845 B

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recentMeUrlChatInvite Recent t.me invite link to a chat https://docs.madelineproto.xyz/favicons/android-chrome-256x256.png

Constructor: recentMeUrlChatInvite

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Recent t.me invite link to a chat


Name Type Required Description
url string Yes t.me URL
chat_invite ChatInvite Optional Chat invitation

Type: RecentMeUrl


$recentMeUrlChatInvite = ['_' => 'recentMeUrlChatInvite', 'url' => 'string', 'chat_invite' => ChatInvite];

Or, if you're into Lua:

recentMeUrlChatInvite={_='recentMeUrlChatInvite', url='string', chat_invite=ChatInvite}