2020-06-16 17:50:25 +02:00

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botInlineMediaResult Media result

Constructor: botInlineMediaResult

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Media result


Name Type Required Description
id string Yes Result ID
type string Yes Result type (see bot API docs)
photo Photo Optional If type is photo, the photo to send
document Document Optional If type is document, the document to send
title string Optional Result title
description string Optional Description
send_message BotInlineMessage Yes Depending on the type and on the constructor, contains the caption of the media or the content of the message to be sent instead of the media

Type: BotInlineResult


$botInlineMediaResult = ['_' => 'botInlineMediaResult', 'id' => 'string', 'type' => 'string', 'photo' => Photo, 'document' => Document, 'title' => 'string', 'description' => 'string', 'send_message' => BotInlineMessage];

Or, if you're into Lua:

botInlineMediaResult={_='botInlineMediaResult', id='string', type='string', photo=Photo, document=Document, title='string', description='string', send_message=BotInlineMessage}