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title: danog\MadelineProto\MTProto: Manages all of the mtproto stuff.
# `danog\MadelineProto\MTProto`
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> Author: Daniil Gentili <>
Manages all of the mtproto stuff.
Generated by [danog/phpdoc](
## Constants
* `danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::RELEASE`: Release version.
* `danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::NOT_LOGGED_IN`: We're not logged in.
* `danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::WAITING_CODE`: We're waiting for the login code.
* `danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::WAITING_SIGNUP`: We're waiting for parameters to sign up.
* `danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::WAITING_PASSWORD`: We're waiting for the 2FA password.
* `danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::LOGGED_IN`: We're logged in.
* `danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::SECRET_EMPTY`: Secret chat was not found.
* `danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::SECRET_REQUESTED`: Secret chat was requested.
* `danog\MadelineProto\MTProto::SECRET_READY`: Secret chat was found.
## Method list:
* `serializeSession(): \Generator`
* `serializeAll(): void`
* `cleanup(): \Generator`
* `logger(string $param, int $level, string $file): void`
* `getMethodNamespaces(): array`
* `getMethodsNamespaced(): array`
* `getTL(): \danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL`
* `getLogger()`
* `getPsrLogger()`
* `getHTTPClient(): \Amp\Http\Client\HttpClient`
* `getDNSClient(): \Amp\Dns\Resolver`
* `fileGetContents(string $url): \Generator`
* `getDataCenterConnections(): \danog\MadelineProto\DataCenterConnection[]`
* `getDataCenterId(): int|string`
* `isIpc(): bool`
* `updateSettings(\danog\MadelineProto\SettingsAbstract $settings): \Generator`
* `getSettings(): \danog\MadelineProto\Settings`
* `setupLogger(): void`
* `hasAllAuth(): bool`
* `connectToAllDcs(bool $reconnectAll): \Generator`
* `resetUpdateState(): void`
* `getCdnConfig(string $datacenter): \Generator`
* `getCachedConfig(): array`
* `getConfig(array $config, array $options): \Generator`
* `getSelf(): array|bool`
* `fullGetSelf(): \Generator<array|bool>`
* `getAuthorization(): int`
* `getHint(): string`
* `hasReportPeers(): bool`
* `setReportPeers(int|string $userOrId): \Generator`
* `report(string $message, string $parseMode): \Generator`
* `getAllMethods(): array`
* `getMethodCallbacks(): array`
* `getMethodBeforeCallbacks(): array`
* `getConstructorCallbacks(): array`
* `getConstructorBeforeCallbacks(): array`
* `getConstructorSerializeCallbacks(): array`
* `getTypeMismatchCallbacks(): array`
* `init(): void`
* `initAsynchronously(): \Generator`
* `inited(): bool`
* `forceInit(bool $inited): void`
* `methodCall(string $method, array|\Generator $args, array $aargs): mixed`
* `methodCallAsyncRead(string $method, array|\Generator $args, array $aargs): \Generator`
* `methodCallAsyncWrite(string $method, array|\Generator $args, array $aargs): \Generator`
* `toSupergroup(int $id): float|int`
* `fromSupergroup(int $id): float|int`
* `isSupergroup(int $id): bool`
* `addUser(array $user): \Generator`
* `peerIsset(mixed $id): \Generator`
* `getFolderId(mixed $id): ?int`
* `getId(mixed $id): int`
* `getInfo(mixed $id, bool $recursive): \Generator Info object`
* `fullChatLastUpdated(mixed $id): \Generator<int>`
* `getFullInfo(mixed $id): \Generator FullInfo object`
* `getPwrChat(mixed $id): \Generator<array> Chat object`
* `resolveUsername(string $username): \Generator`
* `uploadFromUrl(string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $url, int $size, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
* `uploadFromCallable(mixed $callable, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $seekable, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
* `uploadFromTgfile(mixed $media, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
* `getFileInfo(mixed $constructor): \Generator<array>`
* `getPropicInfo(mixed $messageMedia): \Generator<array>`
* `extractBotAPIFile(array $info): ?array`
* `getDownloadInfo(mixed $messageMedia): \Generator<array>`
* `downloadToDir(mixed $messageMedia, string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $dir, callable $cb): \Generator`
* `downloadToFile(mixed $messageMedia, string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $file, callable $cb): \Generator Downloaded file path`
* `downloadToCallable(mixed $messageMedia, callable|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $callable, callable $cb, bool $seekable, int $offset, int $end, int $part_size): \Generator`
* `downloadToBrowser(array|string $messageMedia, callable $cb): \Generator`
* `downloadToStream(mixed $messageMedia, mixed|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $stream, callable $cb, int $offset, int $end): \Generator`
* `downloadToResponse(array|string $messageMedia, \ServerRequest $request, callable $cb): \Generator Returned response`
* `uploadEncrypted(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file, string $fileName, callable $cb): \Generator`
* `upload(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
* `uploadFromStream(mixed $stream, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
* `acceptSecretChat(array $params): \Generator`
* `requestSecretChat(mixed $user): \Generator`
* `rekey(int $chat): \Generator`
* `secretChatStatus(int $chat): \int One of MTProto::SECRET_EMPTY, MTProto::SECRET_REQUESTED, MTProto::SECRET_READY`
* `getSecretChat(array|int $chat): array`
* `hasSecretChat(array|int $chat): bool`
* `discardSecretChat(int $chat): \Generator`
* `mbStrlen(string $text): float|int`
* `mbSubstr(string $text, int $offset, ?int $length): string`
* `mbStrSplit(string $text, int $length): array`
* `MTProtoToBotAPI(array $data): \Generator<array>`
* `botAPIToMTProto(array $arguments): \Generator<array>`
* `unpackFileId(string $fileId): \array Unpacked file ID`
* `tdcliToTd(array $params, array $key): array`
* `tdToMTProto(array $params): \Generator<array>`
* `MTProtoToTdcli(mixed $params): \Generator`
* `MTProtoToTd(mixed $params): \Generator`
* `tdToTdcli(mixed $params): mixed`
* `requestCall(mixed $user): \Generator`
* `acceptCall(array $call): \Generator`
* `confirmCall(array $params): \Generator`
* `completeCall(array $params): \Generator`
* `callStatus(int $id): int`
* `getCall(int $call): array`
* `discardCall(array $call, array $reason, array $rating, bool $need_debug): \Generator`
* `getDialogs(bool $force): \Generator`
* `getFullDialogs(bool $force): \Generator`
* `setEventHandler(class-string<\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler> $eventHandler): \Generator`
* `unsetEventHandler(bool $disableUpdateHandling): void`
* `getEventHandler(): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler`
* `hasEventHandler(): bool`
* `setWebhook(string $hook_url, string $pem_path): void`
* `setCallback(callable $callback): void`
* `logout(): \Generator`
* `botLogin(string $token): \Generator`
* `phoneLogin(string $number, int $sms_type): \Generator`
* `completePhoneLogin(string $code): \Generator`
* `importAuthorization(mixed $authorization): \Generator`
* `exportAuthorization(): \Generator`
* `completeSignup(string $first_name, string $last_name): \Generator`
* `complete2faLogin(string $password): \Generator`
* `update2fa(array $params): \Generator`
* `initSelfRestart(): void`
* `loop(callable|null $callback): \Generator`
* `stop(): void`
* `restart(): void`
* `loopFork(): \Amp\Promise`
* `closeConnection(string $message): void`
* `setNoop(): void`
* `start(): \Generator`
* `getWebTemplate(): string`
* `setWebTemplate(string $template): void`
* `checkTos(): \Generator`
* `acceptTos(): \Generator`
* `declineTos(): \Generator`
## Methods:
### `serializeSession(): \Generator`
Serialize session, returning object to serialize to db.
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `serializeAll(): void`
Serialize all instances.
### `cleanup(): \Generator`
Cleanup memory and session file.
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `logger(string $param, int $level, string $file): void`
* `$param`: `string` Parameter
* `$level`: `int` Logging level
* `$file`: `string` File where the message originated
### `getMethodNamespaces(): array`
Get TL namespaces.
### `getMethodsNamespaced(): array`
Get namespaced methods (method => namespace).
### `getTL(): \danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL`
Get TL serializer.
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\TL\TL`: TL serialization.](./TL/
### `getLogger()`
Get logger.
### `getPsrLogger()`
Get PSR logger.
### `getHTTPClient(): \Amp\Http\Client\HttpClient`
Get async HTTP client.
#### See also:
* `\Amp\Http\Client\HttpClient`
### `getDNSClient(): \Amp\Dns\Resolver`
Get async DNS client.
#### See also:
* `\Amp\Dns\Resolver`
### `fileGetContents(string $url): \Generator`
Get contents of remote file asynchronously.
* `$url`: `string` URL
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int, \Amp\Promise<string>, mixed, string>
#### See also:
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Generator`
### `getDataCenterConnections(): \danog\MadelineProto\DataCenterConnection[]`
Get all datacenter connections.
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\DataCenterConnection`: Datacenter connection.](./
### `getDataCenterId(): int|string`
Get main DC ID.
### `isIpc(): bool`
Whether we're an IPC client instance.
### `updateSettings(\danog\MadelineProto\SettingsAbstract $settings): \Generator`
Parse, update and store settings.
* `$settings`: `\danog\MadelineProto\SettingsAbstract` Settings
#### See also:
* `\danog\MadelineProto\SettingsAbstract`
* `\Generator`
### `getSettings(): \danog\MadelineProto\Settings`
Return current settings.
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\Settings`: Settings class used for configuring MadelineProto.](./
### `setupLogger(): void`
Setup logger.
### `hasAllAuth(): bool`
Checks whether all datacenters are authorized.
### `connectToAllDcs(bool $reconnectAll): \Generator`
Connects to all datacenters and if necessary creates authorization keys, binds them and writes client info.
* `$reconnectAll`: `bool` Whether to reconnect to all DCs
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `resetUpdateState(): void`
Reset the update state and fetch all updates from the beginning.
### `getCdnConfig(string $datacenter): \Generator`
Store RSA keys for CDN datacenters.
* `$datacenter`: `string` DC ID
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `getCachedConfig(): array`
Get cached server-side config.
### `getConfig(array $config, array $options): \Generator`
Get cached (or eventually re-fetch) server-side config.
* `$config`: `array` Current config
* `$options`: `array` Options for method call
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `getSelf(): array|bool`
Get info about the logged-in user, cached.
### `fullGetSelf(): \Generator<array|bool>`
Get info about the logged-in user, not cached.
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `getAuthorization(): int`
Get authorization info.
### `getHint(): string`
Get current password hint.
### `hasReportPeers(): bool`
Check if has report peers.
### `setReportPeers(int|string $userOrId): \Generator`
Set peer(s) where to send errors occurred in the event loop.
* `$userOrId`: `int|string` Username(s) or peer ID(s)
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `report(string $message, string $parseMode): \Generator`
Report an error to the previously set peer.
* `$message`: `string` Error to report
* `$parseMode`: `string` Parse mode
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `getAllMethods(): array`
Get full list of MTProto and API methods.
### `getMethodCallbacks(): array`
Called right before serialization of method starts.
Pass the method name
### `getMethodBeforeCallbacks(): array`
Called right before serialization of method starts.
Pass the method name
### `getConstructorCallbacks(): array`
Called right after deserialization of object, passing the final object.
### `getConstructorBeforeCallbacks(): array`
Called right before deserialization of object.
Pass only the constructor name
### `getConstructorSerializeCallbacks(): array`
Called right before serialization of constructor.
Passed the object, will return a modified version.
### `getTypeMismatchCallbacks(): array`
Called if objects of the specified type cannot be serialized.
Passed the unserializable object,
will try to convert it to an object of the proper type.
### `init(): void`
Blockingly init.
### `initAsynchronously(): \Generator`
Asynchronously init.
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `inited(): bool`
Check if we've already inited.
### `forceInit(bool $inited): void`
Mark instance as (de)inited forcefully.
* `$inited`: `bool` Whether to mark the instance as inited or deinited
### `methodCall(string $method, array|\Generator $args, array $aargs): mixed`
Synchronous wrapper for methodCall.
* `$method`: `string` Method name
* `$args`: `array|\Generator` Arguments
Full type:
array|\Generator<mixed, mixed, mixed, array>
* `$aargs`: `array` Additional arguments
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `methodCallAsyncRead(string $method, array|\Generator $args, array $aargs): \Generator`
Call method and wait asynchronously for response.
If the $aargs['noResponse'] is true, will not wait for a response.
* `$method`: `string` Method name
* `$args`: `array|\Generator` Arguments
Full type:
array|\Generator<mixed, mixed, mixed, array>
* `$aargs`: `array` Additional arguments
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `methodCallAsyncWrite(string $method, array|\Generator $args, array $aargs): \Generator`
Call method and make sure it is asynchronously sent.
* `$method`: `string` Method name
* `$args`: `array|\Generator` Arguments
Full type:
array|\Generator<mixed, mixed, mixed, array>
* `$aargs`: `array` Additional arguments
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `toSupergroup(int $id): float|int`
Convert MTProto channel ID to bot API channel ID.
* `$id`: `int` MTProto channel ID
### `fromSupergroup(int $id): float|int`
Convert bot API channel ID to MTProto channel ID.
* `$id`: `int` Bot API channel ID
### `isSupergroup(int $id): bool`
Check whether provided bot API ID is a channel.
* `$id`: `int` Bot API ID
### `addUser(array $user): \Generator`
Add user info.
* `$user`: `array` User info
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `peerIsset(mixed $id): \Generator`
Check if peer is present in internal peer database.
* `$id`: `mixed` Peer
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|array, mixed, bool>
#### See also:
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Generator`
### `getFolderId(mixed $id): ?int`
Get folder ID from object.
* `$id`: `mixed` Object
### `getId(mixed $id): int`
Get bot API ID from peer object.
* `$id`: `mixed` Peer
### `getInfo(mixed $id, bool $recursive): \Generator Info object`
Get info about peer, returns an Info object.
* `$id`: `mixed` Peer
* `$recursive`: `bool` Internal
Return value: Info object
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<string>|array, mixed, array{InputPeer: array{_: string, user_id?: mixed, access_hash?: mixed, min?: mixed, chat_id?: mixed, channel_id?: mixed}, Peer: array{_: string, user_id?: mixed, chat_id?: mixed, channel_id?: mixed}, DialogPeer: array{_: string, peer: array{_: string, user_id?: mixed, chat_id?: mixed, channel_id?: mixed}}, NotifyPeer: array{_: string, peer: array{_: string, user_id?: mixed, chat_id?: mixed, channel_id?: mixed}}, InputDialogPeer: array{_: string, peer: array{_: string, user_id?: mixed, access_hash?: mixed, min?: mixed, chat_id?: mixed, channel_id?: mixed}}, InputNotifyPeer: array{_: string, peer: array{_: string, user_id?: mixed, access_hash?: mixed, min?: mixed, chat_id?: mixed, channel_id?: mixed}}, bot_api_id: int|string, user_id?: int, chat_id?: int, channel_id?: int, InputUser?: array{_: string, user_id?: int, access_hash?: mixed, min?: bool}, InputChannel?: array{_: string, channel_id: int, access_hash: mixed, min: bool}, type: string}>
#### See also:
* [](
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Generator`
### `fullChatLastUpdated(mixed $id): \Generator<int>`
When were full info for this chat last cached.
* `$id`: `mixed` Chat ID
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `getFullInfo(mixed $id): \Generator FullInfo object`
Get full info about peer, returns an FullInfo object.
* `$id`: `mixed` Peer
Return value: FullInfo object
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|array, mixed, array>
#### See also:
* [](
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Generator`
### `getPwrChat(mixed $id): \Generator<array> Chat object`
Get full info about peer (including full list of channel members), returns a Chat object.
* `$id`: `mixed` Peer
Return value: Chat object
#### See also:
* [](
### `resolveUsername(string $username): \Generator`
Resolve username (use getInfo instead).
* `$username`: `string` Username
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `uploadFromUrl(string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $url, int $size, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
Upload file from URL.
* `$url`: `string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface` URL of file
* `$size`: `int` Size of file
* `$fileName`: `string` File name
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
* `$encrypted`: `bool` Whether to encrypt file for secret chats
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\Http\Client\Response>|\Amp\Promise<int>|\Amp\Promise<null|string>|\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface|array|int|mixed, mixed, mixed>
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface`: File callback interface.](./
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Amp\Http\Client\Response`
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface`: Generic stream interface.](./Stream/
* `\Generator`
### `uploadFromCallable(mixed $callable, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $seekable, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
Upload file from callable.
The callable must accept two parameters: int $offset, int $size
The callable must return a string with the contest of the file at the specified offset and size.
* `$callable`: `mixed` Callable
* `$size`: `int` File size
* `$mime`: `string` Mime type
* `$fileName`: `string` File name
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
* `$seekable`: `bool` Whether chunks can be fetched out of order
* `$encrypted`: `bool` Whether to encrypt file for secret chats
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<array>, mixed, array{_: string, id: string, parts: int, name: string, mime_type: string, key_fingerprint?: mixed, key?: mixed, iv?: mixed, md5_checksum: string}>
#### See also:
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Generator`
### `uploadFromTgfile(mixed $media, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
Reupload telegram file.
* `$media`: `mixed` Telegram file
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
* `$encrypted`: `bool` Whether to encrypt file for secret chats
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|array, mixed, mixed>
#### See also:
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Generator`
### `getFileInfo(mixed $constructor): \Generator<array>`
Get info about file.
* `$constructor`: `mixed` File ID
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `getPropicInfo(mixed $messageMedia): \Generator<array>`
Get download info of the propic of a user
Returns an array with the following structure:.
`$info['ext']` - The file extension
`$info['name']` - The file name, without the extension
`$info['mime']` - The file mime type
`$info['size']` - The file size
* `$messageMedia`: `mixed` File ID
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `extractBotAPIFile(array $info): ?array`
Extract file info from bot API message.
* `$info`: `array` Bot API message object
### `getDownloadInfo(mixed $messageMedia): \Generator<array>`
Get download info of file
Returns an array with the following structure:.
`$info['ext']` - The file extension
`$info['name']` - The file name, without the extension
`$info['mime']` - The file mime type
`$info['size']` - The file size
* `$messageMedia`: `mixed` File ID
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `downloadToDir(mixed $messageMedia, string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $dir, callable $cb): \Generator`
Download file to directory.
* `$messageMedia`: `mixed` File to download
* `$dir`: `string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface` Directory where to download the file
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\File\File>|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket>|\Amp\Promise<callable|null>|\Amp\Promise<mixed>|array|bool|mixed, mixed, false|string>
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface`: File callback interface.](./
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Amp\File\File`
* `\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket`
* `\Generator`
### `downloadToFile(mixed $messageMedia, string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $file, callable $cb): \Generator Downloaded file path`
Download file.
* `$messageMedia`: `mixed` File to download
* `$file`: `string|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface` Downloaded file path
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
Return value: Downloaded file path
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\File\File>|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket>|\Amp\Promise<callable|null>|\Amp\Promise<mixed>|array|bool|mixed, mixed, false|string>
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface`: File callback interface.](./
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Amp\File\File`
* `\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket`
* `\Generator`
### `downloadToCallable(mixed $messageMedia, callable|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $callable, callable $cb, bool $seekable, int $offset, int $end, int $part_size): \Generator`
Download file to callable.
The callable must accept two parameters: string $payload, int $offset
The callable will be called (possibly out of order, depending on the value of $seekable).
The callable should return the number of written bytes.
* `$messageMedia`: `mixed` File to download
* `$callable`: `callable|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface` Chunk callback
* `$cb`: `callable` Status callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
* `$seekable`: `bool` Whether the callable can be called out of order
* `$offset`: `int` Offset where to start downloading
* `$end`: `int` Offset where to stop downloading (inclusive)
* `$part_size`: `int` Size of each chunk
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|array, mixed, true>
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface`: File callback interface.](./
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Generator`
### `downloadToBrowser(array|string $messageMedia, callable $cb): \Generator`
Download file to browser.
Supports HEAD requests and content-ranges for parallel and resumed downloads.
* `$messageMedia`: `array|string` File to download
* `$cb`: `callable` Status callback (can also use FileCallback)
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `downloadToStream(mixed $messageMedia, mixed|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface $stream, callable $cb, int $offset, int $end): \Generator`
Download file to stream.
* `$messageMedia`: `mixed` File to download
* `$stream`: `mixed|\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface` Stream where to download file
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
* `$offset`: `int` Offset where to start downloading
* `$end`: `int` Offset where to end download
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int, \Amp\Promise<\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket>|\Amp\Promise<mixed>|mixed, mixed, mixed>
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface`: File callback interface.](./
* `\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket`
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Generator`
### `downloadToResponse(array|string $messageMedia, \ServerRequest $request, callable $cb): \Generator Returned response`
Download file to amphp/http-server response.
Supports HEAD requests and content-ranges for parallel and resumed downloads.
* `$messageMedia`: `array|string` File to download
* `$request`: `\ServerRequest` Request
* `$cb`: `callable` Status callback (can also use FileCallback)
Return value: Returned response
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<mixed, array, mixed, \Amp\Http\Server\Response>
#### See also:
* `\ServerRequest`
* `\Amp\Http\Server\Response`
* `\Generator`
### `uploadEncrypted(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file, string $fileName, callable $cb): \Generator`
Upload file to secret chat.
* `$file`: `\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array` File, URL or Telegram file to upload
* `$fileName`: `string` File name
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\File\File>|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket>|\Amp\Promise<int>|\Amp\Promise<mixed>|\Amp\Promise<null|string>|\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface|array|int|mixed, mixed, mixed>
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface`: File callback interface.](./
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Amp\File\File`
* `\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket`
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface`: Generic stream interface.](./Stream/
* `\Generator`
### `upload(\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array $file, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
Upload file.
* `$file`: `\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface|string|array` File, URL or Telegram file to upload
* `$fileName`: `string` File name
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
* `$encrypted`: `bool` Whether to encrypt file for secret chats
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\File\File>|\Amp\Promise<\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket>|\Amp\Promise<int>|\Amp\Promise<mixed>|\Amp\Promise<null|string>|\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface|array|int|mixed, mixed, mixed>
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\FileCallbackInterface`: File callback interface.](./
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Amp\File\File`
* `\Amp\Ipc\Sync\ChannelledSocket`
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface`: Generic stream interface.](./Stream/
* `\Generator`
### `uploadFromStream(mixed $stream, int $size, string $mime, string $fileName, callable $cb, bool $encrypted): \Generator`
Upload file from stream.
* `$stream`: `mixed` PHP resource or AMPHP async stream
* `$size`: `int` File size
* `$mime`: `string` Mime type
* `$fileName`: `string` File name
* `$cb`: `callable` Callback (DEPRECATED, use FileCallbackInterface)
* `$encrypted`: `bool` Whether to encrypt file for secret chats
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int|mixed, \Amp\Promise|\Amp\Promise<int>|\Amp\Promise<null|string>|\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface|array|int|mixed, mixed, mixed>
#### See also:
* `\Amp\Promise`
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\Stream\StreamInterface`: Generic stream interface.](./Stream/
* `\Generator`
### `acceptSecretChat(array $params): \Generator`
Accept secret chat.
* `$params`: `array` Secret chat ID
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `requestSecretChat(mixed $user): \Generator`
Request secret chat.
* `$user`: `mixed` User to start secret chat with
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `rekey(int $chat): \Generator`
Rekey secret chat.
* `$chat`: `int` Secret chat to rekey
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `secretChatStatus(int $chat): \int One of MTProto::SECRET_EMPTY, MTProto::SECRET_REQUESTED, MTProto::SECRET_READY`
Get secret chat status.
* `$chat`: `int` Chat ID
### `getSecretChat(array|int $chat): array`
Get secret chat.
* `$chat`: `array|int` Secret chat ID
### `hasSecretChat(array|int $chat): bool`
Check whether secret chat exists.
* `$chat`: `array|int` Secret chat ID
### `discardSecretChat(int $chat): \Generator`
Discard secret chat.
* `$chat`: `int` Secret chat ID
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `mbStrlen(string $text): float|int`
Get Telegram UTF-8 length of string.
* `$text`: `string` Text
### `mbSubstr(string $text, int $offset, ?int $length): string`
Telegram UTF-8 multibyte substring.
* `$text`: `string` Text to substring
* `$offset`: `int` Offset
* `$length`: `?int` Length
### `mbStrSplit(string $text, int $length): array`
Telegram UTF-8 multibyte split.
* `$text`: `string` Text
* `$length`: `int` Length
### `MTProtoToBotAPI(array $data): \Generator<array>`
Convert MTProto parameters to bot API parameters.
* `$data`: `array` Data
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `botAPIToMTProto(array $arguments): \Generator<array>`
Convert bot API parameters to MTProto parameters.
* `$arguments`: `array` Arguments
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `unpackFileId(string $fileId): \array Unpacked file ID`
Unpack bot API file ID.
* `$fileId`: `string` Bot API file ID
Return value: Unpacked file ID
### `tdcliToTd(array $params, array $key): array`
Convert tdcli parameters to tdcli.
* `$params`: `array` Params
* `$key`: `array` Key
### `tdToMTProto(array $params): \Generator<array>`
Convert TD to MTProto parameters.
* `$params`: `array` Parameters
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `MTProtoToTdcli(mixed $params): \Generator`
MTProto to TDCLI params.
* `$params`: `mixed` Params
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `MTProtoToTd(mixed $params): \Generator`
MTProto to TD params.
* `$params`: `mixed` Params
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `tdToTdcli(mixed $params): mixed`
Convert TD parameters to tdcli.
* `$params`: `mixed` Parameters
### `requestCall(mixed $user): \Generator`
Request VoIP call.
* `$user`: `mixed` User
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `acceptCall(array $call): \Generator`
Accept call.
* `$call`: `array` Call
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `confirmCall(array $params): \Generator`
Confirm call.
* `$params`: `array` Params
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `completeCall(array $params): \Generator`
Complete call handshake.
* `$params`: `array` Params
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `callStatus(int $id): int`
Get call status.
* `$id`: `int` Call ID
### `getCall(int $call): array`
Get call info.
* `$call`: `int` Call ID
### `discardCall(array $call, array $reason, array $rating, bool $need_debug): \Generator`
Discard call.
* `$call`: `array` Call
* `$reason`: `array`
* `$rating`: `array` Rating
* `$need_debug`: `bool` Need debug?
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `getDialogs(bool $force): \Generator`
Get dialog peers.
* `$force`: `bool` Whether to refetch all dialogs ignoring cache
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<int, \Amp\Promise<bool>, mixed, list<mixed>>
#### See also:
* `\Amp\Promise`
* `\Generator`
### `getFullDialogs(bool $force): \Generator`
Get full info of all dialogs.
* `$force`: `bool` Whether to refetch all dialogs ignoring cache
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `setEventHandler(class-string<\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler> $eventHandler): \Generator`
Set event handler.
* `$eventHandler`: `class-string<\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler>` Event handler
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler`: Event handler.](./
* `\Generator`
### `unsetEventHandler(bool $disableUpdateHandling): void`
Unset event handler.
* `$disableUpdateHandling`: `bool` Whether to also disable internal update handling (will cause errors, otherwise will simply use the NOOP handler)
### `getEventHandler(): \danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler`
Get event handler.
#### See also:
* [`\danog\MadelineProto\EventHandler`: Event handler.](./
### `hasEventHandler(): bool`
Check if an event handler instance is present.
### `setWebhook(string $hook_url, string $pem_path): void`
Set webhook update handler.
* `$hook_url`: `string` Webhook URL
* `$pem_path`: `string` PEM path for self-signed certificate
### `setCallback(callable $callback): void`
Set update handling callback.
* `$callback`: `callable` Callback
### `logout(): \Generator`
Log out currently logged in user.
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `botLogin(string $token): \Generator`
Login as bot.
* `$token`: `string` Bot token
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `phoneLogin(string $number, int $sms_type): \Generator`
Login as user.
* `$number`: `string` Phone number
* `$sms_type`: `int` SMS type
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `completePhoneLogin(string $code): \Generator`
Complet user login using login code.
* `$code`: `string` Login code
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `importAuthorization(mixed $authorization): \Generator`
Import authorization.
* `$authorization`: `mixed` Authorization info
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `exportAuthorization(): \Generator`
Export authorization.
Fully typed return value:
\Generator<mixed, array|bool, mixed, array{0: int|string, 1: string}>
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `completeSignup(string $first_name, string $last_name): \Generator`
Complete signup to Telegram.
* `$first_name`: `string` First name
* `$last_name`: `string` Last name
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `complete2faLogin(string $password): \Generator`
Complete 2FA login.
* `$password`: `string` Password
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `update2fa(array $params): \Generator`
Update the 2FA password.
The params array can contain password, new_password, email and hint params.
* `$params`: `array` The params
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `initSelfRestart(): void`
Initialize self-restart hack.
### `loop(callable|null $callback): \Generator`
Start MadelineProto's update handling loop, or run the provided async callable.
* `$callback`: `callable|null` Async callable to run
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `stop(): void`
Stop update loop.
### `restart(): void`
Restart update loop.
### `loopFork(): \Amp\Promise`
Start MadelineProto's update handling loop in background.
#### See also:
* `\Amp\Promise`
### `closeConnection(string $message): void`
Close connection with client, connected via web.
* `$message`: `string` Message
### `setNoop(): void`
Set NOOP update handler, ignoring all updates.
### `start(): \Generator`
Log in to telegram (via CLI or web).
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `getWebTemplate(): string`
Get web template.
### `setWebTemplate(string $template): void`
Set web template.
* `$template`: `string` Template
### `checkTos(): \Generator`
Check for terms of service update.
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `acceptTos(): \Generator`
Accept terms of service update.
#### See also:
* `\Generator`
### `declineTos(): \Generator`
Decline terms of service update.
#### See also:
* `\Generator`