Class TdApi.WebPage

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.WebPage extends TdApi.Object
Describes a web page preview.
  • Field Details

    • url

      public String url
      Original URL of the link.
    • displayUrl

      public String displayUrl
      URL to display.
    • type

      public String type
      Type of the web page. Can be: article, photo, audio, video, document, profile, app, or something else.
    • siteName

      public String siteName
      Short name of the site (e.g., Google Docs, App Store).
    • title

      public String title
      Title of the content.
    • description

      public TdApi.FormattedText description
      Description of the content.
    • photo

      public TdApi.Photo photo
      Image representing the content; may be null.
    • embedUrl

      public String embedUrl
      URL to show in the embedded preview.
    • embedType

      public String embedType
      MIME type of the embedded preview, (e.g., text/html or video/mp4).
    • embedWidth

      public int embedWidth
      Width of the embedded preview.
    • embedHeight

      public int embedHeight
      Height of the embedded preview.
    • duration

      public int duration
      Duration of the content, in seconds.
    • author

      public String author
      Author of the content.
    • animation

      public TdApi.Animation animation
      Preview of the content as an animation, if available; may be null.
    • audio

      public TdApi.Audio audio
      Preview of the content as an audio file, if available; may be null.
    • document

      public TdApi.Document document
      Preview of the content as a document, if available (currently only available for small PDF files and ZIP archives); may be null.
    • sticker

      public TdApi.Sticker sticker
      Preview of the content as a sticker for small WEBP files, if available; may be null.
    • video

      public TdApi.Video video
      Preview of the content as a video, if available; may be null.
    • videoNote

      public TdApi.VideoNote videoNote
      Preview of the content as a video note, if available; may be null.
    • voiceNote

      public TdApi.VoiceNote voiceNote
      Preview of the content as a voice note, if available; may be null.
    • instantViewVersion

      public int instantViewVersion
      Version of instant view, available for the web page (currently can be 1 or 2), 0 if none.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • WebPage

      public WebPage()
      Describes a web page preview.
    • WebPage

      public WebPage(String url, String displayUrl, String type, String siteName, String title, TdApi.FormattedText description, TdApi.Photo photo, String embedUrl, String embedType, int embedWidth, int embedHeight, int duration, String author, TdApi.Animation animation, TdApi.Audio audio, TdApi.Document document, TdApi.Sticker sticker, TdApi.Video video, TdApi.VideoNote videoNote, TdApi.VoiceNote voiceNote, int instantViewVersion)
      Describes a web page preview.
      url - String Original URL of the link.
      displayUrl - String URL to display.
      type - String Type of the web page. Can be: article, photo, audio, video, document, profile, app, or something else.
      siteName - String Short name of the site (e.g., Google Docs, App Store).
      title - String Title of the content.
      description - FormattedText Description of the content.
      photo - Photo Image representing the content; may be null.
      embedUrl - String URL to show in the embedded preview.
      embedType - String MIME type of the embedded preview, (e.g., text/html or video/mp4).
      embedWidth - int Width of the embedded preview.
      embedHeight - int Height of the embedded preview.
      duration - int Duration of the content, in seconds.
      author - String Author of the content.
      animation - Animation Preview of the content as an animation, if available; may be null.
      audio - Audio Preview of the content as an audio file, if available; may be null.
      document - Document Preview of the content as a document, if available (currently only available for small PDF files and ZIP archives); may be null.
      sticker - Sticker Preview of the content as a sticker for small WEBP files, if available; may be null.
      video - Video Preview of the content as a video, if available; may be null.
      videoNote - VideoNote Preview of the content as a video note, if available; may be null.
      voiceNote - VoiceNote Preview of the content as a voice note, if available; may be null.
      instantViewVersion - int Version of instant view, available for the web page (currently can be 1 or 2), 0 if none.
    • WebPage

      public WebPage(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details