2020-10-15 18:42:54 +02:00

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title: danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler: Event handler. description:


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Author: Daniil Gentili

Event handler.

Generated by danog/phpdoc.

Method list:

  • getReportPeers(): array|string|int
  • getAPI(): \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto
  • MTProtoToBotAPI(array $data): \Amp\Promise<array>
  • MTProtoToTd(mixed $params): \Amp\Promise
  • MTProtoToTdcli(mixed $params): \Amp\Promise
  • acceptCall(array $call): \Amp\Promise
  • acceptSecretChat(array $params): \Amp\Promise
  • acceptTos(): \Amp\Promise
  • addUser(array $user): \Amp\Promise
  • after(\Generator|\Promise $a, \Generator|\Promise $b): \Amp\Promise
  • all((\Generator|\Promise)[] $promises): \Amp\Promise
  • any((\Promise|\Generator)[] $promises): \Amp\Promise
  • arr(mixed $params): array
  • base64urlDecode(string $data): string
  • base64urlEncode(string $data): string
  • botAPIToMTProto(array $arguments): \Amp\Promise<array>
  • botLogin(string $token): \Amp\Promise
  • call(\Generator|\Promise|mixed $promise): \Amp\Promise
  • callFork(\Generator|\Promise $promise, ?\Generator|\Promise $actual, string $file): \Amp\Promise|mixed
  • callForkDefer(\Generator|\Promise $promise): void
  • callStatus(int $id): mixed
  • checkTos(): \Amp\Promise
  • cleanup(): \Amp\Promise
  • closeConnection(string $message): void
  • complete2faLogin(string $password): \Amp\Promise
  • completeCall(array $params): \Amp\Promise
  • completePhoneLogin(string $code): \Amp\Promise
  • completeSignup(string $first_name, string $last_name): \Amp\Promise
  • confirmCall(array $params): \Amp\Promise
  • connectToAllDcs(bool $reconnectAll): \Amp\Promise
  • declineTos(): \Amp\Promise
  • discardCall(array $call, array $reason, array $rating, bool $need_debug): \Amp\Promise
  • discardSecretChat(int $chat): \Amp\Promise
  • downloadToBrowser(array|string $messageMedia, callable $cb): \Amp\Promise
  • downloadToCallable(mixed $messageMedia, callable|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $callable, callable $cb, bool $seekable, int $offset, int $end, int $part_size): \Amp\Promise
  • downloadToDir(mixed $messageMedia, string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $dir, callable $cb): \Amp\Promise
  • downloadToFile(mixed $messageMedia, string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $file, callable $cb): \Amp\Promise Downloaded file path
  • downloadToResponse(array|string $messageMedia, \ServerRequest $request, callable $cb): \Amp\Promise Returned response
  • downloadToStream(mixed $messageMedia, mixed|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $stream, callable $cb, int $offset, int $end): \Amp\Promise
  • echo(string $string): \Amp\Promise
  • end(array $what): mixed
  • exportAuthorization(): \Amp\Promise
  • extractBotAPIFile(array $info): ?array
  • fileGetContents(string $url): \Amp\Promise
  • first((\Promise|\Generator)[] $promises): \Amp\Promise
  • flock(string $file, int $operation, float $polling, ?\Promise $token, ?callable $failureCb): \Amp\Promise<?callable>
  • fromSupergroup(int $id): float|int
  • fullChatLastUpdated(mixed $id): \Amp\Promise<int>
  • fullGetSelf(): \Amp\Promise<array|bool>
  • genVectorHash(array $ints): \int Vector hash
  • getAllMethods(): mixed
  • getAuthorization(): mixed
  • getCachedConfig(): mixed
  • getCall(int $call): mixed
  • getCdnConfig(string $datacenter): \Amp\Promise
  • getConfig(array $config, array $options): \Amp\Promise
  • getDNSClient(): mixed
  • getDataCenterConnections(): mixed
  • getDataCenterId(): int|string
  • getDialogs(bool $force): \Amp\Promise
  • getDownloadInfo(mixed $messageMedia): \Amp\Promise<array>
  • getEventHandler(): mixed
  • getExtensionFromLocation(mixed $location, string $default): string
  • getExtensionFromMime(string $mime): string
  • getFileInfo(mixed $constructor): \Amp\Promise<array>
  • getFolderId(mixed $id): ?int
  • getFullDialogs(bool $force): \Amp\Promise
  • getFullInfo(mixed $id): \Amp\Promise FullInfo object
  • getHTTPClient(): mixed
  • getHint(): mixed
  • getId(mixed $id): int
  • getInfo(mixed $id, bool $recursive): \Amp\Promise Info object
  • getLogger()
  • getMethodNamespaces(): mixed
  • getMethodsNamespaced(): mixed
  • getMimeFromBuffer(string $buffer): string
  • getMimeFromExtension(string $extension, string $default): string
  • getMimeFromFile(string $file): string
  • getPropicInfo(mixed $messageMedia): \Amp\Promise<array>
  • getPsrLogger()
  • getPwrChat(mixed $id): \Amp\Promise<array> Chat object
  • getSecretChat(array|int $chat): mixed
  • getSelf(): array|bool
  • getSettings(): mixed
  • getTL(): mixed
  • getVar(object $obj, string $var): mixed
  • getWebTemplate(): mixed
  • hasAllAuth(): mixed
  • hasEventHandler(): mixed
  • hasReportPeers(): mixed
  • hasSecretChat(array|int $chat): mixed
  • hasVar(object $obj, string $var): bool
  • importAuthorization(mixed $authorization): \Amp\Promise
  • inflateStripped(string $stripped): \string JPG payload
  • initSelfRestart(): mixed
  • isAltervista(): bool
  • isArrayOrAlike(mixed $var): bool
  • isIpc(): mixed
  • isSupergroup(int $id): bool
  • logger(string $param, int $level, string $file): mixed
  • logout(): \Amp\Promise
  • loop(callable|null $callback): \Amp\Promise
  • loopFork(): \Amp\Promise
  • markdownEscape(string $hwat): string
  • mbStrSplit(string $text, int $length): array
  • mbStrlen(string $text): float|int
  • mbSubstr(string $text, int $offset, ?int $length): string
  • methodCall(string $method, array|\Generator $args, array $aargs): \Amp\Promise
  • methodCallWrite(string $method, array|\Generator $args, array $aargs): \Amp\Promise
  • methodEscape(string $method): string
  • packDouble(float $value): string
  • packSignedInt(int $value): string
  • packSignedLong(int $value): string
  • packUnsignedInt(int $value): string
  • peerIsset(mixed $id): \Amp\Promise
  • phoneLogin(string $number, int $sms_type): \Amp\Promise
  • posmod(int $a, int $b): \int Modulo
  • random(int $length): \string Random string
  • randomInt(int $modulus): int
  • readLine(string $prompt): \Amp\Promise<string>
  • rekey(int $chat): \Amp\Promise
  • report(string $message, string $parseMode): \Amp\Promise
  • requestCall(mixed $user): \Amp\Promise
  • requestSecretChat(mixed $user): \Amp\Promise
  • resetUpdateState(): mixed
  • resolveUsername(string $username): \Amp\Promise
  • restart(): void
  • rethrow(\Throwable $e, string $file): void
  • rleDecode(string $string): string
  • rleEncode(string $string): string
  • secretChatStatus(int $chat): mixed
  • serializeAll(): void
  • setCallback(callable $callback): mixed
  • setEventHandler(class-string<\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler> $eventHandler): \Amp\Promise
  • setNoop(): mixed
  • setReportPeers(int|string $userOrId): \Amp\Promise
  • setVar(object $obj, string $var, mixed $val): void
  • setWebTemplate(string $template): mixed
  • setWebhook(string $hook_url, string $pem_path): mixed
  • setupLogger(): mixed
  • sleep(int|float $time): \Amp\Promise
  • some((\Promise|\Generator)[] $promises): \Amp\Promise
  • start(): \Amp\Promise
  • stop(): void
  • tdToMTProto(array $params): \Amp\Promise<array>
  • tdToTdcli(mixed $params): mixed
  • tdcliToTd(array $params, array $key): mixed
  • timeout(\Generator|\Promise $promise, int $timeout): \Amp\Promise
  • timeoutWithDefault(\Promise|\Generator $promise, int $timeout, mixed $default): \Amp\Promise<\TReturn>|\Promise<\TReturnAlt>
  • toCamelCase(string $input): string
  • toSnakeCase(string $input): string
  • toSupergroup(int $id): float|int
  • typeEscape(string $type): string
  • unpackDouble(string $value): float
  • unpackFileId(string $fileId): mixed
  • unpackSignedInt(string $value): int
  • unpackSignedLong(string $value): int
  • unpackSignedLongString(string $value): string
  • unsetEventHandler(bool $disableUpdateHandling): mixed
  • update2fa(array $params): \Amp\Promise
  • updateSettings(\danog\MadelineProto\SettingsAbstract $settings): \Amp\Promise
  • upload(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Amp\Promise
  • uploadEncrypted(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file, string $fileName, callable $cb): \Amp\Promise
  • uploadFromCallable(mixed $callable, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $seekable, bool $encrypted): \Amp\Promise
  • uploadFromStream(mixed $stream, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Amp\Promise
  • uploadFromTgfile(mixed $media, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Amp\Promise
  • uploadFromUrl(string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $url, int $size, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Amp\Promise
  • wait(\Generator|\Promise $promise, bool $ignoreSignal): mixed
  • async(bool $async): void
  • init(): void
  • initAsynchronously(): \Generator
  • inited(): bool
  • forceInit(bool $inited): void


getReportPeers(): array|string|int

Get peers where to send error reports.

getAPI(): \danog\MadelineProto\MTProto

Get API instance.

See also:

MTProtoToBotAPI(array $data): \Amp\Promise<array>

Convert MTProto parameters to bot API parameters.


  • $data: array Data

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

MTProtoToTd(mixed $params): \Amp\Promise

MTProto to TD params.


  • $params: mixed Params

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

MTProtoToTdcli(mixed $params): \Amp\Promise

MTProto to TDCLI params.


  • $params: mixed Params

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

acceptCall(array $call): \Amp\Promise

Accept call.


  • $call: array Call

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

acceptSecretChat(array $params): \Amp\Promise

Accept secret chat.


  • $params: array Secret chat ID

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

acceptTos(): \Amp\Promise

Accept terms of service update.

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

addUser(array $user): \Amp\Promise

Add user info.


  • $user: array User info

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

after(\Generator|\Promise $a, \Generator|\Promise $b): \Amp\Promise

Call promise $b after promise $a.


  • $a: \Generator|\Promise Promise A
  • $b: \Generator|\Promise Promise B

See also:

  • \Generator
  • \Promise
  • \Amp\Promise

all((\Generator|\Promise)[] $promises): \Amp\Promise

Returns a promise that succeeds when all promises succeed, and fails if any promise fails. Returned promise succeeds with an array of values used to succeed each contained promise, with keys corresponding to the array of promises.


  • $promises: (\Generator|\Promise)[] Promises

See also:

  • \Generator
  • \Promise
  • \Amp\Promise

any((\Promise|\Generator)[] $promises): \Amp\Promise

Returns a promise that is resolved when all promises are resolved. The returned promise will not fail.


  • $promises: (\Promise|\Generator)[] Promises

See also:

  • \Promise
  • \Generator
  • \Amp\Promise

arr(mixed $params): array

Create array.


  • $params: mixed Params

base64urlDecode(string $data): string

base64URL decode.


  • $data: string Data to decode

base64urlEncode(string $data): string

Base64URL encode.


  • $data: string Data to encode

botAPIToMTProto(array $arguments): \Amp\Promise<array>

Convert bot API parameters to MTProto parameters.


  • $arguments: array Arguments

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

botLogin(string $token): \Amp\Promise

Login as bot.


  • $token: string Bot token

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

call(\Generator|\Promise|mixed $promise): \Amp\Promise

Convert generator, promise or any other value to a promise.


  • $promise: \Generator|\Promise|mixed
    Full type:
    \Generator<mixed, mixed, mixed, \TReturn>|\Promise<\TReturn>|\TReturn

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Generator
  • \Promise
  • \TReturn
  • \Amp\Promise

callFork(\Generator|\Promise $promise, ?\Generator|\Promise $actual, string $file): \Amp\Promise|mixed

Call promise in background.


  • $promise: \Generator|\Promise Promise to resolve
  • $actual: ?\Generator|\Promise Promise to resolve instead of $promise
  • $file: string File

See also:

  • \Generator
  • \Promise
  • \Amp\Promise

callForkDefer(\Generator|\Promise $promise): void

Call promise in background, deferring execution.


  • $promise: \Generator|\Promise Promise to resolve

See also:

  • \Generator
  • \Promise

callStatus(int $id): mixed

Get call status.


  • $id: int Call ID

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

checkTos(): \Amp\Promise

Check for terms of service update.

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

cleanup(): \Amp\Promise

Cleanup memory and session file.

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

closeConnection(string $message): void

Close connection with client, connected via web.


  • $message: string Message

complete2faLogin(string $password): \Amp\Promise

Complete 2FA login.


  • $password: string Password

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

completeCall(array $params): \Amp\Promise

Complete call handshake.


  • $params: array Params

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

completePhoneLogin(string $code): \Amp\Promise

Complet user login using login code.


  • $code: string Login code

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

completeSignup(string $first_name, string $last_name): \Amp\Promise

Complete signup to Telegram.


  • $first_name: string First name
  • $last_name: string Last name

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

confirmCall(array $params): \Amp\Promise

Confirm call.


  • $params: array Params

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

connectToAllDcs(bool $reconnectAll): \Amp\Promise

Connects to all datacenters and if necessary creates authorization keys, binds them and writes client info.


  • $reconnectAll: bool Whether to reconnect to all DCs

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

declineTos(): \Amp\Promise

Decline terms of service update. THIS WILL DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT!

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

discardCall(array $call, array $reason, array $rating, bool $need_debug): \Amp\Promise

Discard call.


  • $call: array Call
  • $reason: array
  • $rating: array Rating
  • $need_debug: bool Need debug?

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

discardSecretChat(int $chat): \Amp\Promise

Discard secret chat.


  • $chat: int Secret chat ID

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

downloadToBrowser(array|string $messageMedia, callable $cb): \Amp\Promise

Download file to browser. Supports HEAD requests and content-ranges for parallel and resumed downloads.


  • $messageMedia: array|string File to download
  • $cb: callable Status callback (can also use FileCallback)

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

downloadToCallable(mixed $messageMedia, callable|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $callable, callable $cb, bool $seekable, int $offset, int $end, int $part_size): \Amp\Promise

Download file to callable. The callable must accept two parameters: string $payload, int $offset The callable will be called (possibly out of order, depending on the value of $seekable). The callable should return the number of written bytes.


  • $messageMedia: mixed File to download
  • $callable: callable|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface Chunk callback
  • $cb: callable Status callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
  • $seekable: bool Whether the callable can be called out of order
  • $offset: int Offset where to start downloading
  • $end: int Offset where to stop downloading (inclusive)
  • $part_size: int Size of each chunk

Fully typed return value:


See also:

downloadToDir(mixed $messageMedia, string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $dir, callable $cb): \Amp\Promise

Download file to directory.


  • $messageMedia: mixed File to download
  • $dir: string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface Directory where to download the file
  • $cb: callable Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)

Fully typed return value:


See also:

downloadToFile(mixed $messageMedia, string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $file, callable $cb): \Amp\Promise Downloaded file path

Download file.


  • $messageMedia: mixed File to download
  • $file: string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface Downloaded file path
  • $cb: callable Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)

Return value: Downloaded file path

Fully typed return value:


See also:

downloadToResponse(array|string $messageMedia, \ServerRequest $request, callable $cb): \Amp\Promise Returned response

Download file to amphp/http-server response. Supports HEAD requests and content-ranges for parallel and resumed downloads.


  • $messageMedia: array|string File to download
  • $request: \ServerRequest Request
  • $cb: callable Status callback (can also use FileCallback)

Return value: Returned response

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \ServerRequest
  • \Amp\Http\Server\Response
  • \Amp\Promise

downloadToStream(mixed $messageMedia, mixed|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $stream, callable $cb, int $offset, int $end): \Amp\Promise

Download file to stream.


  • $messageMedia: mixed File to download
  • $stream: mixed|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface Stream where to download file
  • $cb: callable Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
  • $offset: int Offset where to start downloading
  • $end: int Offset where to end download

Fully typed return value:


See also:

echo(string $string): \Amp\Promise

Asynchronously write to stdout/browser.


  • $string: string Message to echo

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

end(array $what): mixed

Get final element of array.


  • $what: array Array

exportAuthorization(): \Amp\Promise

Export authorization.

Fully typed return value:

\Amp\Promise<array{0: int|string, 1: string}>

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

extractBotAPIFile(array $info): ?array

Extract file info from bot API message.


  • $info: array Bot API message object

fileGetContents(string $url): \Amp\Promise

Get contents of remote file asynchronously.


  • $url: string URL

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

first((\Promise|\Generator)[] $promises): \Amp\Promise

Returns a promise that succeeds when the first promise succeeds, and fails only if all promises fail.


  • $promises: (\Promise|\Generator)[] Promises

See also:

  • \Promise
  • \Generator
  • \Amp\Promise

flock(string $file, int $operation, float $polling, ?\Promise $token, ?callable $failureCb): \Amp\Promise<?callable>

Asynchronously lock a file Resolves with a callbable that MUST eventually be called in order to release the lock.


  • $file: string File to lock
  • $operation: int Locking mode
  • $polling: float Polling interval
  • $token: ?\Promise Cancellation token
  • $failureCb: ?callable Failure callback, called only once if the first locking attempt fails.

See also:

  • \Promise
  • \Amp\Promise

fromSupergroup(int $id): float|int

Convert bot API channel ID to MTProto channel ID.


  • $id: int Bot API channel ID

fullChatLastUpdated(mixed $id): \Amp\Promise<int>

When were full info for this chat last cached.


  • $id: mixed Chat ID

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

fullGetSelf(): \Amp\Promise<array|bool>

Get info about the logged-in user, not cached.

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

genVectorHash(array $ints): \int Vector hash

Generate MTProto vector hash.


  • $ints: array IDs

Return value: Vector hash

getAllMethods(): mixed

Get full list of MTProto and API methods.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

getAuthorization(): mixed

Get authorization info.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

getCachedConfig(): mixed

Get cached server-side config.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

getCall(int $call): mixed

Get call info.


  • $call: int Call ID

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

getCdnConfig(string $datacenter): \Amp\Promise

Store RSA keys for CDN datacenters.


  • $datacenter: string DC ID

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

getConfig(array $config, array $options): \Amp\Promise

Get cached (or eventually re-fetch) server-side config.


  • $config: array Current config
  • $options: array Options for method call

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

getDNSClient(): mixed

Get async DNS client.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Dns\Resolver
  • \Amp\Promise

getDataCenterConnections(): mixed

Get all datacenter connections.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \danog\MadelineProto\DataCenterConnection
  • \Amp\Promise

getDataCenterId(): int|string

Get main DC ID.

getDialogs(bool $force): \Amp\Promise

Get dialog peers.


  • $force: bool Whether to refetch all dialogs ignoring cache

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

getDownloadInfo(mixed $messageMedia): \Amp\Promise<array>

Get download info of file Returns an array with the following structure:. $info['ext'] - The file extension $info['name'] - The file name, without the extension $info['mime'] - The file mime type $info['size'] - The file size


  • $messageMedia: mixed File ID

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

getEventHandler(): mixed

Get event handler.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

getExtensionFromLocation(mixed $location, string $default): string

Get extension from file location.


  • $location: mixed File location
  • $default: string Default extension

getExtensionFromMime(string $mime): string

Get extension from mime type.


  • $mime: string MIME type

getFileInfo(mixed $constructor): \Amp\Promise<array>

Get info about file.


  • $constructor: mixed File ID

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

getFolderId(mixed $id): ?int

Get folder ID from object.


  • $id: mixed Object

getFullDialogs(bool $force): \Amp\Promise

Get full info of all dialogs.


  • $force: bool Whether to refetch all dialogs ignoring cache

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

getFullInfo(mixed $id): \Amp\Promise FullInfo object

Get full info about peer, returns an FullInfo object.


  • $id: mixed Peer

Return value: FullInfo object

Fully typed return value:


See also:

getHTTPClient(): mixed

Get async HTTP client.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Http\Client\HttpClient
  • \Amp\Promise

getHint(): mixed

Get current password hint.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

getId(mixed $id): int

Get bot API ID from peer object.


  • $id: mixed Peer

getInfo(mixed $id, bool $recursive): \Amp\Promise Info object

Get info about peer, returns an Info object.


  • $id: mixed Peer
  • $recursive: bool Internal

Return value: Info object

Fully typed return value:

\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<string>|array, mixed, array{InputPeer: array{_: string, user_id?: mixed, access_hash?: mixed, min?: mixed, chat_id?: mixed, channel_id?: mixed}, Peer: array{_: string, user_id?: mixed, chat_id?: mixed, channel_id?: mixed}, DialogPeer: array{_: string, peer: array{_: string, user_id?: mixed, chat_id?: mixed, channel_id?: mixed}}, NotifyPeer: array{_: string, peer: array{_: string, user_id?: mixed, chat_id?: mixed, channel_id?: mixed}}, InputDialogPeer: array{_: string, peer: array{_: string, user_id?: mixed, access_hash?: mixed, min?: mixed, chat_id?: mixed, channel_id?: mixed}}, InputNotifyPeer: array{_: string, peer: array{_: string, user_id?: mixed, access_hash?: mixed, min?: mixed, chat_id?: mixed, channel_id?: mixed}}, bot_api_id: int|string, user_id?: int, chat_id?: int, channel_id?: int, InputUser?: array{_: string, user_id?: int, access_hash?: mixed, min?: bool}, InputChannel?: array{_: string, channel_id: int, access_hash: mixed, min: bool}, type: string}>

See also:


Get logger.

getMethodNamespaces(): mixed

Get TL namespaces.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

getMethodsNamespaced(): mixed

Get namespaced methods (method => namespace).

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

getMimeFromBuffer(string $buffer): string

Get mime type from buffer.


  • $buffer: string Buffer

getMimeFromExtension(string $extension, string $default): string

Get mime type from file extension.


  • $extension: string File extension
  • $default: string Default mime type

getMimeFromFile(string $file): string

Get mime type of file.


  • $file: string File

getPropicInfo(mixed $messageMedia): \Amp\Promise<array>

Get download info of the propic of a user Returns an array with the following structure:. $info['ext'] - The file extension $info['name'] - The file name, without the extension $info['mime'] - The file mime type $info['size'] - The file size


  • $messageMedia: mixed File ID

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise


Get PSR logger.

getPwrChat(mixed $id): \Amp\Promise<array> Chat object

Get full info about peer (including full list of channel members), returns a Chat object.


  • $id: mixed Peer

Return value: Chat object

See also:

getSecretChat(array|int $chat): mixed

Get secret chat.


  • $chat: array|int Secret chat ID

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

getSelf(): array|bool

Get info about the logged-in user, cached.

getSettings(): mixed

Return current settings.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

getTL(): mixed

Get TL serializer.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL
  • \Amp\Promise

getVar(object $obj, string $var): mixed

Accesses a private variable from an object.


  • $obj: object Object
  • $var: string Attribute name

getWebTemplate(): mixed

Get web template.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

hasAllAuth(): mixed

Checks whether all datacenters are authorized.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

hasEventHandler(): mixed

Check if an event handler instance is present.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

hasReportPeers(): mixed

Check if has report peers.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

hasSecretChat(array|int $chat): mixed

Check whether secret chat exists.


  • $chat: array|int Secret chat ID

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

hasVar(object $obj, string $var): bool

Checks private property exists in an object.


  • $obj: object Object
  • $var: string Attribute name

importAuthorization(mixed $authorization): \Amp\Promise

Import authorization.


  • $authorization: mixed Authorization info

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

inflateStripped(string $stripped): \string JPG payload

Inflate stripped photosize to full JPG payload.


  • $stripped: string Stripped photosize

Return value: JPG payload

initSelfRestart(): mixed

Initialize self-restart hack.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

isAltervista(): bool

Whether this is altervista.

isArrayOrAlike(mixed $var): bool

Check if is array or similar (traversable && countable && arrayAccess).


  • $var: mixed Value to check

isIpc(): mixed

Whether we're an IPC client instance.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

isSupergroup(int $id): bool

Check whether provided bot API ID is a channel.


  • $id: int Bot API ID

logger(string $param, int $level, string $file): mixed



  • $param: string Parameter
  • $level: int Logging level
  • $file: string File where the message originated

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

logout(): \Amp\Promise

Log out currently logged in user.

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

loop(callable|null $callback): \Amp\Promise

Start MadelineProto's update handling loop, or run the provided async callable.


  • $callback: callable|null Async callable to run

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

loopFork(): \Amp\Promise

Start MadelineProto's update handling loop in background.

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

markdownEscape(string $hwat): string

Escape string for markdown.


  • $hwat: string String to escape

mbStrSplit(string $text, int $length): array

Telegram UTF-8 multibyte split.


  • $text: string Text
  • $length: int Length

mbStrlen(string $text): float|int

Get Telegram UTF-8 length of string.


  • $text: string Text

mbSubstr(string $text, int $offset, ?int $length): string

Telegram UTF-8 multibyte substring.


  • $text: string Text to substring
  • $offset: int Offset
  • $length: ?int Length

methodCall(string $method, array|\Generator $args, array $aargs): \Amp\Promise

Call method and wait asynchronously for response. If the $aargs['noResponse'] is true, will not wait for a response.


  • $method: string Method name
  • $args: array|\Generator Arguments
    Full type:
    array|\Generator<mixed, mixed, mixed, array>
  • $aargs: array Additional arguments

See also:

  • \Generator
  • \Amp\Promise

methodCallWrite(string $method, array|\Generator $args, array $aargs): \Amp\Promise

Call method and make sure it is asynchronously sent.


  • $method: string Method name
  • $args: array|\Generator Arguments
    Full type:
    array|\Generator<mixed, mixed, mixed, array>
  • $aargs: array Additional arguments

See also:

  • \Generator
  • \Amp\Promise

methodEscape(string $method): string

Escape method name.


  • $method: string Method name

packDouble(float $value): string

Convert double to binary version.


  • $value: float Value to convert

packSignedInt(int $value): string

Convert integer to base256 signed int.


  • $value: int Value to convert

packSignedLong(int $value): string

Convert integer to base256 long.


  • $value: int Value to convert

packUnsignedInt(int $value): string

Convert value to unsigned base256 int.


  • $value: int Value

peerIsset(mixed $id): \Amp\Promise

Check if peer is present in internal peer database.


  • $id: mixed Peer

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

phoneLogin(string $number, int $sms_type): \Amp\Promise

Login as user.


  • $number: string Phone number
  • $sms_type: int SMS type

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

posmod(int $a, int $b): \int Modulo

Positive modulo Works just like the % (modulus) operator, only returns always a postive number.


  • $a: int A
  • $b: int B

Return value: Modulo

random(int $length): \string Random string

Get random string of specified length.


  • $length: int Length

Return value: Random string

randomInt(int $modulus): int

Get random integer.


  • $modulus: int Modulus

readLine(string $prompt): \Amp\Promise<string>

Asynchronously read line.


  • $prompt: string Prompt

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

rekey(int $chat): \Amp\Promise

Rekey secret chat.


  • $chat: int Secret chat to rekey

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

report(string $message, string $parseMode): \Amp\Promise

Report an error to the previously set peer.


  • $message: string Error to report
  • $parseMode: string Parse mode

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

requestCall(mixed $user): \Amp\Promise

Request VoIP call.


  • $user: mixed User

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

requestSecretChat(mixed $user): \Amp\Promise

Request secret chat.


  • $user: mixed User to start secret chat with

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

resetUpdateState(): mixed

Reset the update state and fetch all updates from the beginning.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

resolveUsername(string $username): \Amp\Promise

Resolve username (use getInfo instead).


  • $username: string Username

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

restart(): void

Restart update loop.

rethrow(\Throwable $e, string $file): void

Rethrow error catched in strand.


  • $e: \Throwable Exception
  • $file: string File where the strand started

See also:

  • \Throwable

rleDecode(string $string): string

null-byte RLE decode.


  • $string: string Data to decode

rleEncode(string $string): string

null-byte RLE encode.


  • $string: string Data to encode

secretChatStatus(int $chat): mixed

Get secret chat status.


  • $chat: int Chat ID

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

serializeAll(): void

Serialize all instances. CALLED ONLY ON SHUTDOWN.

setCallback(callable $callback): mixed

Set update handling callback.


  • $callback: callable Callback

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

setEventHandler(class-string<\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler> $eventHandler): \Amp\Promise

Set event handler.


  • $eventHandler: class-string<\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler> Event handler

See also:

setNoop(): mixed

Set NOOP update handler, ignoring all updates.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

setReportPeers(int|string $userOrId): \Amp\Promise

Set peer(s) where to send errors occurred in the event loop.


  • $userOrId: int|string Username(s) or peer ID(s)

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

setVar(object $obj, string $var, mixed $val): void

Sets a private variable in an object.


  • $obj: object Object
  • $var: string Attribute name
  • $val: mixed Attribute value

setWebTemplate(string $template): mixed

Set web template.


  • $template: string Template

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

setWebhook(string $hook_url, string $pem_path): mixed

Set webhook update handler.


  • $hook_url: string Webhook URL
  • $pem_path: string PEM path for self-signed certificate

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

setupLogger(): mixed

Setup logger.

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

sleep(int|float $time): \Amp\Promise

Asynchronously sleep.


  • $time: int|float Number of seconds to sleep for

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

some((\Promise|\Generator)[] $promises): \Amp\Promise

Resolves with a two-item array delineating successful and failed Promise results. The returned promise will only fail if the given number of required promises fail.


  • $promises: (\Promise|\Generator)[] Promises

See also:

  • \Promise
  • \Generator
  • \Amp\Promise

start(): \Amp\Promise

Log in to telegram (via CLI or web).

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

stop(): void

Stop update loop.

tdToMTProto(array $params): \Amp\Promise<array>

Convert TD to MTProto parameters.


  • $params: array Parameters

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

tdToTdcli(mixed $params): mixed

Convert TD parameters to tdcli.


  • $params: mixed Parameters

tdcliToTd(array $params, array $key): mixed

Convert tdcli parameters to tdcli.


  • $params: array Params
  • $key: array Key

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

timeout(\Generator|\Promise $promise, int $timeout): \Amp\Promise

Create an artificial timeout for any \Generator or Promise.


  • $promise: \Generator|\Promise
  • $timeout: int

See also:

  • \Generator
  • \Promise
  • \Amp\Promise

timeoutWithDefault(\Promise|\Generator $promise, int $timeout, mixed $default): \Amp\Promise<\TReturn>|\Promise<\TReturnAlt>

Creates an artificial timeout for any Promise. If the promise is resolved before the timeout expires, the result is returned

If the timeout expires before the promise is resolved, a default value is returned


  • $promise: \Promise|\Generator Promise to which the timeout is applied.
    Full type:
  • $timeout: int Timeout in milliseconds.
  • $default: mixed
    Full type:

See also:

  • \Promise
  • \Generator
  • \TReturn
  • \TGenerator
  • \TReturnAlt
  • \Amp\Promise

toCamelCase(string $input): string

Convert to camelCase.


  • $input: string String

toSnakeCase(string $input): string

Convert to snake_case.


  • $input: string String

toSupergroup(int $id): float|int

Convert MTProto channel ID to bot API channel ID.


  • $id: int MTProto channel ID

typeEscape(string $type): string

Escape type name.


  • $type: string String to escape

unpackDouble(string $value): float

Unpack binary double.


  • $value: string Value to unpack

unpackFileId(string $fileId): mixed

Unpack bot API file ID.


  • $fileId: string Bot API file ID

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

unpackSignedInt(string $value): int

Unpack base256 signed int.


  • $value: string base256 int

unpackSignedLong(string $value): int

Unpack base256 signed long.


  • $value: string base256 long

unpackSignedLongString(string $value): string

Unpack base256 signed long to string.


  • $value: string base256 long

unsetEventHandler(bool $disableUpdateHandling): mixed

Unset event handler.


  • $disableUpdateHandling: bool Whether to also disable internal update handling (will cause errors, otherwise will simply use the NOOP handler)

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

update2fa(array $params): \Amp\Promise

Update the 2FA password. The params array can contain password, new_password, email and hint params.


  • $params: array The params

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

updateSettings(\danog\MadelineProto\SettingsAbstract $settings): \Amp\Promise

Parse, update and store settings.


  • $settings: \danog\MadelineProto\SettingsAbstract Settings

See also:

  • \danog\MadelineProto\SettingsAbstract
  • \Amp\Promise

upload(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Amp\Promise

Upload file.


  • $file: \danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array File, URL or Telegram file to upload
  • $fileName: string File name
  • $cb: callable Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
  • $encrypted: bool Whether to encrypt file for secret chats

Fully typed return value:


See also:

uploadEncrypted(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file, string $fileName, callable $cb): \Amp\Promise

Upload file to secret chat.


  • $file: \danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array File, URL or Telegram file to upload
  • $fileName: string File name
  • $cb: callable Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)

Fully typed return value:


See also:

uploadFromCallable(mixed $callable, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $seekable, bool $encrypted): \Amp\Promise

Upload file from callable. The callable must accept two parameters: int $offset, int $size The callable must return a string with the contest of the file at the specified offset and size.


  • $callable: mixed Callable
  • $size: int File size
  • $mime: string Mime type
  • $fileName: string File name
  • $cb: callable Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
  • $seekable: bool Whether chunks can be fetched out of order
  • $encrypted: bool Whether to encrypt file for secret chats

Fully typed return value:

\Amp\Promise<array{_: string, id: string, parts: int, name: string, mime_type: string, key_fingerprint?: mixed, key?: mixed, iv?: mixed, md5_checksum: string}>

See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

uploadFromStream(mixed $stream, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Amp\Promise

Upload file from stream.


  • $stream: mixed PHP resource or AMPHP async stream
  • $size: int File size
  • $mime: string Mime type
  • $fileName: string File name
  • $cb: callable Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
  • $encrypted: bool Whether to encrypt file for secret chats

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

uploadFromTgfile(mixed $media, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Amp\Promise

Reupload telegram file.


  • $media: mixed Telegram file
  • $cb: callable Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
  • $encrypted: bool Whether to encrypt file for secret chats

Fully typed return value:


See also:

  • \Amp\Promise

uploadFromUrl(string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $url, int $size, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Amp\Promise

Upload file from URL.


  • $url: string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface URL of file
  • $size: int Size of file
  • $fileName: string File name
  • $cb: callable Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
  • $encrypted: bool Whether to encrypt file for secret chats

Fully typed return value:


See also:

wait(\Generator|\Promise $promise, bool $ignoreSignal): mixed

Synchronously wait for a promise|generator.


  • $promise: \Generator|\Promise The promise to wait for
  • $ignoreSignal: bool Whether to ignore shutdown signals

See also:

  • \Generator
  • \Promise

async(bool $async): void

Enable or disable async.


  • $async: bool Whether to enable or disable async

init(): void

Blockingly init.

initAsynchronously(): \Generator

Asynchronously init.

See also:

  • \Generator

inited(): bool

Check if we've already inited.

forceInit(bool $inited): void

Mark instance as (de)inited forcefully.


  • $inited: bool Whether to mark the instance as inited or deinited