessageContents
Mark messages as read in secret chats: messages.readEncryptedHistory
Mark new featured stickers as read: messages.readFeaturedStickers
Register device for push notifications: account.registerDevice
Remove sticker from stickerset: stickers.removeStickerFromSet
Report a message in a supergroup/channel for spam: channels.reportSpam
Reset all notification settings: account.resetNotifySettings
Reset all telegram web login authorizations: account.resetWebAuthorizations
Reset top peer rating for a certain category/peer: contacts.resetTopPeerRating
Returns a list of available wallpapers.: account.getWallPapers
Save telegram passport secure value: account.saveSecureValue
Send a custom request to the bot API: bots.sendCustomRequest
Send a service message to a secret chat: messages.sendEncryptedService
Send an email to recover the 2FA password: auth.requestPasswordRecovery
Send screenshot notification: messages.sendScreenshotNotification
Send typing notification to secret chat: messages.setEncryptedTyping
Send webhook request via bot API: bots.answerWebhookJSONQuery
Set contact sign up notification: account.setContactSignUpNotification
Set secure value error for telegram passport: users.setSecureValueErrors
Set the game score of an inline message: messages.setInlineGameScore
Set the supergroup/channel stickerpack: channels.setStickers
Stop sending PUSH notifications to app: account.unregisterDevice
Update the username of a supergroup/channel: channels.updateUsername
Upload a file without sending it to anyone: messages.uploadMedia
Upload a secret chat file without sending it to anyone: messages.uploadEncryptedFile
Validate requested payment info: payments.validateRequestedInfo