Class TdApi.User

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class TdApi.User
    extends TdApi.Object
    Represents a user.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Default constructor.
      User​(int id, java.lang.String firstName, java.lang.String lastName, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String phoneNumber, TdApi.UserStatus status, TdApi.ProfilePhoto profilePhoto, TdApi.LinkState outgoingLink, TdApi.LinkState incomingLink, boolean isVerified, java.lang.String restrictionReason, boolean haveAccess, TdApi.UserType type, java.lang.String languageCode)
      Constructor for initialization of all fields.
    • Field Detail

      • id

        public int id
        User identifier.
      • firstName

        public java.lang.String firstName
        First name of the user.
      • lastName

        public java.lang.String lastName
        Last name of the user.
      • username

        public java.lang.String username
        Username of the user.
      • phoneNumber

        public java.lang.String phoneNumber
        Phone number of the user.
      • profilePhoto

        public TdApi.ProfilePhoto profilePhoto
        Profile photo of the user; may be null.
      • outgoingLink

        public TdApi.LinkState outgoingLink
        Relationship from the current user to the other user.
      • incomingLink

        public TdApi.LinkState incomingLink
        Relationship from the other user to the current user.
      • isVerified

        public boolean isVerified
        True, if the user is verified.
      • restrictionReason

        public java.lang.String restrictionReason
        If non-empty, it contains the reason why access to this user must be restricted. The format of the string is "{type}: {description}". {type} contains the type of the restriction and at least one of the suffixes "-all", "-ios", "-android", or "-wp", which describe the platforms on which access should be restricted. (For example, "terms-ios-android". {description} contains a human-readable description of the restriction, which can be shown to the user.)
      • haveAccess

        public boolean haveAccess
        If false, the user is inaccessible, and the only information known about the user is inside this class. It can't be passed to any method except GetUser.
      • languageCode

        public java.lang.String languageCode
        IETF language tag of the user's language; only available to bots.

        public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
        Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • User

        public User()
        Default constructor.
      • User

        public User​(int id,
                    java.lang.String firstName,
                    java.lang.String lastName,
                    java.lang.String username,
                    java.lang.String phoneNumber,
                    TdApi.UserStatus status,
                    TdApi.ProfilePhoto profilePhoto,
                    TdApi.LinkState outgoingLink,
                    TdApi.LinkState incomingLink,
                    boolean isVerified,
                    java.lang.String restrictionReason,
                    boolean haveAccess,
                    TdApi.UserType type,
                    java.lang.String languageCode)
        Constructor for initialization of all fields.
        id - User identifier.
        firstName - First name of the user.
        lastName - Last name of the user.
        username - Username of the user.
        phoneNumber - Phone number of the user.
        status - Current online status of the user.
        profilePhoto - Profile photo of the user; may be null.
        outgoingLink - Relationship from the current user to the other user.
        incomingLink - Relationship from the other user to the current user.
        isVerified - True, if the user is verified.
        restrictionReason - If non-empty, it contains the reason why access to this user must be restricted. The format of the string is "{type}: {description}". {type} contains the type of the restriction and at least one of the suffixes "-all", "-ios", "-android", or "-wp", which describe the platforms on which access should be restricted. (For example, "terms-ios-android". {description} contains a human-readable description of the restriction, which can be shown to the user.)
        haveAccess - If false, the user is inaccessible, and the only information known about the user is inside this class. It can't be passed to any method except GetUser.
        type - Type of the user.
        languageCode - IETF language tag of the user's language; only available to bots.