2020-02-28 21:39:14 +01:00

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Async MadelineProto now features async, for **incredible speed improvements**, and parallel processing.


MadelineProto now features async, for incredible speed improvements, and parallel processing.
Powered by amphp, MadelineProto wraps the AMPHP APIs to provide a simpler generator-based async API.


What exactly is async, you may ask, and how is it better than threading or multiprocessing?
Async is a relatively new programming pattern that allows you to easily write non-blocking code as if you were using standard blocking functions, all without the need for complex message exchange systems and synchronization handling for threaded programs, that only add overhead and complexity to your programs, making everything slower and error-prone.

That's very cool and all, you might think, but how exactly does this async stuff work? Well, as it turns out, it's very easy.

Instead of writing code like this:

$file = $MadelineProto->downloadToDir($bigfile, '/tmp/');

Write it like this:

$file = yield $MadelineProto->downloadToDir($bigfile, '/tmp/');

That's it.

It's really that easy, you just have to add a yield before calling MadelineProto methods.
The yield will automatically suspend the execution of the function, letting the program do other stuff while the file is being downloaded.
Once the file is downloaded, execution is automatically resumed from that exact point in the function.

This means that you can handle multiple updates, download/upload multiple files all together in one process, as if you were writing normal synchronous code + making everything a lot faster.

If your code still relies on the old synchronous behaviour, don't worry, there is backward compatibility.
However, I highly recommend you switch to async, due to the huge performance and parallelism benefits.

WARNING: MadelineProto async is not compatible with pthreads or pcntl, so please uninstall pthreads and do not use pcntl_fork in your bot.

Enabling the MadelineProto async API

The yield operator can only be used within functions, once MadelineProto's async mode is enabled.
To do that, simply run the async function, or pass the async enabler flag separately to each method call, if you want to make only some calls async.

This will enable async mode for all MadelineProto functions:

// ...
yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(...);

This will enable async mode for only one specific call of a MadelineProto function (by adding a new array parameter after all the required parameters):

yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(..., ['async' => true]);

Using the MadelineProto async API

As mentioned earlier, you can only use the yield operator within functions, but not just any function, for example (WILL NOT WORK):

$sm = function ($chatID, $message) use ($MadelineProto) {
    $id = (yield $MadelineProto->getInfo($chatID, ['async' => true]))['bot_api_id'];
    $res = yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMesssage(['peer' => $chatID, 'message' => "Message from: $id\n$message"], ['async' => true]);
    return $res;
$result = $sm('@danogentili', 'hi');

This will not work, because the result of a function that uses yield is not the returned value, but a generator, which is what the async AMPHP API is based on.
If the generator is not passed to the AMPHP event loop, execution of the function will not be resumed: when MadelineProto asynchronously obtains the result of the getInfo, execution of the function is never resumed, and the line with sendMessage is never called.
To avoid this problem, only call asynchronous functions in the event/callback update handler, or in functions called by the event/callback update handler, or inside a function passed to loop.
You can also call asynchronous functions created by you, within other asynchronous functions.
Generators in MadelineProto are equivalent to promises, which is a paradigm you may have used in other languages.

Async in event handler:

class EventHandler extends \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler
    public function onAny($update)
        if (isset($update['message']['out']) && $update['message']['out']) {
        if (isset($update['message']['media']) && $update['message']['media']['_'] !== 'messageMediaGame') {
            yield $this->downloadToDir($update, '/tmp');
            yield $this->messages->sendMedia(['peer' => $update, 'message' => $update['message']['message'], 'media' => $update]);

        $res = json_encode($update, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

        yield $this->sleep(3);

        try {
            yield $this->sm($update, "<code>$res</code>\nAsynchronously, after 3 seconds");
        } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\RPCErrorException $e) {
            \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log((string) $e, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR);
        } catch (\danog\MadelineProto\Exception $e) {
            \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::log((string) $e, \danog\MadelineProto\Logger::FATAL_ERROR);
    public function sm($peer, $message)
        yield $this->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $peer, 'message' => $message, 'reply_to_msg_id' => isset($update['message']['id']) ? $update['message']['id'] : null, 'parse_mode' => 'HTML']);

Async in callback handler:

$MadelineProto->setCallback(function ($update) use ($MadelineProto) {
    if (isset($update['message']['out']) && $update['message']['out']) {
    yield $MadelineProto->sleep(3);
    yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => $update, 'message' => 'Hi after 3 seconds']);

Wrapped async

$MadelineProto->loop(function () use ($MadelineProto) {
    yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => '@danogentili', 'message' => 'hi']);
    // You can also have an asynchronous get_updates (deprecated) loop in here, if you want to; just don't forget to use yield for all MadelineProto functions.

You can pass a promise or an async function to the loop function, and it will block until it is resolved.

Ignored async

$MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => '@danogentili', 'message' => 'a'], ['async' => true]);
$MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => '@danogentili', 'message' => 'b'], ['async' => true]);

You can use the async version of MadelineProto functions without yield if you don't want the request to block, and you don't need the result of the function.
This is allowed, but the order of the function calls will not be guaranteed: you can use call queues if you want to make sure the order of the calls remains the same. See async forking.

Multiple async

yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage([
    'multiple' => true,
    ['peer' => '@danogentili', 'message' => 'hi'],
    ['peer' => '@apony', 'message' => 'hi']

This is the preferred way of combining multiple method calls: this way, the MadelineProto async WriteLoop will combine all method calls in one container, making everything WAY faster.
The result of this will be an array of results, whose type is determined by the original return type of the method (see API docs).

The order of method calls can be guaranteed (server-side, not by MadelineProto) by using call queues.

ArrayAccess async

You can do async ArrayAccess on promises.

Now instead of doing this:

$id = (yield $MadelineProto->getPwrChat('danogentili'))['bot_api_id'];

You can simply do this:

$id = yield $MadelineProto->getPwrChat('danogentili')['bot_api_id'];

Setting attributes asynchronously is also supported (it's kind of useless, but it's useful if you have some custom logic, like for example a method that returns a custom ArrayAccess class with a set method that does something magical).

$Id = yield $MadelineProto->getPwrChat('danogentili')['bot_api_id'] = 'pony';

isset and unset aren't supported due to the fact that in PHP, isset and unset aren't proper functions but language constructs (logically).
You have to do this, instead:

$set = isset((yield $MadelineProto->getPwrChat('danogentili'))['bot_api_id']);


$result = yield $MadelineProto->getPwrChat('danogentili');
$set = isset($result['bot_api_id']);

Also, ArrayAccess on raw generators still isn't supported unless you wrap them in a coroutine using $MadelineProto->call:

public function ponyAsync()
    return yield $MadelineProto->getInfo('danogentili');
// public function onUpdateNewMessage....

$set = yield $this->ponyAsync()['id'];

// Will work
$set = (yield $this->ponyAsync())['id'];

// Will work
$set = $MadelineProto->call(yield $this->ponyAsync())['id'];

public function pony()
    return $MadelineProto->call($this->ponyAsync());

// Will work
$set = yield $this->pony()['id'];

Blocking async

$result = blocking_function();

Sometimes, you have to call non-async functions in your code: that is allowed in async MadelineProto, you just have to call your functions normally without yield.
However, you shouldn't do (or need to do) this, because this renders async completely useless.
AMPHP and MadelineProto already provide async versions of curl, file_get_contents, MySQL, redis, postgres, and many more native PHP functions:

MadelineProto and AMPHP async APIs

MadelineProto and AMPHP both provide a lot of async functions: all of MadelineProto's functions are async, for example; and AMPHP provides multiple packages to work asynchronously with HTTP requests, websockets, databases (MySQL, redis, postgres, DNS, sockets and much more!
When using AMPHP libraries, you just have to use them with yield, no need to start the event loop, as long as you're running the functions inside MadelineProto's update handler/loop.

Also, you should read the AMPHP docs, especially the event loop docs: AMPHP provides multiple helper methods for executing actions repeatedly every N seconds in a non-blocking manner, or to defer execution of certain actions (aka async cron).

Helper methods

MadelineProto also provides a few generic async helper methods: when possible, always use MadelineProto's wrapped versions of the amphp combinators and amphp helpers instead of original amphp methods (all, any, some, first, ...).

Async sleep (does not block the main thread)

yield $MadelineProto->sleep(3);

Async readline (does not block the main thread)

$res = yield $MadelineProto->readLine('Optional prompt');

Async echo (does not block the main thread)

yield $MadelineProto->echo('Hello'.PHP_EOL);

MadelineProto artax HTTP client

When using amphp's artax to make high-speed asynchronous HTTP requests (downloading files, etc.), use MadelineProto's modified Artax client, instead.
It automatically supports the socks/HTTP proxies specified in MadelineProto's settings (will use proxies only if the file can't be downloaded normally), and soon DoH for greater security.

To use MadelineProto's artax client, instead of creating artax's default client:

$client = new Amp\Artax\DefaultClient;

Simply get MadelineProto's artax client:

$client = $MadelineProto->getHTTPClient();

From here it's like in the artax docs.

MadelineProto also provides a simplified async version of file_get_contents:

$result = yield $MadelineProto->fileGetContents('https://myurl');

Async forking (does async green-thread forking)

Useful if you need to start a process in the background and you want throwed exceptions to surface up.
These exceptions will exit the event loop, turning off the script unless you wrap $MadelineProto->loop() with a try-catch.
Use it when you do not need the result of a method (see ignored async), but you want eventual errors to crash the script.
Otherwise, just use the method without yield.

// Exceptions will surface out of the event loop()
// Exceptions will be ignored

// Like the first one, but the call will be deferred to the next event loop tick

Ignoring exceptions is usually not good practice, so it's best to wrap the method you're calling in a closure with a try-catch with some error handling code inside of it, calling it right after that and passing it to callFork:

$MadelineProto->callFork((function () use ($MadelineProto) {
    try {
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        // Handle by logging and stuff

Async flock

$unlock = yield $MadelineProto->flock($filePath, LOCK_SH);
try {
    // ...
} finally {

This will asynchronously wait for a lock on $filePath (creating it if it doesn't exist).
The locking mode can be LOCK_SH (shared locks), LOCK_EX (exclusive locks), as with the PHP flock function.
A third optional parameter can be set, to specify a polling interval in seconds (0.1 by default).

Combining async operations

These methods can be used to execute multiple async operations simultaneously and wait for the result of all of them.
Each method has different error handling techniques, see the amphp docs.
Note that if you just take the result of these methods without yielding it, you can use it as a normal promise/generator.

Note: this is not the recommended method to make multiple method calls on the same instance of MadelineProto; use this only for non-API methods like start(); for API methods, use multiple async.

$promise1 = $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(...);
$promise2 = $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(...);
// $promise3 = ...;

// Equivalent to Amp\Promise\all(), but works with generators, too
$results = yield $MadelineProto->all([$promise1, $promise2, $generator3]);

// Equivalent to Amp\Promise\first(), but works with generators, too
$results = yield $MadelineProto->first([$promise1, $promise2, $generator3]);

// Equivalent to Amp\Promise\any(), but works with generators, too
$results = yield $MadelineProto->any([$promise1, $promise2, $generator3]);

// Equivalent to Amp\Promise\some(), but works with generators, too
$results = yield $MadelineProto->some([$promise1, $promise2, $generator3]);

Handling timeouts

These methods can be used to wait for a certain amount of time for a result, and then throw an Amp\TimeoutException or simply continue execution if no result was obtained.

// Waits for the result for 2 seconds and then throws an \Amp\TimeoutException
$result = yield $MadelineProto->timeout($promise, 2)

// Waits for the result for 2 seconds, returns the result or null (which is the result of sleep())
$result = yield $MadelineProto->first([$promise, $MadelineProto->sleep(2)]);

Async loop APIs

MadelineProto provides a very useful async loop APIs, for executing operations periodically or on demand.
It's a more flexible and powerful alternative to AMPHP's repeat, allowing dynamically changeable repeat periods, resumes and signaling.
All loop APIs are defined by one or more interfaces: however, to use them, you would usually have to extend only one of the abstract class implementations.


A basic loop, capable of running in background (asynchronously) the code contained in the loop function.


namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop;

interface LoopInterface
     * Start the loop.
     * @return void
    public function start();

     * The actual loop.
     * @return void
    public function loop();

     * Get name of the loop
     * @return string
    public function __toString(): string;

Usually one would extend the Loop implementation.
The loop function will be run only once, every time the start method (already implemented in the abstract Impl class we're extending) is called.
The start method returns a promise that resolves when the loop finishes running.
Multiple calls to start will be ignored, logging an error and returning false instead of true.
You can use the isRunning method to check if the loop is already running.
The __toString method still has to be implemented in order to get the name of the loop, that will be used by the MadelineProto logging mechanism every time the loop starts/exits/fails to start.
By default, an instance of MadelineProto MUST be passed to the constructor of the function, or if a custom constructor is defined, the $this->API property MUST be set to an instance of MadelineProto.

use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl\Loop;
class MyLoop extends Loop
    private $callable;
    public function __construct($API, $callable)
        $this->API = $API;
        $this->callable = $callable;
    public function loop()
        $MadelineProto = $this->API;
        $logger = &$MadelineProto->logger;
        $callable = $this->callable;

        $result = null;
        while (true) {
            $params = yield $callable($result);
            $result = yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage($params);
    public function __toString(): string
        return "my custom loop";

The loop can be instantiated and start()ed, and this will automatically run the code in the loop in background.
If, however, only your loop is started (without an event handling loop), you have to pass the promise returned by $loop->start() to $MadelineProto->loop.
Do NOT do this if you've already started $MadelineProto->loop().

$loop = new MyLoop;


A way more useful loop that exposes APIs to pause and resume the execution of the loop, both from outside of the loop, and in a cron-like manner from inside of the loop.


namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop;

interface ResumableLoopInterface extends LoopInterface
     * Pause the loop.
     * @param int $time For how long to pause the loop, if null will pause forever (until resume is called from outside of the loop)
     * @return Promise
    public function pause($time = null): Promise;

     * Resume the loop.
     * @return void
    public function resume();

Usually one would extend the ResumableSignalLoop implementation.
An example implementation can be seen in the ResumableSignalLoop section of this page.


Yet another loop interface that exposes APIs to send signals to the loop, useful to force the termination of a loop from the outside, or to send data into it.


namespace danog\MadelineProto\Loop;

interface SignalLoopInterface extends LoopInterface
     * Resolve the promise or return|throw the signal.
     * @param Promise $promise The origin promise
     * @return Promise
    public function waitSignal($promise): Promise;

     * Send a signal to the the loop.
     * @param Exception|any $data Signal to send
     * @return void
    public function signal($data);

Usually one would extend the ResumableSignalLoop implementation.
An example implementation can be seen in the ResumableSignalLoop section of this page.
If you want, you can also extend only the SignalLoop implementation, but usually a combination of the SignalLoop and ResumableLoop implementations is used, so read on to find out how to do that.


This is what you would usually use to build a full async loop.
All loop interfaces and loop implementations are combined into one single abstract class you can extend.

use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Impl\ResumableSignalLoop;
class MySuperLoop extends ResumableSignalLoop
    private $timeout;
    public function __construct($API, $timeout)
        $this->API = $API;
        $this->timeout = $timeout;
    public function loop()
        $MadelineProto = $this->API;
        $logger = &$MadelineProto->logger;

        while (true) {
            $t = time();

            $result = yield $this->waitSignal($this->pause($this->timeout));
            if ($result <= 0) {
            } else if ($result > 0) {
                $this->timeout = $result;
            $t = time() - $t;
            $result = yield $MadelineProto->messages->sendMessage(
                    'peer'    => '...',
                    'message' => "Resumed after $t seconds of timeout"
    public function __toString(): string
        return "my cron signal loop";

ResumableSignalLoop implementation.
As with the Loop.

The difference now is that you can use the pause method to pause execution of the loop for a certain period of time (in seconds, supports decimals).
If null is passed, execution will be suspended forever (or until resume is called from outside of the loop).

If the promise returned by pause (or by any other async method) is passed to waitSignal, and the result is yielded, execution will be suspended for the specified amount of time|forever, or until a signal is received through the signal method.
The passed signal will then be returned as result of the waitSignal method, and can be used to stop the loop, or simply as a message exchange mechanism.


If you want a simpler way to use the ResumableSignalLoop, you can use the GenericLoop.
The constructor accepts three parameters:

     * Constructor
     * @param \danog\MadelineProto\API $API Instance of MadelineProto
     * @param callback $callback Callback to run
     * @param string $name Fetcher name
    public function __construct($API, $callback, $name) { // ...


use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Generic\GenericLoop;
$loop = new GenericLoop(
    function () {
        yield $this->API->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => '...', 'message' => 'Hi every 2 seconds']);

        return 2;
    "My super loop"

The callback will be bound to the GenericLoop instance: this means that you will be able to use $this as if the callback were actually the loop function (you can access the API property, use the pause/waitSignal methods & so on).
The return value of the callable can be:

  • A number - the loop will be paused for the specified number of seconds
  • GenericLoop::STOP - The loop will stop
  • GenericLoop::PAUSE - The loop will pause forever (or until the resume method is called on the loop object from outside the loop)
  • GenericLoop::CONTINUE - Return this if you want to rerun the loop without waiting

If the callable does not return anything, the loop will behave is if GenericLoop::PAUSE was returned.


If you simply want to execute an action every N seconds, PeriodicLoop is the way to go.
The constructor accepts four parameters:

     * Constructor.
     * @param \danog\MadelineProto\API $API      Instance of MTProto class
     * @param callable                 $callback Callback to call
     * @param string                   $name     Loop name
     * @param int|float                $timeout  Loop timeout
    public function __construct($API, callable $callback, string $name, $timeout) { // ...


use danog\MadelineProto\Loop\Generic\PeriodicLoop;
$loop = new PeriodicLoop(
    function () use (&$loop) {
        yield $this->API->messages->sendMessage(['peer' => '...', 'message' => 'Hi every 2 seconds']);
    "My super loop",

Unlike GenericLoop, the callback will not be bound to the GenericLoop instance. You can still command the loop by using the pause/waitSignal methods from the outside or by capturing the loop instance in a closure like shown above.

Next section