Client |
Interface for interaction with TDLib.
ClientActor |
ClientActor class is an expansion of Client class, which allows you to receive updates via callback
Log |
Interface for managing the internal logging of TDLib.
Request |
A request to the TDLib.
Response |
A response to a request, or an incoming update from TDLib.
TdApi |
This class contains as static nested classes all other TDLib interface
type-classes and function-classes.
TdApi.AcceptCall |
Accepts an incoming call.
TdApi.AccountTtl |
Contains information about the period of inactivity after which the current user's account will automatically be deleted.
TdApi.AddChatMember |
Adds a new member to a chat.
TdApi.AddChatMembers |
Adds multiple new members to a chat.
TdApi.AddFavoriteSticker |
Adds a new sticker to the list of favorite stickers.
TdApi.AddNetworkStatistics |
Adds the specified data to data usage statistics.
TdApi.AddRecentlyFoundChat |
Adds a chat to the list of recently found chats.
TdApi.AddRecentSticker |
Manually adds a new sticker to the list of recently used stickers.
TdApi.AddSavedAnimation |
Manually adds a new animation to the list of saved animations.
TdApi.AddStickerToSet |
Adds a new sticker to a set; for bots only.
TdApi.Animation |
Describes an animation file.
TdApi.Animations |
Represents a list of animations.
TdApi.AnswerCallbackQuery |
Sets the result of a callback query; for bots only.
TdApi.AnswerCustomQuery |
Answers a custom query; for bots only.
TdApi.AnswerInlineQuery |
Sets the result of an inline query; for bots only.
TdApi.AnswerPreCheckoutQuery |
Sets the result of a pre-checkout query; for bots only.
TdApi.AnswerShippingQuery |
Sets the result of a shipping query; for bots only.
TdApi.Audio |
Describes an audio file.
TdApi.AuthenticationCodeInfo |
Information about the authentication code that was sent.
TdApi.AuthenticationCodeType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.AuthenticationCodeTypeCall |
An authentication code is delivered via a phone call to the specified phone number.
TdApi.AuthenticationCodeTypeFlashCall |
An authentication code is delivered by an immediately cancelled call to the specified phone number.
TdApi.AuthenticationCodeTypeSms |
An authentication code is delivered via an SMS message to the specified phone number.
TdApi.AuthenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage |
An authentication code is delivered via a private Telegram message, which can be viewed in another client.
TdApi.AuthorizationState |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.AuthorizationStateClosed |
TDLib client is in its final state.
TdApi.AuthorizationStateClosing |
TDLib is closing, all subsequent queries will be answered with the error 500.
TdApi.AuthorizationStateLoggingOut |
The user is currently logging out.
TdApi.AuthorizationStateReady |
The user has been successfully authorized.
TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitCode |
TDLib needs the user's authentication code to finalize authorization.
TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitEncryptionKey |
TDLib needs an encryption key to decrypt the local database.
TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitPassword |
The user has been authorized, but needs to enter a password to start using the application.
TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitPhoneNumber |
TDLib needs the user's phone number to authorize.
TdApi.AuthorizationStateWaitTdlibParameters |
TDLib needs TdlibParameters for initialization.
TdApi.BasicGroup |
Represents a basic group of 0-200 users (must be upgraded to a supergroup to accommodate more than 200 users).
TdApi.BasicGroupFullInfo |
Contains full information about a basic group.
TdApi.BlockUser |
Adds a user to the blacklist.
TdApi.BotCommand |
Represents commands supported by a bot.
TdApi.BotInfo |
Provides information about a bot and its supported commands.
TdApi.Call |
Describes a call.
TdApi.CallbackQueryAnswer |
Contains a bot's answer to a callback query.
TdApi.CallbackQueryPayload |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.CallbackQueryPayloadData |
The payload from a general callback button.
TdApi.CallbackQueryPayloadGame |
The payload from a game callback button.
TdApi.CallConnection |
Describes the address of UDP reflectors.
TdApi.CallDiscardReason |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.CallDiscardReasonDeclined |
The call was ended before the conversation started.
TdApi.CallDiscardReasonDisconnected |
The call was ended during the conversation because the users were disconnected.
TdApi.CallDiscardReasonEmpty |
The call wasn't discarded, or the reason is unknown.
TdApi.CallDiscardReasonHungUp |
The call was ended because one of the parties hung up.
TdApi.CallDiscardReasonMissed |
The call was ended before the conversation started.
TdApi.CallId |
Contains the call identifier.
TdApi.CallProtocol |
Specifies the supported call protocols.
TdApi.CallState |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.CallStateDiscarded |
The call has ended successfully.
TdApi.CallStateError |
The call has ended with an error.
TdApi.CallStateExchangingKeys |
The call has been answered and encryption keys are being exchanged.
TdApi.CallStateHangingUp |
The call is hanging up after discardCall has been called.
TdApi.CallStatePending |
The call is pending, waiting to be accepted by a user.
TdApi.CallStateReady |
The call is ready to use.
TdApi.CancelDownloadFile |
Stops the downloading of a file.
TdApi.CancelUploadFile |
Stops the uploading of a file.
TdApi.ChangeChatReportSpamState |
Used to let the server know whether a chat is spam or not.
TdApi.ChangeImportedContacts |
Changes imported contacts using the list of current user contacts saved on the device.
TdApi.ChangePhoneNumber |
Changes the phone number of the user and sends an authentication code to the user's new phone number.
TdApi.ChangeStickerSet |
Installs/uninstalls or activates/archives a sticker set.
TdApi.Chat |
A chat.
TdApi.ChatAction |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ChatActionCancel |
The user has cancelled the previous action.
TdApi.ChatActionChoosingContact |
The user is picking a contact to send.
TdApi.ChatActionChoosingLocation |
The user is picking a location or venue to send.
TdApi.ChatActionRecordingVideo |
The user is recording a video.
TdApi.ChatActionRecordingVideoNote |
The user is recording a video note.
TdApi.ChatActionRecordingVoiceNote |
The user is recording a voice note.
TdApi.ChatActionStartPlayingGame |
The user has started to play a game.
TdApi.ChatActionTyping |
The user is typing a message.
TdApi.ChatActionUploadingDocument |
The user is uploading a document.
TdApi.ChatActionUploadingPhoto |
The user is uploading a photo.
TdApi.ChatActionUploadingVideo |
The user is uploading a video.
TdApi.ChatActionUploadingVideoNote |
The user is uploading a video note.
TdApi.ChatActionUploadingVoiceNote |
The user is uploading a voice note.
TdApi.ChatEvent |
Represents a chat event.
TdApi.ChatEventAction |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ChatEventDescriptionChanged |
The chat description was changed.
TdApi.ChatEventInvitesToggled |
The anyoneCanInvite setting of a supergroup chat was toggled.
TdApi.ChatEventIsAllHistoryAvailableToggled |
The isAllHistoryAvailable setting of a supergroup was toggled.
TdApi.ChatEventLogFilters |
Represents a set of filters used to obtain a chat event log.
TdApi.ChatEventMemberInvited |
A new chat member was invited.
TdApi.ChatEventMemberJoined |
A new member joined the chat.
TdApi.ChatEventMemberLeft |
A member left the chat.
TdApi.ChatEventMemberPromoted |
A chat member has gained/lost administrator status, or the list of their administrator privileges has changed.
TdApi.ChatEventMemberRestricted |
A chat member was restricted/unrestricted or banned/unbanned, or the list of their restrictions has changed.
TdApi.ChatEventMessageDeleted |
A message was deleted.
TdApi.ChatEventMessageEdited |
A message was edited.
TdApi.ChatEventMessagePinned |
A message was pinned.
TdApi.ChatEventMessageUnpinned |
A message was unpinned.
TdApi.ChatEventPhotoChanged |
The chat photo was changed.
TdApi.ChatEvents |
Contains a list of chat events.
TdApi.ChatEventSignMessagesToggled |
The signMessages setting of a channel was toggled.
TdApi.ChatEventStickerSetChanged |
The supergroup sticker set was changed.
TdApi.ChatEventTitleChanged |
The chat title was changed.
TdApi.ChatEventUsernameChanged |
The chat username was changed.
TdApi.ChatInviteLink |
Contains a chat invite link.
TdApi.ChatInviteLinkInfo |
Contains information about a chat invite link.
TdApi.ChatMember |
A user with information about joining/leaving a chat.
TdApi.ChatMembers |
Contains a list of chat members.
TdApi.ChatMemberStatus |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ChatMemberStatusAdministrator |
The user is a member of a chat and has some additional privileges.
TdApi.ChatMemberStatusBanned |
The user was banned (and hence is not a member of the chat).
TdApi.ChatMemberStatusCreator |
The user is the creator of a chat and has all the administrator privileges.
TdApi.ChatMemberStatusLeft |
The user is not a chat member.
TdApi.ChatMemberStatusMember |
The user is a member of a chat, without any additional privileges or restrictions.
TdApi.ChatMemberStatusRestricted |
The user is under certain restrictions in the chat.
TdApi.ChatPhoto |
Describes the photo of a chat.
TdApi.ChatReportReason |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ChatReportReasonCustom |
A custom reason provided by the user.
TdApi.ChatReportReasonPornography |
The chat contains pornographic messages.
TdApi.ChatReportReasonSpam |
The chat contains spam messages.
TdApi.ChatReportReasonViolence |
The chat promotes violence.
TdApi.ChatReportSpamState |
Contains information about the availability of the "Report spam" action for a chat.
TdApi.Chats |
Represents a list of chats.
TdApi.ChatType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ChatTypeBasicGroup |
A basic group (i.e., a chat with 0-200 other users).
TdApi.ChatTypePrivate |
An ordinary chat with a user.
TdApi.ChatTypeSecret |
A secret chat with a user.
TdApi.ChatTypeSupergroup |
A supergroup (i.e. a chat with up to GetOption("supergroupMaxSize") other users), or channel (with unlimited members).
TdApi.CheckAuthenticationBotToken |
Checks the authentication token of a bot; to log in as a bot.
TdApi.CheckAuthenticationCode |
Checks the authentication code.
TdApi.CheckAuthenticationPassword |
Checks the authentication password for correctness.
TdApi.CheckChangePhoneNumberCode |
Checks the authentication code sent to confirm a new phone number of the user.
TdApi.CheckChatInviteLink |
Checks the validity of an invite link for a chat and returns information about the corresponding chat.
TdApi.CheckChatUsername |
Checks whether a username can be set for a chat.
TdApi.CheckChatUsernameResult |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.CheckChatUsernameResultOk |
The username can be set.
TdApi.CheckChatUsernameResultPublicChatsTooMuch |
The user has too much public chats, one of them should be made private first.
TdApi.CheckChatUsernameResultPublicGroupsUnavailable |
The user can't be a member of a public supergroup.
TdApi.CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameInvalid |
The username is invalid.
TdApi.CheckChatUsernameResultUsernameOccupied |
The username is occupied.
TdApi.CheckDatabaseEncryptionKey |
Checks the database encryption key for correctness.
TdApi.ClearImportedContacts |
Clears all imported contacts.
TdApi.ClearRecentlyFoundChats |
Clears the list of recently found chats.
TdApi.ClearRecentStickers |
Clears the list of recently used stickers.
TdApi.Close |
Closes the TDLib instance.
TdApi.CloseChat |
This method should be called if the chat is closed by the user.
TdApi.CloseSecretChat |
Closes a secret chat, effectively transfering its state to secretChatStateClosed.
TdApi.ConnectedWebsite |
Contains information about one website the current user is logged in with Telegram.
TdApi.ConnectedWebsites |
Contains a list of websites the current user is logged in with Telegram.
TdApi.ConnectionState |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ConnectionStateConnecting |
Currently establishing a connection to the Telegram servers.
TdApi.ConnectionStateConnectingToProxy |
Currently establishing a connection with a proxy server.
TdApi.ConnectionStateReady |
There is a working connection to the Telegram servers.
TdApi.ConnectionStateUpdating |
Downloading data received while the client was offline.
TdApi.ConnectionStateWaitingForNetwork |
Currently waiting for the network to become available.
TdApi.Contact |
Describes a user contact.
TdApi.Count |
Contains a counter.
TdApi.CreateBasicGroupChat |
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a known basic group.
TdApi.CreateCall |
Creates a new call.
TdApi.CreateNewBasicGroupChat |
Creates a new basic group and sends a corresponding messageBasicGroupChatCreate.
TdApi.CreateNewSecretChat |
Creates a new secret chat.
TdApi.CreateNewStickerSet |
Creates a new sticker set; for bots only.
TdApi.CreateNewSupergroupChat |
Creates a new supergroup or channel and sends a corresponding messageSupergroupChatCreate.
TdApi.CreatePrivateChat |
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a given user.
TdApi.CreateSecretChat |
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a known secret chat.
TdApi.CreateSupergroupChat |
Returns an existing chat corresponding to a known supergroup or channel.
TdApi.CreateTemporaryPassword |
Creates a new temporary password for processing payments.
TdApi.CustomRequestResult |
Contains the result of a custom request.
TdApi.DeleteAccount |
Deletes the account of the current user, deleting all information associated with the user from the server.
TdApi.DeleteChatHistory |
Deletes all messages in the chat only for the user.
TdApi.DeleteChatMessagesFromUser |
Deletes all messages sent by the specified user to a chat.
TdApi.DeleteChatReplyMarkup |
Deletes the default reply markup from a chat.
TdApi.DeleteFile |
Deletes a file from the TDLib file cache.
TdApi.DeleteMessages |
Deletes messages.
TdApi.DeleteProfilePhoto |
Deletes a profile photo.
TdApi.DeleteSavedCredentials |
Deletes saved credentials for all payment provider bots.
TdApi.DeleteSavedOrderInfo |
Deletes saved order info.
TdApi.DeleteSupergroup |
Deletes a supergroup or channel along with all messages in the corresponding chat.
TdApi.Destroy |
Closes the TDLib instance, destroying all local data without a proper logout.
TdApi.DeviceToken |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.DeviceTokenApplePush |
A token for Apple Push Notification service.
TdApi.DeviceTokenApplePushVoIP |
A token for Apple Push Notification service VoIP notifications.
TdApi.DeviceTokenBlackBerryPush |
A token for BlackBerry Push Service.
TdApi.DeviceTokenGoogleCloudMessaging |
A token for Google Cloud Messaging.
TdApi.DeviceTokenMicrosoftPush |
A token for Microsoft Push Notification Service.
TdApi.DeviceTokenMicrosoftPushVoIP |
A token for Microsoft Push Notification Service VoIP channel.
TdApi.DeviceTokenSimplePush |
A token for Simple Push API for Firefox OS.
TdApi.DeviceTokenTizenPush |
A token for Tizen Push Service.
TdApi.DeviceTokenUbuntuPush |
A token for Ubuntu Push Client service.
TdApi.DeviceTokenWebPush |
A token for web Push API.
TdApi.DeviceTokenWindowsPush |
A token for Windows Push Notification Services.
TdApi.DiscardCall |
Discards a call.
TdApi.DisconnectAllWebsites |
Disconnects all websites from the current user's Telegram account.
TdApi.DisconnectWebsite |
Disconnects website from the current user's Telegram account.
TdApi.Document |
Describes a document of any type.
TdApi.DownloadFile |
Asynchronously downloads a file from the cloud. updateFile will be used to notify about the download progress and successful completion of the download.
TdApi.DraftMessage |
Contains information about a message draft.
TdApi.EditInlineMessageCaption |
Edits the caption of an inline message sent via a bot; for bots only.
TdApi.EditInlineMessageLiveLocation |
Edits the content of a live location in an inline message sent via a bot; for bots only.
TdApi.EditInlineMessageReplyMarkup |
Edits the reply markup of an inline message sent via a bot; for bots only.
TdApi.EditInlineMessageText |
Edits the text of an inline text or game message sent via a bot; for bots only.
TdApi.EditMessageCaption |
Edits the message content caption.
TdApi.EditMessageLiveLocation |
Edits the message content of a live location.
TdApi.EditMessageReplyMarkup |
Edits the message reply markup; for bots only.
TdApi.EditMessageText |
Edits the text of a message (or a text of a game message).
TdApi.Error |
An object of this type can be returned on every function call, in case of an error.
TdApi.File |
Represents a file.
TdApi.FileType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.FileTypeAnimation |
The file is an animation.
TdApi.FileTypeAudio |
The file is an audio file.
TdApi.FileTypeDocument |
The file is a document.
TdApi.FileTypeNone |
The data is not a file.
TdApi.FileTypePhoto |
The file is a photo.
TdApi.FileTypeProfilePhoto |
The file is a profile photo.
TdApi.FileTypeSecret |
The file was sent to a secret chat (the file type is not known to the server).
TdApi.FileTypeSecretThumbnail |
The file is a thumbnail of a file from a secret chat.
TdApi.FileTypeSticker |
The file is a sticker.
TdApi.FileTypeThumbnail |
The file is a thumbnail of another file.
TdApi.FileTypeUnknown |
The file type is not yet known.
TdApi.FileTypeVideo |
The file is a video.
TdApi.FileTypeVideoNote |
The file is a video note.
TdApi.FileTypeVoiceNote |
The file is a voice note.
TdApi.FileTypeWallpaper |
The file is a wallpaper.
TdApi.FinishFileGeneration |
Finishes the file generation.
TdApi.FormattedText |
A text with some entities.
TdApi.ForwardMessages |
Forwards previously sent messages.
TdApi.FoundMessages |
Contains a list of messages found by a search.
TdApi.Function |
This class is a base class for all TDLib interface function-classes.
TdApi.Game |
Describes a game.
TdApi.GameHighScore |
Contains one row of the game high score table.
TdApi.GameHighScores |
Contains a list of game high scores.
TdApi.GenerateChatInviteLink |
Generates a new invite link for a chat; the previously generated link is revoked.
TdApi.GetAccountTtl |
Returns the period of inactivity after which the account of the current user will automatically be deleted.
TdApi.GetActiveLiveLocationMessages |
Returns all active live locations that should be updated by the client.
TdApi.GetActiveSessions |
Returns all active sessions of the current user.
TdApi.GetArchivedStickerSets |
Returns a list of archived sticker sets.
TdApi.GetAttachedStickerSets |
Returns a list of sticker sets attached to a file.
TdApi.GetAuthorizationState |
Returns the current authorization state; this is an offline request.
TdApi.GetBasicGroup |
Returns information about a basic group by its identifier.
TdApi.GetBasicGroupFullInfo |
Returns full information about a basic group by its identifier.
TdApi.GetBlockedUsers |
Returns users that were blocked by the current user.
TdApi.GetCallbackQueryAnswer |
Sends a callback query to a bot and returns an answer.
TdApi.GetChat |
Returns information about a chat by its identifier, this is an offline request if the current user is not a bot.
TdApi.GetChatAdministrators |
Returns a list of users who are administrators of the chat.
TdApi.GetChatEventLog |
Returns a list of service actions taken by chat members and administrators in the last 48 hours.
TdApi.GetChatHistory |
Returns messages in a chat.
TdApi.GetChatMember |
Returns information about a single member of a chat.
TdApi.GetChatMessageByDate |
Returns the last message sent in a chat no later than the specified date.
TdApi.GetChatPinnedMessage |
Returns information about a pinned chat message.
TdApi.GetChatReportSpamState |
Returns information on whether the current chat can be reported as spam.
TdApi.GetChats |
Returns an ordered list of chats.
TdApi.GetConnectedWebsites |
Returns all website where the current user used Telegram to log in.
TdApi.GetCountryCode |
Uses current user IP to found his country.
TdApi.GetCreatedPublicChats |
Returns a list of public chats created by the user.
TdApi.GetFavoriteStickers |
Returns favorite stickers.
TdApi.GetFile |
Returns information about a file; this is an offline request.
TdApi.GetFileExtension |
Returns the extension of a file, guessed by its MIME type.
TdApi.GetFileMimeType |
Returns the MIME type of a file, guessed by its extension.
TdApi.GetGameHighScores |
Returns the high scores for a game and some part of the high score table in the range of the specified user; for bots only.
TdApi.GetGroupsInCommon |
Returns a list of common chats with a given user.
TdApi.GetImportedContactCount |
Returns the total number of imported contacts.
TdApi.GetInlineGameHighScores |
Returns game high scores and some part of the high score table in the range of the specified user; for bots only.
TdApi.GetInlineQueryResults |
Sends an inline query to a bot and returns its results.
TdApi.GetInstalledStickerSets |
Returns a list of installed sticker sets.
TdApi.GetInviteText |
Returns the default text for invitation messages to be used as a placeholder when the current user invites friends to Telegram.
TdApi.GetMe |
Returns the current user.
TdApi.GetMessage |
Returns information about a message.
TdApi.GetMessages |
Returns information about messages.
TdApi.GetNetworkStatistics |
Returns network data usage statistics.
TdApi.GetNotificationSettings |
Returns the notification settings for a given scope.
TdApi.GetOption |
Returns the value of an option by its name.
TdApi.GetPasswordState |
Returns the current state of 2-step verification.
TdApi.GetPaymentForm |
Returns an invoice payment form.
TdApi.GetPaymentReceipt |
Returns information about a successful payment.
TdApi.GetProxy |
Returns the proxy that is currently set up.
TdApi.GetPublicMessageLink |
Returns a public HTTPS link to a message.
TdApi.GetRecentInlineBots |
Returns up to 20 recently used inline bots in the order of their last usage.
TdApi.GetRecentlyVisitedTMeUrls |
Returns URLs recently visited by a newly registered user.
TdApi.GetRecentStickers |
Returns a list of recently used stickers.
TdApi.GetRecoveryEmailAddress |
Returns a recovery email address that was previously set up.
TdApi.GetRemoteFile |
Returns information about a file by its remote ID; this is an offline request.
TdApi.GetRepliedMessage |
Returns information about a message that is replied by given message.
TdApi.GetSavedAnimations |
Returns saved animations.
TdApi.GetSavedOrderInfo |
Returns saved order info, if any.
TdApi.GetSecretChat |
Returns information about a secret chat by its identifier.
TdApi.GetStickerEmojis |
Returns emoji corresponding to a sticker.
TdApi.GetStickers |
Returns stickers from the installed sticker sets that correspond to a given emoji.
TdApi.GetStickerSet |
Returns information about a sticker set by its identifier.
TdApi.GetStorageStatistics |
Returns storage usage statistics.
TdApi.GetStorageStatisticsFast |
Quickly returns approximate storage usage statistics.
TdApi.GetSupergroup |
Returns information about a supergroup or channel by its identifier.
TdApi.GetSupergroupFullInfo |
Returns full information about a supergroup or channel by its identifier, cached for up to 1 minute.
TdApi.GetSupergroupMembers |
Returns information about members or banned users in a supergroup or channel.
TdApi.GetSupportUser |
Returns a user that can be contacted to get support.
TdApi.GetTemporaryPasswordState |
Returns information about the current temporary password.
TdApi.GetTermsOfService |
Returns the terms of service.
TdApi.GetTextEntities |
Returns all entities (mentions, hashtags, cashtags, bot commands, URLs, and email addresses) contained in the text.
TdApi.GetTopChats |
Returns a list of frequently used chats.
TdApi.GetTrendingStickerSets |
Returns a list of trending sticker sets.
TdApi.GetUser |
Returns information about a user by their identifier.
TdApi.GetUserFullInfo |
Returns full information about a user by their identifier.
TdApi.GetUserPrivacySettingRules |
Returns the current privacy settings.
TdApi.GetUserProfilePhotos |
Returns the profile photos of a user.
TdApi.GetWallpapers |
Returns background wallpapers.
TdApi.GetWebPageInstantView |
Returns an instant view version of a web page if available.
TdApi.GetWebPagePreview |
Returns a web page preview by the text of the message.
TdApi.Hashtags |
Contains a list of hashtags.
TdApi.ImportContacts |
Adds new contacts or edits existing contacts; contacts' user identifiers are ignored.
TdApi.ImportedContacts |
Represents the result of an ImportContacts request.
TdApi.InlineKeyboardButton |
Represents a single button in an inline keyboard.
TdApi.InlineKeyboardButtonType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InlineKeyboardButtonTypeBuy |
A button to buy something.
TdApi.InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallback |
A button that sends a special callback query to a bot.
TdApi.InlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackGame |
A button with a game that sends a special callback query to a bot.
TdApi.InlineKeyboardButtonTypeSwitchInline |
A button that forces an inline query to the bot to be inserted in the input field.
TdApi.InlineKeyboardButtonTypeUrl |
A button that opens a specified URL.
TdApi.InlineQueryResult |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InlineQueryResultAnimation |
Represents an animation file.
TdApi.InlineQueryResultArticle |
Represents a link to an article or web page.
TdApi.InlineQueryResultAudio |
Represents an audio file.
TdApi.InlineQueryResultContact |
Represents a user contact.
TdApi.InlineQueryResultDocument |
Represents a document.
TdApi.InlineQueryResultGame |
Represents information about a game.
TdApi.InlineQueryResultLocation |
Represents a point on the map.
TdApi.InlineQueryResultPhoto |
Represents a photo.
TdApi.InlineQueryResults |
Represents the results of the inline query.
TdApi.InlineQueryResultSticker |
Represents a sticker.
TdApi.InlineQueryResultVenue |
Represents information about a venue.
TdApi.InlineQueryResultVideo |
Represents a video.
TdApi.InlineQueryResultVoiceNote |
Represents a voice note.
TdApi.InputCredentials |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InputCredentialsAndroidPay |
Applies if a user enters new credentials using Android Pay.
TdApi.InputCredentialsApplePay |
Applies if a user enters new credentials using Apple Pay.
TdApi.InputCredentialsNew |
Applies if a user enters new credentials on a payment provider website.
TdApi.InputCredentialsSaved |
Applies if a user chooses some previously saved payment credentials.
TdApi.InputFile |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InputFileGenerated |
A file generated by the client.
TdApi.InputFileId |
A file defined by its unique ID.
TdApi.InputFileLocal |
A file defined by a local path.
TdApi.InputFileRemote |
A file defined by its remote ID.
TdApi.InputInlineQueryResult |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultAnimatedGif |
Represents a link to an animated GIF.
TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultAnimatedMpeg4 |
Represents a link to an animated (i.e. without sound) H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video.
TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultArticle |
Represents a link to an article or web page.
TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultAudio |
Represents a link to an MP3 audio file.
TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultContact |
Represents a user contact.
TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultDocument |
Represents a link to a file.
TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultGame |
Represents a game.
TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultLocation |
Represents a point on the map.
TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultPhoto |
Represents link to a JPEG image.
TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultSticker |
Represents a link to a WEBP sticker.
TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultVenue |
Represents information about a venue.
TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultVideo |
Represents a link to a page containing an embedded video player or a video file.
TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultVoiceNote |
Represents a link to an opus-encoded audio file within an OGG container, single channel audio.
TdApi.InputMessageAnimation |
An animation message (GIF-style).
TdApi.InputMessageAudio |
An audio message.
TdApi.InputMessageContact |
A message containing a user contact.
TdApi.InputMessageContent |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.InputMessageDocument |
A document message (general file).
TdApi.InputMessageForwarded |
A forwarded message.
TdApi.InputMessageGame |
A message with a game; not supported for channels or secret chats.
TdApi.InputMessageInvoice |
A message with an invoice; can be used only by bots and only in private chats.
TdApi.InputMessageLocation |
A message with a location.
TdApi.InputMessagePhoto |
A photo message.
TdApi.InputMessageSticker |
A sticker message.
TdApi.InputMessageText |
A text message.
TdApi.InputMessageVenue |
A message with information about a venue.
TdApi.InputMessageVideo |
A video message.
TdApi.InputMessageVideoNote |
A video note message.
TdApi.InputMessageVoiceNote |
A voice note message.
TdApi.InputSticker |
Describes a sticker that should be added to a sticker set.
TdApi.InputThumbnail |
A thumbnail to be sent along with a file; should be in JPEG or WEBP format for stickers, and less than 200 kB in size.
TdApi.Invoice |
Product invoice.
TdApi.JoinChatByInviteLink |
Uses an invite link to add the current user to the chat if possible.
TdApi.KeyboardButton |
Represents a single button in a bot keyboard.
TdApi.KeyboardButtonType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.KeyboardButtonTypeRequestLocation |
A button that sends the user's location when pressed; available only in private chats.
TdApi.KeyboardButtonTypeRequestPhoneNumber |
A button that sends the user's phone number when pressed; available only in private chats.
TdApi.KeyboardButtonTypeText |
A simple button, with text that should be sent when the button is pressed.
TdApi.LabeledPricePart |
Portion of the price of a product (e.g., "delivery cost", "tax amount").
TdApi.LinkState |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.LinkStateIsContact |
The phone number of user A has been saved to the contacts list of user B.
TdApi.LinkStateKnowsPhoneNumber |
The phone number of user A is known but that number has not been saved to the contacts list of user B.
TdApi.LinkStateNone |
The phone number of user A is not known to user B.
TdApi.LocalFile |
Represents a local file.
TdApi.Location |
Describes a location on planet Earth.
TdApi.LogOut |
Closes the TDLib instance after a proper logout.
TdApi.MaskPoint |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.MaskPointChin |
A mask should be placed relatively to the chin.
TdApi.MaskPointEyes |
A mask should be placed relatively to the eyes.
TdApi.MaskPointForehead |
A mask should be placed relatively to the forehead.
TdApi.MaskPointMouth |
A mask should be placed relatively to the mouth.
TdApi.MaskPosition |
Position on a photo where a mask should be placed.
TdApi.Message |
Describes a message.
TdApi.MessageAnimation |
An animation message (GIF-style).
TdApi.MessageAudio |
An audio message.
TdApi.MessageBasicGroupChatCreate |
A newly created basic group.
TdApi.MessageCall |
A message with information about an ended call.
TdApi.MessageChatAddMembers |
New chat members were added.
TdApi.MessageChatChangePhoto |
An updated chat photo.
TdApi.MessageChatChangeTitle |
An updated chat title.
TdApi.MessageChatDeleteMember |
A chat member was deleted.
TdApi.MessageChatDeletePhoto |
A deleted chat photo.
TdApi.MessageChatJoinByLink |
A new member joined the chat by invite link.
TdApi.MessageChatSetTtl |
The TTL (Time To Live) setting messages in a secret chat has been changed.
TdApi.MessageChatUpgradeFrom |
A supergroup has been created from a basic group.
TdApi.MessageChatUpgradeTo |
A basic group was upgraded to a supergroup and was deactivated as the result.
TdApi.MessageContact |
A message with a user contact.
TdApi.MessageContactRegistered |
A contact has registered with Telegram.
TdApi.MessageContent |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.MessageCustomServiceAction |
A non-standard action has happened in the chat.
TdApi.MessageDocument |
A document message (general file).
TdApi.MessageExpiredPhoto |
An expired photo message (self-destructed after TTL has elapsed).
TdApi.MessageExpiredVideo |
An expired video message (self-destructed after TTL has elapsed).
TdApi.MessageForwardedFromUser |
The message was originally written by a known user.
TdApi.MessageForwardedPost |
The message was originally a post in a channel.
TdApi.MessageForwardInfo |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.MessageGame |
A message with a game.
TdApi.MessageGameScore |
A new high score was achieved in a game.
TdApi.MessageInvoice |
A message with an invoice from a bot.
TdApi.MessageLocation |
A message with a location.
TdApi.MessagePaymentSuccessful |
A payment has been completed.
TdApi.MessagePaymentSuccessfulBot |
A payment has been completed; for bots only.
TdApi.MessagePhoto |
A photo message.
TdApi.MessagePinMessage |
A message has been pinned.
TdApi.Messages |
Contains a list of messages.
TdApi.MessageScreenshotTaken |
A screenshot of a message in the chat has been taken.
TdApi.MessageSendingState |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.MessageSendingStateFailed |
The message failed to be sent.
TdApi.MessageSendingStatePending |
The message is being sent now, but has not yet been delivered to the server.
TdApi.MessageSticker |
A sticker message.
TdApi.MessageSupergroupChatCreate |
A newly created supergroup or channel.
TdApi.MessageText |
A text message.
TdApi.MessageUnsupported |
Message content that is not supported by the client.
TdApi.MessageVenue |
A message with information about a venue.
TdApi.MessageVideo |
A video message.
TdApi.MessageVideoNote |
A video note message.
TdApi.MessageVoiceNote |
A voice note message.
TdApi.MessageWebsiteConnected |
The current user has connected a website by logging in using Telegram Login Widget on it.
TdApi.NetworkStatistics |
A full list of available network statistic entries.
TdApi.NetworkStatisticsEntry |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.NetworkStatisticsEntryCall |
Contains information about the total amount of data that was used for calls.
TdApi.NetworkStatisticsEntryFile |
Contains information about the total amount of data that was used to send and receive files.
TdApi.NetworkType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.NetworkTypeMobile |
A mobile network.
TdApi.NetworkTypeMobileRoaming |
A mobile roaming network.
TdApi.NetworkTypeNone |
The network is not available.
TdApi.NetworkTypeOther |
A different network type (e.g., Ethernet network).
TdApi.NetworkTypeWiFi |
A Wi-Fi network.
TdApi.NotificationSettings |
Contains information about notification settings for a chat or several chats.
TdApi.NotificationSettingsScope |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.NotificationSettingsScopeAllChats |
Notification settings applied to all chats.
TdApi.NotificationSettingsScopeBasicGroupChats |
Notification settings applied to all basic groups and channels.
TdApi.NotificationSettingsScopeChat |
Notification settings applied to a particular chat.
TdApi.NotificationSettingsScopePrivateChats |
Notification settings applied to all private chats.
TdApi.Object |
This class is a base class for all TDLib interface classes.
TdApi.Ok |
An object of this type is returned on a successful function call for certain functions.
TdApi.OpenChat |
This method should be called if the chat is opened by the user.
TdApi.OpenMessageContent |
This method should be called if the message content has been opened (e.g., the user has opened a photo, video, document, location or venue, or has listened to an audio file or voice note message).
TdApi.OptimizeStorage |
Optimizes storage usage, i.e. deletes some files and returns new storage usage statistics.
TdApi.OptionValue |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.OptionValueBoolean |
Boolean option.
TdApi.OptionValueEmpty |
An unknown option or an option which has a default value.
TdApi.OptionValueInteger |
An integer option.
TdApi.OptionValueString |
A string option.
TdApi.OrderInfo |
Order information.
TdApi.PageBlock |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.PageBlockAnchor |
An invisible anchor on a page, which can be used in a URL to open the page from the specified anchor.
TdApi.PageBlockAnimation |
An animation.
TdApi.PageBlockAudio |
An audio file.
TdApi.PageBlockAuthorDate |
The author and publishing date of a page.
TdApi.PageBlockBlockQuote |
A block quote.
TdApi.PageBlockChatLink |
A link to a chat.
TdApi.PageBlockCollage |
A collage.
TdApi.PageBlockCover |
A page cover.
TdApi.PageBlockDivider |
An empty block separating a page.
TdApi.PageBlockEmbedded |
An embedded web page.
TdApi.PageBlockEmbeddedPost |
An embedded post.
TdApi.PageBlockFooter |
The footer of a page.
TdApi.PageBlockHeader |
A header.
TdApi.PageBlockList |
A list of texts.
TdApi.PageBlockParagraph |
A text paragraph.
TdApi.PageBlockPhoto |
A photo.
TdApi.PageBlockPreformatted |
A preformatted text paragraph.
TdApi.PageBlockPullQuote |
A pull quote.
TdApi.PageBlockSlideshow |
A slideshow.
TdApi.PageBlockSubheader |
A subheader.
TdApi.PageBlockSubtitle |
The subtitle of a page.
TdApi.PageBlockTitle |
The title of a page.
TdApi.PageBlockVideo |
A video.
TdApi.ParseTextEntities |
Parses Bold, Italic, Code, Pre, PreCode and TextUrl entities contained in the text.
TdApi.PasswordRecoveryInfo |
Contains information available to the user after requesting password recovery.
TdApi.PasswordState |
Represents the current state of 2-step verification.
TdApi.PaymentForm |
Contains information about an invoice payment form.
TdApi.PaymentReceipt |
Contains information about a successful payment.
TdApi.PaymentResult |
Contains the result of a payment request.
TdApi.PaymentsProviderStripe |
Stripe payment provider.
TdApi.Photo |
Describes a photo.
TdApi.PhotoSize |
Photo description.
TdApi.PinSupergroupMessage |
Pins a message in a supergroup or channel; requires appropriate administrator rights in the supergroup or channel.
TdApi.ProcessDcUpdate |
Handles a DCUPDATE push service notification.
TdApi.ProfilePhoto |
Describes a user profile photo.
TdApi.Proxy |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ProxyEmpty |
An empty proxy server.
TdApi.ProxySocks5 |
A SOCKS5 proxy server.
TdApi.PublicMessageLink |
Contains a public HTTPS link to a message in a public supergroup or channel.
TdApi.ReadAllChatMentions |
Marks all mentions in a chat as read.
TdApi.RecoverAuthenticationPassword |
Recovers the password with a password recovery code sent to an email address that was previously set up.
TdApi.RecoverPassword |
Recovers the password using a recovery code sent to an email address that was previously set up.
TdApi.RecoveryEmailAddress |
Contains information about the current recovery email address.
TdApi.RegisterDevice |
Registers the currently used device for receiving push notifications.
TdApi.RemoteFile |
Represents a remote file.
TdApi.RemoveContacts |
Removes users from the contacts list.
TdApi.RemoveFavoriteSticker |
Removes a sticker from the list of favorite stickers.
TdApi.RemoveRecentHashtag |
Removes a hashtag from the list of recently used hashtags.
TdApi.RemoveRecentlyFoundChat |
Removes a chat from the list of recently found chats.
TdApi.RemoveRecentSticker |
Removes a sticker from the list of recently used stickers.
TdApi.RemoveSavedAnimation |
Removes an animation from the list of saved animations.
TdApi.RemoveStickerFromSet |
Removes a sticker from the set to which it belongs; for bots only.
TdApi.RemoveTopChat |
Removes a chat from the list of frequently used chats.
TdApi.ReorderInstalledStickerSets |
Changes the order of installed sticker sets.
TdApi.ReplyMarkup |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.ReplyMarkupForceReply |
Instructs clients to force a reply to this message.
TdApi.ReplyMarkupInlineKeyboard |
Contains an inline keyboard layout.
TdApi.ReplyMarkupRemoveKeyboard |
Instructs clients to remove the keyboard once this message has been received.
TdApi.ReplyMarkupShowKeyboard |
Contains a custom keyboard layout to quickly reply to bots.
TdApi.ReportChat |
Reports a chat to the Telegram moderators.
TdApi.ReportSupergroupSpam |
Reports some messages from a user in a supergroup as spam.
TdApi.RequestAuthenticationPasswordRecovery |
Requests to send a password recovery code to an email address that was previously set up.
TdApi.RequestPasswordRecovery |
Requests to send a password recovery code to an email address that was previously set up.
TdApi.ResendAuthenticationCode |
Re-sends an authentication code to the user.
TdApi.ResendChangePhoneNumberCode |
Re-sends the authentication code sent to confirm a new phone number for the user.
TdApi.ResetAllNotificationSettings |
Resets all notification settings to their default values.
TdApi.ResetNetworkStatistics |
Resets all network data usage statistics to zero.
TdApi.RichText |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.RichTextBold |
A bold rich text.
TdApi.RichTextEmailAddress |
A rich text email link.
TdApi.RichTextFixed |
A fixed-width rich text.
TdApi.RichTextItalic |
An italicized rich text.
TdApi.RichTextPlain |
A plain text.
TdApi.RichTexts |
A concatenation of rich texts.
TdApi.RichTextStrikethrough |
A strike-through rich text.
TdApi.RichTextUnderline |
An underlined rich text.
TdApi.RichTextUrl |
A rich text URL link.
TdApi.SavedCredentials |
Contains information about saved card credentials.
TdApi.SearchCallMessages |
Searches for call messages.
TdApi.SearchChatMembers |
Searches for a specified query in the first name, last name and username of the members of a specified chat.
TdApi.SearchChatMessages |
Searches for messages with given words in the chat.
TdApi.SearchChatRecentLocationMessages |
Returns information about the recent locations of chat members that were sent to the chat.
TdApi.SearchChats |
Searches for the specified query in the title and username of already known chats, this is an offline request.
TdApi.SearchChatsOnServer |
Searches for the specified query in the title and username of already known chats via request to the server.
TdApi.SearchContacts |
Searches for the specified query in the first names, last names and usernames of the known user contacts.
TdApi.SearchHashtags |
Searches for recently used hashtags by their prefix.
TdApi.SearchInstalledStickerSets |
Searches for installed sticker sets by looking for specified query in their title and name.
TdApi.SearchMessages |
Searches for messages in all chats except secret chats.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilter |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterAnimation |
Returns only animation messages.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterAudio |
Returns only audio messages.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterCall |
Returns only call messages.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterChatPhoto |
Returns only messages containing chat photos.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterDocument |
Returns only document messages.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterEmpty |
Returns all found messages, no filter is applied.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterMention |
Returns only messages with mentions of the current user, or messages that are replies to their messages.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterMissedCall |
Returns only incoming call messages with missed/declined discard reasons.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterPhoto |
Returns only photo messages.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterPhotoAndVideo |
Returns only photo and video messages.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterUnreadMention |
Returns only messages with unread mentions of the current user or messages that are replies to their messages.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterUrl |
Returns only messages containing URLs.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterVideo |
Returns only video messages.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterVideoNote |
Returns only video note messages.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterVoiceAndVideoNote |
Returns only voice and video note messages.
TdApi.SearchMessagesFilterVoiceNote |
Returns only voice note messages.
TdApi.SearchPublicChat |
Searches a public chat by its username.
TdApi.SearchPublicChats |
Searches public chats by looking for specified query in their username and title.
TdApi.SearchSecretMessages |
Searches for messages in secret chats.
TdApi.SearchStickers |
Searches for stickers from public sticker sets that correspond to a given emoji.
TdApi.SearchStickerSet |
Searches for a sticker set by its name.
TdApi.SearchStickerSets |
Searches for ordinary sticker sets by looking for specified query in their title and name.
TdApi.SecretChat |
Represents a secret chat.
TdApi.SecretChatState |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.SecretChatStateClosed |
The secret chat is closed.
TdApi.SecretChatStatePending |
The secret chat is not yet created; waiting for the other user to get online.
TdApi.SecretChatStateReady |
The secret chat is ready to use.
TdApi.SendBotStartMessage |
Invites a bot to a chat (if it is not yet a member) and sends it the /start command.
TdApi.SendCallDebugInformation |
Sends debug information for a call.
TdApi.SendCallRating |
Sends a call rating.
TdApi.SendChatAction |
Sends a notification about user activity in a chat.
TdApi.SendChatScreenshotTakenNotification |
Sends a notification about a screenshot taken in a chat.
TdApi.SendChatSetTtlMessage |
Changes the current TTL setting (sets a new self-destruct timer) in a secret chat and sends the corresponding message.
TdApi.SendCustomRequest |
Sends a custom request; for bots only.
TdApi.SendInlineQueryResultMessage |
Sends the result of an inline query as a message.
TdApi.SendMessage |
Sends a message.
TdApi.SendMessageAlbum |
Sends messages grouped together into an album.
TdApi.SendPaymentForm |
Sends a filled-out payment form to the bot for final verification.
TdApi.Session |
Contains information about one session in a Telegram application used by the current user.
TdApi.Sessions |
Contains a list of sessions.
TdApi.SetAccountTtl |
Changes the period of inactivity after which the account of the current user will automatically be deleted.
TdApi.SetAlarm |
Succeeds after a specified amount of time has passed.
TdApi.SetAuthenticationPhoneNumber |
Sets the phone number of the user and sends an authentication code to the user.
TdApi.SetBio |
Changes the bio of the current user.
TdApi.SetBotUpdatesStatus |
Informs the server about the number of pending bot updates if they haven't been processed for a long time; for bots only.
TdApi.SetChatClientData |
Changes client data associated with a chat.
TdApi.SetChatDraftMessage |
Changes the draft message in a chat.
TdApi.SetChatMemberStatus |
Changes the status of a chat member, needs appropriate privileges.
TdApi.SetChatPhoto |
Changes the photo of a chat.
TdApi.SetChatTitle |
Changes the chat title.
TdApi.SetDatabaseEncryptionKey |
Changes the database encryption key.
TdApi.SetFileGenerationProgress |
The next part of a file was generated.
TdApi.SetGameScore |
Updates the game score of the specified user in the game; for bots only.
TdApi.SetInlineGameScore |
Updates the game score of the specified user in a game; for bots only.
TdApi.SetName |
Changes the first and last name of the current user.
TdApi.SetNetworkType |
Sets the current network type.
TdApi.SetNotificationSettings |
Changes notification settings for a given scope.
TdApi.SetOption |
Sets the value of an option.
TdApi.SetPassword |
Changes the password for the user.
TdApi.SetPinnedChats |
Changes the order of pinned chats.
TdApi.SetProfilePhoto |
Uploads a new profile photo for the current user.
TdApi.SetProxy |
Sets the proxy server for network requests.
TdApi.SetRecoveryEmailAddress |
Changes the recovery email address of the user.
TdApi.SetStickerPositionInSet |
Changes the position of a sticker in the set to which it belongs; for bots only.
TdApi.SetSupergroupDescription |
Changes information about a supergroup or channel; requires appropriate administrator rights.
TdApi.SetSupergroupStickerSet |
Changes the sticker set of a supergroup; requires appropriate rights in the supergroup.
TdApi.SetSupergroupUsername |
Changes the username of a supergroup or channel, requires creator privileges in the supergroup or channel.
TdApi.SetTdlibParameters |
Sets the parameters for TDLib initialization.
TdApi.SetUsername |
Changes the username of the current user.
TdApi.SetUserPrivacySettingRules |
Changes user privacy settings.
TdApi.ShippingAddress |
Describes a shipping address.
TdApi.ShippingOption |
One shipping option.
TdApi.Sticker |
Describes a sticker.
TdApi.StickerEmojis |
Represents a list of all emoji corresponding to a sticker in a sticker set.
TdApi.Stickers |
Represents a list of stickers.
TdApi.StickerSet |
Represents a sticker set.
TdApi.StickerSetInfo |
Represents short information about a sticker set.
TdApi.StickerSets |
Represents a list of sticker sets.
TdApi.StorageStatistics |
Contains the exact storage usage statistics split by chats and file type.
TdApi.StorageStatisticsByChat |
Contains the storage usage statistics for a specific chat.
TdApi.StorageStatisticsByFileType |
Contains the storage usage statistics for a specific file type.
TdApi.StorageStatisticsFast |
Contains approximate storage usage statistics, excluding files of unknown file type.
TdApi.Supergroup |
Represents a supergroup or channel with zero or more members (subscribers in the case of channels).
TdApi.SupergroupFullInfo |
Contains full information about a supergroup or channel.
TdApi.SupergroupMembersFilter |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.SupergroupMembersFilterAdministrators |
Returns the creator and administrators.
TdApi.SupergroupMembersFilterBanned |
Returns users banned from the supergroup or channel; can be used only by administrators.
TdApi.SupergroupMembersFilterBots |
Returns bot members of the supergroup or channel.
TdApi.SupergroupMembersFilterRecent |
Returns recently active users in reverse chronological order.
TdApi.SupergroupMembersFilterRestricted |
Returns restricted supergroup members; can be used only by administrators.
TdApi.SupergroupMembersFilterSearch |
Used to search for supergroup or channel members via a (string) query.
TdApi.TdlibParameters |
Contains parameters for TDLib initialization.
TdApi.TemporaryPasswordState |
Returns information about the availability of a temporary password, which can be used for payments.
TdApi.TerminateAllOtherSessions |
Terminates all other sessions of the current user.
TdApi.TerminateSession |
Terminates a session of the current user.
TdApi.TestBytes |
A simple object containing a sequence of bytes; for testing only.
TdApi.TestCallBytes |
Returns the received bytes; for testing only.
TdApi.TestCallEmpty |
Does nothing; for testing only.
TdApi.TestCallString |
Returns the received string; for testing only.
TdApi.TestCallVectorInt |
Returns the received vector of numbers; for testing only.
TdApi.TestCallVectorIntObject |
Returns the received vector of objects containing a number; for testing only.
TdApi.TestCallVectorString |
For testing only request.
TdApi.TestCallVectorStringObject |
Returns the received vector of objects containing a string; for testing only.
TdApi.TestGetDifference |
Forces an updates.getDifference call to the Telegram servers; for testing only.
TdApi.TestInt |
A simple object containing a number; for testing only.
TdApi.TestNetwork |
Sends a simple network request to the Telegram servers; for testing only.
TdApi.TestSquareInt |
Returns the squared received number; for testing only.
TdApi.TestString |
A simple object containing a string; for testing only.
TdApi.TestUseError |
Does nothing and ensures that the Error object is used; for testing only.
TdApi.TestUseUpdate |
Does nothing and ensures that the Update object is used; for testing only.
TdApi.TestVectorInt |
A simple object containing a vector of numbers; for testing only.
TdApi.TestVectorIntObject |
A simple object containing a vector of objects that hold a number; for testing only.
TdApi.TestVectorString |
A simple object containing a vector of strings; for testing only.
TdApi.TestVectorStringObject |
A simple object containing a vector of objects that hold a string; for testing only.
TdApi.Text |
Contains some text.
TdApi.TextEntities |
Contains a list of text entities.
TdApi.TextEntity |
Represents a part of the text that needs to be formatted in some unusual way.
TdApi.TextEntityType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.TextEntityTypeBold |
A bold text.
TdApi.TextEntityTypeBotCommand |
A bot command, beginning with "/".
TdApi.TextEntityTypeCashtag |
A cashtag text, beginning with "$" and consisting of capital english letters (i.e.
TdApi.TextEntityTypeCode |
Text that must be formatted as if inside a code HTML tag.
TdApi.TextEntityTypeEmailAddress |
An email address.
TdApi.TextEntityTypeHashtag |
A hashtag text, beginning with "#".
TdApi.TextEntityTypeItalic |
An italic text.
TdApi.TextEntityTypeMention |
A mention of a user by their username.
TdApi.TextEntityTypeMentionName |
A text shows instead of a raw mention of the user (e.g., when the user has no username).
TdApi.TextEntityTypePhoneNumber |
A phone number.
TdApi.TextEntityTypePre |
Text that must be formatted as if inside a pre HTML tag.
TdApi.TextEntityTypePreCode |
Text that must be formatted as if inside pre, and code HTML tags.
TdApi.TextEntityTypeTextUrl |
A text description shown instead of a raw URL.
TdApi.TextEntityTypeUrl |
TdApi.TextParseMode |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.TextParseModeHTML |
The text should be parsed in HTML-style.
TdApi.TextParseModeMarkdown |
The text should be parsed in markdown-style.
TdApi.TMeUrl |
Represents a URL linking to an internal Telegram entity.
TdApi.TMeUrls |
Contains a list of URLs.
TdApi.TMeUrlType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.TMeUrlTypeChatInvite |
A chat invite link.
TdApi.TMeUrlTypeStickerSet |
A URL linking to a sticker set.
TdApi.TMeUrlTypeSupergroup |
A URL linking to a public supergroup or channel.
TdApi.TMeUrlTypeUser |
A URL linking to a user.
TdApi.ToggleBasicGroupAdministrators |
Toggles the "All members are admins" setting in basic groups; requires creator privileges in the group.
TdApi.ToggleChatIsPinned |
Changes the pinned state of a chat.
TdApi.ToggleSupergroupInvites |
Toggles whether all members of a supergroup can add new members; requires appropriate administrator rights in the supergroup.
TdApi.ToggleSupergroupIsAllHistoryAvailable |
Toggles whether the message history of a supergroup is available to new members; requires appropriate administrator rights in the supergroup.
TdApi.ToggleSupergroupSignMessages |
Toggles sender signatures messages sent in a channel; requires appropriate administrator rights in the channel.
TdApi.TopChatCategory |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.TopChatCategoryBots |
A category containing frequently used private chats with bot users.
TdApi.TopChatCategoryCalls |
A category containing frequently used chats used for calls.
TdApi.TopChatCategoryChannels |
A category containing frequently used channels.
TdApi.TopChatCategoryGroups |
A category containing frequently used basic groups and supergroups.
TdApi.TopChatCategoryInlineBots |
A category containing frequently used chats with inline bots sorted by their usage in inline mode.
TdApi.TopChatCategoryUsers |
A category containing frequently used private chats with non-bot users.
TdApi.UnblockUser |
Removes a user from the blacklist.
TdApi.UnpinSupergroupMessage |
Removes the pinned message from a supergroup or channel; requires appropriate administrator rights in the supergroup or channel.
TdApi.Update |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.UpdateAuthorizationState |
The user authorization state has changed.
TdApi.UpdateBasicGroup |
Some data of a basic group has changed.
TdApi.UpdateBasicGroupFullInfo |
Some data from basicGroupFullInfo has been changed.
TdApi.UpdateCall |
New call was created or information about a call was updated.
TdApi.UpdateChatDraftMessage |
A draft has changed.
TdApi.UpdateChatIsPinned |
A chat was pinned or unpinned.
TdApi.UpdateChatLastMessage |
The last message of a chat was changed.
TdApi.UpdateChatOrder |
The order of the chat in the chats list has changed.
TdApi.UpdateChatPhoto |
A chat photo was changed.
TdApi.UpdateChatReadInbox |
Incoming messages were read or number of unread messages has been changed.
TdApi.UpdateChatReadOutbox |
Outgoing messages were read.
TdApi.UpdateChatReplyMarkup |
The default chat reply markup was changed.
TdApi.UpdateChatTitle |
The title of a chat was changed.
TdApi.UpdateChatUnreadMentionCount |
The chat unreadMentionCount has changed.
TdApi.UpdateConnectionState |
The connection state has changed.
TdApi.UpdateDeleteMessages |
Some messages were deleted.
TdApi.UpdateFavoriteStickers |
The list of favorite stickers was updated.
TdApi.UpdateFile |
Information about a file was updated.
TdApi.UpdateFileGenerationStart |
The file generation process needs to be started by the client.
TdApi.UpdateFileGenerationStop |
File generation is no longer needed.
TdApi.UpdateInstalledStickerSets |
The list of installed sticker sets was updated.
TdApi.UpdateMessageContent |
The message content has changed.
TdApi.UpdateMessageContentOpened |
The message content was opened.
TdApi.UpdateMessageEdited |
A message was edited.
TdApi.UpdateMessageMentionRead |
A message with an unread mention was read.
TdApi.UpdateMessageSendAcknowledged |
A request to send a message has reached the Telegram server.
TdApi.UpdateMessageSendFailed |
A message failed to send.
TdApi.UpdateMessageSendSucceeded |
A message has been successfully sent.
TdApi.UpdateMessageViews |
The view count of the message has changed.
TdApi.UpdateNewCallbackQuery |
A new incoming callback query; for bots only.
TdApi.UpdateNewChat |
A new chat has been loaded/created.
TdApi.UpdateNewChosenInlineResult |
The user has chosen a result of an inline query; for bots only.
TdApi.UpdateNewCustomEvent |
A new incoming event; for bots only.
TdApi.UpdateNewCustomQuery |
A new incoming query; for bots only.
TdApi.UpdateNewInlineCallbackQuery |
A new incoming callback query from a message sent via a bot; for bots only.
TdApi.UpdateNewInlineQuery |
A new incoming inline query; for bots only.
TdApi.UpdateNewMessage |
A new message was received; can also be an outgoing message.
TdApi.UpdateNewPreCheckoutQuery |
A new incoming pre-checkout query; for bots only.
TdApi.UpdateNewShippingQuery |
A new incoming shipping query; for bots only.
TdApi.UpdateNotificationSettings |
Notification settings for some chats were updated.
TdApi.UpdateOption |
An option changed its value.
TdApi.UpdateRecentStickers |
The list of recently used stickers was updated.
TdApi.UpdateSavedAnimations |
The list of saved animations was updated.
TdApi.UpdateSecretChat |
Some data of a secret chat has changed.
TdApi.UpdateServiceNotification |
Service notification from the server.
TdApi.UpdateSupergroup |
Some data of a supergroup or a channel has changed.
TdApi.UpdateSupergroupFullInfo |
Some data from supergroupFullInfo has been changed.
TdApi.UpdateTrendingStickerSets |
The list of trending sticker sets was updated or some of them were viewed.
TdApi.UpdateUnreadMessageCount |
Number of unread messages has changed.
TdApi.UpdateUser |
Some data of a user has changed.
TdApi.UpdateUserChatAction |
User activity in the chat has changed.
TdApi.UpdateUserFullInfo |
Some data from userFullInfo has been changed.
TdApi.UpdateUserPrivacySettingRules |
Some privacy setting rules have been changed.
TdApi.UpdateUserStatus |
The user went online or offline.
TdApi.UpgradeBasicGroupChatToSupergroupChat |
Creates a new supergroup from an existing basic group and sends a corresponding messageChatUpgradeTo and messageChatUpgradeFrom.
TdApi.UploadFile |
Asynchronously uploads a file to the cloud without sending it in a message. updateFile will be used to notify about upload progress and successful completion of the upload.
TdApi.UploadStickerFile |
Uploads a PNG image with a sticker; for bots only; returns the uploaded file.
TdApi.User |
Represents a user.
TdApi.UserFullInfo |
Contains full information about a user (except the full list of profile photos).
TdApi.UserPrivacySetting |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.UserPrivacySettingAllowCalls |
A privacy setting for managing whether the user can be called.
TdApi.UserPrivacySettingAllowChatInvites |
A privacy setting for managing whether the user can be invited to chats.
TdApi.UserPrivacySettingRule |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowAll |
A rule to allow all users to do something.
TdApi.UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowContacts |
A rule to allow all of a user's contacts to do something.
TdApi.UserPrivacySettingRuleAllowUsers |
A rule to allow certain specified users to do something.
TdApi.UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictAll |
A rule to restrict all users from doing something.
TdApi.UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictContacts |
A rule to restrict all contacts of a user from doing something.
TdApi.UserPrivacySettingRuleRestrictUsers |
A rule to restrict all specified users from doing something.
TdApi.UserPrivacySettingRules |
A list of privacy rules.
TdApi.UserPrivacySettingShowStatus |
A privacy setting for managing whether the user's online status is visible.
TdApi.UserProfilePhotos |
Contains part of the list of user photos.
TdApi.Users |
Represents a list of users.
TdApi.UserStatus |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.UserStatusEmpty |
The user status was never changed.
TdApi.UserStatusLastMonth |
The user is offline, but was online last month.
TdApi.UserStatusLastWeek |
The user is offline, but was online last week.
TdApi.UserStatusOffline |
The user is offline.
TdApi.UserStatusOnline |
The user is online.
TdApi.UserStatusRecently |
The user was online recently.
TdApi.UserType |
This class is an abstract base class.
TdApi.UserTypeBot |
A bot (see
TdApi.UserTypeDeleted |
A deleted user or deleted bot.
TdApi.UserTypeRegular |
A regular user.
TdApi.UserTypeUnknown |
No information on the user besides the userId is available, yet this user has not been deleted.
TdApi.ValidatedOrderInfo |
Contains a temporary identifier of validated order information, which is stored for one hour.
TdApi.ValidateOrderInfo |
Validates the order information provided by a user and returns the available shipping options for a flexible invoice.
TdApi.Venue |
Describes a venue.
TdApi.Video |
Describes a video file.
TdApi.VideoNote |
Describes a video note.
TdApi.ViewMessages |
This method should be called if messages are being viewed by the user.
TdApi.ViewTrendingStickerSets |
Informs the server that some trending sticker sets have been viewed by the user.
TdApi.VoiceNote |
Describes a voice note.
TdApi.Wallpaper |
Contains information about a wallpaper.
TdApi.Wallpapers |
Contains a list of wallpapers.
TdApi.WebPage |
Describes a web page preview.
TdApi.WebPageInstantView |
Describes an instant view page for a web page.
TdCallback |
Interface of callback for interaction with TDLib.