174 KiB
title | description | image |
Constructors | List of constructors | https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png |
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$accessPointRule = ['phone_prefix_rules' => string, 'dc_id' => int, 'ips' => [IpPort], ];
$accountDaysTTL = ['days' => int, ];
$account_authorizationForm = ['required_types' => [SecureRequiredType], 'values' => [SecureValue], 'errors' => [SecureValueError], 'users' => [User], 'privacy_policy_url' => string, ];
$account_authorizations = ['authorizations' => [Authorization], ];
$account_autoDownloadSettings = ['low' => AutoDownloadSettings, 'medium' => AutoDownloadSettings, 'high' => AutoDownloadSettings, ];
$account_password = ['has_recovery' => Bool, 'has_secure_values' => Bool, 'has_password' => Bool, 'current_algo' => PasswordKdfAlgo, 'srp_B' => bytes, 'srp_id' => long, 'hint' => string, 'email_unconfirmed_pattern' => string, 'new_algo' => PasswordKdfAlgo, 'new_secure_algo' => SecurePasswordKdfAlgo, 'secure_random' => bytes, ];
$account_passwordInputSettings = ['new_algo' => PasswordKdfAlgo, 'new_password_hash' => bytes, 'hint' => string, 'email' => string, 'new_secure_settings' => SecureSecretSettings, ];
$account_passwordSettings = ['email' => string, 'secure_settings' => SecureSecretSettings, ];
$account_privacyRules = ['rules' => [PrivacyRule], 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], ];
$account_sentEmailCode = ['email_pattern' => string, 'length' => int, ];
$account_takeout = ['id' => long, ];
$account_tmpPassword = ['tmp_password' => bytes, 'valid_until' => int, ];
$account_wallPapers = ['hash' => int, 'wallpapers' => [WallPaper], ];
$account_wallPapersNotModified = [];
$account_webAuthorizations = ['authorizations' => [WebAuthorization], 'users' => [User], ];
$auth_authorization = ['tmp_sessions' => int, 'user' => User, ];
$auth_checkedPhone = ['phone_registered' => Bool, ];
$auth_codeTypeCall = [];
$auth_codeTypeFlashCall = [];
$auth_codeTypeSms = [];
$auth_exportedAuthorization = ['id' => int, 'bytes' => bytes, ];
$auth_passwordRecovery = ['email_pattern' => string, ];
$auth_sentCode = ['phone_registered' => Bool, 'type' => auth.SentCodeType, 'phone_code_hash' => string, 'next_type' => auth.CodeType, 'timeout' => int, 'terms_of_service' => help.TermsOfService, ];
$auth_sentCodeTypeApp = ['length' => int, ];
$auth_sentCodeTypeCall = ['length' => int, ];
$auth_sentCodeTypeFlashCall = ['pattern' => string, ];
$auth_sentCodeTypeSms = ['length' => int, ];
$authorization = ['current' => Bool, 'official_app' => Bool, 'password_pending' => Bool, 'hash' => long, 'device_model' => string, 'platform' => string, 'system_version' => string, 'api_id' => int, 'app_name' => string, 'app_version' => string, 'date_created' => int, 'date_active' => int, 'ip' => string, 'country' => string, 'region' => string, ];
$autoDownloadSettings = ['disabled' => Bool, 'video_preload_large' => Bool, 'audio_preload_next' => Bool, 'phonecalls_less_data' => Bool, 'photo_size_max' => int, 'video_size_max' => int, 'file_size_max' => int, ];
$boolFalse = [];
$boolTrue = [];
$botCommand = ['command' => string, 'description' => string, ];
$botInfo = ['user_id' => int, 'description' => string, 'commands' => [BotCommand], ];
$botInlineMediaResult = ['id' => string, 'type' => string, 'photo' => Photo, 'document' => Document, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, 'send_message' => BotInlineMessage, ];
$botInlineMessageMediaAuto = ['message' => string, 'entities' => [MessageEntity], 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ];
$botInlineMessageMediaContact = ['phone_number' => string, 'first_name' => string, 'last_name' => string, 'vcard' => string, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ];
$botInlineMessageMediaGeo = ['geo' => GeoPoint, 'period' => int, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ];
$botInlineMessageMediaVenue = ['geo' => GeoPoint, 'title' => string, 'address' => string, 'provider' => string, 'venue_id' => string, 'venue_type' => string, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ];
$botInlineMessageText = ['no_webpage' => Bool, 'message' => string, 'entities' => [MessageEntity], 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ];
$botInlineResult = ['id' => string, 'type' => string, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, 'url' => string, 'thumb' => WebDocument, 'content' => WebDocument, 'send_message' => BotInlineMessage, ];
$cdnConfig = ['public_keys' => [CdnPublicKey], ];
$cdnPublicKey = ['dc_id' => int, 'public_key' => string, ];
$channel = ['creator' => Bool, 'left' => Bool, 'broadcast' => Bool, 'verified' => Bool, 'megagroup' => Bool, 'restricted' => Bool, 'signatures' => Bool, 'min' => Bool, 'scam' => Bool, 'has_link' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'access_hash' => long, 'title' => string, 'username' => string, 'photo' => ChatPhoto, 'date' => int, 'version' => int, 'restriction_reason' => string, 'admin_rights' => ChatAdminRights, 'banned_rights' => ChatBannedRights, 'default_banned_rights' => ChatBannedRights, 'participants_count' => int, ];
$channelAdminLogEvent = ['id' => long, 'date' => int, 'user_id' => int, 'action' => ChannelAdminLogEventAction, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionChangeAbout = ['prev_value' => string, 'new_value' => string, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionChangeLinkedChat = ['prev_value' => int, 'new_value' => int, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionChangePhoto = ['prev_photo' => Photo, 'new_photo' => Photo, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionChangeStickerSet = ['prev_stickerset' => InputStickerSet, 'new_stickerset' => InputStickerSet, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionChangeTitle = ['prev_value' => string, 'new_value' => string, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionChangeUsername = ['prev_value' => string, 'new_value' => string, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionDefaultBannedRights = ['prev_banned_rights' => ChatBannedRights, 'new_banned_rights' => ChatBannedRights, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionDeleteMessage = ['message' => Message, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionEditMessage = ['prev_message' => Message, 'new_message' => Message, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantInvite = ['participant' => ChannelParticipant, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantJoin = [];
$channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantLeave = [];
$channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleAdmin = ['prev_participant' => ChannelParticipant, 'new_participant' => ChannelParticipant, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionParticipantToggleBan = ['prev_participant' => ChannelParticipant, 'new_participant' => ChannelParticipant, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionStopPoll = ['message' => Message, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionToggleInvites = ['new_value' => Bool, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionTogglePreHistoryHidden = ['new_value' => Bool, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionToggleSignatures = ['new_value' => Bool, ];
$channelAdminLogEventActionUpdatePinned = ['message' => Message, ];
$channelAdminLogEventsFilter = ['join' => Bool, 'leave' => Bool, 'invite' => Bool, 'ban' => Bool, 'unban' => Bool, 'kick' => Bool, 'unkick' => Bool, 'promote' => Bool, 'demote' => Bool, 'info' => Bool, 'settings' => Bool, 'pinned' => Bool, 'edit' => Bool, 'delete' => Bool, ];
$channelForbidden = ['broadcast' => Bool, 'megagroup' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'access_hash' => long, 'title' => string, 'until_date' => int, ];
$channelFull = ['can_view_participants' => Bool, 'can_set_username' => Bool, 'can_set_stickers' => Bool, 'hidden_prehistory' => Bool, 'can_view_stats' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'about' => string, 'participants_count' => int, 'admins_count' => int, 'kicked_count' => int, 'banned_count' => int, 'online_count' => int, 'read_inbox_max_id' => int, 'read_outbox_max_id' => int, 'unread_count' => int, 'chat_photo' => Photo, 'notify_settings' => PeerNotifySettings, 'exported_invite' => ExportedChatInvite, 'bot_info' => [BotInfo], 'migrated_from_chat_id' => int, 'migrated_from_max_id' => int, 'pinned_msg_id' => int, 'stickerset' => StickerSet, 'available_min_id' => int, 'folder_id' => int, 'linked_chat_id' => int, 'pts' => int, ];
$channelMessagesFilter = ['exclude_new_messages' => Bool, 'ranges' => [MessageRange], ];
$channelMessagesFilterEmpty = [];
$channelParticipant = ['user_id' => int, 'date' => int, ];
$channelParticipantAdmin = ['can_edit' => Bool, 'self' => Bool, 'user_id' => int, 'inviter_id' => int, 'promoted_by' => int, 'date' => int, 'admin_rights' => ChatAdminRights, ];
$channelParticipantBanned = ['left' => Bool, 'user_id' => int, 'kicked_by' => int, 'date' => int, 'banned_rights' => ChatBannedRights, ];
$channelParticipantCreator = ['user_id' => int, ];
$channelParticipantSelf = ['user_id' => int, 'inviter_id' => int, 'date' => int, ];
$channelParticipantsAdmins = [];
$channelParticipantsBanned = ['q' => string, ];
$channelParticipantsBots = [];
$channelParticipantsContacts = ['q' => string, ];
$channelParticipantsKicked = ['q' => string, ];
$channelParticipantsRecent = [];
$channelParticipantsSearch = ['q' => string, ];
$channels_adminLogResults = ['events' => [ChannelAdminLogEvent], 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], ];
$channels_channelParticipant = ['participant' => ChannelParticipant, 'users' => [User], ];
$channels_channelParticipants = ['count' => int, 'participants' => [ChannelParticipant], 'users' => [User], ];
$channels_channelParticipantsNotModified = [];
$chat = ['creator' => Bool, 'kicked' => Bool, 'left' => Bool, 'deactivated' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'title' => string, 'photo' => ChatPhoto, 'participants_count' => int, 'date' => int, 'version' => int, 'migrated_to' => InputChannel, 'admin_rights' => ChatAdminRights, 'default_banned_rights' => ChatBannedRights, ];
$chatAdminRights = ['change_info' => Bool, 'post_messages' => Bool, 'edit_messages' => Bool, 'delete_messages' => Bool, 'ban_users' => Bool, 'invite_users' => Bool, 'pin_messages' => Bool, 'add_admins' => Bool, ];
$chatBannedRights = ['view_messages' => Bool, 'send_messages' => Bool, 'send_media' => Bool, 'send_stickers' => Bool, 'send_gifs' => Bool, 'send_games' => Bool, 'send_inline' => Bool, 'embed_links' => Bool, 'send_polls' => Bool, 'change_info' => Bool, 'invite_users' => Bool, 'pin_messages' => Bool, 'until_date' => int, ];
$chatEmpty = ['id' => int, ];
$chatForbidden = ['id' => int, 'title' => string, ];
$chatFull = ['can_set_username' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'about' => string, 'participants' => ChatParticipants, 'chat_photo' => Photo, 'notify_settings' => PeerNotifySettings, 'exported_invite' => ExportedChatInvite, 'bot_info' => [BotInfo], 'pinned_msg_id' => int, 'folder_id' => int, ];
$chatInvite = ['channel' => Bool, 'broadcast' => Bool, 'public' => Bool, 'megagroup' => Bool, 'title' => string, 'photo' => Photo, 'participants_count' => int, 'participants' => [User], ];
$chatInviteAlready = ['chat' => Chat, ];
$chatInviteEmpty = [];
$chatInviteExported = ['link' => string, ];
$chatOnlines = ['onlines' => int, ];
$chatParticipant = ['user_id' => int, 'inviter_id' => int, 'date' => int, ];
$chatParticipantAdmin = ['user_id' => int, 'inviter_id' => int, 'date' => int, ];
$chatParticipantCreator = ['user_id' => int, ];
$chatParticipants = ['chat_id' => int, 'participants' => [ChatParticipant], 'version' => int, ];
$chatParticipantsForbidden = ['chat_id' => int, 'self_participant' => ChatParticipant, ];
$chatPhoto = ['photo_small' => FileLocation, 'photo_big' => FileLocation, 'dc_id' => int, ];
$chatPhotoEmpty = [];
$codeSettings = ['allow_flashcall' => Bool, 'current_number' => Bool, 'app_hash_persistent' => Bool, 'app_hash' => string, ];
$config = ['phonecalls_enabled' => Bool, 'default_p2p_contacts' => Bool, 'preload_featured_stickers' => Bool, 'ignore_phone_entities' => Bool, 'revoke_pm_inbox' => Bool, 'blocked_mode' => Bool, 'pfs_enabled' => Bool, 'date' => int, 'expires' => int, 'test_mode' => Bool, 'this_dc' => int, 'dc_options' => [DcOption], 'dc_txt_domain_name' => string, 'chat_size_max' => int, 'megagroup_size_max' => int, 'forwarded_count_max' => int, 'online_update_period_ms' => int, 'offline_blur_timeout_ms' => int, 'offline_idle_timeout_ms' => int, 'online_cloud_timeout_ms' => int, 'notify_cloud_delay_ms' => int, 'notify_default_delay_ms' => int, 'push_chat_period_ms' => int, 'push_chat_limit' => int, 'saved_gifs_limit' => int, 'edit_time_limit' => int, 'revoke_time_limit' => int, 'revoke_pm_time_limit' => int, 'rating_e_decay' => int, 'stickers_recent_limit' => int, 'stickers_faved_limit' => int, 'channels_read_media_period' => int, 'tmp_sessions' => int, 'pinned_dialogs_count_max' => int, 'pinned_infolder_count_max' => int, 'call_receive_timeout_ms' => int, 'call_ring_timeout_ms' => int, 'call_connect_timeout_ms' => int, 'call_packet_timeout_ms' => int, 'me_url_prefix' => string, 'autoupdate_url_prefix' => string, 'gif_search_username' => string, 'venue_search_username' => string, 'img_search_username' => string, 'static_maps_provider' => string, 'caption_length_max' => int, 'message_length_max' => int, 'webfile_dc_id' => int, 'suggested_lang_code' => string, 'lang_pack_version' => int, 'base_lang_pack_version' => int, ];
$contact = ['user_id' => int, 'mutual' => Bool, ];
$contactBlocked = ['user_id' => int, 'date' => int, ];
$contactLinkContact = [];
$contactLinkNone = [];
$contactLinkUnknown = [];
$contactStatus = ['user_id' => int, 'status' => UserStatus, ];
$contacts_blocked = ['blocked' => [ContactBlocked], 'users' => [User], ];
$contacts_blockedSlice = ['count' => int, 'blocked' => [ContactBlocked], 'users' => [User], ];
$contacts_contacts = ['contacts' => [Contact], 'saved_count' => int, 'users' => [User], ];
$contacts_contactsNotModified = [];
$contacts_found = ['my_results' => [Peer], 'results' => [Peer], 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], ];
$contacts_importedContacts = ['imported' => [ImportedContact], 'popular_invites' => [PopularContact], 'retry_contacts' => [long], 'users' => [User], ];
$contacts_link = ['my_link' => ContactLink, 'foreign_link' => ContactLink, 'user' => User, ];
$contacts_resolvedPeer = ['peer' => Peer, 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], ];
$contacts_topPeers = ['categories' => [TopPeerCategoryPeers], 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], ];
$contacts_topPeersDisabled = [];
$contacts_topPeersNotModified = [];
$dataJSON = ['data' => string, ];
$dcOption = ['ipv6' => Bool, 'media_only' => Bool, 'tcpo_only' => Bool, 'cdn' => Bool, 'static' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'ip_address' => string, 'port' => int, 'secret' => bytes, ];
$dialog = ['pinned' => Bool, 'unread_mark' => Bool, 'peer' => Peer, 'top_message' => int, 'read_inbox_max_id' => int, 'read_outbox_max_id' => int, 'unread_count' => int, 'unread_mentions_count' => int, 'notify_settings' => PeerNotifySettings, 'pts' => int, 'draft' => DraftMessage, 'folder_id' => int, ];
$dialogFolder = ['pinned' => Bool, 'folder' => Folder, 'peer' => Peer, 'top_message' => int, 'unread_muted_peers_count' => int, 'unread_unmuted_peers_count' => int, 'unread_muted_messages_count' => int, 'unread_unmuted_messages_count' => int, ];
$dialogPeer = ['peer' => Peer, ];
$dialogPeerFolder = ['folder_id' => int, ];
$document = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'file_reference' => bytes, 'date' => int, 'mime_type' => string, 'size' => int, 'thumbs' => [PhotoSize], 'dc_id' => int, 'attributes' => [DocumentAttribute], ];
$documentAttributeAnimated = [];
$documentAttributeAudio = ['voice' => Bool, 'duration' => int, 'title' => string, 'performer' => string, 'waveform' => bytes, ];
$documentAttributeFilename = ['file_name' => string, ];
$documentAttributeHasStickers = [];
$documentAttributeImageSize = ['w' => int, 'h' => int, ];
$documentAttributeSticker = ['mask' => Bool, 'alt' => string, 'stickerset' => InputStickerSet, 'mask_coords' => MaskCoords, ];
$documentAttributeVideo = ['round_message' => Bool, 'supports_streaming' => Bool, 'duration' => int, 'w' => int, 'h' => int, ];
$documentEmpty = ['id' => long, ];
$draftMessage = ['no_webpage' => Bool, 'reply_to_msg_id' => int, 'message' => string, 'entities' => [MessageEntity], 'date' => int, ];
$draftMessageEmpty = ['date' => int, ];
$emojiKeyword = ['keyword' => string, 'emoticons' => [string], ];
$emojiKeywordDeleted = ['keyword' => string, 'emoticons' => [string], ];
$emojiKeywordsDifference = ['lang_code' => string, 'from_version' => int, 'version' => int, 'keywords' => [EmojiKeyword], ];
$emojiLanguage = ['lang_code' => string, ];
$emojiURL = ['url' => string, ];
$encryptedChat = ['id' => int, 'access_hash' => long, 'date' => int, 'admin_id' => int, 'participant_id' => int, 'g_a_or_b' => bytes, 'key_fingerprint' => long, ];
$encryptedChatDiscarded = ['id' => int, ];
$encryptedChatEmpty = ['id' => int, ];
$encryptedChatRequested = ['id' => int, 'access_hash' => long, 'date' => int, 'admin_id' => int, 'participant_id' => int, 'g_a' => bytes, ];
$encryptedChatWaiting = ['id' => int, 'access_hash' => long, 'date' => int, 'admin_id' => int, 'participant_id' => int, ];
$encryptedFile = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'size' => int, 'dc_id' => int, 'key_fingerprint' => int, ];
$encryptedFileEmpty = [];
$encryptedMessage = ['chat_id' => int, 'date' => int, 'decrypted_message' => DecryptedMessage, 'file' => EncryptedFile, ];
$encryptedMessageService = ['chat_id' => int, 'date' => int, 'decrypted_message' => DecryptedMessage, ];
$error = ['code' => int, 'text' => string, ];
$exportedMessageLink = ['link' => string, 'html' => string, ];
$fileHash = ['offset' => int, 'limit' => int, 'hash' => bytes, ];
$fileLocationToBeDeprecated = ['volume_id' => long, 'local_id' => int, ];
$folder = ['autofill_new_broadcasts' => Bool, 'autofill_public_groups' => Bool, 'autofill_new_correspondents' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'title' => string, 'photo' => ChatPhoto, ];
$folderPeer = ['peer' => Peer, 'folder_id' => int, ];
$foundGif = ['url' => string, 'thumb_url' => string, 'content_url' => string, 'content_type' => string, 'w' => int, 'h' => int, ];
$foundGifCached = ['url' => string, 'photo' => Photo, 'document' => Document, ];
$game = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'short_name' => string, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, 'photo' => Photo, 'document' => Document, ];
$geoPoint = ['long' => double, 'lat' => double, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$geoPointEmpty = [];
$help_appUpdate = ['popup' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'version' => string, 'text' => string, 'entities' => [MessageEntity], 'document' => Document, 'url' => string, ];
$help_configSimple = ['date' => int, 'expires' => int, 'rules' => [AccessPointRule], ];
$help_deepLinkInfo = ['update_app' => Bool, 'message' => string, 'entities' => [MessageEntity], ];
$help_deepLinkInfoEmpty = [];
$help_inviteText = ['message' => string, ];
$help_noAppUpdate = [];
$help_passportConfig = ['hash' => int, 'countries_langs' => DataJSON, ];
$help_passportConfigNotModified = [];
$help_proxyDataEmpty = ['expires' => int, ];
$help_proxyDataPromo = ['expires' => int, 'peer' => Peer, 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], ];
$help_recentMeUrls = ['urls' => [RecentMeUrl], 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], ];
$help_support = ['phone_number' => string, 'user' => User, ];
$help_supportName = ['name' => string, ];
$help_termsOfService = ['popup' => Bool, 'id' => DataJSON, 'text' => string, 'entities' => [MessageEntity], 'min_age_confirm' => int, ];
$help_termsOfServiceUpdate = ['expires' => int, 'terms_of_service' => help.TermsOfService, ];
$help_termsOfServiceUpdateEmpty = ['expires' => int, ];
$help_userInfo = ['message' => string, 'entities' => [MessageEntity], 'author' => string, 'date' => int, ];
$help_userInfoEmpty = [];
$highScore = ['pos' => int, 'user_id' => int, 'score' => int, ];
$importedContact = ['user_id' => int, 'client_id' => long, ];
$inlineBotSwitchPM = ['text' => string, 'start_param' => string, ];
$inputAppEvent = ['time' => double, 'type' => string, 'peer' => long, 'data' => JSONValue, ];
$inputBotInlineMessageGame = ['reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ];
$inputBotInlineMessageID = ['dc_id' => int, 'id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$inputBotInlineMessageMediaAuto = ['message' => string, 'entities' => [MessageEntity], 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ];
$inputBotInlineMessageMediaContact = ['phone_number' => string, 'first_name' => string, 'last_name' => string, 'vcard' => string, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ];
$inputBotInlineMessageMediaGeo = ['geo_point' => InputGeoPoint, 'period' => int, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ];
$inputBotInlineMessageMediaVenue = ['geo_point' => InputGeoPoint, 'title' => string, 'address' => string, 'provider' => string, 'venue_id' => string, 'venue_type' => string, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ];
$inputBotInlineMessageText = ['no_webpage' => Bool, 'message' => string, 'entities' => [MessageEntity], 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, ];
$inputBotInlineResult = ['id' => string, 'type' => string, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, 'url' => string, 'thumb' => InputWebDocument, 'content' => InputWebDocument, 'send_message' => InputBotInlineMessage, ];
$inputBotInlineResultDocument = ['id' => string, 'type' => string, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, 'document' => InputDocument, 'send_message' => InputBotInlineMessage, ];
$inputBotInlineResultGame = ['id' => string, 'short_name' => string, 'send_message' => InputBotInlineMessage, ];
$inputBotInlineResultPhoto = ['id' => string, 'type' => string, 'photo' => InputPhoto, 'send_message' => InputBotInlineMessage, ];
$inputChannel = ['channel_id' => int, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$inputChannelEmpty = [];
$inputChannelFromMessage = ['peer' => InputPeer, 'msg_id' => int, 'channel_id' => int, ];
$inputChatPhoto = ['id' => InputPhoto, ];
$inputChatPhotoEmpty = [];
$inputChatUploadedPhoto = ['file' => InputFile, ];
$inputCheckPasswordEmpty = [];
$inputCheckPasswordSRP = ['srp_id' => long, 'A' => bytes, 'M1' => bytes, ];
$inputClientProxy = ['address' => string, 'port' => int, ];
$inputDialogPeer = ['peer' => InputPeer, ];
$inputDialogPeerFolder = ['folder_id' => int, ];
$inputDocument = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'file_reference' => bytes, ];
$inputDocumentEmpty = [];
$inputDocumentFileLocation = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'file_reference' => bytes, 'thumb_size' => string, ];
$inputEncryptedChat = ['chat_id' => int, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$inputEncryptedFile = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$inputEncryptedFileBigUploaded = ['id' => long, 'parts' => int, 'key_fingerprint' => int, ];
$inputEncryptedFileEmpty = [];
$inputEncryptedFileLocation = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$inputEncryptedFileUploaded = ['id' => long, 'parts' => int, 'md5_checksum' => string, 'key_fingerprint' => int, ];
$inputFile = ['id' => long, 'parts' => int, 'name' => string, 'md5_checksum' => string, ];
$inputFileBig = ['id' => long, 'parts' => int, 'name' => string, ];
$inputFileLocation = ['volume_id' => long, 'local_id' => int, 'secret' => long, 'file_reference' => bytes, ];
$inputFolderPeer = ['peer' => InputPeer, 'folder_id' => int, ];
$inputGameID = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$inputGameShortName = ['bot_id' => InputUser, 'short_name' => string, ];
$inputGeoPoint = ['lat' => double, 'long' => double, ];
$inputGeoPointEmpty = [];
$inputKeyboardButtonUrlAuth = ['request_write_access' => Bool, 'text' => string, 'fwd_text' => string, 'url' => string, 'bot' => InputUser, ];
$inputMediaContact = ['phone_number' => string, 'first_name' => string, 'last_name' => string, 'vcard' => string, ];
$inputMediaDocument = ['id' => InputDocument, 'ttl_seconds' => int, ];
$inputMediaDocumentExternal = ['url' => string, 'ttl_seconds' => int, ];
$inputMediaEmpty = [];
$inputMediaGame = ['id' => InputGame, ];
$inputMediaGeoLive = ['stopped' => Bool, 'geo_point' => InputGeoPoint, 'period' => int, ];
$inputMediaGeoPoint = ['geo_point' => InputGeoPoint, ];
$inputMediaGifExternal = ['url' => string, 'q' => string, ];
$inputMediaInvoice = ['title' => string, 'description' => string, 'photo' => InputWebDocument, 'invoice' => Invoice, 'payload' => bytes, 'provider' => string, 'provider_data' => DataJSON, 'start_param' => string, ];
$inputMediaPhoto = ['id' => InputPhoto, 'ttl_seconds' => int, ];
$inputMediaPhotoExternal = ['url' => string, 'ttl_seconds' => int, ];
$inputMediaPoll = ['poll' => Poll, ];
$inputMediaUploadedDocument = ['nosound_video' => Bool, 'file' => InputFile, 'thumb' => InputFile, 'mime_type' => string, 'attributes' => [DocumentAttribute], 'stickers' => [InputDocument], 'ttl_seconds' => int, ];
$inputMediaUploadedPhoto = ['file' => InputFile, 'stickers' => [InputDocument], 'ttl_seconds' => int, ];
$inputMediaVenue = ['geo_point' => InputGeoPoint, 'title' => string, 'address' => string, 'provider' => string, 'venue_id' => string, 'venue_type' => string, ];
$inputMessageEntityMentionName = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, 'user_id' => InputUser, ];
$inputMessageID = ['id' => int, ];
$inputMessagePinned = [];
$inputMessageReplyTo = ['id' => int, ];
$inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos = [];
$inputMessagesFilterContacts = [];
$inputMessagesFilterDocument = [];
$inputMessagesFilterEmpty = [];
$inputMessagesFilterGeo = [];
$inputMessagesFilterGif = [];
$inputMessagesFilterMusic = [];
$inputMessagesFilterMyMentions = [];
$inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls = ['missed' => Bool, ];
$inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo = [];
$inputMessagesFilterPhotos = [];
$inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo = [];
$inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice = [];
$inputMessagesFilterUrl = [];
$inputMessagesFilterVideo = [];
$inputMessagesFilterVoice = [];
$inputNotifyBroadcasts = [];
$inputNotifyChats = [];
$inputNotifyPeer = ['peer' => InputPeer, ];
$inputNotifyUsers = [];
$inputPaymentCredentials = ['save' => Bool, 'data' => DataJSON, ];
$inputPaymentCredentialsAndroidPay = ['payment_token' => DataJSON, 'google_transaction_id' => string, ];
$inputPaymentCredentialsApplePay = ['payment_data' => DataJSON, ];
$inputPaymentCredentialsSaved = ['id' => string, 'tmp_password' => bytes, ];
$inputPeerChannel = ['channel_id' => int, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$inputPeerChannelFromMessage = ['peer' => InputPeer, 'msg_id' => int, 'channel_id' => int, ];
$inputPeerChat = ['chat_id' => int, ];
$inputPeerEmpty = [];
$inputPeerNotifySettings = ['show_previews' => Bool, 'silent' => Bool, 'mute_until' => int, 'sound' => string, ];
$inputPeerPhotoFileLocation = ['big' => Bool, 'peer' => InputPeer, 'volume_id' => long, 'local_id' => int, ];
$inputPeerSelf = [];
$inputPeerUser = ['user_id' => int, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$inputPeerUserFromMessage = ['peer' => InputPeer, 'msg_id' => int, 'user_id' => int, ];
$inputPhoneCall = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$inputPhoneContact = ['client_id' => long, 'phone' => string, 'first_name' => string, 'last_name' => string, ];
$inputPhoto = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'file_reference' => bytes, ];
$inputPhotoEmpty = [];
$inputPhotoFileLocation = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'file_reference' => bytes, 'thumb_size' => string, ];
$inputPrivacyKeyChatInvite = [];
$inputPrivacyKeyForwards = [];
$inputPrivacyKeyPhoneCall = [];
$inputPrivacyKeyPhoneNumber = [];
$inputPrivacyKeyPhoneP2P = [];
$inputPrivacyKeyProfilePhoto = [];
$inputPrivacyKeyStatusTimestamp = [];
$inputPrivacyValueAllowAll = [];
$inputPrivacyValueAllowChatParticipants = ['chats' => [int], ];
$inputPrivacyValueAllowContacts = [];
$inputPrivacyValueAllowUsers = ['users' => [InputUser], ];
$inputPrivacyValueDisallowAll = [];
$inputPrivacyValueDisallowChatParticipants = ['chats' => [int], ];
$inputPrivacyValueDisallowContacts = [];
$inputPrivacyValueDisallowUsers = ['users' => [InputUser], ];
$inputReportReasonChildAbuse = [];
$inputReportReasonCopyright = [];
$inputReportReasonOther = ['text' => string, ];
$inputReportReasonPornography = [];
$inputReportReasonSpam = [];
$inputReportReasonViolence = [];
$inputSecureFile = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$inputSecureFileLocation = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$inputSecureFileUploaded = ['id' => long, 'parts' => int, 'md5_checksum' => string, 'file_hash' => bytes, 'secret' => bytes, ];
$inputSecureValue = ['type' => SecureValueType, 'data' => SecureData, 'front_side' => InputSecureFile, 'reverse_side' => InputSecureFile, 'selfie' => InputSecureFile, 'translation' => [InputSecureFile], 'files' => [InputSecureFile], 'plain_data' => SecurePlainData, ];
$inputSingleMedia = ['media' => InputMedia, 'message' => string, 'entities' => [MessageEntity], ];
$inputStickerSetEmpty = [];
$inputStickerSetID = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$inputStickerSetItem = ['document' => InputDocument, 'emoji' => string, 'mask_coords' => MaskCoords, ];
$inputStickerSetShortName = ['short_name' => string, ];
$inputStickerSetThumb = ['stickerset' => InputStickerSet, 'volume_id' => long, 'local_id' => int, ];
$inputStickeredMediaDocument = ['id' => InputDocument, ];
$inputStickeredMediaPhoto = ['id' => InputPhoto, ];
$inputTakeoutFileLocation = [];
$inputUser = ['user_id' => int, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$inputUserEmpty = [];
$inputUserFromMessage = ['peer' => InputPeer, 'msg_id' => int, 'user_id' => int, ];
$inputUserSelf = [];
$inputWallPaper = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$inputWallPaperSlug = ['slug' => string, ];
$inputWebDocument = ['url' => string, 'size' => int, 'mime_type' => string, 'attributes' => [DocumentAttribute], ];
$inputWebFileGeoPointLocation = ['geo_point' => InputGeoPoint, 'access_hash' => long, 'w' => int, 'h' => int, 'zoom' => int, 'scale' => int, ];
$inputWebFileLocation = ['url' => string, 'access_hash' => long, ];
$invoice = ['test' => Bool, 'name_requested' => Bool, 'phone_requested' => Bool, 'email_requested' => Bool, 'shipping_address_requested' => Bool, 'flexible' => Bool, 'phone_to_provider' => Bool, 'email_to_provider' => Bool, 'currency' => string, 'prices' => [LabeledPrice], ];
$ipPort = ['ipv4' => int, 'port' => int, ];
$ipPortSecret = ['ipv4' => int, 'port' => int, 'secret' => bytes, ];
$jsonArray = ['value' => [JSONValue], ];
$jsonBool = ['value' => Bool, ];
$jsonNull = [];
$jsonNumber = ['value' => double, ];
$jsonObject = ['value' => [JSONObjectValue], ];
$jsonObjectValue = ['key' => string, 'value' => JSONValue, ];
$jsonString = ['value' => string, ];
$keyboardButton = ['text' => string, ];
$keyboardButtonBuy = ['text' => string, ];
$keyboardButtonCallback = ['text' => string, 'data' => bytes, ];
$keyboardButtonGame = ['text' => string, ];
$keyboardButtonRequestGeoLocation = ['text' => string, ];
$keyboardButtonRequestPhone = ['text' => string, ];
$keyboardButtonRow = ['buttons' => [KeyboardButton], ];
$keyboardButtonSwitchInline = ['same_peer' => Bool, 'text' => string, 'query' => string, ];
$keyboardButtonUrl = ['text' => string, 'url' => string, ];
$keyboardButtonUrlAuth = ['text' => string, 'fwd_text' => string, 'url' => string, 'button_id' => int, ];
$labeledPrice = ['label' => string, 'amount' => long, ];
$langPackDifference = ['lang_code' => string, 'from_version' => int, 'version' => int, 'strings' => [LangPackString], ];
$langPackLanguage = ['official' => Bool, 'rtl' => Bool, 'beta' => Bool, 'name' => string, 'native_name' => string, 'lang_code' => string, 'base_lang_code' => string, 'plural_code' => string, 'strings_count' => int, 'translated_count' => int, 'translations_url' => string, ];
$langPackString = ['key' => string, 'value' => string, ];
$langPackStringDeleted = ['key' => string, ];
$langPackStringPluralized = ['key' => string, 'zero_value' => string, 'one_value' => string, 'two_value' => string, 'few_value' => string, 'many_value' => string, 'other_value' => string, ];
$maskCoords = ['n' => int, 'x' => double, 'y' => double, 'zoom' => double, ];
$message = ['out' => Bool, 'mentioned' => Bool, 'media_unread' => Bool, 'silent' => Bool, 'post' => Bool, 'from_scheduled' => Bool, 'legacy' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'from_id' => int, 'to_id' => Peer, 'fwd_from' => MessageFwdHeader, 'via_bot_id' => int, 'reply_to_msg_id' => int, 'date' => int, 'message' => string, 'media' => MessageMedia, 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup, 'entities' => [MessageEntity], 'views' => int, 'edit_date' => int, 'post_author' => string, 'grouped_id' => long, ];
$messageActionBotAllowed = ['domain' => string, ];
$messageActionChannelCreate = ['title' => string, ];
$messageActionChannelMigrateFrom = ['title' => string, 'chat_id' => int, ];
$messageActionChatAddUser = ['users' => [int], ];
$messageActionChatCreate = ['title' => string, 'users' => [int], ];
$messageActionChatDeletePhoto = [];
$messageActionChatDeleteUser = ['user_id' => int, ];
$messageActionChatEditPhoto = ['photo' => Photo, ];
$messageActionChatEditTitle = ['title' => string, ];
$messageActionChatJoinedByLink = ['inviter_id' => int, ];
$messageActionChatMigrateTo = ['channel_id' => int, ];
$messageActionContactSignUp = [];
$messageActionCustomAction = ['message' => string, ];
$messageActionEmpty = [];
$messageActionGameScore = ['game_id' => long, 'score' => int, ];
$messageActionHistoryClear = [];
$messageActionPaymentSent = ['currency' => string, 'total_amount' => long, ];
$messageActionPaymentSentMe = ['currency' => string, 'total_amount' => long, 'payload' => bytes, 'info' => PaymentRequestedInfo, 'shipping_option_id' => string, 'charge' => PaymentCharge, ];
$messageActionPhoneCall = ['video' => Bool, 'call_id' => long, 'reason' => PhoneCallDiscardReason, 'duration' => int, ];
$messageActionPinMessage = [];
$messageActionScreenshotTaken = [];
$messageActionSecureValuesSent = ['types' => [SecureValueType], ];
$messageActionSecureValuesSentMe = ['values' => [SecureValue], 'credentials' => SecureCredentialsEncrypted, ];
$messageEmpty = ['id' => int, ];
$messageEntityBold = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, ];
$messageEntityBotCommand = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, ];
$messageEntityCashtag = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, ];
$messageEntityCode = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, ];
$messageEntityEmail = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, ];
$messageEntityHashtag = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, ];
$messageEntityItalic = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, ];
$messageEntityMention = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, ];
$messageEntityMentionName = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, 'user_id' => int, ];
$messageEntityPhone = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, ];
$messageEntityPre = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, 'language' => string, ];
$messageEntityTextUrl = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, 'url' => string, ];
$messageEntityUnknown = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, ];
$messageEntityUrl = ['offset' => int, 'length' => int, ];
$messageFwdHeader = ['from_id' => int, 'from_name' => string, 'date' => int, 'channel_id' => int, 'channel_post' => int, 'post_author' => string, 'saved_from_peer' => Peer, 'saved_from_msg_id' => int, ];
$messageMediaContact = ['phone_number' => string, 'first_name' => string, 'last_name' => string, 'vcard' => string, 'user_id' => int, ];
$messageMediaDocument = ['document' => Document, 'ttl_seconds' => int, ];
$messageMediaEmpty = [];
$messageMediaGame = ['game' => Game, ];
$messageMediaGeo = ['geo' => GeoPoint, ];
$messageMediaGeoLive = ['geo' => GeoPoint, 'period' => int, ];
$messageMediaInvoice = ['shipping_address_requested' => Bool, 'test' => Bool, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, 'photo' => WebDocument, 'receipt_msg_id' => int, 'currency' => string, 'total_amount' => long, 'start_param' => string, ];
$messageMediaPhoto = ['photo' => Photo, 'ttl_seconds' => int, ];
$messageMediaPoll = ['poll' => Poll, 'results' => PollResults, ];
$messageMediaUnsupported = [];
$messageMediaVenue = ['geo' => GeoPoint, 'title' => string, 'address' => string, 'provider' => string, 'venue_id' => string, 'venue_type' => string, ];
$messageMediaWebPage = ['webpage' => WebPage, ];
$messageRange = ['min_id' => int, 'max_id' => int, ];
$messageService = ['out' => Bool, 'mentioned' => Bool, 'media_unread' => Bool, 'silent' => Bool, 'post' => Bool, 'legacy' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'from_id' => int, 'to_id' => Peer, 'reply_to_msg_id' => int, 'date' => int, 'action' => MessageAction, ];
$messages_affectedHistory = ['pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, 'offset' => int, ];
$messages_affectedMessages = ['pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, ];
$messages_allStickers = ['hash' => int, 'sets' => [StickerSet], ];
$messages_allStickersNotModified = [];
$messages_archivedStickers = ['count' => int, 'sets' => [StickerSetCovered], ];
$messages_botCallbackAnswer = ['alert' => Bool, 'has_url' => Bool, 'native_ui' => Bool, 'message' => string, 'url' => string, 'cache_time' => int, ];
$messages_botResults = ['gallery' => Bool, 'query_id' => long, 'next_offset' => string, 'switch_pm' => InlineBotSwitchPM, 'results' => [BotInlineResult], 'cache_time' => int, 'users' => [User], ];
$messages_channelMessages = ['inexact' => Bool, 'pts' => int, 'count' => int, 'messages' => [Message], 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], ];
$messages_chatFull = ['full_chat' => ChatFull, 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], ];
$messages_chats = ['chats' => [Chat], ];
$messages_chatsSlice = ['count' => int, 'chats' => [Chat], ];
$messages_dhConfig = ['g' => int, 'p' => bytes, 'version' => int, 'random' => bytes, ];
$messages_dhConfigNotModified = ['random' => bytes, ];
$messages_dialogs = ['dialogs' => [Dialog], 'messages' => [Message], 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], ];
$messages_dialogsNotModified = ['count' => int, ];
$messages_dialogsSlice = ['count' => int, 'dialogs' => [Dialog], 'messages' => [Message], 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], ];
$messages_favedStickers = ['hash' => int, 'packs' => [StickerPack], 'stickers' => [Document], ];
$messages_favedStickersNotModified = [];
$messages_featuredStickers = ['hash' => int, 'sets' => [StickerSetCovered], 'unread' => [long], ];
$messages_featuredStickersNotModified = [];
$messages_foundGifs = ['next_offset' => int, 'results' => [FoundGif], ];
$messages_foundStickerSets = ['hash' => int, 'sets' => [StickerSetCovered], ];
$messages_foundStickerSetsNotModified = [];
$messages_highScores = ['scores' => [HighScore], 'users' => [User], ];
$messages_messageEditData = ['caption' => Bool, ];
$messages_messages = ['messages' => [Message], 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], ];
$messages_messagesNotModified = ['count' => int, ];
$messages_messagesSlice = ['inexact' => Bool, 'count' => int, 'next_rate' => int, 'messages' => [Message], 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], ];
$messages_peerDialogs = ['dialogs' => [Dialog], 'messages' => [Message], 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], 'state' => updates.State, ];
$messages_recentStickers = ['hash' => int, 'packs' => [StickerPack], 'stickers' => [Document], 'dates' => [int], ];
$messages_recentStickersNotModified = [];
$messages_savedGifs = ['hash' => int, 'gifs' => [Document], ];
$messages_savedGifsNotModified = [];
$messages_searchCounter = ['inexact' => Bool, 'filter' => MessagesFilter, 'count' => int, ];
$messages_sentEncryptedFile = ['date' => int, 'file' => EncryptedFile, ];
$messages_sentEncryptedMessage = ['date' => int, ];
$messages_stickerSet = ['set' => StickerSet, 'packs' => [StickerPack], 'documents' => [Document], ];
$messages_stickerSetInstallResultArchive = ['sets' => [StickerSetCovered], ];
$messages_stickerSetInstallResultSuccess = [];
$messages_stickers = ['hash' => int, 'stickers' => [Document], ];
$messages_stickersNotModified = [];
$nearestDc = ['country' => string, 'this_dc' => int, 'nearest_dc' => int, ];
$notifyBroadcasts = [];
$notifyChats = [];
$notifyPeer = ['peer' => Peer, ];
$notifyUsers = [];
$null = [];
$page = ['part' => Bool, 'rtl' => Bool, 'v2' => Bool, 'url' => string, 'blocks' => [PageBlock], 'photos' => [Photo], 'documents' => [Document], ];
$pageBlockAnchor = ['name' => string, ];
$pageBlockAudio = ['audio_id' => long, 'caption' => PageCaption, ];
$pageBlockAuthorDate = ['author' => RichText, 'published_date' => int, ];
$pageBlockBlockquote = ['text' => RichText, 'caption' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockChannel = ['channel' => Chat, ];
$pageBlockCollage = ['items' => [PageBlock], 'caption' => PageCaption, ];
$pageBlockCover = ['cover' => PageBlock, ];
$pageBlockDetails = ['open' => Bool, 'blocks' => [PageBlock], 'title' => RichText, ];
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$pageBlockEmbedPost = ['url' => string, 'webpage_id' => long, 'author_photo_id' => long, 'author' => string, 'date' => int, 'blocks' => [PageBlock], 'caption' => PageCaption, ];
$pageBlockFooter = ['text' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockHeader = ['text' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockKicker = ['text' => RichText, ];
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$pageBlockOrderedList = ['items' => [PageListOrderedItem], ];
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$pageBlockPhoto = ['photo_id' => long, 'caption' => PageCaption, 'url' => string, 'webpage_id' => long, ];
$pageBlockPreformatted = ['text' => RichText, 'language' => string, ];
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$pageBlockTitle = ['text' => RichText, ];
$pageBlockUnsupported = [];
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$pageCaption = ['text' => RichText, 'credit' => RichText, ];
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$passwordKdfAlgoSHA256SHA256PBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000SHA256ModPow = ['salt1' => bytes, 'salt2' => bytes, 'g' => int, 'p' => bytes, ];
$passwordKdfAlgoUnknown = [];
$paymentCharge = ['id' => string, 'provider_charge_id' => string, ];
$paymentRequestedInfo = ['name' => string, 'phone' => string, 'email' => string, 'shipping_address' => PostAddress, ];
$paymentSavedCredentialsCard = ['id' => string, 'title' => string, ];
$payments_paymentForm = ['can_save_credentials' => Bool, 'password_missing' => Bool, 'bot_id' => int, 'invoice' => Invoice, 'provider_id' => int, 'url' => string, 'native_provider' => string, 'native_params' => DataJSON, 'saved_info' => PaymentRequestedInfo, 'saved_credentials' => PaymentSavedCredentials, 'users' => [User], ];
$payments_paymentReceipt = ['date' => int, 'bot_id' => int, 'invoice' => Invoice, 'provider_id' => int, 'info' => PaymentRequestedInfo, 'shipping' => ShippingOption, 'currency' => string, 'total_amount' => long, 'credentials_title' => string, 'users' => [User], ];
$payments_paymentResult = ['updates' => Updates, ];
$payments_paymentVerficationNeeded = ['url' => string, ];
$payments_savedInfo = ['has_saved_credentials' => Bool, 'saved_info' => PaymentRequestedInfo, ];
$payments_validatedRequestedInfo = ['id' => string, 'shipping_options' => [ShippingOption], ];
$peerChannel = ['channel_id' => int, ];
$peerChat = ['chat_id' => int, ];
$peerNotifySettings = ['show_previews' => Bool, 'silent' => Bool, 'mute_until' => int, 'sound' => string, ];
$peerSettings = ['report_spam' => Bool, ];
$peerUser = ['user_id' => int, ];
$phoneCall = ['p2p_allowed' => Bool, 'id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'date' => int, 'admin_id' => int, 'participant_id' => int, 'g_a_or_b' => bytes, 'key_fingerprint' => long, 'protocol' => PhoneCallProtocol, 'connections' => [PhoneConnection], 'start_date' => int, ];
$phoneCallAccepted = ['video' => Bool, 'id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'date' => int, 'admin_id' => int, 'participant_id' => int, 'g_b' => bytes, 'protocol' => PhoneCallProtocol, ];
$phoneCallDiscardReasonBusy = [];
$phoneCallDiscardReasonDisconnect = [];
$phoneCallDiscardReasonHangup = [];
$phoneCallDiscardReasonMissed = [];
$phoneCallDiscarded = ['need_rating' => Bool, 'need_debug' => Bool, 'video' => Bool, 'id' => long, 'reason' => PhoneCallDiscardReason, 'duration' => int, ];
$phoneCallEmpty = ['id' => long, ];
$phoneCallProtocol = ['udp_p2p' => Bool, 'udp_reflector' => Bool, 'min_layer' => int, 'max_layer' => int, ];
$phoneCallRequested = ['video' => Bool, 'id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'date' => int, 'admin_id' => int, 'participant_id' => int, 'g_a_hash' => bytes, 'protocol' => PhoneCallProtocol, ];
$phoneCallWaiting = ['video' => Bool, 'id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'date' => int, 'admin_id' => int, 'participant_id' => int, 'protocol' => PhoneCallProtocol, 'receive_date' => int, ];
$phoneConnection = ['id' => long, 'ip' => string, 'ipv6' => string, 'port' => int, 'peer_tag' => bytes, ];
$phone_phoneCall = ['phone_call' => PhoneCall, 'users' => [User], ];
$photo = ['has_stickers' => Bool, 'id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'file_reference' => bytes, 'date' => int, 'sizes' => [PhotoSize], 'dc_id' => int, ];
$photoCachedSize = ['type' => string, 'location' => FileLocation, 'w' => int, 'h' => int, 'bytes' => bytes, ];
$photoEmpty = ['id' => long, ];
$photoSize = ['type' => string, 'location' => FileLocation, 'w' => int, 'h' => int, 'size' => int, ];
$photoSizeEmpty = ['type' => string, ];
$photoStrippedSize = ['type' => string, 'bytes' => bytes, ];
$photos_photo = ['photo' => Photo, 'users' => [User], ];
$photos_photos = ['photos' => [Photo], 'users' => [User], ];
$photos_photosSlice = ['count' => int, 'photos' => [Photo], 'users' => [User], ];
$poll = ['id' => long, 'closed' => Bool, 'question' => string, 'answers' => [PollAnswer], ];
$pollAnswer = ['text' => string, 'option' => bytes, ];
$pollAnswerVoters = ['chosen' => Bool, 'option' => bytes, 'voters' => int, ];
$pollResults = ['min' => Bool, 'results' => [PollAnswerVoters], 'total_voters' => int, ];
$popularContact = ['client_id' => long, 'importers' => int, ];
$postAddress = ['street_line1' => string, 'street_line2' => string, 'city' => string, 'state' => string, 'country_iso2' => string, 'post_code' => string, ];
$privacyKeyChatInvite = [];
$privacyKeyForwards = [];
$privacyKeyPhoneCall = [];
$privacyKeyPhoneNumber = [];
$privacyKeyPhoneP2P = [];
$privacyKeyProfilePhoto = [];
$privacyKeyStatusTimestamp = [];
$privacyValueAllowAll = [];
$privacyValueAllowChatParticipants = ['chats' => [int], ];
$privacyValueAllowContacts = [];
$privacyValueAllowUsers = ['users' => [int], ];
$privacyValueDisallowAll = [];
$privacyValueDisallowChatParticipants = ['chats' => [int], ];
$privacyValueDisallowContacts = [];
$privacyValueDisallowUsers = ['users' => [int], ];
$receivedNotifyMessage = ['id' => int, ];
$recentMeUrlChat = ['url' => string, 'chat_id' => int, ];
$recentMeUrlChatInvite = ['url' => string, 'chat_invite' => ChatInvite, ];
$recentMeUrlStickerSet = ['url' => string, 'set' => StickerSetCovered, ];
$recentMeUrlUnknown = ['url' => string, ];
$recentMeUrlUser = ['url' => string, 'user_id' => int, ];
$replyInlineMarkup = ['rows' => [KeyboardButtonRow], ];
$replyKeyboardForceReply = ['single_use' => Bool, 'selective' => Bool, ];
$replyKeyboardHide = ['selective' => Bool, ];
$replyKeyboardMarkup = ['resize' => Bool, 'single_use' => Bool, 'selective' => Bool, 'rows' => [KeyboardButtonRow], ];
$savedPhoneContact = ['phone' => string, 'first_name' => string, 'last_name' => string, 'date' => int, ];
$secureCredentialsEncrypted = ['data' => bytes, 'hash' => bytes, 'secret' => bytes, ];
$secureData = ['data' => bytes, 'data_hash' => bytes, 'secret' => bytes, ];
$secureFile = ['id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'size' => int, 'dc_id' => int, 'date' => int, 'file_hash' => bytes, 'secret' => bytes, ];
$secureFileEmpty = [];
$securePasswordKdfAlgoPBKDF2HMACSHA512iter100000 = ['salt' => bytes, ];
$securePasswordKdfAlgoSHA512 = ['salt' => bytes, ];
$securePasswordKdfAlgoUnknown = [];
$securePlainEmail = ['email' => string, ];
$securePlainPhone = ['phone' => string, ];
$secureRequiredType = ['native_names' => Bool, 'selfie_required' => Bool, 'translation_required' => Bool, 'type' => SecureValueType, ];
$secureRequiredTypeOneOf = ['types' => [SecureRequiredType], ];
$secureSecretSettings = ['secure_algo' => SecurePasswordKdfAlgo, 'secure_secret' => bytes, 'secure_secret_id' => long, ];
$secureValue = ['type' => SecureValueType, 'data' => SecureData, 'front_side' => SecureFile, 'reverse_side' => SecureFile, 'selfie' => SecureFile, 'translation' => [SecureFile], 'files' => [SecureFile], 'plain_data' => SecurePlainData, 'hash' => bytes, ];
$secureValueError = ['type' => SecureValueType, 'hash' => bytes, 'text' => string, ];
$secureValueErrorData = ['type' => SecureValueType, 'data_hash' => bytes, 'field' => string, 'text' => string, ];
$secureValueErrorFile = ['type' => SecureValueType, 'file_hash' => bytes, 'text' => string, ];
$secureValueErrorFiles = ['type' => SecureValueType, 'file_hash' => [bytes], 'text' => string, ];
$secureValueErrorFrontSide = ['type' => SecureValueType, 'file_hash' => bytes, 'text' => string, ];
$secureValueErrorReverseSide = ['type' => SecureValueType, 'file_hash' => bytes, 'text' => string, ];
$secureValueErrorSelfie = ['type' => SecureValueType, 'file_hash' => bytes, 'text' => string, ];
$secureValueErrorTranslationFile = ['type' => SecureValueType, 'file_hash' => bytes, 'text' => string, ];
$secureValueErrorTranslationFiles = ['type' => SecureValueType, 'file_hash' => [bytes], 'text' => string, ];
$secureValueHash = ['type' => SecureValueType, 'hash' => bytes, ];
$secureValueTypeAddress = [];
$secureValueTypeBankStatement = [];
$secureValueTypeDriverLicense = [];
$secureValueTypeEmail = [];
$secureValueTypeIdentityCard = [];
$secureValueTypeInternalPassport = [];
$secureValueTypePassport = [];
$secureValueTypePassportRegistration = [];
$secureValueTypePersonalDetails = [];
$secureValueTypePhone = [];
$secureValueTypeRentalAgreement = [];
$secureValueTypeTemporaryRegistration = [];
$secureValueTypeUtilityBill = [];
$sendMessageCancelAction = [];
$sendMessageChooseContactAction = [];
$sendMessageGamePlayAction = [];
$sendMessageGeoLocationAction = [];
$sendMessageRecordAudioAction = [];
$sendMessageRecordRoundAction = [];
$sendMessageRecordVideoAction = [];
$sendMessageTypingAction = [];
$sendMessageUploadAudioAction = ['progress' => int, ];
$sendMessageUploadDocumentAction = ['progress' => int, ];
$sendMessageUploadPhotoAction = ['progress' => int, ];
$sendMessageUploadRoundAction = ['progress' => int, ];
$sendMessageUploadVideoAction = ['progress' => int, ];
$shippingOption = ['id' => string, 'title' => string, 'prices' => [LabeledPrice], ];
$statsURL = ['url' => string, ];
$stickerPack = ['emoticon' => string, 'documents' => [long], ];
$stickerSet = ['archived' => Bool, 'official' => Bool, 'masks' => Bool, 'installed_date' => int, 'id' => long, 'access_hash' => long, 'title' => string, 'short_name' => string, 'thumb' => PhotoSize, 'thumb_dc_id' => int, 'count' => int, 'hash' => int, ];
$stickerSetCovered = ['set' => StickerSet, 'cover' => Document, ];
$stickerSetMultiCovered = ['set' => StickerSet, 'covers' => [Document], ];
$storage_fileGif = [];
$storage_fileJpeg = [];
$storage_fileMov = [];
$storage_fileMp3 = [];
$storage_fileMp4 = [];
$storage_filePartial = [];
$storage_filePdf = [];
$storage_filePng = [];
$storage_fileUnknown = [];
$storage_fileWebp = [];
$textAnchor = ['text' => RichText, 'name' => string, ];
$textBold = ['text' => RichText, ];
$textConcat = ['texts' => [RichText], ];
$textEmail = ['text' => RichText, 'email' => string, ];
$textEmpty = [];
$textFixed = ['text' => RichText, ];
$textImage = ['document_id' => long, 'w' => int, 'h' => int, ];
$textItalic = ['text' => RichText, ];
$textMarked = ['text' => RichText, ];
$textPhone = ['text' => RichText, 'phone' => string, ];
$textPlain = ['text' => string, ];
$textStrike = ['text' => RichText, ];
$textSubscript = ['text' => RichText, ];
$textSuperscript = ['text' => RichText, ];
$textUnderline = ['text' => RichText, ];
$textUrl = ['text' => RichText, 'url' => string, 'webpage_id' => long, ];
$topPeer = ['peer' => Peer, 'rating' => double, ];
$topPeerCategoryBotsInline = [];
$topPeerCategoryBotsPM = [];
$topPeerCategoryChannels = [];
$topPeerCategoryCorrespondents = [];
$topPeerCategoryForwardChats = [];
$topPeerCategoryForwardUsers = [];
$topPeerCategoryGroups = [];
$topPeerCategoryPeers = ['category' => TopPeerCategory, 'count' => int, 'peers' => [TopPeer], ];
$topPeerCategoryPhoneCalls = [];
$true = [];
$updateBotCallbackQuery = ['query_id' => long, 'user_id' => int, 'peer' => Peer, 'msg_id' => int, 'chat_instance' => long, 'data' => bytes, 'game_short_name' => string, ];
$updateBotInlineQuery = ['query_id' => long, 'user_id' => int, 'query' => string, 'geo' => GeoPoint, 'offset' => string, ];
$updateBotInlineSend = ['user_id' => int, 'query' => string, 'geo' => GeoPoint, 'id' => string, 'msg_id' => InputBotInlineMessageID, ];
$updateBotPrecheckoutQuery = ['query_id' => long, 'user_id' => int, 'payload' => bytes, 'info' => PaymentRequestedInfo, 'shipping_option_id' => string, 'currency' => string, 'total_amount' => long, ];
$updateBotShippingQuery = ['query_id' => long, 'user_id' => int, 'payload' => bytes, 'shipping_address' => PostAddress, ];
$updateBotWebhookJSON = ['data' => DataJSON, ];
$updateBotWebhookJSONQuery = ['query_id' => long, 'data' => DataJSON, 'timeout' => int, ];
$updateChannel = ['channel_id' => int, ];
$updateChannelAvailableMessages = ['channel_id' => int, 'available_min_id' => int, ];
$updateChannelMessageViews = ['channel_id' => int, 'id' => int, 'views' => int, ];
$updateChannelPinnedMessage = ['channel_id' => int, 'id' => int, ];
$updateChannelReadMessagesContents = ['channel_id' => int, 'messages' => [int], ];
$updateChannelTooLong = ['channel_id' => int, 'pts' => int, ];
$updateChannelWebPage = ['channel_id' => int, 'webpage' => WebPage, 'pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, ];
$updateChatDefaultBannedRights = ['peer' => Peer, 'default_banned_rights' => ChatBannedRights, 'version' => int, ];
$updateChatParticipantAdd = ['chat_id' => int, 'user_id' => int, 'inviter_id' => int, 'date' => int, 'version' => int, ];
$updateChatParticipantAdmin = ['chat_id' => int, 'user_id' => int, 'is_admin' => Bool, 'version' => int, ];
$updateChatParticipantDelete = ['chat_id' => int, 'user_id' => int, 'version' => int, ];
$updateChatParticipants = ['participants' => ChatParticipants, ];
$updateChatPinnedMessage = ['chat_id' => int, 'id' => int, 'version' => int, ];
$updateChatUserTyping = ['chat_id' => int, 'user_id' => int, 'action' => SendMessageAction, ];
$updateConfig = [];
$updateContactLink = ['user_id' => int, 'my_link' => ContactLink, 'foreign_link' => ContactLink, ];
$updateContactsReset = [];
$updateDcOptions = ['dc_options' => [DcOption], ];
$updateDeleteChannelMessages = ['channel_id' => int, 'messages' => [int], 'pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, ];
$updateDeleteMessages = ['messages' => [int], 'pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, ];
$updateDialogPinned = ['pinned' => Bool, 'folder_id' => int, 'peer' => DialogPeer, ];
$updateDialogUnreadMark = ['unread' => Bool, 'peer' => DialogPeer, ];
$updateDraftMessage = ['peer' => Peer, 'draft' => DraftMessage, ];
$updateEditChannelMessage = ['message' => Message, 'pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, ];
$updateEditMessage = ['message' => Message, 'pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, ];
$updateEncryptedChatTyping = ['chat_id' => int, ];
$updateEncryptedMessagesRead = ['chat_id' => int, 'max_date' => int, 'date' => int, ];
$updateEncryption = ['chat' => EncryptedChat, 'date' => int, ];
$updateFavedStickers = [];
$updateFolderPeers = ['folder_peers' => [FolderPeer], 'pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, ];
$updateInlineBotCallbackQuery = ['query_id' => long, 'user_id' => int, 'msg_id' => InputBotInlineMessageID, 'chat_instance' => long, 'data' => bytes, 'game_short_name' => string, ];
$updateLangPack = ['difference' => LangPackDifference, ];
$updateLangPackTooLong = ['lang_code' => string, ];
$updateMessageID = ['id' => int, ];
$updateMessagePoll = ['poll_id' => long, 'poll' => Poll, 'results' => PollResults, ];
$updateNewChannelMessage = ['message' => Message, 'pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, ];
$updateNewEncryptedMessage = ['message' => EncryptedMessage, 'qts' => int, ];
$updateNewMessage = ['message' => Message, 'pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, ];
$updateNewStickerSet = ['stickerset' => messages.StickerSet, ];
$updateNotifySettings = ['peer' => NotifyPeer, 'notify_settings' => PeerNotifySettings, ];
$updatePhoneCall = ['phone_call' => PhoneCall, ];
$updatePinnedDialogs = ['folder_id' => int, 'order' => [DialogPeer], ];
$updatePrivacy = ['key' => PrivacyKey, 'rules' => [PrivacyRule], ];
$updatePtsChanged = [];
$updateReadChannelInbox = ['folder_id' => int, 'channel_id' => int, 'max_id' => int, 'still_unread_count' => int, 'pts' => int, ];
$updateReadChannelOutbox = ['channel_id' => int, 'max_id' => int, ];
$updateReadFeaturedStickers = [];
$updateReadHistoryInbox = ['folder_id' => int, 'peer' => Peer, 'max_id' => int, 'still_unread_count' => int, 'pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, ];
$updateReadHistoryOutbox = ['peer' => Peer, 'max_id' => int, 'pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, ];
$updateReadMessagesContents = ['messages' => [int], 'pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, ];
$updateRecentStickers = [];
$updateSavedGifs = [];
$updateServiceNotification = ['popup' => Bool, 'inbox_date' => int, 'type' => string, 'message' => string, 'media' => MessageMedia, 'entities' => [MessageEntity], ];
$updateShort = ['update' => Update, 'date' => int, ];
$updateShortChatMessage = ['out' => Bool, 'mentioned' => Bool, 'media_unread' => Bool, 'silent' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'from_id' => int, 'chat_id' => int, 'message' => string, 'pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, 'date' => int, 'fwd_from' => MessageFwdHeader, 'via_bot_id' => int, 'reply_to_msg_id' => int, 'entities' => [MessageEntity], ];
$updateShortMessage = ['out' => Bool, 'mentioned' => Bool, 'media_unread' => Bool, 'silent' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'user_id' => int, 'message' => string, 'pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, 'date' => int, 'fwd_from' => MessageFwdHeader, 'via_bot_id' => int, 'reply_to_msg_id' => int, 'entities' => [MessageEntity], ];
$updateShortSentMessage = ['out' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, 'date' => int, 'media' => MessageMedia, 'entities' => [MessageEntity], ];
$updateStickerSets = [];
$updateStickerSetsOrder = ['masks' => Bool, 'order' => [long], ];
$updateUserBlocked = ['user_id' => int, 'blocked' => Bool, ];
$updateUserName = ['user_id' => int, 'first_name' => string, 'last_name' => string, 'username' => string, ];
$updateUserPhone = ['user_id' => int, 'phone' => string, ];
$updateUserPhoto = ['user_id' => int, 'date' => int, 'photo' => UserProfilePhoto, 'previous' => Bool, ];
$updateUserPinnedMessage = ['user_id' => int, 'id' => int, ];
$updateUserStatus = ['user_id' => int, 'status' => UserStatus, ];
$updateUserTyping = ['user_id' => int, 'action' => SendMessageAction, ];
$updateWebPage = ['webpage' => WebPage, 'pts' => int, 'pts_count' => int, ];
$updates = ['updates' => [Update], 'users' => [User], 'chats' => [Chat], 'date' => int, 'seq' => int, ];
$updatesCombined = ['updates' => [Update], 'users' => [User], 'chats' => [Chat], 'date' => int, 'seq_start' => int, 'seq' => int, ];
$updatesTooLong = [];
$updates_channelDifference = ['final' => Bool, 'pts' => int, 'timeout' => int, 'new_messages' => [Message], 'other_updates' => [Update], 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], ];
$updates_channelDifferenceEmpty = ['final' => Bool, 'pts' => int, 'timeout' => int, ];
$updates_channelDifferenceTooLong = ['final' => Bool, 'timeout' => int, 'dialog' => Dialog, 'messages' => [Message], 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], ];
$updates_difference = ['new_messages' => [Message], 'new_encrypted_messages' => [EncryptedMessage], 'other_updates' => [Update], 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], 'state' => updates.State, ];
$updates_differenceEmpty = ['date' => int, 'seq' => int, ];
$updates_differenceSlice = ['new_messages' => [Message], 'new_encrypted_messages' => [EncryptedMessage], 'other_updates' => [Update], 'chats' => [Chat], 'users' => [User], 'intermediate_state' => updates.State, ];
$updates_differenceTooLong = ['pts' => int, ];
$updates_state = ['pts' => int, 'qts' => int, 'date' => int, 'seq' => int, 'unread_count' => int, ];
$upload_cdnFile = ['bytes' => bytes, ];
$upload_cdnFileReuploadNeeded = ['request_token' => bytes, ];
$upload_file = ['type' => storage.FileType, 'mtime' => int, 'bytes' => bytes, ];
$upload_fileCdnRedirect = ['dc_id' => int, 'file_token' => bytes, 'encryption_key' => bytes, 'encryption_iv' => bytes, 'file_hashes' => [FileHash], ];
$upload_webFile = ['size' => int, 'mime_type' => string, 'file_type' => storage.FileType, 'mtime' => int, 'bytes' => bytes, ];
$urlAuthResultAccepted = ['url' => string, ];
$urlAuthResultDefault = [];
$urlAuthResultRequest = ['request_write_access' => Bool, 'bot' => User, 'domain' => string, ];
$user = ['self' => Bool, 'contact' => Bool, 'mutual_contact' => Bool, 'deleted' => Bool, 'bot' => Bool, 'bot_chat_history' => Bool, 'bot_nochats' => Bool, 'verified' => Bool, 'restricted' => Bool, 'min' => Bool, 'bot_inline_geo' => Bool, 'support' => Bool, 'scam' => Bool, 'id' => int, 'access_hash' => long, 'first_name' => string, 'last_name' => string, 'username' => string, 'phone' => string, 'photo' => UserProfilePhoto, 'status' => UserStatus, 'bot_info_version' => int, 'restriction_reason' => string, 'bot_inline_placeholder' => string, 'lang_code' => string, ];
$userEmpty = ['id' => int, ];
$userFull = ['blocked' => Bool, 'phone_calls_available' => Bool, 'phone_calls_private' => Bool, 'can_pin_message' => Bool, 'user' => User, 'about' => string, 'link' => contacts.Link, 'profile_photo' => Photo, 'notify_settings' => PeerNotifySettings, 'bot_info' => BotInfo, 'pinned_msg_id' => int, 'common_chats_count' => int, 'folder_id' => int, ];
$userProfilePhoto = ['photo_id' => long, 'photo_small' => FileLocation, 'photo_big' => FileLocation, 'dc_id' => int, ];
$userProfilePhotoEmpty = [];
$userStatusEmpty = [];
$userStatusLastMonth = [];
$userStatusLastWeek = [];
$userStatusOffline = ['was_online' => int, ];
$userStatusOnline = ['expires' => int, ];
$userStatusRecently = [];
$wallPaper = ['id' => long, 'creator' => Bool, 'default' => Bool, 'pattern' => Bool, 'dark' => Bool, 'access_hash' => long, 'slug' => string, 'document' => Document, 'settings' => WallPaperSettings, ];
$wallPaperSettings = ['blur' => Bool, 'motion' => Bool, 'background_color' => int, 'intensity' => int, ];
$webAuthorization = ['hash' => long, 'bot_id' => int, 'domain' => string, 'browser' => string, 'platform' => string, 'date_created' => int, 'date_active' => int, 'ip' => string, 'region' => string, ];
$webDocument = ['url' => string, 'access_hash' => long, 'size' => int, 'mime_type' => string, 'attributes' => [DocumentAttribute], ];
$webDocumentNoProxy = ['url' => string, 'size' => int, 'mime_type' => string, 'attributes' => [DocumentAttribute], ];
$webPage = ['id' => long, 'url' => string, 'display_url' => string, 'hash' => int, 'type' => string, 'site_name' => string, 'title' => string, 'description' => string, 'photo' => Photo, 'embed_url' => string, 'embed_type' => string, 'embed_width' => int, 'embed_height' => int, 'duration' => int, 'author' => string, 'document' => Document, 'cached_page' => Page, ];
$webPageEmpty = ['id' => long, ];
$webPageNotModified = [];
$webPagePending = ['id' => long, 'date' => int, ];