2019-12-27 17:48:04 +01:00

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botInlineMessageMediaVenue Send a venue

Constructor: botInlineMessageMediaVenue

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Send a venue


Name Type Required Description
geo GeoPoint Optional Geolocation of venue
title string Yes Venue name
address string Yes Address
provider string Yes Venue provider: currently only "foursquare" needs to be supported
venue_id string Yes Venue ID in the provider's database
reply_markup ReplyMarkup Optional Inline keyboard

Type: BotInlineMessage


$botInlineMessageMediaVenue = ['_' => 'botInlineMessageMediaVenue', 'geo' => GeoPoint, 'title' => 'string', 'address' => 'string', 'provider' => 'string', 'venue_id' => 'string', 'reply_markup' => ReplyMarkup];

Or, if you're into Lua:

botInlineMessageMediaVenue={_='botInlineMessageMediaVenue', geo=GeoPoint, title='string', address='string', provider='string', venue_id='string', reply_markup=ReplyMarkup}

Usage of reply_markup

You can provide bot API reply_markup objects here.