2020-04-12 12:17:03 +02:00
2020-04-12 19:35:06 +02:00
\@ nameuse{ bbl@beforestart}
2020-04-13 12:52:55 +02:00
\babel @aux{ english} { }
2020-04-13 15:32:32 +02:00
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { chapter} { \numberline { 1} Lecture 1 - 09-03-2020} { 4} \protected @file@percent }
2020-04-13 12:52:55 +02:00
\@ writefile{ lof} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
\@ writefile{ lot} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
2020-04-13 15:32:32 +02:00
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 1.1} Introduction} { 4} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { chapter} { \numberline { 2} Lecture 2 - 07-04-2020} { 7} \protected @file@percent }
2020-04-13 12:52:55 +02:00
\@ writefile{ lof} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
\@ writefile{ lot} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
2020-04-13 15:32:32 +02:00
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 2.1} Argomento} { 7} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 2.2} Loss} { 7} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { 2.2.1} Absolute Loss} { 7} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { 2.2.2} Square Loss} { 8} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { 2.2.3} Example of information of square loss} { 8} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { 2.2.4} labels and losses} { 9} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { 2.2.5} Example TF(idf) documents encoding} { 11} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { chapter} { \numberline { 3} Lecture 3 - 07-04-2020} { 13} \protected @file@percent }
2020-04-13 12:52:55 +02:00
\@ writefile{ lof} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
\@ writefile{ lot} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
2020-04-13 15:32:32 +02:00
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 3.1} Overfitting} { 15} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { 3.1.1} Noise in the data} { 15} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 3.2} Underfitting} { 16} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 3.3} Nearest neighbour} { 17} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { chapter} { \numberline { 4} Lecture 4 - 07-04-2020} { 19} \protected @file@percent }
2020-04-13 12:52:55 +02:00
\@ writefile{ lof} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
\@ writefile{ lot} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
2020-04-13 15:32:32 +02:00
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 4.1} Computing $ h _ { NN } $ } { 19} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 4.2} Tree Predictor} { 20} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { chapter} { \numberline { 5} Lecture 5 - 07-04-2020} { 23} \protected @file@percent }
2020-04-13 12:52:55 +02:00
\@ writefile{ lof} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
\@ writefile{ lot} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
2020-04-13 15:32:32 +02:00
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 5.1} Tree Classifier} { 23} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 5.2} Jensen’ s inequality} { 24} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 5.3} Tree Predictor} { 26} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 5.4} Statistical model for Machine Learning} { 27} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { chapter} { \numberline { 6} Lecture 6 - 07-04-2020} { 29} \protected @file@percent }
2020-04-13 12:52:55 +02:00
\@ writefile{ lof} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
\@ writefile{ lot} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
2020-04-13 15:32:32 +02:00
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 6.1} Bayes Optimal Predictor} { 29} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { 6.1.1} Square Loss} { 30} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { subsection} { \numberline { 6.1.2} Zero-one loss for binary classification} { 31} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 6.2} Bayes Risk} { 33} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ lof} { \contentsline { figure} { \numberline { 6.1} { \ignorespaces Example of Bayes Risk} } { 33} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { chapter} { \numberline { 7} Lecture 7 - 07-04-2020} { 34} \protected @file@percent }
2020-04-13 12:52:55 +02:00
\@ writefile{ lof} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
\@ writefile{ lot} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
2020-04-15 12:32:29 +02:00
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 7.1} Chernoff-Hoffding bound} { 34} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 7.2} Union Bound} { 35} \protected @file@percent }
2020-04-14 21:54:15 +02:00
\@ writefile{ lof} { \contentsline { figure} { \numberline { 7.1} { \ignorespaces Example} } { 35} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ lof} { \contentsline { figure} { \numberline { 7.2} { \ignorespaces Example} } { 36} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ lof} { \contentsline { figure} { \numberline { 7.3} { \ignorespaces Example} } { 36} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ lof} { \contentsline { figure} { \numberline { 7.4} { \ignorespaces Example} } { 37} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ lof} { \contentsline { figure} { \numberline { 7.5} { \ignorespaces Example} } { 37} \protected @file@percent }
2020-04-15 12:32:29 +02:00
\@ writefile{ lof} { \contentsline { figure} { \numberline { 7.6} { \ignorespaces Draw of how $ \hat { h } $ , $ h ^ * $ and $ f ^ * $ are represented} } { 38} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 7.3} Studying overfitting of a ERM} { 39} \protected @file@percent }
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { chapter} { \numberline { 8} Lecture 8 - 07-04-2020} { 41} \protected @file@percent }
2020-04-13 12:52:55 +02:00
\@ writefile{ lof} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
\@ writefile{ lot} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
2020-04-15 12:32:29 +02:00
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { chapter} { \numberline { 9} Lecture 9 - 07-04-2020} { 42} \protected @file@percent }
2020-04-13 12:52:55 +02:00
\@ writefile{ lof} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
\@ writefile{ lot} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
2020-04-15 12:32:29 +02:00
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { chapter} { \numberline { 10} Lecture 10 - 07-04-2020} { 43} \protected @file@percent }
2020-04-13 12:52:55 +02:00
\@ writefile{ lof} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
\@ writefile{ lot} { \addvspace { 10\p @ } }
2020-04-15 12:32:29 +02:00
\@ writefile{ toc} { \contentsline { section} { \numberline { 10.1} TO BE DEFINE} { 43} \protected @file@percent }
2020-04-13 12:52:55 +02:00
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